function displaySpecificTypeField($ID, $field = array())
     switch ($field['type']) {
         case 'tinymce':
             // Display empty field
             echo "&nbsp;</td></tr>";
             // And a new line to have a complete display
             echo "<tr class='center'><td colspan='5'>";
             echo "<textarea name='" . $field['name'] . "' rows='3'>" . $this->fields[$field['name']] . "</textarea>";
Example #2
  * Form to add a solution to a ticket
  * @param $knowbase_id_toload integer load a kb article as solution (0 = no load)
 function showSolutionForm($knowbase_id_toload = 0)
     global $LANG, $CFG_GLPI;
     $this->check($this->getField('id'), 'r');
     $canedit = $this->canSolve();
     $options = array();
     if ($knowbase_id_toload > 0) {
         $kb = new KnowbaseItem();
         if ($kb->getFromDB($knowbase_id_toload)) {
             $this->fields['solution'] = $kb->getField('answer');
     $show_template = $canedit;
     //                        && $this->getField('ticketsolutiontypes_id') == 0
     //                        && empty($this->fields['solution']);
     $rand_template = mt_rand();
     $rand_text = $rand_type = 0;
     if ($canedit) {
         $rand_text = mt_rand();
         $rand_type = mt_rand();
     if ($show_template) {
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
         echo "<td>" . $LANG['jobresolution'][6] . "&nbsp;:&nbsp;</td><td>";
         Dropdown::show('TicketSolutionTemplate', array('value' => 0, 'entity' => $this->getEntityID(), 'rand' => $rand_template, 'toupdate' => array('value_fieldname' => 'value', 'to_update' => 'solution' . $rand_text, 'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/solution.php", 'moreparams' => array('type_id' => 'dropdown_ticketsolutiontypes_id' . $rand_type))));
         echo "</td><td colspan='2'>";
         echo "<a title\"" . $LANG['job'][23] . "\"\n                  href='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/front/knowbaseitem.php?tickets_id=" . $this->getField('id') . "'>" . $LANG['job'][23] . "</a>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
     echo "<td>" . $LANG['job'][48] . "&nbsp;:&nbsp;</td><td>";
     $current = $this->fields['status'];
     // Settings a solution will set status to solved
     if ($canedit) {
         Dropdown::show('TicketSolutionType', array('value' => $this->getField('ticketsolutiontypes_id'), 'rand' => $rand_type));
     } else {
         echo Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_ticketsolutiontypes', $this->getField('ticketsolutiontypes_id'));
     echo "</td><td>" . $LANG['job'][25] . "</td><td>";
     Dropdown::showYesNo('_sol_to_kb', false);
     echo "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
     echo "<td>" . $LANG['joblist'][6] . "&nbsp;: </td><td colspan='3'>";
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div id='solution{$rand_text}'>";
         echo "<textarea id='solution' name='solution' rows='12' cols='80'>";
         echo $this->getField('solution');
         echo "</textarea></div>";
     } else {
         echo unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep($this->getField('solution'));
     echo "</td></tr>";
     $options['candel'] = false;
     $options['canedit'] = $canedit;
Example #3
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GLPI; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original Author of file: Julien Dombre
// Purpose of file:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
define('GLPI_ROOT', '..');
include GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/includes.php";
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
if (isset($_POST['value']) && $_POST['value'] > 0) {
    $template = new TicketSolutionTemplate();
    if ($template->getFromDB($_POST['value'])) {
        echo "<textarea id='solution' name='solution' rows='12' cols='80'>";
        echo $template->getField('content');
        echo "</textarea>\n";
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById('" . $_POST["type_id"] . "').\n             value = " . $template->getField('ticketsolutiontypes_id') . "</script>";
} else {
    echo "<textarea id='solution' name='solution' rows='12' cols='80'></textarea>";
 function showForm($ID, $options)
     global $DB, $LANG, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!haveRight("config", "w")) {
         return false;
     if (empty($ID)) {
         if ($this->getEmpty()) {
             $notificationtemplates_id = $options['notificationtemplates_id'];
     } else {
         if ($this->getFromDB($ID)) {
             $notificationtemplates_id = $this->getField('notificationtemplates_id');
     $canedit = haveRight("config", "w");
     $template = new NotificationTemplate();
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . $template->getTypeName() . "</td>";
     echo "<td colspan='2'><a href='" . getItemTypeFormURL('NotificationTemplate') . "?id=" . $notificationtemplates_id . "'>" . $template->getField('name') . "</a>";
     echo "</td><td><a href='#' onClick=\"var'" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/popup.php?popup=list_notificationtags&amp;sub_type=" . $template->getField('itemtype') . "' ,\n             'glpipopup', 'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100," . " scrollbars=yes' );w.focus();\">" . $LANG['mailing'][138] . "</a></td></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . $LANG['setup'][41] . "&nbsp;:</td><td colspan='3'>";
     //Get all used languages
     $used = self::getAllUsedLanguages($notificationtemplates_id);
     if ($ID > 0) {
         if (isset($used[$this->getField('language')])) {
     Dropdown::showLanguages("language", array('display_none' => true, 'value' => $this->fields['language'], 'used' => $used));
     echo "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>" . $LANG['knowbase'][14] . "&nbsp;:</td>";
     echo "<td colspan='3'>";
     echo "<input type='text' name='subject'size='100' value='" . $this->fields["subject"] . "'>";
     echo "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>";
     echo $LANG['mailing'][115] . ' ' . $LANG['mailing'][117] . "&nbsp;:<br>(" . $LANG['mailing'][128] . ")";
     echo "</td><td colspan='3'>";
     echo "<textarea cols='100' rows='15' name='content_text' >" . $this->fields["content_text"];
     echo "</textarea></td></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . $LANG['mailing'][115] . ' ' . $LANG['mailing'][116] . "&nbsp;:</td><td colspan='3'>";
     echo "<textarea cols='100' rows='15' name='content_html'>" . $this->fields["content_html"];
     echo "</textarea>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='notificationtemplates_id' value='" . $template->getField('id') . "'>";
     echo "</td></tr>";
     return true;
  * Print out an HTML "<form>" for knowbase item
  * @param $ID
  * @param $options array
  *     - target for the Form
  * @return nothing (display the form)
 function showForm($ID, $options = array())
     global $LANG;
     // show kb item form
     if (!haveRight("knowbase", "w") && !haveRight("faq", "w")) {
         return false;
     if ($ID > 0) {
         $this->check($ID, 'r');
     } else {
         $this->check(-1, 'w');
     $canedit = $this->can($ID, 'w');
     $canrecu = $this->can($ID, 'recursive');
     if ($canedit) {
         // Load ticket solution
         if (empty($ID) && isset($options['tickets_id']) && $options['tickets_id'] > 0) {
             $ticket = new Ticket();
             if ($ticket->getFromDB($options['tickets_id'])) {
                 $this->fields['question'] = $ticket->getField('name');
                 $this->fields['answer'] = $ticket->getField('solution');
         echo "<div id='contenukb'>";
         echo "<form method='post' id='form_kb' name='form_kb' action=\"" . $this->getFormUrl() . "\">";
         if (!empty($ID)) {
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$ID}'>\n";
         echo "<fieldset>";
         echo "<legend>" . $LANG['knowbase'][13] . "</legend>";
         echo "<div class='center'>" . $LANG['knowbase'][6];
         Dropdown::show('KnowbaseItemCategory', array('value' => $this->fields["knowbaseitemcategories_id"]));
         echo "</div></fieldset>";
         echo "<fieldset>";
         echo "<legend>" . $LANG['knowbase'][14] . "</legend>";
         echo "<div class='center'>";
         echo "<textarea cols='80' rows='2' name='question'>" . $this->fields["question"] . "</textarea>";
         echo "</div></fieldset>";
         echo "<fieldset>";
         echo "<legend>" . $LANG['knowbase'][15] . "</legend>";
         echo "<div class='center'>";
         echo "<textarea cols='80' rows='30' id='answer' name='answer'>" . $this->fields["answer"];
         echo "</textarea></div></fieldset>";
         echo "<br>";
         if (!empty($ID)) {
             echo "<fieldset>";
             echo "<legend></legend>";
             echo "<div class='baskb'>";
             if ($this->fields["users_id"]) {
                 echo $LANG['common'][37] . "&nbsp;: " . getUserName($this->fields["users_id"], "1") . "      ";
             echo "<span class='baskb_right'>";
             if ($this->fields["date_mod"]) {
                 echo $LANG['common'][26] . "&nbsp;: " . convDateTime($this->fields["date_mod"]) . "     ";
             echo "</span><br>";
             if ($this->fields["date"]) {
                 echo $LANG['common'][27] . "&nbsp;: " . convDateTime($this->fields["date"]);
             echo "<span class='baskb_right'>";
             echo $LANG['knowbase'][26] . "&nbsp;: " . $this->fields["view"] . "</span></div>";
             echo "</fieldset>";
         echo "<p class='center'>";
         if (isMultiEntitiesMode()) {
             echo $LANG['entity'][0] . "&nbsp;: ";
             Dropdown::show('Entity', array('value' => $this->fields["entities_id"], 'comments' => 0));
             echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $LANG['entity'][9] . "&nbsp;: ";
             if ($canrecu) {
                 Dropdown::showYesNo("is_recursive", $this->fields["is_recursive"]);
             } else {
                 echo Dropdown::getYesNo($this->fields["is_recursive"]);
         echo "<br><br>" . $LANG['knowbase'][5] . "&nbsp;: ";
         if (haveRight("faq", "w") && haveRight("knowbase", "w")) {
             Dropdown::showYesNo('is_faq', $this->fields["is_faq"]);
         } else {
             echo Dropdown::getYesNo($this->fields["is_faq"]);
         echo "<br><br>";
         if ($ID > 0) {
             echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='update' value=\"" . $LANG['buttons'][7] . "\">";
         } else {
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='users_id' value=\"" . getLoginUserID() . "\">";
             echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='add' value=\"" . $LANG['buttons'][8] . "\">";
         echo "<span class='big_space'>";
         echo "<input type='reset' class='submit' value=\"" . $LANG['buttons'][16] . "\"></span>";
         echo "</p></form></div>";
         return true;
     //  ELSE Cannot edit
     return false;