Example #1
foreach ($events as $event) {
  $dateTitle = formatDayTitle($event);

  if (!array_key_exists($dateTitle, $days)) {
    $days[$dateTitle] = Array();
  $summary = $event->get_summary();

  // bolden all-caps at the beginning of the string
  $summary = preg_replace('/^([ A-Z0-9:\.\-]{2,})/', "<b>$1</b>", $summary, 1);
  $days[$dateTitle][] = $summary;

$prev = increment_month($time, -1);
$next = increment_month($time, 1);

$prev_month = date('n', $prev);
$prev_yr = date('Y', $prev);

$next_month = date('n', $next);
$next_yr = date('Y', $next);

// expensive way to see if there are past/future events
$nav_links = Array();
$prev_events = AcademicCalendar::get_events($prev_month, $prev_yr);
if (count($prev_events) > 0) {
  $prev_title = date('F Y', $prev);
  $prev_url = academicURL($prev_yr, $prev_month);
  $nav_links[] = "<a href=\"$prev_url\">&lt; $prev_title</a>";  
  public static function search_events($searchTerms, $month=NULL, $year=NULL) {
    if ($year === NULL) {
      $year = date('Y');

    if ($month === NULL) {
      $month = date('n');

    $fiscal_year = ($month <= 6) ? $year : $year + 1;
    if (array_key_exists($fiscal_year, self::$icals)) {
      $ical = self::$icals[$fiscal_year];
    } else {
      return array();

    // adjust day starts for time zones
    // honestly i am not 100% sure these are the right params
    $month_start = day_of(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
    $month_end = increment_month($month_start);

    $monthRange = new TimeRange($month_start, $month_end);
    //$result = array();
    //foreach (self::$icals as $ical) {
    //  $result = array_merge($result, $ical->search_events($searchTerms, $monthRange));
    $result = $ical->search_events($searchTerms, $monthRange);
    return $result;