Example #1

# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 01.01.2015                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
if (!isset($pgnt)) {
    die('You are not authorized to view this page!');
if (!isDemo('addUser,editUser')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
$ID = !isset($_GET['ID']) || intval($_GET['ID']) == 0 ? 0 : intval($_GET['ID']);
/* Actions */
if (isset($_POST['addUser'])) {
    # New User
    $myLethe = new lethe();
    $myLethe->OID = 0;
    $myLethe->isMaster = 1;
    $myLethe->auth_mode = 2;
    $errText = $myLethe->errPrint;
if (isset($_POST['editUser'])) {
    # Edit User
Example #2
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 01.01.2015                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
if (!isset($pgnt)) {
    die('You are not authorized to view this page!');
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('saveSets')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
/* Save Settings */
if (isset($_POST['saveSets'])) {
    $letheSets = new lethe();
    $errText = $letheSets->errPrint;
echo $errText;

<form name="genSets" id="genSets" action="" method="POST">
<div role="tabpanel">

  <!-- Nav tabs -->
Example #3
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 01.01.2015                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
if (!isset($pgnt)) {
    die('You are not authorized to view this page!');
/* Requests */
if (!isset($_GET['ID']) || !is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) {
    $ID = 0;
} else {
    $ID = intval($_GET['ID']);
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('addAccount,editAccount')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
if (isset($_POST['addAccount'])) {
    # Add Submission Account
    $myLethe = new lethe();
    $myLethe->auth_mode = 2;
    $errText = $myLethe->errPrint;
if (isset($_POST['editAccount'])) {
    # Edit Submission Account
    $myLethe = new lethe();
    $myLethe->ID = (int) $ID;
    $errText = $myLethe->errPrint;
Example #4
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 18.11.2014                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$errText = '';
if (!isset($pgnt) || !$pgnt) {
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('addOrganization,editOrganization')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
if (!isset($_GET['ID']) || empty($_GET['ID'])) {
    $ID = '';
} else {
    $ID = $_GET['ID'];
if (LETHE_AUTH_MODE != 2) {
if ($page_sub2 == 'add') {
    if (!PRO_MODE) {
        header('Location: ?p=organizations/organization/edit');
Example #5
/*  | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 | */
/*  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
$pgnt = true;
if ($page_main == 'newsletter') {
    if (!permCheck($p)) {
        echo errMod(letheglobal_you_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page, 'danger');
    } else {
        $ID = !isset($_GET['ID']) || !is_numeric($_GET['ID']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['ID']);
        $TID = !isset($_GET['TID']) || !is_numeric($_GET['TID']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['TID']);
        /* Mod Settings */
        $mod_confs = $lethe_modules[recursive_array_search('lethe.newsletter', $lethe_modules)];
        $pg_title = $mod_confs['title'];
        $pg_nav_buts = '';
        $errText = '';
        /* Demo Check */
        if (!isDemo('addNewsletter,editNewsletter')) {
            $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
        /* Source Limit */
        $sourceLimit = calcSource(set_org_id, 'newsletters');
        /* Add Newsletter */
        if (isset($_POST['addNewsletter'])) {
            # Clear Template Data
            $TID = 0;
            if (limitBlock($sourceLimit, set_org_max_newsletter)) {
                if (!isset($_POST['groups']) || !is_array($_POST['groups'])) {
                    $errText .= '* ' . newsletter_please_choose_a_group . '<br>';
                if (!isset($_POST['launch_date']) || empty($_POST['launch_date'])) {
                    $errText .= '* ' . newsletter_please_choose_a_launch_date . '<br>';
                } else {
Example #6
$pos = !isset($_GET['pos']) || empty($_GET['pos']) ? '' : trim($_GET['pos']);
$rt = !isset($_GET['rt']) || empty($_GET['rt']) ? '' : trim($_GET['rt']);
# Verification Code
$id = !isset($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['id']) ? '' : trim($_GET['id']);
# Specific ID / Key
$sid = !isset($_GET['sid']) || empty($_GET['sid']) ? '' : trim($_GET['sid']);
# Subscriber ID / Key
$oid = !isset($_GET['oid']) || empty($_GET['oid']) ? '' : trim($_GET['oid']);
# Organization ID / Key
$redu = !isset($_GET['redu']) || empty($_GET['redu']) ? '' : trim($_GET['redu']);
# Redirect URL
/* Subscription */
if ($pos == 'subscribe') {
    $errText = '';
    $saveMod = true;
    if (!isDemo('lethe_form')) {
        die(errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger'));
    if (isset($_POST['lethe_form']) && !empty($_POST['lethe_form'])) {
        /* Load Organization Settings */
        if (!isset($_POST['lethe_oid']) || $_POST['lethe_oid'] == '') {
            die(errMod('Settings Could Not Be Loaded!', 'danger'));
        } else {
            $chkOrg = $myconn->prepare("SELECT ID,public_key FROM " . db_table_pref . "organizations WHERE public_key=?") or die(mysqli_error($myconn));
            $chkOrg->bind_param('s', $_POST['lethe_oid']);
            if ($chkOrg->num_rows == 0) {
                die(errMod('Settings Could Not Be Loaded!', 'danger'));
            } else {
                $srOrg = new Statement_Result($chkOrg);
Example #7
							$("#updateResult").html("' . subscribers_e_mail_could_not_be_sent . '");
        echo $editForm;
/* Bulk Actions */
if ($pos == 'bulkactions') {
    if (!isDemo('RunAction')) {
        die(errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger'));
    if (isset($_POST['RunAction'])) {
        $errText = '';
        if (!isset($_POST['groups'])) {
            $errText .= '* ' . subscribers_please_choose_a_group . '<br>';
        if (!isset($_POST['actions']) || empty($_POST['actions'])) {
            $errText .= '* ' . subscribers_please_choose_a_action . '<br>';
        if ($errText == '') {
            $acts = trim($_POST['actions']);
            $grps = array();
            foreach ($_POST['groups'] as $k => $v) {
                $grps[] = " (GID=" . $v . ") ";
Example #8
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 13.01.2014                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$errText = '';
if (!isset($pgnt) || !$pgnt) {
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('editBlacklist,addRecord')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
$sourceLimit = calcSource(set_org_id, 'subscriber.blacklist');
/* Navigation */
$pg_nav_buts = '';
/* Add Record */
if (isset($_POST['addRecord'])) {
    if (limitBlock($sourceLimit, set_org_max_blacklist)) {
        if (!isset($_POST['new_rec_mail']) || !mailVal($_POST['new_rec_mail'])) {
            $errText .= '* ' . letheglobal_invalid_e_mail_address . '<br>';
        } else {
            if (cntData("SELECT ID FROM " . db_table_pref . "blacklist WHERE email='" . mysql_prep($_POST['new_rec_mail']) . "'") != 0) {
                $errText .= '* ' . letheglobal_e_mail_already_exists . '<br>';
Example #9
/*  | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 | */
/*  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
$pgnt = true;
if ($page_main == 'autoresponder') {
    if (!permCheck($p)) {
        echo errMod(letheglobal_you_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page, 'danger');
    } else {
        $ID = !isset($_GET['ID']) || !is_numeric($_GET['ID']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['ID']);
        /* Mod Settings */
        include_once 'mod.common.php';
        $mod_confs = $lethe_modules[recursive_array_search('lethe.autoresponder', $lethe_modules)];
        $pg_title = $mod_confs['title'];
        $pg_nav_buts = '';
        $errText = '';
        /* Demo Check */
        if (!isDemo('addAutoresponder,editAutoresponder')) {
            $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
        /* Source Limit */
        $sourceLimit = calcSource(set_org_id, 'autoresponder');
        /* Default Values */
        $ar_action = !isset($_POST['ar_action']) || !is_numeric($_POST['ar_action']) || $_POST['ar_action'] == 999 ? 999 : intval($_POST['ar_action']);
        $ar_time = 1;
        $ar_time_type = 'MINUTE';
        $ar_start_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $ar_end_date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
        $ar_weeks = '1,1,1,1,1,1,1';
        $ar_end = 0;
        /* Add Autoresponder */
        if (isset($_POST['addAutoresponder'])) {
            if (limitBlock($sourceLimit, set_org_max_autoresponder)) {
Example #10
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 18.11.2014                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$errText = '';
if (!isset($pgnt) || !$pgnt) {
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('editCodes')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
$sourceLimit = calcSource(set_org_id, 'shortcode');
$pg_nav_buts = '';
if (isset($_POST['editCodes'])) {
    /* Add New */
    if (limitBlock($sourceLimit, set_org_max_shortcode)) {
        if (isset($_POST['new_code']) && !empty($_POST['new_code'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['new_code_val']) && !empty($_POST['new_code_val'])) {
                if (array_key_exists(strtoupper($_POST['new_code']), $LETHE_SYSTEM_SHORTCODES)) {
                    $errText .= '* ' . organizations_short_code_has_defined_as_a_system_code . '<br>';
                if (cntData("SELECT ID FROM " . db_table_pref . "short_codes WHERE OID=" . set_org_id . " AND code_key='" . mysql_prep($_POST['new_code']) . "'") != 0) {
                    $errText .= '* ' . organizations_short_code_already_exists . '<br>';
<body  class="body" title="Irish Bar">

  <div class="webcontainer">

    <div class="headerbanner">
      <img src="images/banner.gif" alt="Irish Bar"/>

    <div class="logo">
      <img src="images/logo.gif" alt="Irish Pubs"/>

include "navigation.php";

if (isDemo()) {
    echo '<div class="demomode">';
    echo "</div>";
include "address.php";
include "sportpreview.php";

    <div class="centercontainer" title="Irish Pubs Germany">
Example #12
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 13.01.2014                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$errText = '';
if (!isset($pgnt) || !$pgnt) {
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('editSubList')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
/* Navigation */
$pg_nav_buts = '';
/* Actions */
if (isset($_POST['editSubList'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['sbr'])) {
        if (isset($_POST['selOpt']) && $_POST['selOpt'] != 'action') {
            $movGrp = !isset($_POST['selOptGrp']) || !is_numeric($_POST['selOptGrp']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['selOptGrp']);
            $movStatus = false;
            $movePrep = $myconn->prepare("UPDATE " . db_table_pref . "subscribers SET GID=? WHERE OID=" . set_org_id . " AND ID=?") or die(mysqli_error($myconn));
            $moveGrpOwnerPrep = $myconn->prepare("SELECT ID FROM " . db_table_pref . "subscriber_groups WHERE OID=" . set_org_id . " AND ID=? " . (LETHE_AUTH_VIEW_TYPE ? ' AND UID=' . LETHE_AUTH_ID . '' : '') . "") or die(mysqli_error($myconn));
            $moveGrpOwnerPrep->bind_param('i', $movGrp);
Example #13
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 13.01.2014                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$errText = '';
if (!isset($pgnt) || !$pgnt) {
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('editGroups,mergeGroups')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
$sourceLimit = calcSource(set_org_id, 'subscriber.groups');
/* Navigation */
$pg_nav_buts = '';
/* Edit Groups */
if (isset($_POST['editGroups'])) {
    $succText = '';
    /* Add New */
    if (limitBlock($sourceLimit, set_org_max_subscriber_group)) {
        if (isset($_POST['new_group']) && !empty($_POST['new_group'])) {
            $addGrp = $myconn->prepare("INSERT INTO " . db_table_pref . "subscriber_groups SET OID=" . set_org_id . ",UID=" . LETHE_AUTH_ID . ",group_name=?,isUnsubscribe=0") or die(mysqli_error($myconn));
            $addGrp->bind_param('s', $_POST['new_group']);
Example #14
 if (!permCheck($p)) {
     echo errMod(letheglobal_you_are_not_authorized_to_view_this_page, 'danger');
 } else {
     /* Requests */
     if (!isset($_GET['ID']) || !is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) {
         $ID = 0;
     } else {
         $ID = intval($_GET['ID']);
     /* Mod Settings */
     $mod_confs = $lethe_modules[recursive_array_search('lethe.templates', $lethe_modules)];
     $pg_title = $mod_confs['title'];
     $pg_nav_buts = '';
     $errText = '';
     /* Demo Check */
     if (!isDemo('addTemplate,editTemplate')) {
         $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
     /* Source Limit */
     $sourceLimit = calcSource(set_org_id, 'templates');
     /* Add Template */
     if (isset($_POST['addTemplate'])) {
         if (limitBlock($sourceLimit, set_org_max_template)) {
             if (!isset($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['title'])) {
                 $errText .= '* ' . templates_please_enter_a_template_name . '<br>';
             if (!isset($_POST['details']) || empty($_POST['details'])) {
                 $errText .= '* ' . templates_please_enter_template_details . '<br>';
             if (!isset($_POST['preview']) || !urlVal($_POST['preview'])) {
                 $_POST['preview'] = '';
Example #15
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Artlantis CMS Solutions                                                |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Lethe Newsletter & Mailing System                                      |
# | Copyright (c) Artlantis Design Studio 2014. All rights reserved.       |
# | Version       2.0                                                      |
# | Last modified 13.01.2014                                               |
# | Email         developer@artlantis.net                                  |
# | Web           http://www.artlantis.net                                 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$errText = '';
if (!isset($pgnt) || !$pgnt) {
/* Demo Check */
if (!isDemo('exportRun,importRun')) {
    $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger');
/* Navigation */
$pg_nav_buts = '';
/* Exporting */
if (isset($_POST['exportRun'])) {
    $resultData = '';
    $dest = set_org_resource . '/expimp/';
    if (!isset($_POST['exp_groups'])) {
        $resultData .= '* ' . subscribers_please_choose_a_group . '<br>';
    } else {
        /* Check Group Owner */
        $chkGRP = $myconn->prepare("SELECT ID FROM " . db_table_pref . "subscriber_groups WHERE OID=" . set_org_id . " AND ID=?") or die(mysqli_error($myconn));
        foreach ($_POST['exp_groups'] as $k => $v) {
            $chkGRP->bind_param('i', $v);