function buildUnit($getPage_connection2) { $tileInfoW = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["continent_id"], $_SESSION["xpos"], $_SESSION["ypos"]); $improvementValid = false; // go through improvements for ($a = 0; $a < count($tileInfoW["improvements"]); $a++) { $improvementInfoW = getImprovementInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["improvements"][$a]); // is it a depot? if ($improvementInfoW["type"] == 5) { // are any of the owners of the depot the player? for ($b = 0; $b < count($improvementInfoW); $b++) { if ($improvementInfoW["owners"][$b] == $_SESSION["nation_id"]) { $improvementValid = true; break; } else { $improvementValid = false; } // else } // for } // if if ($improvementValid === true) { break; } // if } // for // if valid depot exists on tile, proceed if ($_SESSION["action_id"] >= 1 && $improvementValid === true) { $unitTypeInfoW = getUnitTypeInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["action_id"]); $nationInfoW = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]); // is it a valid entity? if ($unitTypeInfoW["id"] >= 1) { if ($unitTypeInfoW["water"] == 1) { if (isItCoast($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW) === true) { $coastCheck = true; } else { $coastCheck = false; } // else } else { $coastCheck = true; } // else // can player afford this expense? if ($coastCheck === true) { if ($unitTypeInfoW["baseCost"] <= $nationInfoW["money"]) { $notEnough = false; for ($zz = 0; $zz < count($unitTypeInfoW["goodsRequired"]); $zz++) { if ($unitTypeInfoW["goodsRequired"][$zz] > $nationInfoW["goods"][$zz]) { $notEnough = true; break; } // if } // for if ($notEnough === false) { $unitInfoD = getUnitInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"], $tileInfoW["ypos"]); if ($unitInfoD["id"] < 1) { $_SESSION["success_message"] = "Unit has been trained successfully!"; $new_money = $nationInfoW["money"] - $unitTypeInfoW["baseCost"]; $new_goods = array(0 => 0); for ($zz = 0; $zz < count($nationInfoW["goods"]); $zz++) { $new_goods[$zz] = $nationInfoW["goods"][$zz] - $unitTypeInfoW["goodsRequired"][$zz]; } // for $new_food = $nationInfoW["food"] - $unitTypeInfoW["foodRequired"]; setNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"], $nationInfoW["name"], $nationInfoW["home"], $nationInfoW["formal"], $nationInfoW["flag"], $nationInfoW["production"], $new_money, $nationInfoW["debt"], $nationInfoW["happiness"], $new_food, $nationInfoW["authority"], $nationInfoW["authorityChanged"], $nationInfoW["economy"], $nationInfoW["economyChanged"], $nationInfoW["organizations"], $nationInfoW["invites"], $new_goods, $nationInfoW["resources"], $nationInfoW["population"], $nationInfoW["strike"]); $mt_rand = mt_rand(100, 9999); $new_name = "Unit " . $mt_rand; // if transport, add to transport list if ($_SESSION["action_id"] == 10) { addTransportInfo($getPage_connection2, "0"); $new_transport_id = $getPage_connection2->insert_id; } else { $new_transport_id = 0; } // else $tileInfoX = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["continent_id"], $_SESSION["xpos"], $_SESSION["ypos"]); addUnitInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["continent_id"], $_SESSION["xpos"], $_SESSION["ypos"], $unitTypeInfoW["health"], $unitTypeInfoW["movement"], $new_name, $_SESSION["action_id"], $_SESSION["nation_id"], 1, $new_transport_id, $tileInfoX["id"], 0.0); } else { $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: there is already a unit on that current tile."; } // else } // if } // if } else { if ($coastCheck === true) { $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: player cannot afford this unit."; } else { $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: unit type requires coast to train."; } // else } // else } else { $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: unit is not valid."; } // else } else { if ($improvementValid === true) { $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: unit requires depot for training."; } else { $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: unit is not valid."; } // else } // else }
function preliminaryUpdates($getPage_connection2) { $limit_allUnits = 0; if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM unitsmap")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); $stmt->fetch(); $limit_allUnits = $r_result; $stmt->close(); } else { $endTurnFailed = "failed"; } // else $limit_allTiles = 0; if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tilesmap")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); $stmt->fetch(); $limit_allTiles = $r_result; $stmt->close(); } else { $endTurnFailed = "failed"; } // else $limit_allOffers = 0; if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM offers")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); $stmt->fetch(); $limit_allOffers = $r_result; $stmt->close(); } else { $endTurnFailed = "failed"; } // else // Illegal Conflicts and Table Cleanup // removed declined offers and empty or invalid offers and offers which have reached the turn limit if ($limit_allOffers >= 1) { if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM offers ORDER BY id ASC")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $next_offers = $r_result; $offerInfo1 = array("id" => 0, "fromNation" => 0, "toNation" => 0, "givingItems" => "", "receivingItems" => "", "turns" => 0, "counter" => 0, "status" => 0); if ($stmt10 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id,fromNation,toNation,givingItems,receivingItems,turns,counter,status FROM offers WHERE id=? LIMIT 1")) { $stmt10->bind_param("i", $next_offers); $stmt10->execute(); $stmt10->bind_result($r_id, $r_fromNation, $r_toNation, $r_givingItems, $r_receivingItems, $r_turns, $r_counter, $r_status); $stmt10->fetch(); $offerInfo1["id"] = $r_id; $offerInfo1["fromNation"] = $r_fromNation; $offerInfo1["toNation"] = $r_toNation; if (stripos($r_givingItems, ",")) { $offerInfo1["givingItems"] = explode(",", $r_givingItems); } else { $offerInfo1["givingItems"] = array(0 => $r_givingItems); } // else if (stripos($r_receivingItems, ",")) { $offerInfo1["receivingItems"] = explode(",", $r_receivingItems); } else { $offerInfo1["receivingItems"] = array(0 => $r_receivingItems); } // else $offerInfo1["turns"] = $r_turns; $offerInfo1["counter"] = $r_counter; $offerInfo1["status"] = $r_status; $stmt10->close(); } else { } if ($offerInfo1["status"] == 2 || $offerInfo1["givingItems"][0] < 1 && $offerInfo1["receivingItems"][0] < 1 || $offerInfo1["toNation"] < 1 && $offerInfo1["fromNation"] < 1) { deleteOfferInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_offers); } // if if ($offerInfo1["counter"] == $offerInfo1["turns"]) { deleteOfferInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_offers); } // if } // while $stmt->close(); } else { } // else } // if // search through all units and look for illegally placed, dead, invalid level, or striking units remove them // also reset used movement if ($limit_allUnits >= 1) { if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM unitsmap ORDER BY id ASC")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $next_units = $r_result; $illegal = false; $unitInfoW = getUnitInfoByID($getPage_connection2, $next_units); $unitTypeInfoW = getUnitTypeInfo($getPage_connection2, $unitInfoW["type"]); $tileInfoW = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $unitInfoW["continent"], $unitInfoW["xpos"], $unitInfoW["ypos"]); $coastal = isItCoast($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW); // reset used movement setUnitInfo($getPage_connection2, $unitInfoW["id"], $unitInfoW["continent"], $unitInfoW["xpos"], $unitInfoW["ypos"], $unitInfoW["health"], 0, $unitInfoW["name"], $unitInfoW["type"], $unitInfoW["owner"], $unitInfoW["level"], $unitInfoW["transport"], $unitInfoW["created"], 0.0); // land unit if ($unitTypeInfoW["water"] != 1 && $tileInfoW["terrain"] == 2) { $illegal = true; // water unit } else { if ($unitTypeInfoW["water"] == 1 && $tileInfoW["terrain"] != 2 && $coastal === false) { $illegal = true; } else { $illegal = false; } } // else if ($unitInfoW["health"] < 1 || $unitInfoW["level"] < 1) { $illegal = true; } else { $illegal = false; } // else $nationInfoA = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $unitInfoW["owner"]); if ($nationInfoA["strike"] > 1) { $new_strike = $nationInfoA["strike"] - 1; $illegal = true; } else { $new_strike = $nationInfoA["strike"]; } // else if ($illegal === true) { deleteUnitInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_units); setNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationInfoA["id"], $nationInfoA["name"], $nationInfoA["home"], $nationInfoA["formal"], $nationInfoA["flag"], $nationInfoA["production"], $nationInfoA["money"], $nationInfoA["debt"], $nationInfoA["happiness"], $nationInfoA["food"], $nationInfoA["authority"], $nationInfoA["authorityChanged"], $nationInfoA["economy"], $nationInfoA["economyChanged"], $nationInfoA["organizations"], $nationInfoA["invites"], $nationInfoA["goods"], $nationInfoA["resources"], $nationInfoA["population"], $new_strike); } // if } // while $stmt->close(); } else { } // else } // if if ($limit_allTiles >= 1) { // search through all tiles and look for illegally placed improvements or dead or invalid level improvements and remove them if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM tilesmap ORDER BY id ASC")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $next_tiles = $r_result; $tileInfoW = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection2, $next_tiles); for ($w = 0; $w < count($tileInfoW["improvements"]); $w++) { $illegal = false; $improvementInfoW = getImprovementInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["improvements"][$w]); $improvementTypeInfoW = getImprovementTypeInfo($getPage_connection2, $improvementInfoW["type"]); $resourceCheck = array(0 => true); // are any resources actually required if (count($improvementTypeInfoW["resourcesRequired"]) > 1) { if ($improvementTypeInfoW["resourcesRequired"][1] > 0) { $validResourcesRequired = true; } else { $validResourcesRequired = false; } // else } else { if ($improvementTypeInfoW["resourcesRequired"][0] > 0) { $validResourcesRequired = true; } else { $validResourcesRequired = false; } // else } // else if ($validResourcesRequired === true) { for ($a = 0; $a < count($improvementTypeInfoW["resourcesRequired"]); $a++) { for ($b = 0; $b < count($tileInfoW["resources"]); $b++) { $resourceCheck[$a] = false; $resourceInfoWW = getResourceInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["resources"][$b]); if ($resourceInfoWW["type"] == $improvementTypeInfoW["resourcesRequired"][$a]) { $resourceCheck[$a] = true; break; } // if } // for } // for for ($a = 0; $a < count($improvementTypeInfoW["resourcesRequired"]); $a++) { if ($resourceCheck[$a] === false) { $illegal = true; break; } // if } // for } // if $terrainCheck = false; for ($a = 0; $a < count($improvementTypeInfoW["terrainTypeRequired"]); $a++) { if ($tileInfoW["terrain"] == $improvementTypeInfoW["terrainTypeRequired"][$a]) { $terrainCheck = true; break; } // if } // for if ($terrainCheck === false) { $illegal = true; } // if if ($improvementInfoW["level"] < 1) { $illegal = true; } // if if ($illegal === true) { deleteImprovementInfo($getPage_connection2, $improvementInfoW["id"], $improvementInfoW["continent"], $improvementInfoW["xpos"], $improvementInfoW["ypos"]); } // if } // for } // while $stmt->close(); } else { } // else // setup new claims and change control if needed if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM tilesmap ORDER BY id ASC")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $next_tiles1 = $r_result; $tileInfoW = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection2, $next_tiles1); $unitInfoW = getUnitInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"], $tileInfoW["ypos"]); $alreadyClaimed = false; if ($unitInfoW["id"] >= 1) { // remove improvement ownership from old player who lost tile control if ($unitInfoW["owner"] != $tileInfoW["owner"]) { for ($r = 0; $r < count($tileInfoW["improvements"]); $r++) { $improvementInfoW = getImprovementInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["improvements"][$r]); if ($improvementInfoW["id"] >= 1) { $new_owners = array(0 => 0); $alreadyOwned = false; $counter = 0; for ($s = 0; $s < count($improvementInfoW["owners"]); $s++) { if ($improvementInfoW["owners"][$s] != $tileInfoW["owner"]) { $new_owners[$counter] = $improvementInfoW["owners"][$s]; $counter++; } // if if ($improvementInfoW["owners"][$s] == $unitInfoW["owner"]) { $alreadyOwned = true; } // if } // for if ($alreadyOwned === false) { $new_index = count($new_owners) + 1; $new_owners[$new_index] = $unitInfoW["owner"]; } // if setImprovementInfo($getPage_connection2, $improvementInfoW["id"], $improvementInfoW["continent"], $improvementInfoW["xpos"], $improvementInfoW["ypos"], $improvementInfoW["type"], $improvementInfoW["level"], $improvementInfoW["usingResources"], $new_owners, $improvementInfoW["name"]); } // if } // for } // if setTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["id"], $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"], $tileInfoW["ypos"], $tileInfoW["terrain"], $tileInfoW["resources"], $tileInfoW["improvements"], $unitInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoW["claims"], $tileInfoW["population"]); for ($v = 0; $v < count($tileInfoW["claims"]); $v++) { $claimsInfoW = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["claims"][$v]); if ($claimsInfoW["owner"] == $unitInfoW["owner"]) { $alreadyClaimed = true; break; } // if } // for if ($alreadyClaimed === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 10, $unitInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoW["id"]); } // if // Claims leaking for dominant bordering tiles // check for dominant claimed tiles $claimState1 = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW, $tileInfoW["owner"]); // if dominant, bleed claim to neighbouring tiles if ($claimState1 == 1) { // add to left if ($tileInfoW["xpos"] > 1) { // West $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoW["ypos"]); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if if ($tileInfoW["ypos"] > 1) { // Northwest $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoW["ypos"] - 1); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoT["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if } // if if ($tileInfoW["ypos"] < 20) { // Southwest $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoW["ypos"] + 1); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoT["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if } // if } // if // add to right if ($tileInfoW["xpos"] < 20) { // East $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoW["ypos"]); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if if ($tileInfoW["ypos"] > 1) { // Northeast $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoW["ypos"] - 1); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if } // if if ($tileInfoW["ypos"] < 20) { // Southeast $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoW["ypos"] + 1); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if } // if } // if if ($tileInfoW["ypos"] > 1) { // North $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"], $tileInfoW["ypos"] - 1); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if } // if if ($tileInfoW["ypos"] < 20) { // South $tileInfoT = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoW["continent"], $tileInfoW["xpos"], $tileInfoW["ypos"] + 1); $claimStateT = checkClaimsState($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT, $tileInfoW["owner"]); if ($claimStateT != 1 && $claimStateT > 1 && $tileInfoT["owner"] > 0) { $claimFound = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tileInfoT["claims"]); $j++) { $claimInfoT = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoT["claims"][$j]); if ($claimInfoT["owner"] == $tileInfoW["owner"]) { setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoT["id"], $claimInfoT["strength"] + 3, $claimInfoT["owner"]); $claimFound = true; break; } // if } // for if ($claimFound === false) { addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 3, $tileInfoW["owner"], $tileInfoT["id"]); } // if } // if } // if } // if } // if } // while $stmt->close(); } else { } // else } // if // Update claims strengths $limit_allClaims = 0; if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM claims")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); $stmt->fetch(); $limit_allClaims = $r_result; $stmt->close(); } else { $endTurnFailed = "failed"; } // else if ($limit_allClaims >= 1) { if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM claims ORDER BY id ASC")) { $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->bind_result($r_result); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $next_claims = $r_result; $claimInfoW = getClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_claims); $nationInfoC = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $claimInfoW["owner"]); // start removing claim strength if the strike is still going on above 3 if ($nationInfoC["strike"] > 3) { if ($claimInfoW["strength"] - 10 >= 0) { $new_strength = $claimInfoW["strength"] - 10; } else { $new_strength = 0; } // else $new_strike = $nationInfoC["strike"] - 1; setNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationInfoC["id"], $nationInfoC["name"], $nationInfoC["home"], $nationInfoC["formal"], $nationInfoC["flag"], $nationInfoC["production"], $nationInfoC["money"], $nationInfoC["debt"], $nationInfoC["happiness"], $nationInfoC["food"], $nationInfoC["authority"], $nationInfoC["authorityChanged"], $nationInfoC["economy"], $nationInfoC["economyChanged"], $nationInfoC["organizations"], $nationInfoC["invites"], $nationInfoC["goods"], $nationInfoC["resources"], $nationInfoC["population"], $new_strike); } else { if ($claimInfoW["strength"] + 5 <= 1000) { $new_strength = $claimInfoW["strength"] + 5; } else { $new_strength = 1000; } // else } // else setClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_claims, $new_strength, $claimInfoW["owner"]); } // while $stmt->close(); } else { } // else } // if }