public function doWebPaper() { global $_GPC, $_W; $op = $_GPC['op']; $weid = $_W['uniacid']; $types_config = $this->_types_config; if ($op == 'edit') { //编辑 $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $tid = intval($_GPC['tid']); $year_array = array(); for ($i = date("Y"); $i >= 2000; $i--) { $year_array[] = $i; } if (checksubmit()) { $insert = array('weid' => $weid, 'displayorder' => $_GPC['displayorder'], 'title' => $_GPC['title'], 'level' => $_GPC['level'], 'year' => $_GPC['year'], 'tid' => $_GPC['tid'], 'description' => $_GPC['description'], 'status' => $_GPC['status'], 'pcate' => $_GPC['pcate']); if (empty($id)) { pdo_insert('ewei_exam_paper', $insert); } else { pdo_update('ewei_exam_paper', $insert, array('id' => $id)); } message("试卷信息保存成功!", $this->createWebUrl('paper'), "success"); } if (!empty($id)) { $item = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper') . " where id=:id limit 1", array(":id" => $id)); $tid = $item['tid']; } if (!empty($item)) { $paper_category = pdo_fetch("select id, cname as title from " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_category') . " where id=:id limit 1", array(':id' => $item['pcate'])); } // if(!empty($item)){ // $paper = pdo_fetch("select id,title from ".tablename('ewei_exam_paper')." where id=:id limit 1",array(':id'=>$item['paperid'])); // } $type_item = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_type') . " where id=:id limit 1", array(':id' => $tid)); $types = unserialize($type_item['types']); if (!empty($id)) { $question_array = array(); $question_array['id'] = $id; $question_array['types'] = $types; $d_question = $this->getDefaultPaperQuestion($question_array); $now_question_data = $d_question['data']; } //print_r($question_item);exit; include $this->template('paper_form'); } else { if ($op == 'editquestion') { session_start(); $_SESSION['last_url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //编辑 $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $tid = intval($_GPC['tid']); if (checksubmit()) { //更改排序 foreach ($_GPC['displayorder'] as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { $v = 0; } pdo_update('ewei_exam_paper_question', array('displayorder' => $v), array('paperid' => $id, 'questionid' => $k)); } } if (!empty($id)) { $item = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper') . " where id=:id limit 1", array(":id" => $id)); $tid = $item['tid']; } if (!empty($item)) { $paper_category = pdo_fetch("select id, cname as title from " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_category') . " where id=:id limit 1", array(':id' => $item['pcate'])); } $type_item = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_type') . " where id=:id limit 1", array(':id' => $tid)); $types = unserialize($type_item['types']); if (!empty($id)) { $question_array = array(); $question_array['id'] = $id; $question_array['types'] = $types; $d_question = $this->getDefaultPaperQuestion($question_array); $now_question_data = $d_question['data']; } $question_item = get_paper_question_list($id); //print_r($question_item);exit; include $this->template('paper_question_form'); } else { if ($op == 'delete') { $id = intval($_GPC['id']); pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper_question", array("paperid" => $id)); //pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper_member", array("questionid" => $id)); //pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper_member_data", array("questionid" => $id)); pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper", array("id" => $id)); message("试题信息删除成功!", referer(), "success"); } else { if ($op == 'deleteall') { foreach ($_GPC['idArr'] as $k => $id) { $id = intval($id); pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper_question", array("paperid" => $id)); //pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper_member", array("questionid" => $id)); //pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper_member_data", array("questionid" => $id)); pdo_delete("ewei_exam_paper", array("id" => $id)); } $this->web_message('试题信息删除成功!', '', 0); exit; } else { if ($op == 'showall') { if ($_GPC['show_name'] == 'showall') { $show_status = 1; } else { $show_status = 0; } foreach ($_GPC['idArr'] as $k => $id) { $id = intval($id); if (!empty($id)) { pdo_update('ewei_exam_paper', array('status' => $show_status), array('id' => $id)); } } //message('操作成功!', '', 0); exit; } else { if ($op == 'status') { $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { message('抱歉,传递的参数错误!', '', 'error'); } $temp = pdo_update('ewei_exam_paper', array('status' => $_GPC['status']), array('id' => $id)); if ($temp == false) { message('抱歉,刚才操作数据失败!', '', 'error'); } else { message('状态设置成功!', referer(), 'success'); } } else { if ($op == 'query') { $kwd = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $sql = "SELECT, p.title, p.description,t.types, t.score FROM " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper') . " AS p"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_type') . " AS t on p.tid ="; $sql .= " WHERE p.weid = :weid"; $params = array(); $params[':weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; if (!empty($kwd)) { $sql .= " AND p.title LIKE :title"; $params[':title'] = "%{$kwd}%"; } $ds = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); foreach ($ds as $key => $value) { $value['types'] = unserialize($value['types']); $d_question = $this->getDefaultPaperQuestion($value); $ds[$key]['now_score'] = $d_question['score']; $now_question_data = $d_question['data']; $pager_str = '该试卷包含 '; foreach ($value['types'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['has'] == 1) { $pager_str .= $types_config[$k] . "(" . $now_question_data[$k]['num'] . "/" . $v['num'] . ")道 "; } } $ds[$key]['pager_str'] = $pager_str; } include $this->template('paper_query'); } else { $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $sql = ""; $params = array(); if (!empty($_GPC['title'])) { $sql .= ' AND p.title LIKE :keywords'; $params[':keywords'] = "%{$_GPC['title']}%"; } if (!empty($_GPC['level'])) { $sql .= ' AND p.level=:level'; $params[':level'] = intva($_GPC['level']); } if (!empty($_GPC['pcate'])) { $pcate = intval($_GPC['pcate']); //判断是否为一级分类 $cate_sql = "SELECT id FROM " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_category'); $cate_sql .= " WHERE parentid = " . $pcate; $cate_sql .= " AND weid = " . $weid; //$cate_sql .= " AND status = 1"; $item = pdo_fetchall($cate_sql); $cate_num = count($item); if ($cate_num == 0) { $sql .= " AND p.pcate = :pcate"; $params[':pcate'] = $pcate; } else { if ($cate_num > 0) { $item[$cate_num]['id'] = $pcate; $cate_str = ''; foreach ($item as $k => $v) { $cate_str .= $v['id'] . ","; } $cate_str = trim($cate_str, ","); $sql .= " AND p.pcate in (" . $cate_str . ")"; } } } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $select_sql = "SELECT p.*, t.score, t.times FROM " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper') . " as p"; $select_sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_type') . " as t on p.tid ="; $select_sql .= " WHERE p.weid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' {$sql} ORDER BY displayorder DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize; $list = pdo_fetchall($select_sql, $params); $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT( FROM " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper') . " as p"; $count_sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_type') . " as t on p.tid ="; $count_sql .= " WHERE p.weid = '{$_W['uniacid']}'" . $sql; $category = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('ewei_exam_paper_category') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' AND status = 1 ORDER BY parentid ASC, displayorder DESC"); //print_r($category);exit; $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($count_sql, $params); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); include $this->template('paper'); } } } } } } } }
// Charisma restriction. Has to be more than 0 otherwise pointless restriction $char_resist_list .= $lang['Adr_char_cha'] . ' [' . $row['item_restrict_cha'] . ']; '; } $char_resist_list = substr($char_resist_list, 0, strlen($char_resist_list) - 2); if ($row['item_restrict_level'] > '1' || $row['item_restrict_str'] > '0' || $row['item_restrict_dex'] > '0' || $row['item_restrict_con'] > '0' || $row['item_restrict_int'] > '0' || $row['item_restrict_wis'] > '0' || $row['item_restrict_cha'] > '0') { $template->assign_block_vars('view_store.items.resist_chars', array("CHAR_RESIST_LIST" => $char_resist_list, "L_CHAR_RESIST_LIST" => $lang['Adr_char_restrict_title'])); } ##==== END: Show any level or characteristic restrictions for this item ===## $i++; } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)); } ##=== START: show all items or just those available to user? $points_check_sql = $show_only_mine == '1' ? ' AND item_price <= ' . $points : ''; $item_sql = $show_only_mine == '1' ? $item_sql : ''; ##=== END: show all items or just those available to user? $cat_sql = $cat ? 'AND item_type_use = ' . intva($cat) : ''; $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM " . ADR_SHOPS_ITEMS_TABLE . " \n\t\t\t\tWHERE item_store_id = {$shop_id} \n\t\t\t\tAND item_owner_id = 1 \n\t\t\t\tAND item_auth = 0\n\t\t\t\t{$item_sql}\n\t\t\t\t{$points_check_sql}\n\t\t\t\t{$cat_sql}\n\n\t\t\t\t{$zone_restriction_1}\n\n\t\t\t\tAND item_duration > 0 "; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Error getting total users', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } if ($total = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $total_items = $total['total']; $pagination = generate_pagination("adr_shops.{$phpEx}?mode=view_store&mode2={$mode2}&order={$sort_order}&shop_id=" . $shop_id . "", $total_items, $board_config['topics_per_page'], $start) . ' '; } $template->assign_vars(array('ORDER_BY' => $order_by, 'ACTION_SELECT' => $action_select, 'SELECT_CAT' => $select_category, 'SELECT_QUANTITY' => $select_quantity, 'STORE_ID' => $shop_id, 'STORE_NAME' => $store_name, 'STORE_DESC' => $store_desc, 'SHOP_OWNER_ID' => $shop_owner_id, 'POINTS' => number_format(get_reward($user_id)), 'SHOW_LINK' => $show_link, 'L_POINTS' => $lang['Adr_my'] . get_reward_name(), 'L_SHOW_LINK' => $show_type, "L_SELECT_CAT" => $lang['Adr_items_select'], "L_SELECT_QUANTITY" => $lang['Adr_items_select_quantity'], "L_ITEM_NAME" => $lang['Adr_shops_categories_item_name'], "L_ITEM_DESC" => $lang['Adr_shops_categories_item_desc'], "L_ITEM_QUALITY" => $lang['Adr_items_quality'], "L_ITEM_POWER" => $lang['Adr_items_power'], "L_ITEM_WEIGHT" => $lang['Adr_character_weight'], "L_ITEM_DURATION" => $lang['Adr_items_duration'], "L_ACTION" => $lang['Adr_items_action'], "L_ITEM_IMG" => $lang['Adr_races_image'], "L_ITEM_PRICE" => $lang['Adr_items_price'], "L_ITEM_TYPE" => $lang['Adr_items_type_use'], "L_NO_ITEMS" => $lang['Adr_items_none'], 'L_SELECT_SORT_METHOD' => $lang['Select_sort_method'], 'L_ORDER' => $lang['Order'], 'L_SORT' => $lang['Sort'], 'L_SUBMIT' => $lang['Submit'], 'S_MODE_SELECT' => $select_sort_mode, 'S_ORDER_SELECT' => $select_sort_order, 'PAGINATION' => $pagination, 'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], floor($start / $board_config['topics_per_page']) + 1, ceil($total_items / $board_config['topics_per_page'])), 'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page'], 'S_MODE_ACTION' => append_sid("adr_shops.{$phpEx}?mode=view_store&shop_id=" . $shop_id . ""))); break; case 'view_store_admin': $template->assign_block_vars('view_store', array()); if ($userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN) { // Send user PM notification... $member_id = 2;