function link($attr = null) { global $c; if (is_numeric($attr["PAGE"]) && $attr["PAGE"] != "") { $spm = getDBCell("sitepage", "SPM_ID", "SPID = " . $attr["PAGE"]); if ($spm != "") { $template = getDBCell("sitepage_master", "TEMPLATE_PATH", "SPM_ID = " . $spm); $live = getDBCell("state_translation", "OUT_ID", "OUT_ID = " . $attr["PAGE"] . " AND LEVEL = 10 AND EXPIRED=0"); if ($live != "") { $path = $c["livedocroot"]; } else { $path = $c["devdocroot"]; } // first, we'll use standard-variation if nothing has been set in the original link if (!isset($attr["V"])) { $attr["V"] = $this->variation; } // if the target sitepage is expired, we'll directly link to the www folder. if ($live && isSPExpired($attr["PAGE"], $attr["V"])) { $output = "<a href=\"" . $path . "\""; } else { // we need to manually add N/X-GetVars like page and v $output = "<a href=\"" . $path . $template . "?page=" . $attr["PAGE"] . "&v=" . $attr["V"]; // append additional getvars. $output .= $attr["GETVARS"] . "\""; } // other attributes are readded if they haven't already been manually treated $manualattribs = array("HREF", "PAGE", "V", "GETVARS", "VARIATION"); foreach ($attr as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $manualattribs)) { $output .= " " . $key . "=\"" . $value . "\""; } } $output .= ">"; return $output; } } }
/** * DEPRECATED! USe getInstances instead. * Gets the IDs of any pages belonging to the same instance of a sitepage. * You use this function for getting a ordered list of all Members of a portal * or a multi-instance sitepage. Using it with a single-instance-page will only * return the ID of the single-instance page. The results will be returned in a * linear array. * @param integer Sitepage-Id to get all other instances from. * @returns integer array of all Sitepage-IDs belonging to the same sitepage. */ function getTwinPages($spid) { $menuId = getDBCell("sitepage", "MENU_ID", "SPID = $spid"); $res = createDBCArray("sitepage", "SPID", "MENU_ID = $menuId ORDER BY POSITION"); $twins = array (); for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) { if (!isSPExpired($res[$i])) array_push($twins, $res[$i]); } return $twins; }
/** * This function is used for drawing the html-code out to the templates. * It just returns the code * @param string Optional parameters for the draw-function. There are none supported. * @return string HTML-CODE to be written into the template. */ function draw($param = "") { global $db, $cds; $v = value("v", "NUMERIC"); $content = ""; $querySQL = "SELECT * FROM $this->management_table WHERE $this->pk_name = $this->fkid"; $query = new query($db, $querySQL); $query->getrow(); $label = addslashes($query->field("LABEL")); $href = $query->field("HREF"); $spid = $query->field("SPID"); $target = $query->field("TARGET"); $query->free(); //if (is_object($cds)) { // if ($cds->level == _LIVE) { // $tmp = getDBCell("state_translation", "OUT_ID", "IN_ID = ".$spid." AND LEVEL = 10"); // if ($tmp != "") $spid = $tmp; // } //} if ($href == "") { if (!isSPExpired($spid, $v) || $cds->is_development) { if (function_exists("getMenuLink")) { $href = getMenuLink($spid, $v); } else if (is_object($cds)) { $obj = $cds->menu->getMenuById($spid); if (is_object($obj)) $href = $obj->getLink(); unset($obj); } } } if ($href != "") { if (strtoupper($param) == "ALL") { $cn["HREF"] = $href; $cn["LABEL"] = $label; $cn["TARGET"] = $target; $cn["SPID"] = $spid; return $cn; } else { $tg = ""; if ($target != "") $tg = " target=\"" . $target . "\" "; $content = "<a href=\"$href\" $param $tg>$label</a>"; } } return $content; }
/** * To be used in to determine the URI of the startpage. * to use. * @param integer ID of the variation the Startpage should be find in. * @returns integer Sitepage-ID of the first sitepage to use. */ function getStartPageURI($variation=0, $level=10) { global $c; $uri=0; $pageId = 0; if ($variation == 0) $variation = $c["stdvariation"]; $zeroTrans = getDBCell("state_translation", "OUT_ID", "IN_ID=0 AND LEVEL=10"); if ($level < 10) { $menues = createDBCArray("sitemap", "MENU_ID", "IS_DISPLAYED=1 AND PARENT_ID=0 ORDER BY POSITION ASC"); } else { $menues = createDBCArray("sitemap", "MENU_ID", "IS_DISPLAYED=1 AND PARENT_ID=$zeroTrans ORDER BY POSITION ASC"); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($menues); $i++) { $spids = createDBCArray("sitepage", "SPID", "MENU_ID = " . $menues[$i] . " ORDER BY POSITION"); for ($j = 0; $j < count($spids); $j++) { if (!isSPExpired($spids[$j], $variation, $level)) { $pageId = $spids[$j]; $menu = new Menu(null, $pageId, $variation, $level); return $c["host"].$menu->getLink(); } } } }