Example #1
 public function sendsms()
     $end = session('smstime') + 90 - time();
     if ($end > 1) {
         $this->error('距离上一次发送还有' . $end . '秒');
     } else {
         $phone = session('user.phone');
         $code = rand(10000, 99999);
         session('smscode', $code, 90);
         session('smstime', time());
         if (is_sms()) {
             $sms_message = '验证码:' . $code;
             send_sms($phone, $sms_message);
         } else {
Example #2
 public function forgotpwd_sendsms()
     $phone = I('post.phone');
     $reged = M('user')->where(array('phone' => $phone))->find();
     if (!$reged) {
     $code = rand(10000, 99999);
     session('smscode', $code, 600);
     if (is_sms()) {
         $sms_message = '验证码:' . $code;
         send_sms($phone, $sms_message);
     } else {
Example #3
 public function zmlpay()
     if (IS_POST) {
         $HttpPost = I('post.');
         $money = $HttpPost['money'];
         $User = M('user');
         // 启动事务
         $User_Money_Details = M('user_money_details');
         $userinfo = $User->where(array('uin' => $HttpPost['uin']))->find();
         $set_money = $User->where(array('uin' => $HttpPost['uin']))->setInc('money', $money);
         $money_details_data['uin'] = $userinfo['uin'];
         $money_details_data['title'] = '在线转账';
         $money_details_data['type'] = 1;
         $money_details_data['money'] = $money;
         $money_details_data['balance'] = $userinfo['money'] + $money;
         $money_details_data['user_ip'] = get_client_ip();
         $money_details_data['status'] = 1;
         $money_details_data['remark'] = '在线转账:' . $money . '元,' . $HttpPost['remark'];
         $money_details_data['create_time'] = time();
         $add_money_details = $User_Money_Details->data($money_details_data)->add();
         if ($HttpPost['is_sms'] == 1 and is_sms()) {
             $sms_message = '您收到平台转账资金:' . $money . '元,请查收!';
             send_sms($userinfo['phone'], $sms_message);
         if ($set_money and $add_money_details) {
             // 成功,提交事务
         } else {
             // 失败,事务回滚
     } else {