Example #1
			  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Dynamic DNS"), !empty($pconfig['enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_combobox("provider", gettext("Provider"), $pconfig['provider'], array("dyndns.org" => "dyndns.org", "freedns.afraid.org" => "freedns.afraid.org", "zoneedit.com" => "zoneedit.com", "no-ip.com" => "no-ip.com", "3322.org" => "3322.org", "easydns.com" => "easydns.com", "dnsdynamic.org" => "dnsdynamic.org", "dhis.org" => "dhis.org", "dnsexit.com" => "dnsexit.com", "ipv6tb.he.net" => "ipv6tb.he.net", "tzo.com" => "tzo.com", "dnsexit.com" => "dnsexit.com", "dynsip.org" => "dynsip.org", "custom" => gettext("Custom")), "", true, false, "provider_change()");
html_inputbox("domainname", gettext("Domain name"), $pconfig['domainname'], gettext("A host name alias. This option can appear multiple times, for each domain that has the same IP. Use a space to separate multiple alias names."), true, 40);
html_inputbox("username", gettext("Username"), $pconfig['username'], "", true, 20);
html_passwordbox("password", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['password'], "", true, 20);
html_inputbox("updateperiod", gettext("Update period"), $pconfig['updateperiod'], gettext("How often the IP is checked. The period is in seconds (max. is 10 days)."), false, 20);
html_inputbox("forcedupdateperiod", gettext("Forced update period"), $pconfig['forcedupdateperiod'], gettext("How often the IP is updated even if it is not changed. The period is in seconds (max. is 10 days)."), false, 20);
html_checkbox("wildcard", gettext("Wildcard"), !empty($pconfig['wildcard']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable domain wildcarding."), "", false);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), !empty($pconfig['auxparam']) ? $pconfig['auxparam'] : "", sprintf(gettext("These parameters will be added to global settings in %s."), "inadyn.conf"), false, 65, 3, false, false);
				<div id="submit">
" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
if (!empty($input_errors)) {
if (!empty($savemsg)) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_passwordbox("password_old", gettext("Old password"), "", "", true);
html_passwordconfbox("password_new", "password_confirm", gettext("Password"), "", "", "", true);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" />
include "formend.inc";
html_inputbox("rescaninterval", gettext("Rescan interval"), $pconfig['rescaninterval'], gettext("Scan file system every N seconds to see if any files have been added or removed. Set to 0 to disable background scanning. If background rescanning is disabled, a scan can still be forced from the status page of the administrative web interface."), false, 5);
html_checkbox("alwaysscan", gettext("Always scan"), $pconfig['alwaysscan'] ? true : false, "", gettext("Whether scans should be skipped if there are no users connected. This allows the drive to spin down when no users are connected."), false);
html_combobox("scantype", gettext("Scan type"), $pconfig['scantype'], array("0" => gettext("Normal"), "1" => gettext("Aggressive"), "2" => gettext("Painfully aggressive")), "", false);
html_titleline(gettext("Administrative WebGUI"));
html_passwordbox("admin_pw", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['admin_pw'], sprintf("%s %s", gettext("Password for the administrative pages."), gettext("Default user name is 'admin'.")), true, 20);
$if = get_ifname($config['interfaces']['lan']['if']);
$ipaddr = get_ipaddr($if);
$url = htmlspecialchars("http://{$ipaddr}:{$pconfig['port']}");
$text = "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>";
html_text("url", gettext("URL"), $text);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
Example #4
if (!empty($savemsg)) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_passwordbox("password_old", gettext("Current password"), "", "", true);
html_passwordconfbox("password_new", "password_confirm", gettext("New password"), "", "", gettext("If you want to change the password for accessing the WebGUI, enter it here twice."), true);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("<div id='enumeration'><ul><li>The new password is also the default root password of the system!</li></ul></div>"));
html_inputbox("storagemaxjobs", gettext("Maximum Concurrent Jobs"), $pconfig['storagemaxjobs'], sprintf(gettext("Default is %s."), "20"), true, 4);

html_inputbox("directorname", gettext("Name"), $pconfig['directorname'], sprintf(gettext("Default is %s."), "OPENNAS-DIRECTOR-bacula"), true, 40);
html_passwordbox("directorpassword", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['directorpassword'], '', true, 40);

foreach ($pconfig['device'] as $id => $device) {
    $device_nb = $id + 1;
    html_titleline("Device {$device_nb}");
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Ocs Inventory"), !empty($pconfig['enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_inputbox("server", gettext("Server"), $pconfig['server'], gettext("The uri of the server, http[s]://servername/ocsinventory"), true, 40);
html_inputbox("realm", gettext("Realm"), $pconfig['realm'], gettext("Use REALM for an HTTP identification with the server"), true, 40);
html_inputbox("ocs_user", gettext("User"), $pconfig['ocs_user'], gettext("Use USER for the server authentication"), true, 40);
html_passwordbox("password", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['password'], gettext('Use PASSWORD for an HTTP identification with the server'), true, 40);
html_inputbox("proxy", gettext("Proxy"), $pconfig['proxy'], gettext('Use PROXY to specify a proxy HTTP server, http[s]://serverproxy:port'), true, 40);
html_checkbox("ssl", gettext("Ssl Check"), !empty($pconfig['ssl']) ? true : false, gettext("Check SSL communications using a certificate"), "", true);
					<tr id="cacert">
if (!file_exists($config['ocsinventory_agent']['ocs_cacert'])) {
						<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php 
Example #7
html_titleline(gettext("Administrative WebGUI"));
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], sprintf(gettext("Port to listen on. Default port is %d."), 9091), true, 5);
html_checkbox("authrequired", gettext("Authentication"), !empty($pconfig['authrequired']) ? true : false, gettext("Require authentication."), "", false, "authrequired_change()");
html_inputbox("username", gettext("Username"), $pconfig['username'], "", true, 20);
html_passwordbox("password", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['password'], gettext("Password for the administrative pages."), true, 20);
$if = get_ifname($config['interfaces']['lan']['if']);
$ipaddr = get_ipaddr($if);
$url = htmlspecialchars("http://{$ipaddr}:{$pconfig['port']}");
$text = "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>";
html_text("url", gettext("URL"), $text);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
html_inputbox("media_uctlport", gettext("Controller TCP Port"), $pconfig['media_uctlport'], "", true, 15);
html_combobox("media_uctlauthmethod", gettext("Controller Auth Method"), $pconfig['media_uctlauthmethod'], array("CHAP" => gettext("CHAP"), "CHAP mutual" => gettext("Mutual CHAP")), "", true, false, "authmethod_change()");
html_inputbox("media_uctluser", gettext("User"), $pconfig['media_uctluser'], "", true, 60);
html_passwordbox("media_uctlsecret", gettext("Secret"), $pconfig['media_uctlsecret'], "", true, 30);
html_inputbox("media_uctlmuser", gettext("Peer User"), $pconfig['media_uctlmuser'], "", true, 60);
html_passwordbox("media_uctlmsecret", gettext("Peer Secret"), $pconfig['media_uctlmsecret'], "", true, 30);
html_checkbox("media_uctlsave", gettext("Save"), !empty($pconfig['media_uctlsave']) ? true : false, gettext("Save login information in configuration file."), "", false);
        <td colspan="1" valign="top">
          <input name="Scan" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Scan Targets");
" />
        <td colspan="1" valign="top" align="right">
          <input name="Delete" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Delete Login Info");
Example #9
html_inputbox("ap_ssid", gettext("SSID"), $pconfig['ap_ssid'], gettext("Set the desired Service Set Identifier (aka network name)."), true, 20);
html_inputbox("ap_channel", gettext("Channel"), $pconfig['ap_channel'], "", true, 10);
html_combobox("ap_encryption", gettext("Encryption"), $pconfig['ap_encryption'], array("wpa" => sprintf("%s / %s", gettext("WPA"), gettext("WPA2"))), "", true, false, "encryption_change()");
html_combobox("ap_keymgmt", gettext("Key Management Protocol"), $pconfig['ap_keymgmt'], array("WPA-PSK" => gettext("WPA-PSK (Pre Shared Key)")), "", true);
html_combobox("ap_pairwise", gettext("Pairwise"), $pconfig['ap_pairwise'], array("CCMP" => gettext("CCMP"), "CCMP TKIP" => gettext("CCMP TKIP")), "", true);
html_passwordbox("ap_psk", gettext("PSK"), $pconfig['ap_psk'], gettext("Enter the passphrase that will be used in WPA-PSK mode. This must be between 8 and 63 characters long."), true, 40);
html_inputbox("ap_extraoptions", gettext("Extra options"), $pconfig['ap_extraoptions'], gettext("Extra options to ifconfig (usually empty)."), false, 60);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['auxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "hostapd.conf") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=hostapd.conf"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
			<div id="submit">
				<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" />
				<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");