public function createProject() { // project name sanitize $oldName = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $this->projectStructure['project_name'] = $this->_sanitizeName($this->projectStructure['project_name']); if ($this->projectStructure['project_name'] == false) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "Invalid Project Name " . $oldName . ": it should only contain numbers and letters!"); return false; } // create project? $this->projectStructure['ppassword'] = $this->_generatePassword(); $this->projectStructure['user_ip'] = Utils::getRealIpAddr(); $this->projectStructure['id_project'] = insertProject($this->projectStructure); //create user (Massidda 2013-01-24) //check if all the keys are valid MyMemory keys if (!empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'])) { foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $i => $_tmKey) { $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setTmKey($_tmKey['key']); try { $keyExists = $this->tmxServiceWrapper->checkCorrectKey(); if (!isset($keyExists) || $keyExists === false) { Log::doLog(__METHOD__ . " -> TM key is not valid."); throw new Exception("TM key is not valid: " . $_tmKey['key'], -4); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage()); return false; } //set the first key as primary $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setTmKey($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']); } //check if the MyMemory keys provided by the user are already associated to him. if ($this->projectStructure['userIsLogged']) { $mkDao = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyDao($this->dbHandler); $searchMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct(); $searchMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid']; $userMemoryKeys = $mkDao->read($searchMemoryKey); $userTmKeys = array(); $memoryKeysToBeInserted = array(); //extract user tm keys foreach ($userMemoryKeys as $_memoKey) { /** * @var $_memoKey TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct */ $userTmKeys[] = $_memoKey->tm_key->key; } foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $_tmKey) { if (!in_array($_tmKey['key'], $userTmKeys)) { $newMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct(); $newTmKey = new TmKeyManagement_TmKeyStruct(); $newTmKey->key = $_tmKey['key']; $newTmKey->tm = true; $newTmKey->glos = true; //TODO: take this from input $newTmKey->name = $_tmKey['name']; $newMemoryKey->tm_key = $newTmKey; $newMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid']; $memoryKeysToBeInserted[] = $newMemoryKey; } else { Log::doLog('skip insertion'); } } try { $mkDao->createList($memoryKeysToBeInserted); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); # Here we handle the error, displaying HTML, logging, ... $output = "<pre>\n"; $output .= $e->getMessage() . "\n\t"; $output .= "</pre>"; Utils::sendErrMailReport($output); } } //the base case is when the user clicks on "generate private TM" button: //a (user, pass, key) tuple is generated and can be inserted //if it comes with it's own key without querying the creation API, create a (key,key,key) user if (empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'])) { $this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']; $this->projectStructure['private_tm_pass'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']; } insertTranslator($this->projectStructure); } //sort files in order to process TMX first $sortedFiles = array(); foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { //check for glossary files and tmx and put them in front of the list $infoFile = DetectProprietaryXliff::getInfo($fileName); if (DetectProprietaryXliff::getMemoryFileType()) { //found TMX, enable language checking routines if (DetectProprietaryXliff::isTMXFile()) { $this->checkTMX = 1; } //not used at moment but needed if we want to do a poll for status if (DetectProprietaryXliff::isGlossaryFile()) { $this->checkGlossary = 1; } //prepend in front of the list array_unshift($sortedFiles, $fileName); } else { //append at the end of the list array_push($sortedFiles, $fileName); } } $this->projectStructure['array_files'] = $sortedFiles; unset($sortedFiles); $uploadDir = $this->uploadDir = INIT::$UPLOAD_REPOSITORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->projectStructure['uploadToken']; //we are going to access the storage, get model object to manipulate it $this->fileStorage = new FilesStorage(); $linkFiles = $this->fileStorage->getHashesFromDir($this->uploadDir); /* loop through all input files to 1) upload TMX and Glossaries */ try { $this->_pushTMXToMyMemory(); } catch (Exception $e) { //exit project creation return false; } //TMX Management /* loop through all input files to 2)convert, in case, non standard XLIFF files to a format that Matecat understands Note that XLIFF that don't need conversion are moved anyway as they are to cache in order not to alter the workflow */ foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { /* Conversion Enforce Checking Extension is no more sufficient, we want check content $enforcedConversion = true; //( if conversion is enabled ) */ $isAFileToConvert = $this->isConversionToEnforce($fileName); //if it's one of the listed formats or conversion is not enabled in first place if (!$isAFileToConvert) { /* filename is already an xliff and it's in upload directory we have to make a cache package from it to avoid altering the original path */ //get file $filePathName = "{$this->uploadDir}/{$fileName}"; //calculate hash + add the fileName, if i load 3 equal files with the same content // they will be squashed to the last one $sha1 = sha1_file($filePathName); //make a cache package (with work/ only, emtpy orig/) $this->fileStorage->makeCachePackage($sha1, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], false, $filePathName); //put reference to cache in upload dir to link cache to session $this->fileStorage->linkSessionToCache($sha1, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], $this->projectStructure['uploadToken'], $fileName); //add newly created link to list $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha'][] = $sha1 . "|" . $this->projectStructure['source_language']; $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['fileName'][$sha1 . "|" . $this->projectStructure['source_language']][] = $fileName; //when the same sdlxliff is uploaded more than once with different names $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha'] = array_unique($linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha']); unset($sha1); } } //now, upload dir contains only hash-links //we start copying files to "file" dir, inserting metadata in db and extracting segments foreach ($linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha'] as $linkFile) { //converted file is inside cache directory //get hash from file name inside UUID dir $hashFile = FilesStorage::basename_fix($linkFile); $hashFile = explode('|', $hashFile); //use hash and lang to fetch file from package $cachedXliffFilePathName = $this->fileStorage->getXliffFromCache($hashFile[0], $hashFile[1]); //get sha $sha1_original = $hashFile[0]; //associate the hash to the right file in upload directory //get original file name, to insert into DB and cp in storage //PLEASE NOTE, this can be an array when the same file added more // than once and with different names $_originalFileName = $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['fileName'][$linkFile]; unset($hashFile); if (!file_exists($cachedXliffFilePathName)) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -6, "message" => "File not found on server after upload."); } try { $info = FilesStorage::pathinfo_fix($cachedXliffFilePathName); if (!in_array($info['extension'], array('xliff', 'sdlxliff', 'xlf'))) { throw new Exception("Failed to find Xliff - no segments found", -3); } $yearMonthPath = date_create($this->projectStructure['create_date'])->format('Ymd'); $fileDateSha1Path = $yearMonthPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sha1_original; //PLEASE NOTE, this can be an array when the same file added more // than once and with different names foreach ($_originalFileName as $originalFileName) { $mimeType = FilesStorage::pathinfo_fix($originalFileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $fid = insertFile($this->projectStructure, $originalFileName, $mimeType, $fileDateSha1Path); //move the file in the right directory from the packages to the file dir $this->fileStorage->moveFromCacheToFileDir($fileDateSha1Path, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], $fid, $originalFileName); $this->projectStructure['file_id_list']->append($fid); $this->_extractSegments(file_get_contents($cachedXliffFilePathName), $fid); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == -1) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "No text to translate in the file {$originalFileName}."); $this->fileStorage->deleteHashFromUploadDir($this->uploadDir, $linkFile); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -2) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store segments in database for {$originalFileName}"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -3) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "File {$originalFileName} not found. Failed to save XLIFF conversion on disk"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -4) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Internal Error. Xliff Import: Error parsing. ( {$originalFileName} )"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -11) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files on disk. Permission denied"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -12) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files in database"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -13) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -13, "message" => $e->getMessage()); Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); return null; // SEVERE EXCEPTION we can not write to disk!! Break project creation } else { //mysql insert Blob Error $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to create project. Database Error on {$originalFileName}. Please try again."); } Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); Log::doLog($e->getTraceAsString()); } } //end of conversion hash-link loop try { $this->_zipFileHandling($linkFiles); } catch (Exception $e) { //exit project creation return false; } //check if the files language equals the source language. If not, set an error message. if (!$this->projectStructure['skip_lang_validation']) { $this->validateFilesLanguages(); } if (!$this->_doCheckForErrors()) { //exit project creation return false; } //Log::doLog( array_pop( array_chunk( $SegmentTranslations[$fid], 25, true ) ) ); //create job if (isset($_SESSION['cid']) and !empty($_SESSION['cid'])) { $owner = $_SESSION['cid']; } else { $_SESSION['_anonym_pid'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; //default user $owner = ''; } $isEmptyProject = false; //Throws exception try { $this->_createJobs($this->projectStructure, $owner); //FIXME for project with pre translation this query is not enough, //we need compare the number of segments with translations, but take an eye to the opensource $query_visible_segments = "SELECT count(*) as cattool_segments\n\t\t\t\tFROM segments WHERE id_file IN ( %s ) and show_in_cattool = 1"; $string_file_list = implode(",", $this->projectStructure['file_id_list']->getArrayCopy()); $query_visible_segments = sprintf($query_visible_segments, $string_file_list); try { $rows = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_visible_segments); } catch (PDOException $e) { Log::doLog("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for files ( {$string_file_list} ) - DB Error: {$e->getMessage()} - \n"); throw new Exception("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for job", -5); } if ($rows[0]['cattool_segments'] == 0) { Log::doLog("Segment Search: No segments in this project - \n"); $isEmptyProject = true; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -9, "message" => "Fail to create Job. ( {$ex->getMessage()} )"); return false; } try { Utils::deleteDir($this->uploadDir); if (is_dir($this->uploadDir . '_converted')) { Utils::deleteDir($this->uploadDir . '_converted'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $output = "<pre>\n"; $output .= " - Exception: " . print_r($e->getMessage(), true) . "\n"; $output .= " - REQUEST URI: " . print_r(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true) . "\n"; $output .= " - REQUEST Message: " . print_r($_REQUEST, true) . "\n"; $output .= " - Trace: \n" . print_r($e->getTraceAsString(), true) . "\n"; $output .= "\n\t"; $output .= "Aborting...\n"; $output .= "</pre>"; Log::doLog($output); Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $e->getMessage()); } $this->projectStructure['status'] = INIT::$VOLUME_ANALYSIS_ENABLED ? Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NEW : Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NOT_TO_ANALYZE; if ($isEmptyProject) { $this->projectStructure['status'] = Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_EMPTY; } $this->projectStructure['result']['code'] = 1; $this->projectStructure['result']['data'] = "OK"; $this->projectStructure['result']['ppassword'] = $this->projectStructure['ppassword']; $this->projectStructure['result']['password'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_pass']; $this->projectStructure['result']['id_job'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list']; $this->projectStructure['result']['job_segments'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_segments']; $this->projectStructure['result']['id_project'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $this->projectStructure['result']['project_name'] = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $this->projectStructure['result']['source_language'] = $this->projectStructure['source_language']; $this->projectStructure['result']['target_language'] = $this->projectStructure['target_language']; $this->projectStructure['result']['status'] = $this->projectStructure['status']; $this->projectStructure['result']['lang_detect'] = $this->projectStructure['lang_detect_files']; $query_project_summary = "\n SELECT\n COUNT( ) AS project_segments,\n SUM( IF( IFNULL( st.eq_word_count, -1 ) = -1, s.raw_word_count, st.eq_word_count ) ) AS project_raw_wordcount\n FROM segments s\n INNER JOIN files_job fj ON fj.id_file = s.id_file\n INNER JOIN jobs j ON fj.id_job\n LEFT JOIN segment_translations st ON = st.id_segment\n WHERE j.id_project = %u\n "; $query_project_summary = sprintf($query_project_summary, $this->projectStructure['id_project']); $project_summary = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_project_summary); $update_project_count = "\n UPDATE projects\n SET\n standard_analysis_wc = %.2F,\n status_analysis = '%s'\n WHERE id = %u\n "; $update_project_count = sprintf($update_project_count, $project_summary[0]['project_raw_wordcount'], $this->projectStructure['status'], $this->projectStructure['id_project']); $this->dbHandler->query($update_project_count); // Log::doLog( $this->projectStructure ); //create Project into DQF queue if (INIT::$DQF_ENABLED && !empty($this->projectStructure['dqf_key'])) { $dqfProjectStruct = DQF_DqfProjectStruct::getStruct(); $dqfProjectStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key']; $dqfProjectStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $dqfProjectStruct->name = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $dqfProjectStruct->source_language = $this->projectStructure['source_language']; $dqfQueue = new Analysis_DqfQueueHandler(); try { $projectManagerInfo = $dqfQueue->checkProjectManagerKey($this->projectStructure['dqf_key']); $dqfQueue->createProject($dqfProjectStruct); //for each job, push a task into AMQ's DQF queue foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list'] as $i => $jobID) { /** * @var $dqfTaskStruct DQF_DqfTaskStruct */ $dqfTaskStruct = DQF_DqfTaskStruct::getStruct(); $dqfTaskStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key']; $dqfTaskStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $dqfTaskStruct->task_id = $jobID; $dqfTaskStruct->target_language = $this->projectStructure['target_language'][$i]; $dqfTaskStruct->file_name = uniqid('', true) . $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $dqfQueue->createTask($dqfTaskStruct); } } catch (Exception $exn) { $output = __METHOD__ . " (code " . $exn->getCode() . " ) - " . $exn->getMessage(); Log::doLog($output); Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $exn->getMessage()); } } }
$saveDir = insertFolder($service, $reportFolderName, $gProjectDir->getId()); } $properties = [ [ 'key' => 'isAsanaGDocReport', 'value' => 'true', 'visibility' => 'PUBLIC', ], [ 'key' => 'asanaClientName', 'value' => $clientName, 'visibility' => 'PUBLIC', ] ]; removeFileIfExists($service, $fileReportName, $saveDir->getId()); logMessage("Sending file '" . $fileReportName . "' to google drive"); $insertedFile = insertFile($service, $fileReportName, '', $saveDir->getId(), GDOC_SHEET_MIME, $fileReport, $properties); // insertPermission($service, $insertedFile->getId() , $user->emailAddress, 'user', 'owner' ); reportMessage("<a href='" . $insertedFile->getId() . "/edit' target='_blank'>" . $insertedFile->getTitle() . "</a>"); } // } } } closeSession(); } }
function URSRC_calendar_create($loggin, $fileId, $loginid_name, $URSC_uld_id, $finaldate, $calenderid, $status, $form, $filesarray, $URSRC_firstname, $URSRC_lastname, $folderid) { global $con, $ClientId, $ClientSecret, $RedirectUri, $DriveScopes, $CalenderScopes, $Refresh_Token; $drive = new Google_Client(); $Client = get_servicedata(); $ClientId = ""; //$Client[0]; $ClientSecret = "NRY1PYuUK-NeJAZVJxUvXBeb"; //$Client[1]; $RedirectUri = ""; //$Client[2]; $DriveScopes = ""; //$Client[3]; $CalenderScopes = ""; //$Client[4]; $Refresh_Token = "1/YkIO518mEEVO9z5bdieivdpf9XVBnZN4PWZPLStyGzk"; //$Client[5]; $drive->setClientId($ClientId); $drive->setClientSecret($ClientSecret); $drive->setRedirectUri($RedirectUri); $drive->setScopes(array($DriveScopes, $CalenderScopes)); $drive->setAccessType('online'); $authUrl = $drive->createAuthUrl(); $refresh_token = $Refresh_Token; $drive->refreshToken($refresh_token); $service = new Google_Service_Drive($drive); // print_r($service); if ($form == 'TERMINATE') { $file_arraycount = 1; try { $permissions = $service->permissions->listPermissions($fileId); $return_value = $permissions->getItems(); } catch (Exception $e) { $ss_flag = 0; } foreach ($return_value as $key => $value) { if ($value->emailAddress == $loggin) { $permission_id = $value->id; } } if ($permission_id != '') { try { $service->permissions->delete($fileId, $permission_id); $ss_flag = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $ss_flag = 0; } } else { $ss_flag = 1; } } else { $value = $loggin; $type = 'user'; $role = 'reader'; $email = $loggin; $newPermission = new Google_Service_Drive_Permission(); $newPermission->setValue($value); $newPermission->setType($type); $newPermission->setRole($role); $newPermission->setEmailAddress($email); try { $service->permissions->insert($fileId, $newPermission); $ss_flag = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $ss_flag = 0; } if ($ss_flag == 1) { if ($filesarray != '') { $file_array = array(); $allfilearray = explode(",", $filesarray); foreach ($allfilearray as $value) { $uploadfilename = $value; $drivefilename = $URSRC_firstname . ' ' . $URSRC_lastname . '-' . $uploadfilename; $extension = explode(".", $uploadfilename); if ($extension[1] == 'pdf') { $mimeType = 'application/pdf'; } if ($extension[1] == 'jpg') { $mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; } if ($extension[1] == 'png') { $mimeType = 'image/png'; } $file_id_value = insertFile($service, $drivefilename, 'PersonalDetails', $folderid, $mimeType, $uploadfilename); if ($file_id_value != '') { array_push($file_array, $file_id_value); } } $file_arraycount = count($file_array); } else { $file_arraycount = 1; } } } if ($ss_flag == 1 && $file_arraycount > 0) { $cal = new Google_Service_Calendar($drive); $event = new Google_Service_Calendar_Event(); $event->setsummary($loginid_name . ' ' . $status); $event->setDescription($URSC_uld_id); $start = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime(); $start->setDate($finaldate); //setDate('2014-11-18'); $event->setStart($start); $event->setEnd($start); try { $createdEvent = $cal->events->insert($calenderid, $event); $cal_flag = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $cal_flag = 0; } } $flag_array = [$ss_flag, $cal_flag, $file_id_value, $file_array]; return $flag_array; }
} if (isset($_POST["baIDdel"]) && isset($_POST['count'])) { $explode = explode(',', $_POST["baIDdel"]); $count = intval($_POST['count']); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { deleteBasketItem($explode[$i]); } } if (isset($_POST["prID"]) && isset($_POST["aPrice"]) && isset($_POST["EmpNum"])) { $res = addBasket($_POST); } if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { if (empty($_POST["title"]) || empty($_POST["point"]) || empty($_POST["Delivery"]) || empty($_POST["content"]) || empty($_FILES)) { $error_message = "<div class='error'>Please fill in all fields</div>"; } else { $file_path = insertFile($_FILES, $_POST["menu_id"], $_POST["sub_id"]); if ($file_path != 'error') { $data = array('aTitle' => $_POST["title"], 'aPrice' => $_POST["point"], 'delivery' => $_POST["Delivery"], 'aContent' => $_POST["content"], 'menuID' => $_POST["menu_id"], 'subID' => $_POST["sub_id"], 'Image_name' => $file_path); insertProduct($data); } } } $basket = getBasket($_SESSION["user"]->EmpNum); if (count($basket) > 0 && is_array($basket)) { $basket_isset = true; } else { $basket_isset = false; } if (isset($_GET["menu_id"])) { $menu_id = $_GET["menu_id"]; $menu = getMenuRows($menu_id);
function getFilms(&$return, $paths = NULL) { $error = ""; $db = connectDB(); if (!isset($paths)) { if (defined("PATHS")) { $paths = unserialize(PATHS); } return false; } foreach ($paths as $path) { $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path . '/'); //f*****g Windows $result = NULL; if (!listFile($result, $path)) { $error .= "Erreur sur l'ouverture du répértoire ('{$path}')\n"; continue; } //récupération de l'id de la source ou son ajout si nécessaire if (($source_id = getSourceId($db, $path)) === false) { $source_id = insertSource($db, $path); } $return = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { if (!getInfoOfFilm($row[RESULT_NAME], $title, $file_type)) { $error .= "Name is invalide " . $row[RESULT_NAME]; continue; } //récupération de l'id du type de fichier if (($file_type_id = getTypeId($db, $file_type)) === false) { //PARANOIA use default type id : 1 $file_type_id = 1; } $row[RESULT_PATH_CLEAR] = str_replace($path, "", $row[RESULT_PATH]); if (empty($row[RESULT_PATH_CLEAR])) { $row[RESULT_PATH_CLEAR] = "."; } //récupération de l'id de du fichier ou son ajout si nécessaire if (($file_id = getFile($db, $source_id, $row[RESULT_PATH_CLEAR], $row[RESULT_NAME], $file_type_id)) === false) { $file_id = insertFile($db, $source_id, $row[RESULT_PATH_CLEAR], $row[RESULT_NAME], $title, $file_type_id); } if ($title !== false) { // echo $error; $return[] = array($file_id, $title); } else { $error .= "Titre non trouvé pour le fichier ('{$row[RESULT_PATH]}{$row[RESULT_NAME]}')"; } } } if (empty($return)) { return false; } return true; }
$res["label"] = $_POST["nameSub"]; updateSubImageAndName($res); } if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $content = trim($_POST["content"]); if (empty($_POST["title"]) || empty($_POST["point"]) || empty($_POST["Delivery"]) || empty($content)) { $error_message = "<div class='error'>Please fill in all fields</div>"; } else { if (isset($_POST["sub_id"])) { $sub_id_insert = $_POST["sub_id"]; } else { $sub_id_insert = NULL; } $data = array('aTitle' => $_POST["title"], 'aPrice' => $_POST["point"], 'delivery' => $_POST["Delivery"], 'aContent' => $_POST["content"], 'showID' => $_POST["showID"], 'menuID' => $_POST["menu_id"], 'subID' => $sub_id_insert); if (!empty($_FILES["fileImage"]['name'])) { $file_path = insertFile($_POST["menu_id"], $sub_id_insert); $data['Image_name'] = $file_path; } if (isset($_POST["prID"])) { $data['prID'] = $_POST["prID"]; if ($sub_id_insert == 'other') { $data['subID'] = NULL; } updateProduct($data); } else { /* var_dump($_POST); echo "<br><br><br><br>"; var_dump($data); */ insertProduct($data);
$ClientSecret = $Client[1]; $RedirectUri = $Client[2]; $DriveScopes = $Client[3]; $CalenderScopes = $Client[4]; $Refresh_Token = $Client[5]; $drive->setClientId($ClientId); $drive->setClientSecret($ClientSecret); $drive->setRedirectUri($RedirectUri); $drive->setScopes(array($DriveScopes, $CalenderScopes)); $drive->setAccessType('online'); $authUrl = $drive->createAuthUrl(); $access_token = $drive->getAccessToken(); $refresh_token = $Refresh_Token; $drive->refreshToken($refresh_token); $service = new Google_Service_Drive($drive); $file_id_value = insertFile($service, $ufilename, 'PersonalDetails', $new_empfolderid, $ufiletype, $ufiletempname); if ($file_id_value != '') { array_push($file_array, $file_id_value); } } } } if ($upload_flag == 1 && count($file_array) == 0) { $file_flag = 0; URSRC_unshare_document($loginid, $fileId); URSRC_unshare_document($loginid, $codeopti_fileId); $con->rollback(); $login_empid = getEmpfolderName($loginid); renamefile($service, $login_empid, $new_empfolderid); } //UPDATE PART SENDING MAIL
mkdir("files"); } $kvery = $kvery1 . $kvery2 . $kvery3; $kv = mysqli_query_wrapper($dblink, $kvery); if (!$kv) { echo "File export failed, trying SELECT with file output<br>"; $kvery = $kvery1 . $kvery3; $kv = mysqli_query_wrapper($dblink, $kvery); $fexp = fopen("files/" . $tmpfile, "w"); while ($erej = mysqli_fetch_array($kv, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { fwrite($fexp, $erej["hash"] . ($salted ? $config["fieldseparator"] . $erej["salt"] : "") . $config["fieldseparator"] . $erej["plaintext"] . "\n"); } fclose($fexp); } if ($kv) { if (insertFile("files/" . $tmpfile)) { echo "Cracked hashes from hashlist {$hlist} exported."; } else { echo "Cracked hashes exported, but the file is missing."; } } else { echo "Could not export hashlist {$hlist}"; } } else { echo "No such hashlist."; } break; case "hashes": // show hashes based on provided criteria $hlist = intval($_GET["hashlist"]); $chunk = intval($_GET["chunk"]);
public function createProject() { // project name sanitize $oldName = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $this->projectStructure['project_name'] = $this->_sanitizeName($this->projectStructure['project_name']); if ($this->projectStructure['project_name'] == false) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "Invalid Project Name " . $oldName . ": it should only contain numbers and letters!"); return false; } // create project $this->projectStructure['ppassword'] = $this->_generatePassword(); $this->projectStructure['user_ip'] = Utils::getRealIpAddr(); $this->projectStructure['id_customer'] = 'translated_user'; $this->projectStructure['id_project'] = insertProject($this->projectStructure); //create user (Massidda 2013-01-24) //check if all the keys are valid MyMemory keys if (!empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'])) { foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $i => $_tmKey) { $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setTmKey($_tmKey['key']); try { $keyExists = $this->tmxServiceWrapper->checkCorrectKey(); if (!isset($keyExists) || $keyExists === false) { Log::doLog(__METHOD__ . " -> TM key is not valid."); throw new Exception("TM key is not valid.", -4); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage()); return false; } //set the first key as primary $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setTmKey($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']); } //check if the MyMemory keys provided by the user are already associated to him. if ($this->projectStructure['userIsLogged']) { $mkDao = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyDao($this->dbHandler); $searchMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct(); $searchMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid']; $userMemoryKeys = $mkDao->read($searchMemoryKey); $userTmKeys = array(); $memoryKeysToBeInserted = array(); //extract user tm keys foreach ($userMemoryKeys as $_memoKey) { /** * @var $_memoKey TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct */ $userTmKeys[] = $_memoKey->tm_key->key; } foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $_tmKey) { if (!in_array($_tmKey['key'], $userTmKeys)) { $newMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct(); $newTmKey = new TmKeyManagement_TmKeyStruct(); $newTmKey->key = $_tmKey['key']; $newTmKey->tm = true; $newTmKey->glos = true; //TODO: take this from input $newTmKey->name = $_tmKey['name']; $newMemoryKey->tm_key = $newTmKey; $newMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid']; $memoryKeysToBeInserted[] = $newMemoryKey; } else { Log::doLog('skip insertion'); } } try { $mkDao->createList($memoryKeysToBeInserted); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); # Here we handle the error, displaying HTML, logging, ... $output = "<pre>\n"; $output .= $e->getMessage() . "\n\t"; $output .= "</pre>"; Utils::sendErrMailReport($output); } } //the base case is when the user clicks on "generate private TM" button: //a (user, pass, key) tuple is generated and can be inserted //if it comes with it's own key without querying the creation API, create a (key,key,key) user if (empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'])) { $this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']; $this->projectStructure['private_tm_pass'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']; } insertTranslator($this->projectStructure); } //sort files in order to process TMX first $sortedFiles = array(); foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { if ('tmx' == pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { //found TMX, enable language checking routines $this->checkTMX = 1; array_unshift($sortedFiles, $fileName); } else { array_push($sortedFiles, $fileName); } } $this->projectStructure['array_files'] = $sortedFiles; unset($sortedFiles); $uploadDir = INIT::$UPLOAD_REPOSITORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->projectStructure['uploadToken']; //fetch cache links, created by converter, from upload directory $linkFiles = scandir($uploadDir); //remove dir hardlinks, as uninteresting, as weel as regular files; only hash-links foreach ($linkFiles as $k => $linkFile) { if (strpos($linkFile, '.') !== false or strpos($linkFile, '|') === false) { unset($linkFiles[$k]); } } /* loop through all input files to 1)upload TMX 2)convert, in case, non standard XLIFF files to a format that Matecat understands Note that XLIFF that don't need conversion are moved anyway as they are to cache in order not to alter the workflow */ foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { //if TMX, if ('tmx' == pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { //load it into MyMemory; we'll check later on how it went $file = new stdClass(); $file->file_path = "{$uploadDir}/{$fileName}"; $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setName($fileName); $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setFile(array($file)); try { $this->tmxServiceWrapper->addTmxInMyMemory(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage()); return false; } //in any case, skip the rest of the loop, go to the next file continue; } /* Conversion Enforce Checking Extension is no more sufficient, we want check content if this is an idiom xlf file type, conversion are enforced $enforcedConversion = true; //( if conversion is enabled ) */ $isAnXliffToConvert = $this->isConversionToEnforce($fileName); //we are going to access the storage, get model object to manipulate it $fs = new FilesStorage(); //if it's one of the listed formats or conversion is not enabled in first place if (!$isAnXliffToConvert) { /* filename is already an xliff and it's in upload directory we have to make a cache package from it to avoid altering the original path */ //get file $filePathName = "{$uploadDir}/{$fileName}"; //calculate hash + add the fileName, if i load 3 equal files with the same content // they will be squashed to the last one $sha1 = sha1(file_get_contents($filePathName) . $filePathName); //make a cache package (with work/ only, emtpy orig/) $fs->makeCachePackage($sha1, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], false, $filePathName); //put reference to cache in upload dir to link cache to session $fs->linkSessionToCache($sha1, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], $this->projectStructure['uploadToken']); //add newly created link to list $linkFiles[] = $sha1 . "|" . $this->projectStructure['source_language']; unset($sha1); } } //now, upload dir contains only hash-links //we start copying files to "file" dir, inserting metadata in db and extracting segments foreach ($linkFiles as $linkFile) { //converted file is inside cache directory //get hash from file name inside UUID dir $hashFile = basename($linkFile); $hashFile = explode('|', $hashFile); //use hash and lang to fetch file from package $xliffFilePathName = $fs->getXliffFromCache($hashFile[0], $hashFile[1]); //get sha $sha1_original = $hashFile[0]; //get original file name $originalFilePathName = $fs->getOriginalFromCache($hashFile[0], $hashFile[1]); $raw_originalFilePathName = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $originalFilePathName); $fileName = array_pop($raw_originalFilePathName); unset($hashFile); if (!file_exists($xliffFilePathName)) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -6, "message" => "File not found on server after upload."); } try { $info = pathinfo($xliffFilePathName); if (!in_array($info['extension'], array('xliff', 'sdlxliff', 'xlf'))) { throw new Exception("Failed to find Xliff - no segments found", -3); } $mimeType = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $yearMonthPath = date_create()->format("Ymd"); $fileDateSha1Path = $yearMonthPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sha1_original; $fid = insertFile($this->projectStructure, $fileName, $mimeType, $fileDateSha1Path); //move the file in the right directory from the packages to the file dir $fs->moveFromCacheToFileDir($fileDateSha1Path, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], $fid); $this->projectStructure['file_id_list']->append($fid); $this->_extractSegments(file_get_contents($xliffFilePathName), $fid); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == -1) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "No text to translate in the file {$fileName}."); $fs->deleteHashFromUploadDir($uploadDir, $linkFile); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -2) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store segments in database for {$fileName}"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -3) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "File {$fileName} not found. Failed to save XLIFF conversion on disk"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -4) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Internal Error. Xliff Import: Error parsing. ( {$fileName} )"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -11) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files on disk. Permission denied"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -12) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files in database"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -13) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -13, "message" => $e->getMessage()); Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); return null; // SEVERE EXCEPTION we can not write to disk!! Break project creation } else { //mysql insert Blob Error $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to create project. Database Error on {$fileName}. Please try again."); } Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); } } //end of hash-link loop //check if the files language equals the source language. If not, set an error message. if (!$this->projectStructure['skip_lang_validation']) { $this->validateFilesLanguages(); } /****************/ //loop again through files to check to check for TMX loading foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { //if TMX, if ('tmx' == pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setName($fileName); $result = array(); //is the TM loaded? //wait until current TMX is loaded while (true) { try { $result = $this->tmxServiceWrapper->tmxUploadStatus(); if ($result['completed']) { //"$fileName" has been loaded into MyMemory" //exit the loop break; } //"waiting for "$fileName" to be loaded into MyMemory" sleep(3); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage()); Log::doLog($e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); //exit project creation return false; } } //once the language is loaded, check if language is compliant (unless something useful has already been found) if (1 == $this->checkTMX) { //get localized target languages of TM (in case it's a multilingual TM) $tmTargets = explode(';', $result['data']['target_lang']); //indicates if something has been found for current memory $found = false; //compare localized target languages array (in case it's a multilingual project) to the TM supplied //if nothing matches, then the TM supplied can't have matches for this project //create an empty var and add the source language too $project_languages = array_merge((array) $this->projectStructure['target_language'], (array) $this->projectStructure['source_language']); foreach ($project_languages as $projectTarget) { if (in_array($this->langService->getLocalizedName($projectTarget), $tmTargets)) { $found = true; break; } } //if this TM matches the project lagpair and something has been found if ($found and $result['data']['source_lang'] == $this->langService->getLocalizedName($this->projectStructure['source_language'])) { //the TMX is good to go $this->checkTMX = 0; } elseif ($found and $result['data']['target_lang'] == $this->langService->getLocalizedName($this->projectStructure['source_language'])) { /* * This means that the TMX has a srclang as specification in the header. Warn the user. * Ex: * <header creationtool="SDL Language Platform" * creationtoolversion="8.0" * datatype="rtf" * segtype="sentence" * adminlang="DE-DE" * srclang="DE-DE" /> */ $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -16, "message" => "The TMX you provided explicitly specifies {$result['data']['source_lang']} as source language. Check that the specified language source in the TMX file match the language source of your project or remove that specification in TMX file."); $this->checkTMX = 0; Log::doLog($this->projectStructure['result']); } } } } if (1 == $this->checkTMX) { //this means that noone of uploaded TMX were usable for this project. Warn the user. $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -16, "message" => "The TMX did not contain any usable segment. Check that the languages in the TMX file match the languages of your project."); Log::doLog($this->projectStructure['result']); return false; } if (!empty($this->projectStructure['result']['errors'])) { Log::doLog("Project Creation Failed. Sent to Output all errors."); Log::doLog($this->projectStructure['result']['errors']); return false; } //Log::doLog( array_pop( array_chunk( $SegmentTranslations[$fid], 25, true ) ) ); //create job if (isset($_SESSION['cid']) and !empty($_SESSION['cid'])) { $owner = $_SESSION['cid']; } else { $_SESSION['_anonym_pid'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; //default user $owner = ''; } $isEmptyProject = false; //Throws exception try { $this->_createJobs($this->projectStructure, $owner); //FIXME for project with pre translation this query is not enough, //we need compare the number of segments with translations, but take an eye to the opensource $query_visible_segments = "SELECT count(*) as cattool_segments\n\t\t\t\tFROM segments WHERE id_file IN ( %s ) and show_in_cattool = 1"; $string_file_list = implode(",", $this->projectStructure['file_id_list']->getArrayCopy()); $query_visible_segments = sprintf($query_visible_segments, $string_file_list); $rows = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_visible_segments); if (!$rows) { Log::doLog("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for files ( {$string_file_list} ) - DB Error: " . var_export($this->dbHandler->get_error(), true) . " - \n"); throw new Exception("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for job", -5); } if ($rows[0]['cattool_segments'] == 0) { Log::doLog("Segment Search: No segments in this project - \n"); $isEmptyProject = true; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -9, "message" => "Fail to create Job. ( {$ex->getMessage()} )"); return false; } try { Utils::deleteDir($uploadDir); if (is_dir($uploadDir . '_converted')) { Utils::deleteDir($uploadDir . '_converted'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $output = "<pre>\n"; $output .= " - Exception: " . print_r($e->getMessage(), true) . "\n"; $output .= " - REQUEST URI: " . print_r(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true) . "\n"; $output .= " - REQUEST Message: " . print_r($_REQUEST, true) . "\n"; $output .= " - Trace: \n" . print_r($e->getTraceAsString(), true) . "\n"; $output .= "\n\t"; $output .= "Aborting...\n"; $output .= "</pre>"; Log::doLog($output); Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $e->getMessage()); } $this->projectStructure['status'] = INIT::$VOLUME_ANALYSIS_ENABLED ? Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NEW : Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NOT_TO_ANALYZE; if ($isEmptyProject) { $this->projectStructure['status'] = Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_EMPTY; } $this->projectStructure['result']['code'] = 1; $this->projectStructure['result']['data'] = "OK"; $this->projectStructure['result']['ppassword'] = $this->projectStructure['ppassword']; $this->projectStructure['result']['password'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_pass']; $this->projectStructure['result']['id_job'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list']; $this->projectStructure['result']['job_segments'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_segments']; $this->projectStructure['result']['id_project'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $this->projectStructure['result']['project_name'] = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $this->projectStructure['result']['source_language'] = $this->projectStructure['source_language']; $this->projectStructure['result']['target_language'] = $this->projectStructure['target_language']; $this->projectStructure['result']['status'] = $this->projectStructure['status']; $this->projectStructure['result']['lang_detect'] = $this->projectStructure['lang_detect_files']; $query_project_summary = "\n SELECT\n COUNT( ) AS project_segments,\n SUM( IF( IFNULL( st.eq_word_count, -1 ) = -1, s.raw_word_count, st.eq_word_count ) ) AS project_raw_wordcount\n FROM segments s\n INNER JOIN files_job fj ON fj.id_file = s.id_file\n INNER JOIN jobs j ON fj.id_job\n LEFT JOIN segment_translations st ON = st.id_segment\n WHERE j.id_project = %u\n "; $query_project_summary = sprintf($query_project_summary, $this->projectStructure['id_project']); $project_summary = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_project_summary); $update_project_count = "\n UPDATE projects\n SET\n standard_analysis_wc = %.2F,\n status_analysis = '%s'\n WHERE id = %u\n "; $update_project_count = sprintf($update_project_count, $project_summary[0]['project_raw_wordcount'], $this->projectStructure['status'], $this->projectStructure['id_project']); $this->dbHandler->query($update_project_count); // Log::doLog( $this->projectStructure ); //create Project into DQF queue if (INIT::$DQF_ENABLED && !empty($this->projectStructure['dqf_key'])) { $dqfProjectStruct = DQF_DqfProjectStruct::getStruct(); $dqfProjectStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key']; $dqfProjectStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $dqfProjectStruct->name = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $dqfProjectStruct->source_language = $this->projectStructure['source_language']; $dqfQueue = new Analysis_DqfQueueHandler(); try { $dqfQueue->createProject($dqfProjectStruct); //for each job, push a task into AMQ's DQF queue foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list'] as $i => $jobID) { /** * @var $dqfTaskStruct DQF_DqfTaskStruct */ $dqfTaskStruct = DQF_DqfTaskStruct::getStruct(); $dqfTaskStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key']; $dqfTaskStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $dqfTaskStruct->task_id = $jobID; $dqfTaskStruct->target_language = $this->projectStructure['target_language'][$i]; $dqfTaskStruct->file_name = uniqid('', true) . $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $dqfQueue->createTask($dqfTaskStruct); } } catch (Exception $exn) { $output = __METHOD__ . " (code " . $exn->getCode() . " ) - " . $exn->getMessage(); Log::doLog($output); Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $exn->getMessage()); } } }
/** * @ Function Name : managefolder * @ Function Params : * @ Function Purpose : sends mail to all user from admin side. * @ Function Returns : */ public function managefolder($id = null) { isAdminAuthorize(); /* checked is admin login or not */ $this->load->model('adminmodel'); if ($id) { $data['title'] = 'Edit folder'; } else { $data['title'] = 'New folder'; } $data['foder_array'] = $this->adminmodel->getallfolders($id, null); if (isset($id) && $id != '') { //$data['folderDetail']=$this->adminmodel->getallfolders($id,'getbyId'); comment on 2709 @($data['folderDetail']['parentfolder'] = $this->adminmodel->getallfolders($id, 'byuserId')); } //pre($data['folderDetail']); $options = walk_dir_folder(0, "", $id, 'option'); //pre($options); //echo "<select>"; //$options; //echo "</select>"; if (count($options) > 0) { $data['userfoldersoption'] = $options; } //pre($data['parentfolder']); if ($this->input->post('btnsubmit')) { $result_row = $this->adminmodel->getallfolders($this->input->post('parentfolderid'), 'getbyId'); $clientid = $result_row[0]['userId']; $folderLevel = $result_row[0]['folderLevel']; //pr($result_row); $clientInfoArry = $this->adminmodel->getclientDetail($clientid); //pr($clientInfoArry); /* setredirect url folder id */ if ($this->input->post('redirectfolderid') != null) { $this->session->set_userdata('redirecturlfolderid', $this->input->post('redirectfolderid')); } if ($this->input->post('id')) { $this->form_validation->set_rules('folderName', 'Name', 'required'); } else { $this->form_validation->set_rules('parentfolderid', 'folder name', 'required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('folderName', 'Name', 'required|callback_valid_unique_folder'); } if ($this->form_validation->run() == false) { $this->load->view('admin/managefolder.php', $data); //return false; } else { if ($this->input->post('id') != null) { $folderArray = array('folderName' => $this->input->post('folderName'), 'id' => $this->input->post('id')); } else { $folderArray = array('folderName' => $this->input->post('folderName'), 'parentId' => $this->input->post('parentfolderid'), 'userId' => $clientid, 'googleFolderName' => $this->input->post('folderName'), 'id' => $this->input->post('id'), 'folderLevel' => $folderLevel + 1); } /* save data array in sesssion */ $this->session->set_userdata('folderArrayset', $folderArray); /* Verify google client */ $resultArray = $this->adminmodel->getAccesrefreshToken($clientInfoArry['email']); //pr($resultArray); if (empty($resultArray['refreshToken'])) { redirect('admin/managefolder'); } $refreshtoken = $resultArray['refreshToken']; $accessToken = $this->get_admin_google_accesstoken($refreshtoken); if (!empty($accessToken)) { $this->google_client->setAccessToken($accessToken); } else { redirect('admin/managefolder'); } $folderparentid = $this->session->userdata('folderArrayset'); $parent_folder_row = $this->adminmodel->getallfolders($folderparentid['parentId'], 'getbyId'); $parentfolderName = $parent_folder_row[0]['googleFolderName']; $redirectfolderid = $parent_folder_row[0]['userId']; $folderArray = $this->session->userdata('folderArrayset'); try { $client = $this->google_client; $service = new Google_DriveService($client); if ($folderArray['id'] == null) { //pr($parentfolderName); /* Search parent folder in google drive */ $this->data['user_folders_list'] = retrieveAllFiles($service); //pr($this->data['user_folders_list']); foreach ($this->data['user_folders_list'] as $folders) { if ($folders->title == $parentfolderName) { //pr($parentfolderName); /* Create a folder */ $description = 'new folder in' . $folderArray['folderName']; $parentId = $folders->id; $mimeType = "application/"; $filename = $folderArray['folderName']; $return = insertFile($service, $folderArray['folderName'], $description, $parentId, $mimeType, $filename); } } } if ($return) { $folderArray = array_merge($folderArray, array('googlefolderId' => $return->id)); $result = $this->adminmodel->savefolder($folderArray); } if ($result && $return) { if ($result == 'update') { echo $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<div class="alert-success">Folder updated successfully.</div>'); } else { echo $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<div class="alert-success">Folder added successfully.</div>'); } } else { echo $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<div class="alert-error">Folder not added, please try again.</div>'); } } catch (Exception $e) { pr($e); $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<div class="alert-error">' . $this->lang->line('google_client_not_valid_email') . '</div>'); } redirect('admin/folderlist/' . $this->session->userdata('redirecturlfolderid')); } } else { $this->load->view('admin/managefolder.php', $data); } }
function insertCourse($code, $name, $semester, $year, $instructor_id, $department_id) { checkConnectivity(); $query = sprintf("insert into course(code,name,semster,year,instructor_id,department_id) values('%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,%s)", $code, $name, $semester, $year, $instructor_id, $department_id); mysqli_query($GLOBALS['connection_link'], $query); // each course should have 6 files initially $fileTypes = array("Course_Specifications", "Materials_&_Labs", "Assignments_&_Project_Documents", "Midterm_Exam", "Final_Exam", "End_of_Course_Report"); $i = 0; $id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connection_link']); $result = mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS['connection_link']); for ($i; $i < 6; $i++) { insertFile($fileTypes[$i], $id); } return $result > 0; }
//create project $pid = insertProject('translated_user', "uploadFile"); print "project: " . $pid . "\n"; //create pass $length = 8; // Random $pool = "abcdefghkmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789"; // skipping iljo01 because not easy to distinguish $pool_lenght = strlen($pool); $pwd = ""; for ($index = 0; $index < $length; $index++) { $pwd .= substr($pool, rand() % $pool_lenght, 1); } //create job and file $jid = insertJob($pwd, $pid, '', $xml->Languages->attributes()->source, $xml->Languages->attributes()->target, '', ''); $fid = insertFile($pid, $fileName, $xml->Languages->attributes()->source, 'xml', 'uploaded'); insertFilesJob($jid, $fid); print "job_id: " . $jid . "\n"; print "file_id: " . $fid . "\n"; //get translations $initials = []; $count = 0; //initial translations for ($i = 0; $i < count($xml->initialTargetText->children()); $i++) { $id = $xml->initialTargetText->segment[$i]->attributes()->id; $suggestion = $xml->initialTargetText->segment[$i]; $initials[$count] = [$id, $suggestion]; $count = $count + 1; } $translations = []; $count = 0;
function scanPHP(&$paths, $db, $printStatus = false) { foreach ($paths as $key => $value) { if ($value['ext'] == 'php') { $path = $value['path']; if (insertFile($db, $path)) { cleanElement($db, $path); if ($printStatus) { echo "SCAN " . $path . PHP_EOL; } $path_parts = pathinfo($path); insertElement($db, $path, $path_parts['filename'], $path_parts['extension'], "", 'file', 0); $content = file_get_contents($path); $tokens = token_get_all($content); /*if($path == '/var/www/src/grep/test.php') { echo "<pre>"; var_dump($tokens); echo "</pre>"; }*/ $tree = array(); scanTree($tree, $tokens, 0); /*if($path == '/var/www/src/grep/test.php') { echo "<pre>"; var_dump($tree); echo "</pre>"; }*/ saveTree($tree, $tokens, $path, $db); } else { if ($printStatus) { echo "SKIP " . $path . PHP_EOL; } } } } }
function commandCheck($command) { global $servername, $username, $password; // Swicth case checking input argument switch ($command[1]) { case "--help": helpDirectives(); break; case "--file": $filename = $command[2]; if ($command[3] == "-u") { $username = $command[4]; } elseif ($command[3] == "-p") { $password = $command[4]; } elseif ($command[3] == "-h") { $servername = $command[4]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } if ($command[5] == "-u") { $username = $command[6]; } elseif ($command[5] == "-p") { $password = $command[6]; } elseif ($command[5] == "-h") { $servername = $command[6]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } if ($command[7] == "-u") { $username = $command[8]; } elseif ($command[7] == "-p") { $password = $command[8]; } elseif ($command[7] == "-h") { $servername = $command[8]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } initDB(); insertFile($filename); break; case "--create_table": if ($command[2] == "-u") { $username = $command[3]; } elseif ($command[2] == "-p") { $password = $command[3]; } elseif ($command[2] == "-h") { $servername = $command[3]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } if ($command[4] == "-u") { $username = $command[5]; } elseif ($command[4] == "-p") { $password = $command[5]; } elseif ($command[4] == "-h") { $servername = $command[5]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } if ($command[6] == "-u") { $username = $command[7]; } elseif ($command[6] == "-p") { $password = $command[7]; } elseif ($command[6] == "-h") { $servername = $command[7]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } initDB(); createTable(); break; case "--dry_run": $filename = $command[3]; if ($command[4] == "-u") { $username = $command[5]; } elseif ($command[4] == "-p") { $password = $command[5]; } elseif ($command[4] == "-h") { $servername = $command[5]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } if ($command[6] == "-u") { $username = $command[7]; } elseif ($command[6] == "-p") { $password = $command[7]; } elseif ($command[6] == "-h") { $servername = $command[7]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } if ($command[8] == "-u") { $username = $command[9]; } elseif ($command[8] == "-p") { $password = $command[9]; } elseif ($command[8] == "-h") { $servername = $command[9]; } else { exit("Invalid user or host argument\n"); } initDB(); dryRun($filename); break; default: echo "Invalid command entered\n"; } }
function URSRC_calendar_create($loggin,$fileId,$loginid_name,$URSC_uld_id,$finaldate,$calenderid,$status,$form,$filesarray,$URSRC_firstname,$URSRC_lastname,$folderid){ global $con,$ClientId,$ClientSecret,$RedirectUri,$DriveScopes,$CalenderScopes,$Refresh_Token; $drive = new Google_Client(); $drive->setClientId($ClientId); $drive->setClientSecret($ClientSecret); $drive->setRedirectUri($RedirectUri); $drive->setScopes(array($DriveScopes,$CalenderScopes)); $drive->setAccessType('online'); $authUrl = $drive->createAuthUrl(); $refresh_token= $Refresh_Token; $drive->refreshToken($refresh_token); $service = new Google_Service_Drive($drive); if($form=='TERMINATE'){ $file_arraycount=1; try { $permissions = $service->permissions->listPermissions($fileId); $return_value= $permissions->getItems(); } catch (Exception $e) { $ss_flag=0; } foreach ($return_value as $key => $value) { if ($value->emailAddress==$loggin) { $permission_id=$value->id; } } if($permission_id!=''){ try { $service->permissions->delete($fileId, $permission_id); $ss_flag=1; } catch (Exception $e) { $ss_flag=0; } } else{ $ss_flag=1; } } else{ $value=$loggin; $type='user'; $role='reader'; $email=$loggin; $newPermission = new Google_Service_Drive_Permission(); $newPermission->setValue($value); $newPermission->setType($type); $newPermission->setRole($role); $newPermission->setEmailAddress($email); try { $service->permissions->insert($fileId, $newPermission); $ss_flag=1; } catch (Exception $e) { $ss_flag=0; } if($ss_flag==1){ if($filesarray!='') { $file_array=array(); $allfilearray=(explode(",",$filesarray)); foreach ($allfilearray as $value) { $uploadfilename=$value; $drivefilename=$URSRC_firstname.' '.$URSRC_lastname.'-'.$uploadfilename; $extension =(explode(".",$uploadfilename)); if($extension[1]=='pdf'){$mimeType='application/pdf';} if($extension[1]=='jpg'){$mimeType='image/jpeg';} if($extension[1]=='png'){$mimeType='image/png';} $file_id_value =insertFile($service,$drivefilename,'PersonalDetails',$folderid,$mimeType,$uploadfilename); if($file_id_value!=''){ array_push($file_array,$file_id_value); } } $file_arraycount=count($file_array); } else{ $file_arraycount=1; } } } if($ss_flag==1 && $file_arraycount>0){ $cal = new Google_Service_Calendar($drive); $event = new Google_Service_Calendar_Event(); $event->setsummary($loginid_name.' '.$status); $event->setDescription($URSC_uld_id); $start = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime(); $start->setDate($finaldate);//setDate('2014-11-18'); $event->setStart($start); $event->setEnd($start); try{ $createdEvent = $cal->events->insert($calenderid, $event); $cal_flag=1; } catch(Exception $e){ $cal_flag=0; } } $flag_array=[$ss_flag,$cal_flag,$file_id_value,$file_array]; return $flag_array; }
function save_custom_meta($post_id) { global $custom_meta_fields, $post; // verify nonce if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['custom_meta_box_nonce'], basename(__FILE__))) { return $post_id; } // check autosave if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) { return $post_id; } // check permissions if ('page' == $_POST['post_type']) { if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } } elseif (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } $files = getFileByPostID($post->ID); // loop through fields and save the data foreach ($custom_meta_fields as $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'tax_select') { continue; } $old = get_post_meta($post_id, $field['id'], true); $new = $_POST[$field['id']]; if ($new && $new != $old) { update_post_meta($post_id, $field['id'], $new); } elseif ('' == $new && $old) { delete_post_meta($post_id, $field['id'], $old); } if ($field['type'] == 'download') { $gID = $_POST['_infomation_download_file_id_']; $files = (array) $files; foreach ($files as $file) { $file = (array) $file; if (!in_array($file['file_id'], $gID)) { deleteFile(array('file_id' => $file['file_id'])); } } $gFileName = $_POST['_infomation_download_file_name_']; $gFileLink = $_POST['_infomation_download_file_']; $gFileDes = $_POST['_infomation_download_des_']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($gID); $i++) { if (!empty($gFileName[$i]) && !empty($gFileLink[$i])) { if (empty($gID[$i])) { $data = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'file' => $gFileLink[$i], 'jad_file' => " ", 'file_name' => $gFileName[$i], 'file_des' => $gFileDes[$i], 'file_size' => remote_filesize($gFileLink[$i]), 'file_date' => date("d-m-Y H:i:s"), 'file_updated_date' => date("d-m-Y H:i:s"), 'file_last_downloaded_date' => date("d-m-Y H:i:s")); insertFile($data); } else { $data = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'file' => $gFileLink[$i], 'jad_file' => " ", 'file_name' => $gFileName[$i], 'file_des' => $gFileDes[$i], 'file_size' => remote_filesize($gFileLink[$i]), 'file_updated_date' => date("d-m-Y H:i:s")); $where = array('file_id' => $gID[$i]); updateFile($data, $where); } } } } } // enf foreach }
function insertFile($filePath) { include 'openDB.php'; $key = hash('sha256', $filePath); $user = $_SESSION['user']; $insert = $db->prepare("insert into files (file, key, users) values ('{$filePath}', '{$key}', '{$user}')"); $insert->execute(); include 'closeDB.php'; } session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && isset($_POST['dir'])) { include 'config.php'; include 'auth.php'; $uploadDir = getDir($_POST['dir']); if (!auth('dir', $_SESSION['user'], $uploadDir)) { header('Location: /logout.php'); } $errors = array(); $file_name = $_FILES['uploadFile']['name']; $file_size = $_FILES['uploadFile']['size']; $file_tmp = $_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name']; $file_type = $_FILES['uploadFile']['type']; if ($file_size > $maxUploadSize) { $errors[] = "File is too large"; } if (empty($errors) == true) { move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $uploadDir . $file_name); insertFile($uploadDir . $file_name); } } header("Location: /files.php");
// Refresh the user token and grand the privileges $client->setAccessToken($credentials); $service = new Google_Service_Drive($client); // Set the file metadata for drive $mimeType = $_FILES["file"]["type"]; $title = $_FILES["file"]["name"]; $description = "Uploaded from your very first google drive application!"; // Get the folder metadata if (!empty($_POST["folderName"])) { $folderName = $_POST["folderName"]; } if (!empty($_POST["folderDesc"])) { $folderDesc = $_POST["folderDesc"]; } // Call the insert function with parameters listed below $driveInfo = insertFile($service, $title, $description, $mimeType, $file_tmp_name, $folderName, $folderDesc); /** * Get the folder ID if it exists, if it doesnt exist, create it and return the ID * * @param Google_DriveService $service Drive API service instance. * @param String $folderName Name of the folder you want to search or create * @param String $folderDesc Description metadata for Drive about the folder (optional) * @return Google_Drivefile that was created or got. Returns NULL if an API error occured */ function getFolderExistsCreate($service, $folderName, $folderDesc) { // List all user files (and folders) at Drive root $files = $service->files->listFiles(); $found = false; // Go through each one to see if there is already a folder with the specified name foreach ($files['items'] as $item) {
function formProcess_file($option) { $errorText = ''; if (!check_csrf_token()) { zamgerlog("csrf token nije dobar", 3); zamgerlog2("csrf token nije dobar"); return "Poslani podaci nisu ispravni. Vratite se nazad, ponovo popunite formu i kliknite na dugme Pošalji"; } set_time_limit(0); if (!in_array($option, array('add', 'edit'))) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; return $errorText; } $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if ($option == 'edit' && $id <= 0) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; zamgerlog("pokusao urediti nepostojeci fajl {$id}, projekat {$projekat} (pp{$predmet})", 3); zamgerlog2("pokusao urediti nepostojeci fajl", $id, $projekat); return $errorText; } if ($option == 'edit' && isThisFileFirstRevision($id) == false) { //cannot get access to revisions other than the first one $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; zamgerlog("pokusao urediti staru reviziju fajla {$id}, projekat {$projekat} (pp{$predmet})", 3); zamgerlog2("pokusao urediti staru reviziju fajla", $id, $projekat); return $errorText; } //process file if ($option == 'edit') { $entry = getFileFirstRevision($id); $lastRevisionEntry = getFileLastRevision($id); } //get variables $filename = $_FILES['filename']; if ($option == 'edit') { $revizija = $lastRevisionEntry[revizija] + 1; $file = $entry['id']; } else { $revizija = 1; $file = ''; } $projekat = intval($_REQUEST['projekat']); $predmet = intval($_REQUEST['predmet']); global $userid; if ($filename['error'] == 4) { $errorText = 'Unesite sva obavezna polja.'; return $errorText; } global $conf_files_path; $lokacijafajlova = "{$conf_files_path}/projekti/fajlovi/{$projekat}/{$userid}/"; if (!file_exists("{$conf_files_path}/projekti/fajlovi/{$projekat}")) { mkdir("{$conf_files_path}/projekti/fajlovi/{$projekat}", 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($lokacijafajlova)) { mkdir($lokacijafajlova, 0777, true); } //adding or replacing file - depends on the $option parameter(add, edit) if ($filename['error'] > 0) { if ($filename['error'] == 1 || $filename['error'] == 2) { $errorText .= 'Pokušavate poslati fajl koji je veci od dozvoljene velicine. Probajte sa manjim fajlom.<br />'; } else { $errorText .= 'Vaš fajl nije poslan korektno. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.<br />'; } return $errorText; } else { //No error occured so far //escape file name before upload if ($option == 'add') { $Name = $filename['name']; } else { $Name = $entry[filename]; } $Name = trim($Name); //make directory structure for this file //$uploadDir = $lokacijafajlova . "$Name" . "_revizije/v$revizija/"; $uploadDir = $lokacijafajlova . "{$Name}/"; if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) { mkdir($uploadDir, 0777, true); } $uploadDir = $uploadDir . "v{$revizija}/"; if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) { mkdir($uploadDir, 0777, true); } //final file name if ($option == 'add') { $uploadFile = $Name; } else { $uploadFile = $entry['filename']; } if (move_uploaded_file($filename['tmp_name'], $uploadDir . $uploadFile)) { //transfered a file to upload directory from temp dir //if edit option REPLACING the old image (overwrite) chmod($uploadDir . $uploadFile, 0777); } else { $errorText .= 'Desila se greška prilikom uploada fajla. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.<br />AA'; return $errorText; } //else } //else //diff $diff = ''; $diffing = 0; if ($option == 'edit') { //diffing with textual files only $lastRevisionFile = $lokacijafajlova . $lastRevisionEntry['filename'] . '/v' . $lastRevisionEntry['revizija'] . '/' . $lastRevisionEntry['filename']; $newFile = $uploadDir . $uploadFile; $extension = preg_replace('/.+(\\..*)$/', '$1', $lastRevisionEntry['filename']); $textExtensions = array('.txt'); if (in_array($extension, $textExtensions)) { $diffing = 1; } if ($diffing == 1) { $diff = `/usr/bin/diff -u {$lastRevisionFile} {$newFile}`; } } //option == edit $data = array('filename' => $uploadFile, 'revizija' => $revizija, 'file' => $file, 'osoba' => $userid, 'projekat' => $projekat, 'diffing' => $diffing, 'diff' => $diff); if (!insertFile($data)) { $errorText = 'Doslo je do greske prilikom spasavanja podataka. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora.'; return $errorText; } return $errorText; }
public function doAction() { if (empty($this->file_name)) { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "Missing file name."); return false; } $arFiles = explode(',', $this->file_name); $default_project_name = $arFiles[0]; if (count($arFiles) > 1 && empty($this->project_name)) { $default_project_name = "MATECAT_PROJ-" . date("Ymdhi"); } $intDir = INIT::$UPLOAD_ROOT . '/' . $_COOKIE['upload_session']; if (count($arFiles) > 0) { $xliff = simplexml_load_file($intDir . '/' . $arFiles[0]); $src_lang = (string) $xliff->file['source-language']; if (!empty($src_lang) && empty($this->source_language)) { $this->source_language = $src_lang; } $tgt_lang = (string) $xliff->file['target-language']; if (!empty($tgt_lang) && empty($this->target_language)) { $this->target_language = $tgt_lang; } } if (empty($this->project_name)) { $this->project_name = $default_project_name; //'NO_NAME'.$this->create_project_name(); } if (empty($this->source_language)) { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -3, "message" => "Missing source language."); return false; } if (empty($this->target_language)) { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -4, "message" => "Missing target language."); return false; } if (empty($this->tms_engine)) { $this->tms_engine = 1; // default MyMemory } // add her the cookie mangement for remembere the last 3 choosed languages // project name sanitize $this->project_name = preg_replace('/["\' \\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}\\+\\*]/', "_", $this->project_name); $this->project_name = preg_replace('/[_]{2,}/', "_", $this->project_name); $this->project_name = STR_replace('_.', ".", $this->project_name); //echo $this->project_name; // project name validation $pattern = "/^[\\p{L}\\ 0-9a-zA-Z_\\.\\-]+\$/"; if (!preg_match($pattern, $this->project_name)) { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "Invalid Project Name {$this->project_name}: it should only contain numbers and letters!"); // $this->result['project_name_error'] = $this->project_name; return false; } // create project $pid = insertProject('translated_user', $this->project_name); //create job $password = $this->create_password(); $jid = insertJob($password, $pid, '', $this->source_language, $this->target_language, $this->mt_engine, $this->tms_engine); foreach ($arFiles as $file) { $filename = $intDir . '/' . $file; if (file_exists($filename)) { } else { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -6, "message" => "File not found on server after upload."); } $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle); $fileSplit = explode('.', $file); $mimeType = $fileSplit[count($fileSplit) - 1]; $fid = insertFile($pid, $file, $this->source_language, $mimeType, $contents); insertFilesJob($jid, $fid); $insertSegments = extractSegments($intDir, $file, $pid, $fid, $jid); } $this->deleteDir($intDir); if ($insertSegments) { $this->result['code'] = 1; $this->result['data'] = "OK"; $this->result['password'] = $password; $this->result['id_job'] = $jid; $this->result['project_name'] = $this->project_name; $this->result['source_language'] = $this->source_language; $this->result['target_language'] = $this->target_language; } else { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Not able to import this XLIFF file. ({$file})"); } setcookie("upload_session", "", time() - 10000); }
function upload_file_to_google_drive($title, $filename) { $fileId = searchFile($this->service, $title); if ($fileId != null) { echo __FUNCTION__ . ": updating file: " . $filename . " to google drive\n"; updateFile($this->service, $fileId, $title, $title, $this->mime_type, $filename, false); } else { echo __FUNCTION__ . ": uploading file: " . $filename . " to google drive\n"; insertFile($this->service, $title, $title, $this->folder_id, $this->mime_type, $filename); } }
public function createProject() { // project name sanitize $oldName = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $this->projectStructure['project_name'] = $this->_sanitizeName($this->projectStructure['project_name']); if ($this->projectStructure['project_name'] == false) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "Invalid Project Name " . $oldName . ": it should only contain numbers and letters!"); return false; } // create project $this->projectStructure['ppassword'] = $this->_generatePassword(); $this->projectStructure['user_ip'] = Utils::getRealIpAddr(); $this->projectStructure['id_customer'] = 'translated_user'; $this->projectStructure['id_project'] = insertProject($this->projectStructure); //create user (Massidda 2013-01-24) //check if all the keys are valid MyMemory keys if (!empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'])) { foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $i => $_tmKey) { $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setTmKey($_tmKey['key']); try { $keyExists = $this->tmxServiceWrapper->checkCorrectKey(); if (!isset($keyExists) || $keyExists === false) { Log::doLog(__METHOD__ . " -> TM key is not valid."); throw new Exception("TM key is not valid.", -4); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage()); return false; } //set the first key as primary $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setTmKey($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']); } //check if the MyMemory keys provided by the user are already associated to him. if ($this->projectStructure['userIsLogged']) { $mkDao = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyDao($this->dbHandler); $searchMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct(); $searchMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid']; $userMemoryKeys = $mkDao->read($searchMemoryKey); $userTmKeys = array(); $memoryKeysToBeInserted = array(); //extract user tm keys foreach ($userMemoryKeys as $_memoKey) { /** * @var $_memoKey TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct */ $userTmKeys[] = $_memoKey->tm_key->key; } foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $_tmKey) { if (!in_array($_tmKey['key'], $userTmKeys)) { $newMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct(); $newTmKey = new TmKeyManagement_TmKeyStruct(); $newTmKey->key = $_tmKey['key']; $newTmKey->tm = true; $newTmKey->glos = true; //TODO: take this from input $newTmKey->name = $_tmKey['name']; $newMemoryKey->tm_key = $newTmKey; $newMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid']; $memoryKeysToBeInserted[] = $newMemoryKey; } else { Log::doLog('skip insertion'); } } try { $mkDao->createList($memoryKeysToBeInserted); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); # Here we handle the error, displaying HTML, logging, ... $output = "<pre>\n"; $output .= $e->getMessage() . "\n\t"; $output .= "</pre>"; Utils::sendErrMailReport($output); } } //the base case is when the user clicks on "generate private TM" button: //a (user, pass, key) tuple is generated and can be inserted //if it comes with it's own key without querying the creation API, create a (key,key,key) user if (empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'])) { $this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']; $this->projectStructure['private_tm_pass'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key']; } insertTranslator($this->projectStructure); } //sort files in order to process TMX first $sortedFiles = array(); foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { if ('tmx' == pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { //found TMX, enable language checking routines $this->checkTMX = 1; array_unshift($sortedFiles, $fileName); } else { array_push($sortedFiles, $fileName); } } $this->projectStructure['array_files'] = $sortedFiles; unset($sortedFiles); $uploadDir = INIT::$UPLOAD_REPOSITORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->projectStructure['uploadToken']; foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { //if TMX, if ('tmx' == pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { $file = new stdClass(); $file->file_path = "{$uploadDir}/{$fileName}"; $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setName($fileName); $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setFile(array($file)); try { $this->tmxServiceWrapper->addTmxInMyMemory(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage()); return false; } //in any case, skip the rest of the loop, go to the next file continue; } /** * Conversion Enforce * * we have to know if a file can be found in _converted directory * * Check Extension no more sufficient, we want check content * if this is an idiom xlf file type, conversion are enforced * $enforcedConversion = true; //( if conversion is enabled ) */ $isAConvertedFile = true; try { $fileType = DetectProprietaryXliff::getInfo(INIT::$UPLOAD_REPOSITORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->projectStructure['uploadToken'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName); if (DetectProprietaryXliff::isXliffExtension()) { if (INIT::$CONVERSION_ENABLED) { //conversion enforce if (!INIT::$FORCE_XLIFF_CONVERSION) { //ONLY IDIOM is forced to be converted //if file is not proprietary like idiom AND Enforce is disabled //we take it as is if (!$fileType['proprietary']) { $isAConvertedFile = false; //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff } } else { //if conversion enforce is active //we force all xliff files but not files produced by SDL Studio because we can handle them if ($fileType['proprietary_short_name'] == 'trados') { $isAConvertedFile = false; //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff } } } elseif ($fileType['proprietary']) { /** * Application misconfiguration. * upload should not be happened, but if we are here, raise an error. * @see upload.class.php * */ $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -8, "message" => "Proprietary xlf format detected. Not able to import this XLIFF file. ({$fileName})"); setcookie("upload_session", "", time() - 10000); return -1; //stop execution } elseif (!$fileType['proprietary']) { $isAConvertedFile = false; //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff } } } catch (Exception $e) { Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); } $mimeType = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $original_content = ""; /* if it's not one of the listed formats (or it is, but you had to convert it anyway), and conversion is enabled in first place */ if ($isAConvertedFile) { //converted file is inside "_converted" directory $fileDir = $uploadDir . '_converted'; $original_content = file_get_contents("{$uploadDir}/{$fileName}"); $sha1_original = sha1($original_content); $original_content = gzdeflate($original_content, 5); //file name is a xliff converted like: 'a_word_document.doc.sdlxliff' $real_fileName = $fileName . '.sdlxliff'; } else { //filename is already an xliff and it is in a canonical normal directory $sha1_original = ""; $fileDir = $uploadDir; $real_fileName = $fileName; } $filePathName = $fileDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $real_fileName; if (!file_exists($filePathName)) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -6, "message" => "File not found on server after upload."); } try { $info = pathinfo($filePathName); if ($info['extension'] == 'xliff' || $info['extension'] == 'sdlxliff' || $info['extension'] == 'xlf') { $contents = file_get_contents($filePathName); } else { throw new Exception("Failed to find Xliff - no segments found", -3); } $fid = insertFile($this->projectStructure, $fileName, $mimeType, $contents, $sha1_original, $original_content); $this->projectStructure['file_id_list']->append($fid); $this->_extractSegments($contents, $fid); unset($contents); //free memory //Log::doLog( $this->projectStructure['segments'] ); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == -1) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "No text to translate in the file {$fileName}."); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -2) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store segments in database for {$fileName}"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -3) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "File {$fileName} not found. Failed to save XLIFF conversion on disk"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -4) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Internal Error. Xliff Import: Error parsing. ( {$fileName} )"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -11) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files on disk. Permission denied"); } elseif ($e->getCode() == -12) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files in database"); } else { //mysql insert Blob Error $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "File is Too large. ( {$fileName} )"); } Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); } //exit; } //check if the files language equals the source language. If not, set an error message. if (!$this->projectStructure['skip_lang_validation']) { $this->validateFilesLanguages(); } /****************/ //loop again through files to check to check for TMX loading foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) { //if TMX, if ('tmx' == pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { $this->tmxServiceWrapper->setName($fileName); $result = array(); //is the TM loaded? //wait until current TMX is loaded while (true) { try { $result = $this->tmxServiceWrapper->tmxUploadStatus(); if ($result['completed']) { //"$fileName" has been loaded into MyMemory" //exit the loop break; } //"waiting for "$fileName" to be loaded into MyMemory" sleep(3); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage()); Log::doLog($e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); //exit project creation return false; } } //once the language is loaded, check if language is compliant (unless something useful has already been found) if (1 == $this->checkTMX) { //get localized target languages of TM (in case it's a multilingual TM) $tmTargets = explode(';', $result['data']['target_lang']); //indicates if something has been found for current memory $found = false; //compare localized target languages array (in case it's a multilingual project) to the TM supplied //if nothing matches, then the TM supplied can't have matches for this project //create an empty var and add the source language too $project_languages = array_merge((array) $this->projectStructure['target_language'], (array) $this->projectStructure['source_language']); foreach ($project_languages as $projectTarget) { if (in_array($this->langService->getLocalizedName($projectTarget), $tmTargets)) { $found = true; break; } } //if this TM matches the project lagpair and something has been found if ($found and $result['data']['source_lang'] == $this->langService->getLocalizedName($this->projectStructure['source_language'])) { //the TMX is good to go $this->checkTMX = 0; } elseif ($found and $result['data']['target_lang'] == $this->langService->getLocalizedName($this->projectStructure['source_language'])) { /* * This means that the TMX has a srclang as specification in the header. Warn the user. * Ex: * <header creationtool="SDL Language Platform" * creationtoolversion="8.0" * datatype="rtf" * segtype="sentence" * adminlang="DE-DE" * srclang="DE-DE" /> */ $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -16, "message" => "The TMX you provided explicitly specifies {$result['data']['source_lang']} as source language. Check that the specified language source in the TMX file match the language source of your project or remove that specification in TMX file."); $this->checkTMX = 0; Log::doLog($this->projectStructure['result']); } } } } if (1 == $this->checkTMX) { //this means that noone of uploaded TMX were usable for this project. Warn the user. $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -16, "message" => "The TMX did not contain any usable segment. Check that the languages in the TMX file match the languages of your project."); Log::doLog($this->projectStructure['result']); return false; } if (!empty($this->projectStructure['result']['errors'])) { Log::doLog("Project Creation Failed. Sent to Output all errors."); Log::doLog($this->projectStructure['result']['errors']); return false; } //Log::doLog( array_pop( array_chunk( $SegmentTranslations[$fid], 25, true ) ) ); //create job if (isset($_SESSION['cid']) and !empty($_SESSION['cid'])) { $owner = $_SESSION['cid']; } else { $_SESSION['_anonym_pid'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; //default user $owner = ''; } $isEmptyProject = false; //Throws exception try { $this->_createJobs($this->projectStructure, $owner); //FIXME for project with pre translation this query is not enough, //we need compare the number of segments with translations, but take an eye to the opensource $query_visible_segments = "SELECT count(*) as cattool_segments\n FROM segments WHERE id_file IN ( %s ) and show_in_cattool = 1"; $string_file_list = implode(",", $this->projectStructure['file_id_list']->getArrayCopy()); $query_visible_segments = sprintf($query_visible_segments, $string_file_list); $rows = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_visible_segments); if (!$rows) { Log::doLog("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for files ( {$string_file_list} ) - DB Error: " . var_export($this->dbHandler->get_error(), true) . " - \n"); throw new Exception("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for job", -5); } if ($rows[0]['cattool_segments'] == 0) { Log::doLog("Segment Search: No segments in this project - \n"); $isEmptyProject = true; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -9, "message" => "Fail to create Job. ( {$ex->getMessage()} )"); return false; } try { Utils::deleteDir($uploadDir); if (is_dir($uploadDir . '_converted')) { Utils::deleteDir($uploadDir . '_converted'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $output = "<pre>\n"; $output .= " - Exception: " . print_r($e->getMessage(), true) . "\n"; $output .= " - REQUEST URI: " . print_r(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true) . "\n"; $output .= " - REQUEST Message: " . print_r($_REQUEST, true) . "\n"; $output .= " - Trace: \n" . print_r($e->getTraceAsString(), true) . "\n"; $output .= "\n\t"; $output .= "Aborting...\n"; $output .= "</pre>"; Log::doLog($output); Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $e->getMessage()); } $this->projectStructure['status'] = INIT::$VOLUME_ANALYSIS_ENABLED ? Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NEW : Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NOT_TO_ANALYZE; if ($isEmptyProject) { $this->projectStructure['status'] = Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_EMPTY; } $this->projectStructure['result']['code'] = 1; $this->projectStructure['result']['data'] = "OK"; $this->projectStructure['result']['ppassword'] = $this->projectStructure['ppassword']; $this->projectStructure['result']['password'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_pass']; $this->projectStructure['result']['id_job'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list']; $this->projectStructure['result']['job_segments'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_segments']; $this->projectStructure['result']['id_project'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $this->projectStructure['result']['project_name'] = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $this->projectStructure['result']['source_language'] = $this->projectStructure['source_language']; $this->projectStructure['result']['target_language'] = $this->projectStructure['target_language']; $this->projectStructure['result']['status'] = $this->projectStructure['status']; $this->projectStructure['result']['lang_detect'] = $this->projectStructure['lang_detect_files']; $query_project_summary = "\n SELECT\n COUNT( ) AS project_segments,\n SUM( IF( IFNULL( st.eq_word_count, -1 ) = -1, s.raw_word_count, st.eq_word_count ) ) AS project_raw_wordcount\n FROM segments s\n INNER JOIN files_job fj ON fj.id_file = s.id_file\n INNER JOIN jobs j ON fj.id_job\n LEFT JOIN segment_translations st ON = st.id_segment\n WHERE j.id_project = %u\n "; $query_project_summary = sprintf($query_project_summary, $this->projectStructure['id_project']); $project_summary = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_project_summary); /** * TODO: remove after queue implementation */ // if( 0 && $project_summary[0]['project_segments'] > 50000 ) { // $this->projectStructure[ 'status' ] = Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NOT_TO_ANALYZE; // // $msg = " // WARNING: a project with more than 50.000 segments was created. ( " . $project_summary[0]['project_segments'] . " )\n" . // var_export( $this->projectStructure[ 'result' ], true ) . "\n\n" . // " " . // var_export( $project_summary[0] , true ) . "\n"; // // Utils::sendErrMailReport( $msg, "Alert: Project Creation Abort. - " ); // // } $update_project_count = "\n UPDATE projects\n SET\n standard_analysis_wc = %.2F,\n status_analysis = '%s'\n WHERE id = %u\n "; $update_project_count = sprintf($update_project_count, $project_summary[0]['project_raw_wordcount'], $this->projectStructure['status'], $this->projectStructure['id_project']); $this->dbHandler->query($update_project_count); // Log::doLog( $this->projectStructure ); //create Project into DQF queue if (INIT::$DQF_ENABLED && !empty($this->projectStructure['dqf_key'])) { $dqfProjectStruct = DQF_DqfProjectStruct::getStruct(); $dqfProjectStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key']; $dqfProjectStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $dqfProjectStruct->name = $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $dqfProjectStruct->source_language = $this->projectStructure['source_language']; $dqfQueue = new Analysis_DqfQueueHandler(); try { $dqfQueue->createProject($dqfProjectStruct); //for each job, push a task into AMQ's DQF queue foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list'] as $i => $jobID) { /** * @var $dqfTaskStruct DQF_DqfTaskStruct */ $dqfTaskStruct = DQF_DqfTaskStruct::getStruct(); $dqfTaskStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key']; $dqfTaskStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project']; $dqfTaskStruct->task_id = $jobID; $dqfTaskStruct->target_language = $this->projectStructure['target_language'][$i]; $dqfTaskStruct->file_name = uniqid('', true) . $this->projectStructure['project_name']; $dqfQueue->createTask($dqfTaskStruct); } } catch (Exception $exn) { $output = __METHOD__ . " (code " . $exn->getCode() . " ) - " . $exn->getMessage(); Log::doLog($output); Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $exn->getMessage()); } } // var_dump($this->projectStructure); // exit; }
public function checkfolderIsexistorNot() { $clientid = $this->session->userdata('clientId'); if (empty($clientid)) { return false; } $allfolders = $this->usermodel->getallfolders($clientid, null); $checkcomp = false; if (count($allfolders) > 0) { $allfolders[0]['googlefolderId']; try { $client = $this->google_client; $client->setAccessToken($this->session->userdata('accessToken')); $service = new Google_DriveService($client); //pre($allfolders ); foreach ($allfolders as $folder) { try { $file = $service->files->get($folder['googlefolderId']); } catch (Exception $e) { $file = ''; } if ($file->labels->trashed == 1 || empty($file)) { //pr($file); $parentfolder = $this->usermodel->getallfolders($folder['parentId'], 'parentId'); $parentId = $parentfolder[0]['googlefolderId']; /* Create a folder */ $description = 'new folder in' . $folder['folderName']; $mimeType = "application/"; $filename = $folder['folderName']; $title = $folder['folderName']; $return = insertFile($service, $title, $description, $parentId, $mimeType, $filename); $googlefolderid = $return->id; $this->usermodel->updategooglefolderkey($folder['id'], $googlefolderid); } } $checkcomp = true; } catch (Exception $e) { } } if ($checkcomp) { $this->session->set_userdata('checkFold', true); //$uid=$this->session->userdata('userId'); //$this->usermodel->textcode($uid); } }