function m_va() { // Calls new view article function, rest of code should be dumped va(); return; global $anyone_comments; if (isset($_REQUEST['c'])) { $skip_chars = $_REQUEST['c']; } else { $skip_chars = 0; } echo "<!-- start view article -->"; global $article_author; $articleid = $_REQUEST['articleid']; echo '<div class="articles"><table><tr><td class="articlescell">'; if (!$articleid) { echo "Ingen artikkel er valgt."; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE articleid =" . $articleid . " AND is_deleted IS NULL AND (is_draft IS NULL OR is_draft=0);"; $result = DB_get_table($query); $num_results = DB_rows_affected($query); if ($num_results == 0) { echo "Fant ikke ønsket artikkel."; } else { increment_view_count($articleid); $row = DB_next_row($result); echo '<div class="header2">' . stripslashes($row['title']) . '</div>'; echo '<div class="metatext">' . $article_author; echo '<span class="author">: '; if (isset($row['author_username'])) { echo '<a href="index.php?m_c=mvp&username='******'author_username'] . '">' . stripslashes($row['author']) . '</a>'; } else { echo stripslashes($row['author']); } echo '</span>'; echo ', postet <span class="date">' . make_date($row['date_posted']) . '</span><span class="time"> ' . make_time($row['time_posted']) . '</span></div>'; echo '<div class="textbody">'; $body = stripslashes(nl2br($row['body'])); /* If reader continues an article read partly on front page, we * insert anchor tag that the browser can skip to */ if ($skip_chars == 0) { echo $body; } else { echo substr($body, 0, $skip_chars); echo '<a name="continue"></a>'; echo substr($body, $skip_chars, strlen($body) - $skip_chars); } echo '</div>'; $edit_ok = false; // hvis admin if (isset($_SESSION['valid_admin'])) { if ($_SESSION['valid_admin']) { $edit_ok = true; } } // hvis valid user, og forfatter av den. if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user']) && isset($row['author_username'])) { if ($row['author_username'] == $_SESSION['valid_user']) { $edit_ok = true; } } if ($edit_ok) { echo '<div class="editarticle">'; echo '<a href="index.php?articleid=' . $row['articleid'] . '&m_c=module_delete_article">Slett</a> '; echo '<a href="index.php?articleid=' . $row['articleid'] . '&m_c=module_enter_article&edit=1">Rediger</a>'; echo '</div>'; } $comments_query = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE comment_to=" . $articleid . " AND is_deleted IS NULL ORDER BY date_posted, time_posted ASC;"; $comments_results = DB_get_table($comments_query); $num_comments = DB_rows_affected($comments_results); if ($num_comments != 0) { echo '</td></tr><tr><td class="header4"><a name="comments">Kommentarer</a></tr></td>'; display_comments_rows($comments_results); } else { echo '</td></tr>'; } // End DIV articles echo '</table></div>'; if ($anyone_comments || isset($_SESSION["valid_user"])) { echo '<div class="default_header"><a name="commentform">Legg til en kommentar</a></div>'; do_comment_form(); } else { echo '<div class="default_text">Du må være en <a href="index.php?m_c=module_register_form&page_title=Register<+new+user">registrert bruker</a>'; echo " og <span id='loginlink''><a href=\"javascript:showDiv('loginform', 'errorandlogout')\">logget inn</a> for å kunne kommentere.</span></div>"; } } } }
function viewArticle() { $articleid = $_REQUEST['articleid']; $article = getValidArticle($articleid); if (!$article) { h3("Fant ikke artikkelen."); } else { increment_view_count($articleid); table_open(); tr_open(); td_open(1); printArticle($article[0]); div_open("showarticlelink"); if (isset($_SESSION['valid_admin'])) { echo printAdminArticlesMenu($article[0]['articleid']); } else { if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user'])) { if ($_SESSION['valid_user'] == $article[0]['author_username']) { echo printAuthorArticlesMenu($article[0]['articleid']); } } } div_close(); td_close(); tr_close(); table_close(); makeAnchor("comments"); listComments($article[0]['articleid']); if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user'])) { makeAnchor("entercomment"); enterComment($article[0]['articleid']); } else { echo '<a href="javascript:viewLogin()">Logg inn for å legge inn kommentar</a>'; } } }