$page = geturl($Url["host"], $Url["port"] ? $Url["port"] : 80, $Url["path"].'?'.$Url['query'], $loc, $cook, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"],$pauth);
     $Url = parse_url($loc);
     $page = geturl($Url["host"], $Url["port"] ? $Url["port"] : 80, $Url["path"], $loc, $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
     $Referer = $loc;
     preg_match('/<a name="req_btn".*href="(.*)"/', $page, $loc);
     $Href = $loc[1];
     $snap = cut_str($page, 'id="req_btn2', '>download');
     $Href = cut_str($snap, 'href="', '"');
     $Url = parse_url($Href);
     $FileName = !$FileName ? basename($Url["path"]) : $FileName;
     insert_location("{$PHP_SELF}?cookie=" . urlencode($cook) . "&filename=" . urlencode($FileName) . "&host=" . $Url["host"] . "&path=" . urlencode($Url["path"] . ($Url["query"] ? "?" . $Url["query"] : "")) . "&referer=" . urlencode($Referer) . "&email=" . ($_GET["domail"] ? $_GET["email"] : "") . "&partSize=" . ($_GET["split"] ? $_GET["partSize"] : "") . "&method=" . $_GET["method"] . "&proxy=" . ($_GET["useproxy"] ? $_GET["proxy"] : "") . "&saveto=" . $_GET["path"] . "&link=" . urlencode($LINK) . ($_GET["add_comment"] == "on" ? "&comment=" . urlencode($_GET["comment"]) : "") . "&auth=" . $auth . ($pauth ? "&pauth={$pauth}" : "") . (isset($_GET["audl"]) ? "&audl=doum" : ""));
 } elseif (strpos($page, 'captcha":"simple')) {
     $rnd = '0.' . idnum(16);
     $access_image_url = 'http://ifile.it/download:captcha?' . $rnd;
     $Url = parse_url($access_image_url);
     $page = geturl($Url["host"], $Url["port"] ? $Url["port"] : 80, $Url["path"] . '?' . $Url['query'], "http://ifile.it/dl", $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
     $headerend = strpos($page, "JFIF");
     $pass_img = substr($page, $headerend - 6);
     $imgfile = $options['download_dir'] . "ifile_captcha.jpg";
     if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
     write_file($imgfile, $pass_img);
     print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . (isset($_GET["audl"]) ? "?audl=doum" : "") . "\">{$nn}";
     print "<b>Please enter code:</b><br>{$nn}";
     print "<img src=\"{$imgfile}\">{$nn}";
     print "<input name=\"cookie\" value=\"{$cookie}\" type=\"hidden\">{$nn}";
Example #2
function field_association($post)
    $i = 0;
    $pages = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'associated_pages', true) ? get_post_meta($post->ID, 'associated_pages', true) : array('');
    $args['show_option_none'] = 'Select A Hub';
	<div class="lg-field">
    foreach ($pages as $arr) {
        $args['id'] = 'associated-pages' . idnum($i, false);
        $args['name'] = 'associated_pages[' . $i . ']';
        $args['selected'] = $arr;
			<div class="slot">
				<span title="Drag to sort" class="handle dashicons-before dashicons-sort" style="display: none; cursor: move;"></span>
				<a href="#" class="button remove" style="display: none;">-</a>
		<a href="#" class="button-primary add">+</a>
Example #3
function lg_settings()
    $posted = false;
    if (get_option('lg_hero_posts')) {
        $posts = get_option('lg_hero_posts');
    } else {
        $posts = array('');
    $postnum = get_option('lg_hero_post_num');
    $nonce = isset($_POST["nonce_advertisements"]) ? sanitize_key($_POST["nonce_advertisements"]) : '';
    if (isset($_POST['posts'])) {
        $hero_posts = array_values(array_filter($_POST['posts']));
        if ($posts !== $hero_posts) {
            update_option('lg_hero_posts', $hero_posts);
            $posts = $hero_posts;
            $posted = true;
        } else {
            $posted = 'nochange';
    if (isset($_POST['num-posts'])) {
        if ($postnum !== $_POST['num-posts']) {
            update_option('lg_hero_post_num', $_POST['num-posts']);
            $postnum = $_POST['num-posts'];
            $posted = true;
        } elseif ($posted !== true) {
            $posted = 'nochange';
    if ($posted === true) {
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated">Herobox Posts Updated</div>';
    } elseif ($posted === 'nochange') {
        echo '<div id="message" class="update-nag">Nothing was changed</div>';
<form method="POST" action="">
    wp_nonce_field('save-theme-options', 'nonce_theme_options');
<div id="poststuff">
	<div class="stuffbox-container">
		<div class="meta-box">
			<div class="stuffbox">
				<h3 class="hndle">Herobox Posts</h3>
				<div class="inside">
					<div class="lg-field">
    $args['show_option_none'] = 'Select Post';
    foreach ($posts as $key => $arr) {
        $args['field_name'] = 'posts[' . $key . ']';
        $args['id'] = 'post' . idnum($key, false);
						<div class="slot">
							<span title="Drag to sort" class="handle dashicons-before dashicons-sort" style="display: none; cursor: move;"></span>
        $args['selected'] = $arr;
							<a href="#" class="button remove" style="display: none;">-</a>
						<a href="#" class="button-primary add">+</a>
					<label for="num-posts">Number of Latest Posts (If no posts are selected and for categories): </label><input name="num-posts" id="num-posts" type="number" min="1" max="99" value="<?php 
    echo $postnum;
		<input type="submit" value="Save Settings" class="button-primary"/>
Example #4
function review_settings()
    $posted = false;
    $details = get_option('lg_detail_list');
    if (isset($_POST['detail_list'])) {
        $detailspost = isset($_POST['detail_list']) ? (array) $_POST['detail_list'] : array();
        $detailspost = array_filter($detailspost);
        if ($detailspost != $details) {
            update_option('lg_detail_list', $detailspost);
            $posted = true;
        } else {
            $posted = 'nochange';
    $review = get_option('lg_review_options');
    if (isset($_POST['review'])) {
        $reviewpost = isset($_POST['review']) ? (array) $_POST['review'] : array();
        $reviewpost['criteria'] = array_filter($reviewpost['criteria']);
        $labelarr = array();
        foreach ($reviewpost['labels'] as $arr) {
            if (isset($arr['key'])) {
                $labelarr[$arr['key']] = $arr['value'];
        $reviewpost['labels'] = array_filter($labelarr);
        if ($reviewpost != $review) {
            update_option('lg_review_options', array_filter($reviewpost));
            $posted = true;
        } elseif ($posted !== true) {
            $posted = 'nochange';
    if ($posted === true) {
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated">Review settings saved</div>';
    } elseif ($posted === 'nochange') {
        echo '<div id="message" class="update-nag">Nothing was changed</div>';
<form method="POST" action="">
    wp_nonce_field('save-review-options', 'nonce_review_options');
<div id="poststuff">
	<div class="stuffbox-container">
		<div class="meta-box">
			<div class="stuffbox">
				<h3 class="hndle">Details</h3>
				<div class="inside">
					<div class="lg-field">
    $details = $details ? $details : array('');
    foreach ($details as $key => $detail) {
						<div class="slot">
							<span title="Drag to sort" class="handle dashicons-before dashicons-sort" style="display: none; cursor: move;"></span>
							<input type="text" style="width: 50%;" name="detail_list[<?php 
        echo $key;
]" id="detail-list<?php 
" placeholder="Enter New Detail" value="<?php 
        echo if_value($detail);
							<a href="#" class="button remove" style="display: none;">-</a>
						<a href="#" class="button-primary add">+</a>
			<div class="stuffbox">
				<h3 class="hndle">Review Settings</h3>
				<div class="inside">
					<div class="lg-field">
    $criteria = $review['criteria'] ? $review['criteria'] : array('');
    foreach ($criteria as $key => $criterion) {
						<div class="slot">
							<span title="Drag to sort" class="handle dashicons-before dashicons-sort" style="display: none; cursor: move;"></span>
							<input type="text" style="width: 50%;" name="review[criteria][<?php 
        echo $key;
]" id="review-criterion<?php 
" placeholder="Enter New Criterion"  value="<?php 
        echo if_value($criterion);
							<a href="#" class="button remove" style="display: none;">-</a>
						<a href="#" class="button-primary add">+</a>
			<div class="stuffbox">
				<h3 class="hndle">Review Labels</h3>
				<div class="inside">
					<div class="lg-field">
    $labels = $review['labels'] ? $review['labels'] : array('');
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($labels as $key => $label) {
						<div class="slot">
							<span title="Drag to sort" class="handle dashicons-before dashicons-sort" style="display: none; cursor: move;"></span>
							<select name="review[labels][<?php 
        echo $i;
								<option disabled selected>Select Criterion</option>
        foreach (array('positives', 'negatives', 'bottom_line') as $value) {
									<option value="<?php 
            echo $value;
" <?php 
            if ($key === $value) {
                echo 'selected';
            echo strpretty($value);
							<input type="text" style="width: 50%;" name="review[labels][<?php 
        echo $i;
][value]" id="review-labels<?php 
" placeholder="Enter New Label"  value="<?php 
        echo if_value($label);
							<a href="#" class="button remove" style="display: none;">-</a>
						<a href="#" class="button-primary add">+</a>
		<input type="submit" value="Save Settings" class="button-primary"/>
Example #5
function advert_settings()
    $locations = array('Header', 'Footer', 'Background');
    if (get_option('lg_ads')) {
        $adverts = get_option('lg_ads');
    } else {
        $adverts = array('');
    $nonce = isset($_POST["nonce_advertisements"]) ? sanitize_key($_POST["nonce_advertisements"]) : '';
    if (isset($_POST['advert'])) {
        $ad = array();
        foreach ($_POST['advert'] as $arr) {
            if (isset($arr['key'])) {
                $ad[$arr['key']] = $arr['code'];
            // else $ad[] = $arr['code'];
        $ad = array_filter($ad);
        if ($ad !== $adverts) {
            update_option('lg_ads', $ad);
            $adverts = $ad;
            echo '<div id="message" class="updated">Advertisements saved</div>';
        } elseif (empty($_POST["nonce_advertisements"]) || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "lg-save-advertisements")) {
            echo '<div id="message" class="error">Verification Failed</div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div id="message" class="update-nag">Nothing was changed</div>';
	<form method="POST" action="">
		<div class="lg-field">
    $i = 0;
    wp_nonce_field("lg-save-advertisements", "nonce_advertisements");
    foreach ($adverts as $key => $ad) {
			<div class="slot">
				<span title="Drag to sort" class="handle dashicons-before dashicons-sort" style="display: none; cursor: move;"></span>
				<select name="advert[<?php 
        echo $i;
][key]" id="ad-loc<?php 
" style="vertical-align: top;">
					<option disabled selected>Select Ad Location</option>
        foreach ($locations as $loc) {
						<option value="<?php 
            echo strtodata($loc);
" <?php 
            if ($key === strtodata($loc)) {
                echo 'selected';
            echo $loc;
				<textarea name="advert[<?php 
        echo $i;
][code]" id="ad-code<?php 
" rows="3" cols="50" style="max-width: 75%"><?php 
        if (isset($ad)) {
            echo stripslashes(esc_textarea($ad));
				<a href="#" class="button remove" style="display: none;">-</a>
			<a href="#" class="button-primary add">+</a>
				<input type="submit" value="Save Advertisements" class="button-primary"/>