Example #1
  * Renders operator's home page.
  * @param Request $request Incoming request
  * @return string Rendered page content.
 public function dashboardAction(Request $request)
     $operator = $this->getOperator();
     $is_online = is_operator_online($operator['operatorid']);
     $page = array('version' => MIBEW_VERSION, 'localeLinks' => get_locale_links(), 'needUpdate' => version_compare(Settings::get('dbversion'), MIBEW_VERSION, '<'), 'profilePage' => $this->generateUrl('operator_edit', array('operator_id' => $operator['operatorid'])), 'isOnline' => $is_online, 'warnOffline' => true, 'title' => getlocal('Home'), 'menuid' => 'main');
     $page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
     return $this->render('index', $page);
Example #2
 * Start chat thread for user
 * @param int $group_id Id of group related to thread
 * @param array $requested_operator Array of requested operator info
 * @param string $visitor_id Id of the visitor
 * @param string $visitor_name Name of the visitor
 * @param string $referrer Page user came from
 * @param string $info User info
 * @return Thread thread object
function chat_start_for_user($group_id, $requested_operator, $visitor_id, $visitor_name, $referrer, $info)
    // Get user info
    $remote_host = get_remote_host();
    $user_browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    // Check connection limit
    if (Thread::connectionLimitReached($remote_host)) {
        die("number of connections from your IP is exceeded, try again later");
    // Check if visitor was invited to chat
    $is_invited = false;
    if (Settings::get('enabletracking')) {
        $invitation_state = invitation_state($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'visitorid']);
        if ($invitation_state['invited']) {
            $is_invited = true;
    // Get info about requested operator
    $requested_operator_online = false;
    if ($requested_operator) {
        $requested_operator_online = is_operator_online($requested_operator['operatorid']);
    // Get thread object
    if ($is_invited) {
        // Get thread from invitation
        $thread = invitation_accept($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'visitorid']);
        if (!$thread) {
            die("Cannot start thread");
    } else {
        // Create thread
        $thread = new Thread();
        $thread->state = Thread::STATE_LOADING;
        $thread->agentId = 0;
        if ($requested_operator && $requested_operator_online) {
            $thread->nextAgent = $requested_operator['operatorid'];
    // Update thread fields
    $thread->groupId = $group_id;
    $thread->userName = $visitor_name;
    $thread->remote = $remote_host;
    $thread->referer = $referrer;
    $thread->locale = get_current_locale();
    $thread->userId = $visitor_id;
    $thread->userAgent = $user_browser;
    $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'threadid'] = $thread->id;
    // Store own thread ids to restrict access for other people
    if (!isset($_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'own_threads'])) {
        $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'own_threads'] = array();
    $_SESSION[SESSION_PREFIX . 'own_threads'][] = $thread->id;
    // Bind thread to the visitor
    if (Settings::get('enabletracking')) {
        track_visitor_bind_thread($visitor_id, $thread);
    // Send several messages
    if ($is_invited) {
        $operator = operator_by_id($thread->agentId);
        $operator_name = get_operator_name($operator);
        $thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_FOR_AGENT, getlocal('Visitor accepted invitation from operator {0}', array($operator_name), get_current_locale(), true));
    } else {
        if ($referrer) {
            $thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_FOR_AGENT, getlocal('Vistor came from page {0}', array($referrer), get_current_locale(), true));
        if ($requested_operator && !$requested_operator_online) {
            $thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_INFO, getlocal('Thank you for contacting us. We are sorry, but requested operator <strong>{0}</strong> is offline. Another operator will be with you shortly.', array(get_operator_name($requested_operator)), get_current_locale(), true));
        } else {
            $thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_INFO, getlocal('Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly.', null, get_current_locale(), true));
    // TODO: May be move sending this message somewhere else?
    if ($info) {
        $thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_FOR_AGENT, getlocal('Info: {0}', array($info), get_current_locale(), true));
    // Let plugins know that user is ready to chat.
    $dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
    $event_args = array('thread' => $thread);
    $dispatcher->triggerEvent(Events::THREAD_USER_IS_READY, $event_args);
    return $thread;
Example #3
 * This file is part of Mibew Messenger project.
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Mibew Messenger Community
 * All rights reserved. The contents of this file are subject to the terms of
 * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and
 * is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
 * the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish
 * to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL, and
 * not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the
 * EPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them
 * with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
 * Contributors:
 *    Evgeny Gryaznov - initial API and implementation
require_once '../libs/common.php';
require_once '../libs/operator.php';
$operator = check_login();
$link = connect();
$isonline = is_operator_online($operator['operatorid'], $link);
$page = array('version' => $version, 'localeLinks' => get_locale_links("{$webimroot}/operator/index.php"), 'needUpdate' => $settings['dbversion'] != $dbversion, 'updateWizard' => "{$webimroot}/install/", 'newFeatures' => $settings['featuresversion'] != $featuresversion, 'featuresPage' => "{$webimroot}/operator/features.php", 'isOnline' => $isonline);
require '../view/menu.php';