Example #1
 public function write($user_id)
     if (!empty($this->posts)) {
         $this->fields = array('title');
         $this->errors = array('required');
         $this->runValidator($this->fields, $this->errors);
         //Check for errors
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
             //show the form and send the parameters of the failed fields
             echo json_encode($this->form_validation->error_array());
             return false;
         } else {
             //Add the time and date when the user registers with cleansure
             $date_id = $this->Registration_Model->insert_return(array('date' => insert_date($this->time)), 'date');
             $message_id = $this->messages_model->insert_return(array_merge(array_slice($this->posts, 1, 2), array('sent' => true, 'inbox' => true, 'status' => true, 'note' => false, 'user_id' => $this->data['data']->user_id, 'date_id' => $date_id)), 'messages');
             $recipitent = array('recipitent_id' => $this->posts['reciptent_id'], 'message_id' => $message_id, 'status' => true);
             $this->messages_model->insert($recipitent, 'recipitent');
             echo json_encode(array('message' => 'Message Sent'));
             return false;
     } else {
         $levels = array(1, 2, 3, 5);
         $args = array('users.master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id, 'users.company_id' => $this->data['data']->company_id);
         $accounts = $this->auth_model->get_accounts($args, $levels);
         $this->data['members'] = array();
         foreach ($accounts as $user) {
             if ($user['u_id'] != $this->data['data']->user_id) {
                 $this->data['members'][$user['u_id']] = $user['title'] . ' ' . $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'];
         $this->load->view($this->data['modules'] . 'clientarea_messages_write', $this->data);
Example #2
 public function add()
     if (!empty($this->posts)) {
         //all the fields that want validation
         $this->fields = array('identifier', 'log_num', 'type', 'age', 'date[]');
         //Correspoding errors
         $this->errors = array('required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required');
          * Created a function to return the loop
         $this->runValidator($this->fields, $this->errors);
         //Check for errors
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
             echo json_encode($this->form_validation->error_array());
         } else {
              * Insert the dates array into the dbn and retrieve the appropriate keys
              * format the data, rebuild the array ready for batch insert...
             foreach ($this->posts['date'] as $d) {
                 $dates['date'][] = insert_date($d);
             $keys = $this->machinery_model->batch_insert($dates, 'date', NULL);
              * Unset the date value to we can create a clean insert...
             $machineArray = array('aq_date' => (int) $keys[0], 'pat_date' => $this->posts['pat_tested'] == true ? (int) $keys[1] : false, 'master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id);
             $this->machinery_model->insert(array_merge($this->posts, $machineArray), 'machinery');
             echo json_encode(array('message' => 'Machinery Has Been added successfuly....'));
             return false;
         return false;
     $this->view($this->master, $this->prefix, $this->file_ext);
Example #3
function pars_data($url, $config, $lang, $name, $roster, $pars = 'all')
    $html = str_get_html($url);
    $newr = $html->find('div[class=b-data-create]', 0);
    $newu = $html->find('div[class=b-data-date]', 0);
    $veh = '';
    //if(VEH == 'alter'){
    //    $veh = $html->find('table[class=t-statistic]',1);
    $array['date'] = pars_date($newr->outertext, $newu->outertext, $config);
    if (count($array['date']) < 1) {
        $new = array();
    } else {
        $new['date'] = $array['date'];
        if (LAST_PLAYED == 'on' && MYSQL == 'on' && MYSQL_ERROR != 'on' && $pars != 'all') {
            insert_date($array, $name, SERVER, $config);
    if ($pars == 'all') {
        $array['stats'] = parseTable($html, $config, $veh);
        if (MYSQL == 'on' && MYSQL_ERROR != 'on') {
            insert_rating_old($array, $lang, $name, SERVER, $config, $roster);
        if (count($array['stats']) < 1) {
            $array['stats'] = array();
            $new = array();
        unset($html, $newr, $newu, $array['date']);
        if (count($array['stats']) > 0) {
            foreach ($array['stats'][1] as $val) {
                $tmp = str_replace(':', '', trim($val[$lang['overall_title']]));
                $num = explode('(', trim($val[0]));
                $new['overall'][$tmp] = str_replace(' ', '', $num[0]);
            foreach ($array['stats'][2] as $val) {
                $tmp = str_replace(':', '', trim($val[$lang['perform_title']]));
                $num = explode('(', trim($val[0]));
                $new['perform'][$tmp] = str_replace(' ', '', $num[0]);
            foreach ($array['stats'][3] as $val) {
                $tmp = str_replace(':', '', trim($val[$lang['battel_title']]));
                $num = explode('(', trim($val[0]));
                $new['exp'][$tmp] = str_replace(' ', '', $num[0]);
            foreach ($array['stats'][4] as $val) {
                $tmp = trim($val[$lang['place']]);
                $new['rating'][$tmp]['type'] = $val[$lang['rating_title']];
                $new['rating'][$tmp]['link'] = $val[$lang['value']];
                $new['rating'][$tmp]['name'] = $val[$lang['place']];
                $new['rating'][$tmp]['value'] = str_replace(' ', '', $val[0]);
                $new['rating'][$tmp]['place'] = str_replace(' ', '', $val[1]);
            if (isset($array['stats'][5])) {
                foreach ($array['stats'][5] as $val) {
                    $tmp = trim($val[$lang['battle']]);
                    $new['tank'][number_transform($val[0])][$tmp]['type'] = $val[$lang['battle']];
                    $new['tank'][number_transform($val[0])][$tmp]['total'] = str_replace(' ', '', $val[$lang['win']]);
                    $new['tank'][number_transform($val[0])][$tmp]['link'] = $val[$lang['tank']];
                    $new['tank'][number_transform($val[0])][$tmp]['win'] = str_replace(' ', '', $val[1]);
                    $new['tank'][number_transform($val[0])][$tmp]['nation'] = str_replace(' ', '', $val[2]);
                    $new['tank'][number_transform($val[0])][$tmp]['lvl'] = number_transform($val[0]);
    return $new;
Example #4
  * Clean the post vars for the search area
  * we are sending different keys so we need to change them 
  * accordingly..
  * We already trimmed of any empty vars..
  * @param array
 private function post_filter($post_vars)
     //if customers dropdown is left at 'select' option..
     if ($post_vars['customers'] == 'Select One...') {
         //Get rid if it is..
     //Create an array for keys and replacement keys
     $find_replace = array('customers' => 'orders.company_id', 'date_from' => 'date.date >', 'date_to' => 'date.date <');
     //Loop them to find any that need replacing
     foreach ($find_replace as $find => $replace) {
         //Does the key exist that needs replacing
         if (array_key_exists($find, $post_vars)) {
             //Create the new var..
             $post_vars[$replace] = strpos($find, 'date') !== false ? insert_date($post_vars[$find]) : $post_vars[$find];
             //Unset the old var..
     //return function output..
     return $post_vars;
Example #5
 public function updateDate($id)
     if (!empty($this->posts)) {
         $this->worders_model->update_row($id, 'id', 'date', array('date' => insert_date($this->posts['date'][0])));
         echo json_encode(array('message' => 'Date Updated'));
         return false;
     $this->data['row_data'] = $this->worders_model->get_row('date', 'id', $id);
     $this->load->view('modules/datepicker', $this->data);
Example #6
 public function products($company_id, $product_id = NULL, $measurement_id = false, $date_id = false)
     if ($product_id != NULL) {
         $this->data['row_data'] = $this->supplier_model->get_product($product_id);
     if (!empty($this->posts)) {
         //Fields to be validated
         $this->fields = array('name', 'type', 'cost', 'price');
         //Corresponding errors
         $this->errors = array('required', 'required', 'required|decimal', 'required|decimal');
         //Run them through the validator
         $this->runValidator($this->fields, $this->errors);
         //Check for errors
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
             //show the form and send the parameters of the failed fields
             echo json_encode($this->form_validation->error_array());
             return false;
         } else {
             if ($measurement_id != false && $date_id != false) {
                 $keys = array(array('products', $product_id, 0, 7), array('measurments', $measurement_id, 8, 4));
                 for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
                     $this->supplier_model->update_row($keys[$i][1], 'id', $keys[$i][0], array_slice($this->posts, $keys[$i][2], $keys[$i][3]));
                 $this->supplier_model->update_row($date_id, 'id', 'date', array('date' => insert_date($this->posts['date'][0])));
                 //Return json success message
                 echo json_encode(array('message' => 'Successfully Updated Product'));
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $measurement_id = $this->supplier_model->insert_return(array_slice($this->posts, 8, 4), 'measurments');
                 $date_id = $this->supplier_model->insert_return(array('date' => insert_date($this->posts['date'][0])), 'date');
                 $vars = array_merge(array('measurement_id' => $measurement_id, 'date_id' => $date_id, 'company_id' => $company_id, 'master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id), array_slice($this->posts, 0, 7));
                 $this->supplier_model->insert($vars, 'products');
                 //Return json success message
                 echo json_encode(array('message' => 'Successfully Added Product'));
                 return false;
     if ($product_id != NULl && $measurement_id == false) {
         $this->load->view($this->data['modules'] . 'product_overview', $this->data);
     } else {
         $this->data['type'] = array('1' => 'Product', '2' => 'consumable', '3' => 'Both');
         $this->load->view($this->data['modules'] . 'products', $this->data);
Example #7
 public function holidays($view, $staff_id)
      * Get Staff Members Name
     $staff_name = $this->staff_model->staff_name($staff_id);
      * We need to check if we are posting data
     if (!empty($this->posts)) {
         //all the fields that want validation
         $this->fields = array('date[]');
         //Correspoding errors
         $this->errors = array('required');
         //Run them through the validator
         $this->runValidator($this->fields, $this->errors);
         //Check for errors
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
             //Check we are dealing with ajax
             if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
                 //Run the warning function
             } else {
                 //show the form and send the parameters of the failed fields
         } else {
              * Loop through the posts and rebuild array to format dates
              * ready to be inserted into the database...
             foreach ($this->posts['date'] as $p) {
                 $dates[] = insert_date($p);
              * Unset the post array so don't duplicate bad data
              * Move the new array back into post array ready for insertion
             $this->posts['date'] = $dates;
              * Batch insert of the dates into the 
              * dates table and return both the last inserted keys..
              * We need to run some checks here, are we posting or editing...
              * Using the below switch, we can alternate the functions accordingly...
             switch ($view) {
                  * We are dealing with inserting a holiday first..
                 case 'holiday_request':
                     $date_ids = $this->staff_model->my_array($this->posts, 'date', NULL, NULL);
                      * We now take the keys from inserting the dates and use the array to insert into holidays table...
                      * We then need to add further keys to the array as its a new holiday request
                      * Request = if the holiday is still in request mode, Approval = has it been approved by a manager?
                      * Type = 0 = start date | 1 = end date, we can the calculate the duration
                     $this->customer_model->insert(array('staff_id' => $staff_id, 'request' => false, 'approval' => false, 'year' => date('Y'), 'start_id' => $date_ids[0], 'end_id' => $date_ids[1]), 'holidays');
                      * Private Alert function
                      * @param $staff_id
                      * @param $event
                     $this->addAlert($staff_id, sprintf($this->lang->line('holdiday_request_event'), $staff_name->first_name . '&nbsp;' . $staff_name->last_name));
                      * If we are updating holiday data we use the below statement
                  * If we are updating holiday data we use the below statement
                 case 'staff_holidays':
                     if (!isset($this->posts['ids'])) {
                         $this->holidays('holiday_request', $staff_id);
                         return false;
                      * We create some ids with jquery and append them with hidden input
                      * explode the value to get the correct keys
                     $ids = explode('#', $this->posts['ids']);
                      * Start the counter
                     $n = 0;
                      * Loop the ids and update each row accordingly
                     foreach ($ids as $id) {
                         $this->staff_model->update_row($id, 'id', 'date', array('date' => $dates[$n]));
                      * Private Alert function
                      * @param $staff_id
                      * @param $event
                     $this->addAlert($staff_id, $this->data['data']->first_name . '&nbsp;' . $this->data['data']->last_name . sprintf($this->lang->line('holdiday_edit_event'), $staff_name->first_name . '&nbsp;' . $staff_name->last_name));
             //Return json success message
             echo json_encode(array('message' => 'Successfully updated'));
             return false;
     } else {
          * Run a check on which view we are dealing with
         if ($view == 'staff_holidays') {
              * We got the right view
             $data = $this->staff_model->get_holiday_dates($staff_id);
              * Check $arr length, is it greater than 0, if yes we have some dates
             if (is_array($data) && count($data) > 0) {
                  * Which staff member are we applying the holidays to
                 $this->data['header'] = $data[0]->first_name . "&nbsp;" . $data[0]->last_name . "&nbsp;-&nbsp;" . $data[0]->reference;
                  * Loop the data
                 foreach ($data as $d) {
                      * Upcoming holiday, it has been authorized by admin and the date is greater then the current date
                     if ($d->request == true && $d->approval == true && strtotime($d->finish_date) > time()) {
                          * Create a an array for the dates 
                         $this->data['row_data_1'][] = $d;
                     } elseif ($d->request == true && $d->approval == true && strtotime($d->finish_date) < time()) {
                          * Create a an array for the dates 
                         $this->data['row_data_2'][] = $d;
                     } elseif ($d->request == false) {
                          * Create a an array for the dates 
                         $this->data['row_data_3'][] = $d;
         $this->load->view($this->modules . $view, $this->data);