Example #1
					<br /><?php 
echo gettext("Select which interface to use. (only selectable if your server has more than one)");
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], sprintf(gettext("Port to listen on. Only dynamic or private ports can be used (from %d through %d). Default port is %d."), 1025, 65535, 49152), true, 5);
html_filechooser("home", gettext("Database directory"), $pconfig['home'], gettext("Location where the database with media contents will be stored."), $g['media_path'], true, 67);
html_folderbox("content", gettext("Media library"), !empty($pconfig['content']) ? $pconfig['content'] : array(), gettext("Set the content location(s) to or from the media library."), $g['media_path'], true);
html_combobox("profile", gettext("Profile"), $pconfig['profile'], array("default" => gettext("Default"), "DLNA" => "DLNA", "Denon_AVR" => "DENON Network A/V Receiver", "PS3" => "Sony Playstation 3", "Telegent_TG100" => "Telegent TG100", "ZyXEL_DMA1000" => "ZyXEL DMA-1000", "Helios_X3000" => "Helios X3000", "DLink_DSM320" => "D-Link DSM320", "Microsoft_XBox360" => "Microsoft XBox 360", "Terratec_Noxon_iRadio" => "Terratec Noxon iRadio", "Yamaha_RXN600" => "Yamaha RX-N600", "Loewe_Connect" => "Loewe Connect"), gettext("Compliant profile to be used."), true, false, "profile_change()");
html_inputbox("deviceip", gettext("Device IP"), $pconfig['deviceip'], gettext("The device's IP address."), true, 20);
html_checkbox("transcoding", gettext("Transcoding"), !empty($pconfig['transcoding']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable transcoding."), "", false, "transcoding_change()");
html_filechooser("tempdir", gettext("Temporary directory"), $pconfig['tempdir'], gettext("Temporary directory to store transcoded files."), $g['media_path'], true, 67);
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Digital Audio Access Protocol"), $pconfig['enable'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_inputbox("servername", gettext("Server name"), $pconfig['servername'], gettext("This is both the name of the server as advertised via Zeroconf/Bonjour/Rendezvous, and the name of the database exported via DAAP."), true, 20);
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], gettext("Port to listen on. Default iTunes port is 3689."), true, 5);
html_filechooser("dbdir", gettext("Database directory"), $pconfig['dbdir'], gettext("Location where the content database file will be stored."), $g['media_path'], true, 60);
html_folderbox("content", gettext("Content"), $pconfig['content'], gettext("Location of the files to share."), $g['media_path'], true);
html_inputbox("rescaninterval", gettext("Rescan interval"), $pconfig['rescaninterval'], gettext("Scan file system every N seconds to see if any files have been added or removed. Set to 0 to disable background scanning. If background rescanning is disabled, a scan can still be forced from the status page of the administrative web interface."), false, 5);
html_checkbox("alwaysscan", gettext("Always scan"), $pconfig['alwaysscan'] ? true : false, "", gettext("Whether scans should be skipped if there are no users connected. This allows the drive to spin down when no users are connected."), false);
html_combobox("scantype", gettext("Scan type"), $pconfig['scantype'], array("0" => gettext("Normal"), "1" => gettext("Aggressive"), "2" => gettext("Painfully aggressive")), "", false);
html_titleline(gettext("Administrative WebGUI"));
					<br /><?php 
echo gettext("Interface to listen to.");
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], sprintf(gettext("Port to listen on. Only dynamic or private ports can be used (from %d through %d). Default port is %d."), 1025, 65535, 8200), true, 5);
html_filechooser("home", gettext("Database directory"), $pconfig['home'], gettext("Location where the content database file will be stored."), $g['media_path'], true, 60);
html_folderbox("content", gettext("Content"), !empty($pconfig['content']) ? $pconfig['content'] : array(), gettext("Location of the files to share."), $g['media_path'], true);
html_inputbox("notify_int", gettext("Discover interval "), $pconfig['notify_int'], gettext("how often MiniDLNA broadcasts its availability on the network; default is every 60 seconds"), true, 5);
html_inputbox("model", gettext("Model number "), $pconfig['model'], gettext("Set the model number reported to clients. Default is 1"), true, 5);
html_inputbox("serial", gettext("Serial "), $pconfig['serial'], gettext("Set the serial number reported to clients. Default is 12345678"), true, 8);
html_checkbox("strict", gettext("Strict DLNA"), !empty($pconfig['strict']) ? true : false, gettext(""), gettext("if checked will strictly adhere to DLNA standards which will allow server-side downscaling of very large JPEG images and may hurt JPEG serving performance on Sony DLNA products"), false);
html_checkbox("tivo", gettext("Enable TiVo"), !empty($pconfig['tivo']) ? true : false, gettext(""), gettext("Enable digital video recorder (DVR) developed and marketed by TiVo, Inc"), false);