public function testInvalid() { $data = array('username' => 'homer', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'zip' => 0, 'street' => ''); $rules = array('name' => array('required'), 'username' => array('required'), 'zip' => array('required'), 'street' => array('required')); $messages = array('name' => 'The name is required', 'street' => 'The street is required'); $invalid = invalid($data, $rules, $messages); $expected = array('name' => 'The name is required', 'street' => 'The street is required'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $invalid); }
public function validates() { $invalid = invalid($this->data, $this->rules, $this->messages); if ($invalid) { $this->addErrors($invalid); $this->saveData(); return false; } return true; }
function iter1($x, $y, $tx, $ty) { global $n, $m, $el, $paths, $chp, $newpaths, $newchp; if (invalid($tx, $ty)) { return; } $changed = FALSE; $oldnewp = 1000000000000; for ($i = 9; $i >= 0; --$i) { $e = abs($i - $el[$tx][$ty]); $newp = min($newpaths[$x][$y][$i][0] + $e, $oldnewp); if (!isset($newpaths[$tx][$ty][$i]) || $newp < $newpaths[$tx][$ty][$i][0]) { $a = $newpaths[$x][$y][$i][1]; $a[] = array($tx, $ty); $newpaths[$tx][$ty][$i] = array($newp, $a); $changed = TRUE; } $oldnewp = $newp; } if ($changed) { $newchp[] = array($tx, $ty); } }
function processNormal($id, $action) { global $user, $table; $my = (int) $id == (int) $user->id; if (!$my && !$user->isAdmin()) { invalid(); } if ($action == 'comment') { $comment = get($_POST, 'comment'); if (strlen($comment) > 10000) { $comment = substr($comment, 0, 10000); } query("update {$table['user']} set comment = ? where id = ?", $comment, $id); } else { if ($action == 'password') { if (!$my) { invalid(); } $oldp = md5(get($_POST, 'oldp')); $newp = md5(get($_POST, 'newp')); $q = query("update {$table['user']} set password = ? where id = ? and password = ?", $newp, $id, $oldp); if (!$q->num_rows) { error(2); } } else { if (!$user->isAdmin()) { invalid(); } if ($action == 'admin_comment') { $comment = get($_POST, 'admin_comment'); query("update {$table['user']} set admin_comment = ? where id = ?", $comment, $id); } else { if ($action == 'ban') { $ban_date = strtotime(get($_POST, 'ban_date')); if (!$ban_date || $ban_date <= time()) { error(3); } $revert = get($_POST, 'ban_revert_all') == '1'; $ban_ips = get($_POST, 'ban_ips') == '1'; $ban_reason = get($_POST, 'ban_reason'); query("update {$table['user']} set ban_date = from_unixtime(?), banned_by = ?, ban_reason = ? where id = ?", $ban_date, $user->id, $ban_reason, $id); if ($revert && !$ban_ips) { revertUserChanges("main.user_id = '{$id}'", $ban_reason); } if ($ban_ips) { $q = query("select distinct user_ip from translation where user_id = ?", $id); $ips = $q->fetchAll(); foreach ($ips as $ip) { banIp($ip[0], $ban_date, $ban_reason, $revert, false); } } } else { if ($action == 'unban') { $unban_reason = get($_POST, 'ban_reason'); query("update {$table['user']} set ban_date = from_unixtime(1), banned_by = ?, ban_reason = ? where id = ?", $user->id, $unban_reason, $id); } else { if ($action == 'promote') { query("update {$table['user']} set role = 'admin' where id = ? and id != 1", $id); } else { if ($action == 'demote') { query("update {$table['user']} set role = 'user' where id = ? and id != 1", $id); } else { invalid(); } } } } } } } }
$year = substr($last_seen,0,4); $month = substr($last_seen,5,2); $day = substr($last_seen,6,2); $last_seen=mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); */ echo "<host>"; echo "<hostname>" . $hostname . "</hostname>"; echo "<last_audited>" . $last_seen . "</last_audited>"; echo "</host>"; } echo "</node>"; } else { $nodata = 0; success($nodata); } } // include config file, also contains the API KEY require_once '../include/config.php'; require_once '../include/dboa.php'; $api_key = strip_tags($_REQUEST['key']); $hostname = strip_tags($_REQUEST['hostname']); $num_rows = ''; // validate api key if ($api_key != $API_KEY || $api_key == '') { invalid(); } else { $sql = "SELECT hostname,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_seen) FROM system WHERE hostname='{$hostname}'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); showxml($result, $num_rows); }
if ($CONTEXT_MIN[$full_sub_tag] > 0 && !isset($count_plus_one[$sub_tag])) { $err = missing($full_sub_tag); } } } if ($err_level >= $warning && $err == '') { // WARNING CHECKS - data if (strpos($tmp, '_') === false && !preg_match('/^' . $CONTEXT[$tmp] . '$/i', $tag_data)) { $err = invalid($pgv_lang['data']); } elseif ($tag_level == '0' && $xref != '' && !isset($used_xrefs[$xref . $tag])) { $err = $pgv_lang['noref']; } if ($err_level >= $info && $err == '') { // INFOMATIONAL CHECKS - spacing if ($whitespace1 != '' || $whitespace2 != ' ' || $whitespace3 == ' ' && $xref == '' || $whitespace4 == ' ' && $tag == '') { $err = invalid($pgv_lang['spacing']); } } // info } // warning } // error } // critical ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Record our current context for error logging and future checks. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($tag_level == '0' && $tag != '') { $curr_xref = $xref; $curr_l0tag = $tag;
<?php return function ($site, $pages, $page) { $alert = null; $data = array('name' => '', 'email' => '', 'phone' => '', 'text' => ''); if (get('submit')) { $data = array('name' => get('name'), 'email' => get('email'), 'phone' => get('phone'), 'text' => get('text')); $rules = array('name' => array('required'), 'email' => array('required', 'email'), 'phone' => array('required', 'num'), 'text' => array('required', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 3000)); $messages = array('name' => 'Enter a valid name.', 'email' => 'Enter a valid email address.', 'phone' => 'Enter a valid phone number.', 'text' => 'Please fill in the message textarea.'); // some of the data is invalid if ($invalid = invalid($data, $rules, $messages)) { $alert = $invalid; // the data is fine, let's send the email } else { // create the body from a simple snippet $body = snippet('contactmail', $data, true); // build the email $email = email(array('to' => $site->email(), 'from' => $data['email'], 'subject' => 'New message from Paradise Construction', 'replyTo' => $data['email'], 'body' => $body)); // try to send it and redirect to the // thank you page if it worked if ($email->send()) { go('contact/status:thank-you'); // add the error to the alert list if it failed } else { $alert = array($email->error()); } } } return compact('alert', 'data'); };
return function ($site, $pages, $page) { //set variables $troubleshootLink = null; $typeOfTroubleshoot = null; $invalid = null; //if $_POST data is present if (count($_POST) > 0) { //store specific sanitized $_POST variables into $data variable $data = r::postData(array('email', 'password')); //define validation rules for $data $rules = array('email' => array('required', 'email'), 'password' => array('required', 'match' => c::get('password.length.regex'))); //define validation messages for $data $messages = array('email' => l(''), 'password' => l('field.password.validaton.message')); //if validation is passed if (!($invalid = invalid(array_filter($data), $rules, $messages))) { //compute user's username (based upon user's email) $computedUsername = Auth::computeUsername($data['email']); //get user $user = Auth::loadUser($computedUsername); //if user exists if ($user) { //get user's activation hash //(if user's activation hash is empty -> user is activated, otherwise not) //please note: in case the activation procedure is disabled //this test evaluates always to true, as if the user was activated $isActivated = $user->activation(); //if user has been activated if (empty($isActivated)) { //set login redirect page to tests page $redirect = site()->find(c::get('tests.folder'))->url();
if (isset($repodateDb['repo_date']) and $repodateDb['repo_date'] != '') { $result = invalid($repodateDb['repo_date'], $repodateDb['repo_gedcomnr'], 'repo_date'); } if ($result === true) { $found = true; } } if ($found === false) { echo '<tr><td colspan=4 style="color:red">No invalid dates found</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:' . $direction . ';font-weight:bold">' . __('Invalid source dates:') . '</td></tr>'; $found = false; $sources = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM humo_sources WHERE source_tree_id='" . $tree_id . "'"); while ($sourcedateDb = $sources->fetch()) { if (isset($sourcedateDb['source_date']) and $sourcedateDb['source_date'] != '') { $result = invalid($sourcedateDb['source_date'], $sourcedateDb['source_gedcomnr'], 'source_date'); } if ($result === true) { $found = true; } } if ($found === false) { echo '<tr><td colspan=4 style="color:red">No invalid dates found</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } if (isset($_POST['tree']) and (isset($_POST['data_check']) or isset($_POST['unmark']) or isset($_POST['mark_all']))) { // displays menu for date consistency check // easily set other defaults: $b1_def = 50; //Birth date - more than X years after mother's birth