function run_script_update($script_name, $script_php, $poll_version, $context, $php_format = 1, $sub_folder = "") { $php_file = get_update_script($script_php, $poll_version, $context); if (empty($php_file) == TRUE) { return ' - <strong>No Update Available</strong>...<br><br>'; } else { // File exist, is the download valid? $sha_check = check_update_script($script_name, $script_php, $php_file, $poll_version, $context); if ($sha_check == FALSE) { return ' - <strong>ERROR: Unable to Download File Properly</strong>...<br><br>'; } else { $update_status .= $sha_check; if ($php_format == 1) { // PHP Files are downloaded as text, then renamed to the .php extension $update_status .= install_update_script($script_php . '.php', $php_file); } else { if (empty($sub_folder) == FALSE) { // This file is installed to a sub-folder $update_status .= install_update_script("{$sub_folder}/" . $script_php, $php_file); } else { $update_status .= install_update_script($script_php, $php_file); } } return $update_status; } } }
function run_script_update($script_name, $script_php, $poll_version, $context, $css_update = 0, $image_update = 0) { $php_file = get_update_script($script_php, $poll_version, $context); if (empty($php_file) == TRUE) { return ' - <strong>No Update Available</strong>...</br></br>'; } else { // File exist, is the download valid? $sha_check = check_update_script($script_name, $script_php, $php_file, $poll_version, $context); if ($sha_check == FALSE) { return ' - <strong>ERROR: Unable to Download File Properly</strong>...</br></br>'; } else { $update_status .= $sha_check; if ($css_update == 1) { $update_status .= install_update_script('css/' . $script_php, $php_file); } else { if ($image_update == 1) { $update_status .= install_update_script('img/' . $script_php, $php_file); } else { $update_status .= install_update_script($script_php . '.php', $php_file); } } return $update_status; } } }