$style = 'style="' . get_value($field, 'style') . '"';
$maxlength = 'maxlength="' . get_value($field, 'maxlength') . '"';
$masks = 'alt="' . get_value($field, 'masks') . '"';
$options_sql = get_value($field, 'options_sql');
$options_json = get_value($field, 'options_json');
$description = get_value($field, 'description');
$value = htmlentities(get_value($field, 'value'));
// adjust label
$label .= stristr(get_value($field, 'validations'), 'required') ? '*' : '';
switch ($type) {
    case 'text':
    case 'file':
    case 'password':
        // Ajusta valor caso tipo seja data
        if (is_date_format_db($value)) {
            $date = strtotime($value);
            $value = date('d/m/Y', $date);
        $value = 'value="' . $value . '"';
        $html_field = "<input type=\"{$type}\" {$name} {$id} {$class} {$maxlength} {$masks} {$style} {$javascript} {$value} />";
    case 'textarea':
        $html_field = "<textarea {$name} {$id} {$class} {$masks} {$style} {$javascript}>{$value}</textarea>";
    case 'select':
    case 'radio':
        // Build html options adding first sql options then json options after
        $sql = $options_sql != '' ? $CI->db->query($options_sql)->result_array() : array();
        $json = $options_json != '' ? json_decode($options_json) : array();
        $options = array_merge($sql, $json);
  * Update one record or more according with given parameters.
  * @param string table
  * @param array data
  * @param mixed where (it can be array('id' => $id)... or string "id = 1")
  * @return mixed result
 public function update($table = '', $data = array(), $where = array())
     // Adjusts columns according with values
     foreach ($data as $column => $value) {
         if ($value == '') {
             $value = 'NULL';
             $escape = false;
         } else {
             $escape = true;
             // Adjust date values for Oracle driver
             if (is_date_format_db($value) && strtolower(DB_DRIVER) == 'oci8') {
                 $escape = false;
                 $value = "TO_DATE('" . $value . "', 'yyyy-mm-dd')";
         $this->db->set($column, $value, $escape);
     return $this->db->update($table);