function DBinsertKeywords($docRef, $keywords)
    global $mysqli;
    $mysqli->query("START TRANSACTION");
    $docId = insertDocument($docRef);
    foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
        $keywordId = insertKeyword($keyword);
        insertKeywordsDocuments($keywordId, $docId);
Example #2
            $content = strip_tags($content);
            // If the keyword is empty, then increment our counter.
            if (strlen($content) == 0) {
                echo "<br /><span style='color: orange; font-weight: bold;'>SKIPPING empty tag: '" . $tagName . "'</span>";
            // Extract type if it exists. EXAMPLE: poem
            if (strpos($keyword, 'type="') !== false) {
                $typeStartPosition = strpos($keyword, 'type="') + 6;
                $typeEndPosition = strpos($keyword, '"', $typeStartPosition);
                $type = substr($keyword, $typeStartPosition, $typeEndPosition - $typeStartPosition);
            } else {
                $type = '';
            insertKeyword($docid, $tag, $type, $corresp, $content, $keyword);
    // Show some stats about the parsed files.
    echo '<h2>Parsing complete!</h2>
	<br />Documents indexed: ' . $success_count . '
	<br />Keywords indexed: ' . $keyword_count . '
	<br />Empty keywords: ' . $empty_keywords . '
	<br />Handshift keywords that were skipped: ' . $handshift_tags . '
	<br />Keywords that were inside of other keywords and were merged: ' . $tags_in_tags . '
	<br />Identical keywords that were skipped after appearing multiple times in the same document: ' . $duplicate_tags . '
	<br />Documents skipped due to malformed XML: ' . $malformed_count . '
	<br />Documents skipped that were missing on website (such as some drawings/figures that have not yet been added to the showcase): ' . $missing_count . '
	<br />Documents skipped due to a connectivity issue with the server: ' . $connectivity_error . '
	<br />Documents skipped that were not needed (in the witnesses folder on the site): ' . $not_needed . '