Example #1
 public static function fetchVideoSplash($src)
     global $CFG;
     $src = urldecode($src);
     //if this is not a local file , quit.
     $possy = strpos($src, "pluginfile.php");
     if (!$possy) {
         return false;
     //get relative path
     //e.g http://m23.poodll.com/pluginfile.php/59/mod_page/content/20/360332574229687.flv
     //should become /59/mod_page/content/20/360332574229687.flv
     $relpath = substr($src, $possy + 14);
     //remove any pesky forcedownload params
     $relpath = str_replace("?forcedownload=1", "", $relpath);
     //if something went wrong, and we can't confirm get a handle on the file,
     //muddle with the itemid. Some mods don't bother to use it if it is a certain filearea
     //eg assignment intro, others use it strangely,eg mod_page, and we need to set it to 0
     //quiz questions have extra stuff between filearea and itemid
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($relpath));
     if (!$file) {
         $relarray = explode('/', $relpath);
         //index 1 = contextid, 2 =component,3=filearea
         //itemid can change, filename is last
         switch ($relarray[2]) {
             case 'question':
                 $qitemid = $relarray[count($relarray) - 2];
                 $qfilename = $relarray[count($relarray) - 1];
                 $relpath = '/' . $relarray[1] . '/' . $relarray[2] . '/' . $relarray[3];
                 $relpath .= '/' . $qitemid . '/' . $qfilename;
             case 'mod_page':
                 //1st we set itemid to 0
                 $originalitemid = $relarray[4];
                 $relarray[4] = '0';
                 $relpath = implode('/', $relarray);
             case 'mod_assign':
                 array_splice($relarray, 4, 0, '0');
                 $relpath = implode('/', $relarray);
                 //if we have no itemid, zero is assumed
                 if (count($relarray) == 5) {
                     $relpath = '/' . $relarray[1] . '/' . $relarray[2] . '/' . $relarray[3];
                     $relpath .= '/0/' . $relarray[4];
         //Then hash the path and try to get the file
         $file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($relpath));
         //if we still don't have a file, give up
         if (!$file) {
             return false;
     //check if we really can have/make a splash for this file
     //if name is too short, we didn't make it, it wont be on our red5 server
     $filename = $file->get_filename();
     if (strlen($filename) < 5) {
         return false;
     //if we are NOT using FFMPEG, we can only take snaps from Red5, so ...
     //if name is not numeric, it is not a video file we recorded on red5.it wont be there
     if (!$CFG->filter_poodll_ffmpeg && !is_numeric(substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 4))) {
         return false;
     //check if we have an image file here already, if so return that URL
     $relimagepath = substr($relpath, 0, strlen($relpath) - 3) . 'png';
     $trimsrc = str_replace("?forcedownload=1", "", $src);
     $fullimagepath = substr($trimsrc, 0, strlen($trimsrc) - 3) . 'png';
     $imagefilename = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 3) . 'png';
     if ($imagefile = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($relimagepath))) {
         return $fullimagepath;
     //from this point on we will need our file handling functions
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/filter/poodll/poodllfilelib.php';
     //if we are using FFMPEG, try to get the splash image
     if ($CFG->filter_poodll_ffmpeg) {
         $imagefile = get_splash_ffmpeg($file, $imagefilename);
         if ($imagefile) {
             return $fullimagepath;
         } else {
             return false;
         //if not FFMPEG pick it up from Red5 server
     } else {
         $result = instance_remotedownload($file->get_contextid(), $imagefilename, $file->get_component(), $file->get_filearea(), $file->get_itemid(), "99999", $file->get_filepath());
         if (strpos($result, "success")) {
             return $fullimagepath;
         } else {
             return false;
     //end of if ffmpeg
Example #2
        header("Content-type: text/xml");
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
        $returnxml = getmoddata($courseid, $requestid);
    case "fetchrealurl":
        header("Content-type: text/xml");
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
        $returnxml = fetchrealurl($moduleid, $courseid, $itemid, $paramone, $paramtwo, $requestid);
    case "instancedownload":
        //paramone=mimetype paramtwo=path paramthree=hash
        instance_download($paramone, $paramtwo, $hash, $requestid);
    case "instanceremotedownload":
        //($contextid,$filename,$component, $filearea,$itemid, $requestid)
        //e.g (15, '123456789.flv','user','draft','746337947',777777)
        $returnxml = instance_remotedownload($contextid, $paramone, $paramtwo, $paramthree, $itemid, $requestid);
        //move the output to here so that there is no trace of stray characters entering output before file downloaded
        header("Content-type: text/xml");
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
        //$returnxml="<hello />";
        	header("Content-type: text/xml");
        	echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
function fetchVideoSplash($src)
    global $CFG;
    $src = urldecode($src);
    //if this is not a local file , quit.
    $possy = strpos($src, "pluginfile.php");
    if (!$possy) {
        return false;
    //get relative path
    //e.g http://m23.poodll.com/pluginfile.php/59/mod_page/content/20/360332574229687.flv
    //should become /59/mod_page/content/20/360332574229687.flv
    $relpath = substr($src, $possy + 14);
    //These are two paths from testing, they can be deleted
    //like everything file related with questions, it doesn't work
    //it looks in general like getting a hash from a url is dodgey anyway
    //this is the seed of a way we might do it for qs, but really for qs its not v imp.
    //we can come back on it
    $relarray = explode('/',$relpath);
    $len = $count($relarray);
    $qitemid = $relarray($len-2);
    $qfilename = $relarray($len-1);
    //remove any pesky forcedownload params
    $relpath = str_replace("?forcedownload=1", "", $relpath);
    //if something went wrong, and we can't confirm get a handle on the file,
    //set the item id to zero. If it still fails, quit
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    $file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($relpath));
    if (!$file) {
        //try again, and set the item id to 0, for mod_page the itemid is stored as 0, but refed as
        //something else. Why? The answer is blowing in the wind.....
        //but we may get weirdness like this in quiz questions too
        $relarray = explode('/', $relpath);
        $relarray[4] = '0';
        $relpath = implode('/', $relarray);
        $file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($relpath));
        if (!$file) {
            return false;
            //return "no video file found @ " . $relpath;
    //check if we really can have/make a splash for this file
    //if name is too short, we didn't make it, it wont be on our red5 server
    $filename = $file->get_filename();
    if (strlen($filename) < 5) {
        return false;
        //return "bad filename ";
    //if name is not numeric, it is not a video file we made, it wont be on our red5 server
    if (!is_numeric(substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 4))) {
        return false;
        //return "not nuimeric filename";
    //check if we have an image file here already, if so return that URL
    $relimagepath = substr($relpath, 0, strlen($relpath) - 3) . 'png';
    $fullimagepath = substr($src, 0, strlen($src) - 3) . 'png';
    $imagefilename = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 3) . 'png';
    if ($imagefile = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($relimagepath))) {
        return $fullimagepath;
        //if we don't have that image lets get it from tokyopoodll and return it
    } else {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/filter/poodll/poodllfilelib.php';
        $result = instance_remotedownload($file->get_contextid(), $imagefilename, $file->get_component(), $file->get_filearea(), $file->get_itemid(), "99999", $file->get_filepath());
        if (strpos($result, "success")) {
            return $fullimagepath;
        } else {
            return false;