Example #1
 function getPageTitle()
     //set the page title (need tr grab client information)
     $querystatement = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tfirstname,\n\t\t\t\t\tlastname,\n\t\t\t\t\tcompany\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\tclients\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tid=" . $this->clientid;
     $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
     $refrecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult);
     $pageTitle = "Addresses: ";
     if ($refrecord["company"] == "") {
         $pageTitle .= $refrecord["firstname"] . " " . $refrecord["lastname"];
     } else {
         $pageTitle .= $refrecord["company"];
     $pageTitle = htmlQuotes($pageTitle);
     return $pageTitle;
Example #2
 function getName($tabledefid, $recordid)
     switch ($tabledefid) {
         case "tbld:6d290174-8b73-e199-fe6c-bcf3d4b61083":
             $querystatement = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(clients.lastname!='',concat(clients.lastname,', ',clients.firstname,if(clients.company!='',concat(' (',clients.company,')'),'')),clients.company) AS thename\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclients\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`uuid` = '" . $recordid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t";
     //endswitch tabledefid
     $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
     if ($this->db->numRows($queryresult)) {
         $therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult);
         return htmlQuotes($therecord["thename"]);
     } else {
         return "orphaned record: tableDefinitionID=" . $tabledefid . ", RecordID:" . $recordid;
 function display($record)
     $output = "{ prereqMet: ";
     if ($record) {
         $record["memo"] = str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\n", " ", $record["memo"]));
         $output .= "true, record: {";
         foreach ($record as $key => $value) {
             $output .= $key . ": '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlQuotes($value)) . "',";
         $output = substr($output, 0, -1) . "}";
     } else {
         $output .= "false";
     //endif - record
     $output .= "}";
     header("Content-type: text/plain");
     echo $output;
Example #4
  * function process
  * Process request array posted to api
  * The method process() loops through the request array, and attempts to
  * find a corresponding function to run for the request. It first looks for
  * a corresponding api class to load. If it does not find it, it next to
  * see if there is an overriden table class file, and finally if none of
  * these are present, it uses the standard table class.
 function process()
     $i = 1;
     $tabledefid = null;
     if (!is_array($this->data)) {
         $this->sendError("Passed data malformed.  Was expecting an array.", $this->data, true);
     foreach ($this->data as $request) {
         if (!is_array($request)) {
             $this->sendError("Malformed request number " . $i, $request);
         if (!isset($request["tabledefid"]) || !isset($request["command"]) || !isset($request["data"])) {
             $this->sendError("Malformed request number " . $i, $request);
          *  Process the options and populate the options object.
         if (!isset($request["options"])) {
             $request["options"] = NULL;
         if ((int) $request["tabledefid"] !== $tabledefid) {
             $tabledefid = mysql_real_escape_string($request["tabledefid"]);
             //First let's get the table information from the tabledef
             $querystatement = "\n                    SELECT\n                        `maintable`,\n                        `deletebutton`,\n                        `querytable`,\n                        `modules`.`name`,\n                        `apiaccessible`\n                    FROM\n                        `tabledefs` INNER JOIN `modules` ON tabledefs.moduleid = modules.uuid\n                    WHERE\n                        tabledefs.uuid = '" . $tabledefid . "'\n                ";
             $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
             if ($this->db->numRows($queryresult) == 0) {
                 if (!in_array($request["command"], array("procedure", "getsetting"))) {
                     $this->sendError("Invalid tabledefid (" . $tabledefid . ") from request number " . $i);
                 } else {
                     $deletebutton = "delete";
                     $maintable = "settings";
                     $modulename = "base";
                     $hasAPIOveride = false;
                     $hasTableClassOveride = false;
             } else {
                 $therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult);
                 if (!$therecord["apiaccessible"]) {
                     $this->sendError("Invalid tabledefid (" . $tabledefid . ") from request number " . $i . ": This table definition is inaccessible via api.");
                 $deletebutton = $therecord["deletebutton"];
                 $maintable = $therecord["maintable"];
                 $modulename = $therecord["name"];
                 //check for ovridding classes only once.
                 $hasAPIOveride = file_exists("../extendedapi/" . $maintable . ".php");
                 $hasTableClassOveride = file_exists("../" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
         /* Order in which to check for processors is as follows:
                        If the extendedAPI module is present, look for a file matching the main
                        table name of the table def.
                        Example: modules/extendedapi/clients.php
                        If a table class file exists in the module's include folder
                        use that.
                        Example: modules/bms/include/clients.php
                        Use the standard class module.
         $methodName = "";
         if ($hasAPIOveride) {
             // Found an API module table php
             @(include_once "modules/extendedapi/" . $maintable . ".php");
             $className = $className . "Api";
             if (class_exists($className)) {
                 $processor = new $className($this->db);
                 $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                 $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                 if (!method_exists($processor, $request["command"])) {
                     $methodName = $request["command"];
                     $this->response[] = $processor->{$methodName}($request["data"], $this->options->useUuid);
             //end if
         /* If the command starts with api_, and there is a request overload, let's assume they
               are trying to call a homeade function in the ovveriden phpBMS table that they created.
         if (!$methodName && substr($request["command"], 0, 4) == "api_" && $hasTableClassOveride) {
             include_once "include/tables.php";
             @(include_once "modules/" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
             if (class_exists($maintable)) {
                 $processor = new $maintable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                 $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                 $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
             } else {
                 $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                 $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                 $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
             if (method_exists($processor, $request["command"])) {
                 $methodName = $request["command"];
                 $this->response[] = $processor->{$methodName}($request["data"], $this->options->useUuid);
         if (!$methodName) {
             /* Either using the modules overriden table class or search
                                functions class or the standard one There are several
                                standard commands that can be passed:
                                * insert - calls the tabledefs insertRecord command, the
                                             same command that is called on standard
                                             phpBMS forms. a variable array should be
                                             passed in the request data.
                                * update - calls the tabledefs iupdateRecord command, the
                                             same command that is called on standard
                                             phpBMS forms. a variable array should be
                                             passed in the request data
                                * delete (or the corresponding delete button command)
                                         - calls the deleteRecord searchFunctions command
                                         data should be an array of ids
                                * procedure - This calls a stored MySQL stored procedure
                                              request data should pass an object with the
                                              (name) and optionally an array of any
                                 In addition, you can pass a command that corresponds to
                                 any additional commands as defined in the table definition
                                 the request data passed should contain an array of ids
             switch ($request["command"]) {
                 case "ping":
                     $this->_addToResponse("message", "Everything is phpBMSy!");
                 case "getDefaults":
                     include_once "include/tables.php";
                     if ($hasTableClassOveride) {
                         @(include_once "modules/" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
                         if (class_exists($maintable)) {
                             $processor = new $maintable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         } else {
                             $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         //end if
                     } else {
                         $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                         $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                         $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                     //end if
                     $therecord = $processor->getDefaults();
                     $this->_addToResponse("retrieved", "defaults retrieved in tabledef " . $tabledefid, $therecord);
                 case "insert":
                     include_once "include/tables.php";
                     if ($hasTableClassOveride) {
                         @(include_once "modules/" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
                         if (class_exists($maintable)) {
                             $processor = new $maintable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         } else {
                             $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         //end if
                     } else {
                         $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                         $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                         $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                     //end if
                     $errorArray = $processor->verifyVariables((array) $request["data"]);
                     if (count($errorArray)) {
                         $this->sendError("Insert failed from request number " . $i, $errorArray);
                     } else {
                         $overrideID = false;
                         if (is_array($request["data"])) {
                             if (isset($request["data"]["id"])) {
                                 if ((int) $request["data"]["id"] !== 0) {
                                     $overrideID = true;
                                 if ($this->options->keepDestId && isset($request["data"]["uuid"]) && $this->options->useUuid) {
                                     $request["data"]["id"] = getId($this->db, $processor->uuid, $request["data"]["uuid"]);
                             } elseif ($this->options->keepDestId && isset($request["data"]["uuid"]) && $this->options->useUuid) {
                                 $request["data"]["id"] = getId($this->db, $processor->uuid, $request["data"]["uuid"]);
                         $createUuid = true;
                         if (is_array($request["data"])) {
                             if (isset($request["data"]["uuid"])) {
                                 if ((string) $request["data"]["uuid"] !== "") {
                                     $overrideID = true;
                                     $createUuid = false;
                         //end if
                         if (!isset($processor->fields["uuid"])) {
                             $createUuid = false;
                         $newid = $processor->insertRecord($request["data"], NULL, $overrideID, true, $createUuid);
                         if ($newid) {
                             if ($createUuid) {
                                 $this->_addToResponse("added", "record added to tabledef " . $tabledefid, $newid["uuid"]);
                             } elseif (isset($processor->fields["uuid"])) {
                                 $this->_addToResponse("added", "record added to tabledef " . $tabledefid, $request["data"]["uuid"]);
                             } else {
                                 $this->_addToResponse("added", "record added to tabledef " . $tabledefid, $newid);
                             //end if
                         } else {
                             $this->sendError("Insert failed from request number " . $i);
                 case "update":
                     include_once "include/tables.php";
                     if ($hasTableClassOveride) {
                         @(include_once "modules/" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
                         if (class_exists($maintable)) {
                             $processor = new $maintable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         } else {
                             $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         //end if
                     } else {
                         $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                         $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                         $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                     //end if
                     $errorArray = $processor->verifyVariables($request["data"]);
                     if ($this->options->useUuid) {
                         if (!isset($request["data"]["uuid"])) {
                             $errorArray[] = "The `uuid` field must be set.";
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($request["data"]["id"])) {
                             $errorArray[] = "The `id` field must be set.";
                     //end if
                     if (count($errorArray)) {
                         $this->sendError("Update failed from request number " . $i, $errorArray);
                     } else {
                         $processor->updateRecord($request["data"], NULL, (bool) $this->options->useUuid);
                         $this->_addToResponse("updated", "record updated in tabledef " . $tabledefid);
                 case "get":
                     include_once "include/tables.php";
                     if ($hasTableClassOveride) {
                         @(include_once "modules/" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
                         if (class_exists($maintable)) {
                             $processor = new $maintable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         } else {
                             $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                         //end if
                     } else {
                         $processor = new phpbmsTable($this->db, $tabledefid);
                         $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                         $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                     //end if
                     $errorMessage = "";
                     if ($this->options->useUuid) {
                         if (!isset($request["data"]["uuid"])) {
                             $errorMessage = "The `uuid` field must be set.";
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($request["data"]["id"])) {
                             $errorMessage = "The `id` field must be set.";
                     //end if
                     if ($errorMessage) {
                         $this->sendError("Get failed from request number " . $i, $errorMessage);
                     } elseif (!$this->options->useUuid) {
                         $therecord = $processor->getRecord((int) $request["data"]["id"], $this->options->useUuid);
                         $thereturn = $therecord["id"];
                         $thevalue = (int) $request["data"]["id"];
                     } else {
                         $therecord = $processor->getRecord(mysql_real_escape_string($request["data"]["uuid"]), $this->options->useUuid);
                         $thereturn = $therecord["uuid"];
                         $thevalue = $request["data"]["uuid"];
                     if ($thereturn == $thevalue) {
                         $this->_addToResponse("retrieved", "record (" . htmlQuotes($thevalue) . ") retrieved in tabledef " . $tabledefid, $therecord);
                     } else {
                         $this->_addToResponse("retrieved", "no record found (" . htmlQuotes($thevalue) . ") in tabledef " . $tabledefid);
                 case "delete":
                 case $deletebutton:
                     if (!is_array($request["data"])) {
                         $this->sendError("Passed data is not array in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                     } else {
                         include_once "include/search_class.php";
                         if ($hasTableClassOveride) {
                             @(include_once "modules/" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
                             $className = $maintable . "SearchFunctions";
                             if (class_exists($className)) {
                                 $processor = new $className($this->db, $tabledefid, $request["data"]);
                             } else {
                                 $processor = new searchFunctions($this->db, $tabledefid, $request["data"]);
                         } else {
                             $processor = new searchFunctions($this->db, $tabledefid, $request["data"]);
                         $result = $processor->delete_record($this->options->useUuid);
                         $this->_addToResponse($request["command"], $result);
                 case "procedure":
                     if (!is_array($request["data"])) {
                         $this->sendError("Wrong passed procedure format, expected object in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($request["data"]["name"])) {
                             $this->sendError("Wrong passed procedure format, name missing in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                         } else {
                             //check to see if stored procedure exists
                             $querystatement = "\n                                    SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request["data"]["name"]) . "'\n                                ";
                             $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
                             if ($this->db->numRows($queryresult) === 0) {
                                 $this->sendError("Procedure '" . $request["data"]["name"] . "' does not exist in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                             } else {
                                 $parameterList = "";
                                 if (isset($request["data"]["parameters"])) {
                                     foreach ($request["data"]["parameters"] as $parameter) {
                                         $parameterList .= ", '" . mysql_real_escape_string($parameter) . "'";
                                 if ($parameterList) {
                                     $parameterList = substr(1, $parameterList);
                                 $procedurestatement = "\n                                        CALL " . $request["data"]["name"] . "(" . $parameterList . ")";
                                 $queryresult = $this->db->query($procedurestatement);
                                 $result = array();
                                 while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
                                     $result[] = $therecord;
                                 $this->_addToResponse("result", "Procedure '" . $request["data"]["name"] . "' returned (" . $this->db->numRows($queryresult) . ") in request number " . $i, $result);
                 case "getsetting":
                     if (!is_array($request["data"])) {
                         $this->sendError("Wrong passed data format, expected array in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                     } else {
                         $whereclause = "";
                         foreach ($request["data"] as $settingName) {
                             $whereclause = "OR `name` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($settingName) . "' ";
                         if ($whereclause) {
                             $whereclause = "WHERE " . substr($whereclause, 2);
                         $querystatement = "\n                                SELECT\n                                    `name`,\n                                    `value`\n                                FROM\n                                    `settings`\n                                " . $whereclause;
                         $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
                         $settings = array();
                         while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
                             $settings[$therecord["name"]] = $therecord["value"];
                         $this->_addToResponse("result", "GetSettings returned (" . count($settings) . ") in request number " . $i, $settings);
                     // a catch all for other requests.  This should correspond
                     // to an ovrriden search class function only. Calling
                     // some commands can cause response errors so be careful
                     if (!is_array($request["data"]) && !$hasTableClassOveride) {
                         $this->sendError("Passaed data is not array or function (" . $request["command"] . ") does not exist in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                     } else {
                         @(include_once "modules/" . $modulename . "/include/" . $maintable . ".php");
                         $className = $maintable . "SearchFunctions";
                         if (!class_exists($className)) {
                             $this->sendError("Function (" . $request["command"] . ") does not exist in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                         } else {
                             $processor = new $className($this->db, $tabledefid, $request["data"]);
                             $processor->dateFormat = $this->options->dateFormat;
                             $processor->timeFormat = $this->options->timeFormat;
                             $methodName = $request["command"];
                             if (!method_exists($processor, $methodName)) {
                                 $this->sendError("Function (" . $request["command"] . ") does not exist in request number " . $i, $request["data"]);
                             } else {
                                 $result = $processor->{$methodName}();
                                 $this->_addToResponse($request["command"], $result);
                             //endif method_exists
                         //endif $className
             //endswitch $request["command"]
         //endif $modulename
Example #5
    function display()
<div id="menu">
	<h1><a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
        echo htmlQuotes(APPLICATION_NAME);
" name="toptop"><span><?php 
        echo APPLICATION_NAME;

	<div id="menuRighthand"><?php 
        echo htmlQuotes(trim($_SESSION["userinfo"]["firstname"] . " " . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["lastname"]));

	<ul id="menuBar">
        $submenustring = "";
        while ($menurecord = $this->db->fetchArray($this->menuresult)) {
            if (hasRights($menurecord["roleid"])) {
                if ($menurecord["link"]) {
                    if (strpos($menurecord["link"], "http") !== 0 && strpos($menurecord["link"], "javascript") !== 0) {
                        $menurecord["link"] = APP_PATH . $menurecord["link"];
<li class="firstLevel"><a href="<?php 
                    echo $menurecord["link"];
                    echo $menurecord["name"];
                } else {
<li class="firstLevel"><a href="#toptop" class="topMenus" id="menu<?php 
                    echo $menurecord["id"];
                    echo $menurecord["name"];
</a></li><li class="submenusli"><ul class="submenuitems" id="submenu<?php 
                    echo $menurecord["id"];
                    $subitemsquery = $this->getSubItems($menurecord["uuid"]);
                    if ($subitemsquery) {
                        $sep = false;
                        while ($subrecord = $this->db->fetchArray($subitemsquery)) {
                            if ($subrecord["name"] == "----") {
                                $sep = true;
                            } else {
                                if (hasRights($subrecord["roleid"])) {
                                    if (strpos($subrecord["link"], "http") !== 0 && strpos($subrecord["link"], "javascript") !== 0) {
                                        $subrecord["link"] = APP_PATH . $subrecord["link"];
                                    if (strpos($subrecord["link"], "javascript") === 0) {
                                        $subrecord["link"] = "#\" onclick=\"" . str_replace("javascript:", "", $subrecord["link"]);
<li <?php 
                                    if ($sep) {
                                        echo " class=\"menuSep\" ";
><a href="<?php 
                                    echo $subrecord["link"];
                                    echo $subrecord["name"];
                                    $sep = false;
                                //end if
                            //end if
                        //end while
                    //end if
                //end if
            //end if
        //end while
Example #6
    function displaySystemMessages()
        //shows system messages, but only if they exist
        $querystatement = "\n            SELECT\n                    notes.id,\n                    notes.subject,\n                    notes.content,\n                    concat(users.firstname,' ',users.lastname) AS createdby,\n                    notes.creationdate\n            FROM\n                    notes INNER JOIN users ON notes.createdby=users.id\n            WHERE\n                    type='SM'\n            ORDER BY\n                    importance DESC,\n                    notes.creationdate";
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        if ($this->db->numRows($queryresult)) {

        <div class="box" id="systemMessageContainer">
            <h2>System Messages</h2>
            while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
                $therecord["content"] = str_replace("\n", "<br />", htmlQuotes($therecord["content"]));
            <h3 class="systemMessageLinks"><?php 
                echo htmlQuotes($therecord["subject"]);
 <span>[ <?php 
                echo htmlQuotes(formatFromSQLDateTime($therecord["creationdate"]));
                echo htmlQuotes($therecord["createdby"]);
            <div class="systemMessages">
                echo $therecord["content"];
            //end while
Example #7
    function showRecords($queryresult)
        global $phpbms;
	<div class="fauxP">
   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="querytable">
	 <th nowrap="nowrap" class="queryheader">move</th>
	 <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap" class="queryheader" width="100%">name/field</th>
	 <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap" class="queryheader">ascending</th>
	 <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap" class="queryheader">access</th>
	 <th nowrap="nowrap" class="queryheader">&nbsp;</th>
        $topdisplayorder = -1;
        $row = 1;
        while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
            $topdisplayorder = $therecord["displayorder"];
            if ($row == 1) {
                $row = 2;
            } else {
                $row = 1;
	<tr class="qr<?php 
            echo $row;
		<td nowrap="nowrap"valign="top">
		 	<button type="button" class="graphicButtons buttonUp" onclick="document.location='<?php 
            echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&amp;command=moveup&amp;selid=" . $therecord["id"];
';"><span>Move Up</span></button>
		 	<button type="button" class="graphicButtons buttonDown" onclick="document.location='<?php 
            echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&amp;command=movedown&amp;selid=" . $therecord["id"];
';"><span>Move Down</span></button>
            echo $therecord["displayorder"];

		<td valign="top"><?php 
            if ($therecord["name"]) {
                echo "<strong>" . $therecord["name"] . "</strong><br />";
            echo htmlQuotes($therecord["field"]);

		<td align="center" nowrap="nowrap"valign="top"><?php 
            echo booleanFormat($therecord["ascending"]);

		<td valign="top"><?php 

		<td nowrap="nowrap"valign="top">
			 <button id="edit<?php 
            echo $therecord["id"];
" name="doedit" type="button" onclick="document.location='<?php 
            echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&amp;command=edit&amp;selid=" . $therecord["id"];
';" class="graphicButtons buttonEdit"><span>edit</span></button>
			 <button id="delete<?php 
            echo $therecord["id"];
" name="dodelete" type="button" onclick="document.location='<?php 
            echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&amp;command=delete&amp;selid=" . $therecord["id"];
';" class="graphicButtons buttonDelete"><span>delete</span></button>
	<tr class="queryfooter">

Example #8
        function displayUsers($uuid, $type)
            $querystatement = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`users`.`uuid`,\n\t\t\t\t\tconcat(`users`.`firstname`,' ',`users`.`lastname`) AS `name`\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`users` INNER JOIN `rolestousers` ON `rolestousers`.`userid`=`users`.`uuid`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`rolestousers`.`roleid`='" . mysql_real_escape_string($uuid) . "'\n\t\t\t";
            $assignedquery = $this->db->query($querystatement);
            $thelist = array();
            if ($type == "available") {
                $excludelist = array();
                while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($assignedquery)) {
                    $excludelist[] = $therecord["uuid"];
                $querystatement = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`uuid`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat(`users`.`firstname`,' ',`users`.`lastname`) AS `name`\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`users`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`revoked` = '0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`portalaccess`='0'\n\t\t\t\t\t";
                $availablequery = $this->db->query($querystatement);
                while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($availablequery)) {
                    if (!in_array($therecord["uuid"], $excludelist)) {
                        $thelist[] = $therecord;
            } else {
                while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($assignedquery)) {
                    $thelist[] = $therecord;
            foreach ($thelist as $theoption) {
	<option value="<?php 
                echo $theoption["uuid"];
                echo htmlQuotes($theoption["name"]);
Example #9
    function showRecords()
        $rownum = 1;
        $this->db->seek($this->queryresult, 0);
        if ($this->showGroupings) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->thegroupings); $i++) {
                $this->thegroupings[$i]["theValue"] = "";
        while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($this->queryresult)) {
            // more groupings
            if ($this->showGroupings) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->thegroupings); $i++) {
                    if ($this->thegroupings[$i]["theValue"] != $therecord["_group" . ($i + 1)]) {
                        $this->thegroupings[$i]["theValue"] = $therecord["_group" . ($i + 1)];
<tr class="queryGroup"><td colspan = "<?php 
                        echo count($this->thecolumns);
" <?php 
                        if ($i) {
                            echo 'style = "padding-left:' . $i * 15 . 'px"';
                        if ($this->thegroupings[$i]["displayname"]) {
                            echo htmlQuotes($this->thegroupings[$i]["displayname"] . ": ");
                        echo $therecord["_group" . ($i + 1)];
                        $rownum = 1;
<tr id="<?php 
            echo $this->uniqueName . ":" . $therecord["theid"];
" class="qr<?php 
            echo $rownum;
            if ($rownum == 1) {
            } else {
                $rownum = 1;
            foreach ($this->thecolumns as $thecolumn) {
<td align="<?php 
                echo $thecolumn["align"];
" <?php 
                if (!$thecolumn["wrap"]) {
                    echo "nowrap=\"nowrap\"";
                echo $therecord[$thecolumn["name"]] !== "" ? formatVariable($therecord[$thecolumn["name"]], $thecolumn["format"]) : "&nbsp;";
Example #10
					<tr><td id="parenShipping">
if ($therecord["shippingmethodid"]) {
    echo "(" . htmlQuotes($shippingMethods[$therecord["shippingmethodid"]]["name"]) . ")";
} else {
    echo "&nbsp;";
					<tr><td class="blanks">&nbsp;</td></tr>
					<tr><td id="parenSpacer" class="blanks">&nbsp;</td></tr>
					<tr><td id="parenPayment"><?php 
if ($therecord["paymentmethodid"] != "") {
    echo "(" . htmlQuotes($paymentMethods[$therecord["paymentmethodid"]]["name"]) . ")";
} else {
    echo "&nbsp;";

		<td colspan="2" class="invoiceTotalLabels vTabs" id="vTab1"><div>discount<input type="hidden" id="totalBD" name="totalBD" value="<?php 
echo $therecord["totaltni"] + $therecord["discountamount"];
" /></div></td>
		<td class="totalItems"><input name="discountamount" id="discountamount" type="text" value="<?php 
echo numberToCurrency($therecord["discountamount"]);
" />



			<label for="search">search</label> <span class="notes">(SQL WHERE clause)</span><br />
			<textarea id="search" name="search" cols="32" rows="2"><?php 
echo htmlQuotes($thequicksearch["search"]);

		<p align="right">
			<input name="command" id="save" type="submit" value="<?php 
echo $action;
" class="Buttons" />
if ($action == "edit quick search item") {
				<input name="command" id="cancel" type="submit" value="cancel edit" class="Buttons" />
Example #12
echo htmlQuotes(CURRENCY_SYM);
echo htmlQuotes(DECIMAL_SYMBOL);
if (defined("TERM1_DAYS")) {
    echo TERM1_DAYS;
//end if
Example #13
<div class="bodyline">
    <form action="<?php 
echo htmlentities($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
" method="post" name="record" id="record" onsubmit="return false">
    <input type="hidden" id="command" name="command" value=""/>

echo $pageTitle;

        <p id="nameP"><?php 
echo htmlQuotes($_SESSION["userinfo"]["firstname"] . " " . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["lastname"]);

        <legend>Change Password</legend>
            <label for="curPass">current password</label><br />
            <input type="password" id="curPass" name="curPass" maxlength="32"/>

            <label for="newPass">new password</label><br />
            <input type="password" id="newPass" name="newPass" maxlength="32"/>
Example #14
function formatVariable($value, $format = NULL)
    switch ($format) {
        case "real":
            $value = number_format($value, 2);
        case "currency":
            $value = htmlQuotes(numberToCurrency($value));
        case "boolean":
            $value = booleanFormat($value);
        case "date":
            $value = formatFromSQLDate($value);
        case "time":
            $value = formatFromSQLTime($value);
        case "datetime":
            $value = formatFromSQLDatetime($value);
        case "filelink":
            $value = "<button class=\"graphicButtons buttonDownload\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"document.location='" . APP_PATH . "servefile.php?i=" . $value . "'\"><span>download</span></button>";
            //$value="<a href=\"".APP_PATH."servefile.php?i=".$value."\" style=\"display:block;\"><img src=\"".APP_PATH."common/stylesheet/".STYLESHEET."/image/button-download.png\" align=\"middle\" alt=\"view\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
        case "invoice":
            if ($value > 0 and $value != 9999999) {
                $value = "<a href=\"" . APP_PATH . "modules/bms/invoices_addedit.php?id={$value}\">{$value}</a>";
        case "client":
            $value = "<a href=\"" . APP_PATH . "modules/bms/clients_addedit.php?id={$value}\">{$value}</a>";
        case "noencoding":
            $value = $value;
        case "bbcode":
            $value = htmlQuotes($value);
            // This list needs to be expanded
            $bbcodelist["[b]"] = "<strong>";
            $bbcodelist["[/b]"] = "</strong>";
            $bbcodelist["[br]"] = "<br />";
            $bbcodelist["[space]"] = "&nbsp;";
            foreach ($bbcodelist as $bbcode => $translation) {
                $value = str_replace($bbcode, $translation, $value);
            $value = htmlQuotes($value);
    return $value;
Example #15

			<div style=" <?php 
if (!$therecord["webenabled"]) {
    echo "display:none;";
" id="webstuff">
					<label for="keywords">keywords <span class="notes">(comma separated key word list)</span></label><br />
					<input type="text" id="keywords" name="keywords" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["keywords"]);
" size="40" maxlength="255"/>
				<div class="fauxP">
					<label for="webdescription">web description <span class="notes">(HTML acceptable)</span></label><br />

					<div style=" <?php 
if ($therecord["webdescription"]) {
    echo "display:none;";
" id="webDescEdit">
						<textarea id="webdescription" name="webdescription" cols="60" rows="6"><?php 
echo $therecord["webdescription"];
		<fieldset >
			<p id="pProcessscript" <?php 
if ($therecord["onlineprocess"] == 0) {
    echo "style=\"display:none\" ";
				<label for="processscript">process script</label><br />
				<input id="processscript" name="processscript" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["processscript"]);
" size="64" maxlength="128"/>

$theform->showCustomFields($db, $thetable->customFieldsQueryResult);

$theform->showGeneralInfo($phpbms, $therecord);
Example #17
    function display($clientInfo)
        $invoiceEditFile = getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:62fe599d-c18f-3674-9e54-b62c2d6b1883");
        $noteEditFile = getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1");
        $clientEditFile = getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:6d290174-8b73-e199-fe6c-bcf3d4b61083");
<div class="bodyline" id="theDetails">

                    <div id="rightSideDiv">

                                    <ul class="recordCommands">
                                        <li class="firstToolbarItem"><a href="#" class="newRecord" onclick="addEditRecord('new','invoice','<?php 
        echo getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:62fe599d-c18f-3674-9e54-b62c2d6b1883", "add");
')" title="new sales order"><span>new</span></a></li>
                                        <li><a href="#" id="invoiceedit" class="editRecordDisabled" onclick="addEditRecord('edit','invoice','<?php 
        echo $invoiceEditFile;
')" title="edit"><span>edit</span></a></li>
                                    <div class="recordContainers">
                                    <div id="salesTable" class="smallQueryTableHolder">
        if (!count($clientInfo["invoices"])) {
                                                    <div class="small"><em>no records</em></div>
        } else {
                                            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="smallQueryTable">
                                                            <th align="left">ID</th>
                                                            <th align="left">Type</th>
                                                            <th align="left">Date</th>
                                                            <th align="right" width="100%">Total</th>
            foreach ($clientInfo["invoices"] as $invoicerecord) {
                if ($invoicerecord["type"] == "VOID") {
                    $invoicerecord["totalti"] = "-----";
<tr onclick="selectEdit(this,<?php 
                echo $invoicerecord["id"];
,'invoice')" ondblclick="selectedInvoice=<?php 
                echo $invoicerecord["id"];
                echo $invoiceEditFile;
                echo $invoicerecord["id"];
                echo $invoicerecord["type"];
                                                    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
                echo formatFromSQLDate($invoicerecord["thedate"]);
                                                    <td align="right"><?php 
                echo numberToCurrency($invoicerecord["totalti"]);



                                    <ul class="recordCommands">
                                        <li class="firstToolbarItem"><a href="#" title="new note" class="newRecord" onclick="addEditRecord('new','note','<?php 
        echo getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1", "add");
                                        <li><a href="#" title="edit" id="noteedit" class="editRecordDisabled" onclick="addEditRecord('edit','note','<?php 
        echo $noteEditFile;
                                    <div class="recordContainers">

                                    <div id="notesTable"  class="smallQueryTableHolder">
        if (!count($clientInfo["notes"])) {
                                                    <div class="small"><em>no records</em></div>
        } else {
                                            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="smallQueryTable">
                                                            <th align="left">type</th>
                                                            <th align="left">category</th>
                                                            <th align="left" width="100%">title</th>
                                                            <th align="center">done</th>
            foreach ($clientInfo["notes"] as $noterecord) {
                if (strlen($noterecord["subject"]) > 17) {
                    $noterecord["subject"] = substr($noterecord["subject"], 0, 17) . "...";
                if (strlen($noterecord["category"]) > 17) {
                    $noterecord["category"] = substr($noterecord["category"], 0, 17) . "...";
<tr onclick="selectEdit(this,<?php 
                echo $noterecord["id"];
,'note')" ondblclick="selectedNote=<?php 
                echo $noterecord["id"];
                echo $noteEditFile;
                echo $noterecord["type"];
                echo $noterecord["category"];
                echo $noterecord["subject"];
                                                    <td align="center"><?php 
                echo booleanFormat($noterecord["completed"]);



                    <div id="leftSideDiv">

                            <fieldset id="crTile" class="fs<?php 
        echo $clientInfo["type"];

                                        <input type="hidden" id="theid" value="<?php 
        echo $clientInfo["id"];
" />
										<input type="hidden" id="theuuid" value="<?php 
        echo $clientInfo["uuid"];
" />
        if ($clientInfo["company"]) {
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["company"]);
        } else {
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["firstname"] . " " . $clientInfo["lastname"]);
 <button id="viewClientButton" type="button" title="view client" class="graphicButtons buttonInfo" onclick="addEditRecord('edit','client','<?php 
        echo $clientEditFile;
')"><span>view client</span></button></h1>

        if ($clientInfo["company"] && $clientInfo["firstname"] && $clientInfo["lastname"]) {
<p id="crName"><?php 
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["firstname"]);
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["lastname"]);

        $location = "";
        $location .= htmlQuotes($clientInfo["address1"]);
        if ($clientInfo["address2"]) {
            $location .= "<br />" . htmlQuotes($clientInfo["address2"]);
        if ($clientInfo["city"] || $clientInfo["state"] || $clientInfo["postalcode"]) {
            $location .= "<br/>" . htmlQuotes($clientInfo["city"]);
            if ($clientInfo["city"] && $clientInfo["state"]) {
                $location .= ", ";
            $location .= htmlQuotes($clientInfo["state"]);
            $location .= " " . htmlQuotes($clientInfo["postalcode"]);
        if ($clientInfo["country"]) {
            $location .= "<br />" . htmlQuotes($clientInfo["country"]);
        if ($location == "") {
            $location = "unspecified location";
<p id="crLocation"><?php 
        echo $location;


        if ($clientInfo["workphone"] || $clientInfo["homephone"] || $clientInfo["mobilephone"] || $clientInfo["otherphone"] || $clientInfo["fax"]) {

                                            <p class="RDNames">phone</p>

                                            <div class="fauxP RDData">
            if ($clientInfo["workphone"]) {
                echo $clientInfo["workphone"];

            if ($clientInfo["homephone"]) {
                echo $clientInfo["homephone"];

            if ($clientInfo["mobilephone"]) {
                echo $clientInfo["mobilephone"];

            if ($clientInfo["otherphone"]) {
                echo $clientInfo["otherphone"];

            if ($clientInfo["fax"]) {
                echo $clientInfo["fax"];


        if ($clientInfo["email"]) {
                                            <p class="RDNames">e-mail</p>
                                            <p class="RDData">
                                                    <button type="button" class="graphicButtons buttonEmail" onclick="document.location='mailto:<?php 
            echo $clientInfo["email"];
'"><span>send email</span></button>
                                                    &nbsp;<a href="mailto:<?php 
            echo $clientInfo["email"];
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["email"]);

        if ($clientInfo["webaddress"]) {
                                            <p class="RDNames">web site</p>
                                            <p class="RDData">
                                                    <button type="button" class="graphicButtons buttonWWW" onclick="window.open('<?php 
            echo $clientInfo["webaddress"];
')"><span>visit site</span></button>
                                                    &nbsp;<a href="<?php 
            echo $clientInfo["webaddress"];
" target="_blank"><?php 
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["webaddress"]);


        if ($clientInfo["becameclient"]) {
                                            <p class="RDNames">became client</p>
                                            <p class="RDData">
            echo formatVariable($clientInfo["becameclient"], "date");

        if ($clientInfo["category"]) {
                                            <p class="RDNames">category</p>
                                            <p class="RDData">
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["category"]);

        if ($clientInfo["leadsource"]) {
                                            <p class="RDNames">lead source</p>
                                            <p class="RDData">
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["leadsource"]);

        if ($clientInfo["salesmanagerid"]) {
            global $phpbms;
                                            <p class="RDNames">sales person</p>
                                            <p class="RDData">
            echo htmlQuotes($phpbms->getUserName($clientInfo["salesmanagerid"]));


        if ($clientInfo["comments"]) {
            echo htmlQuotes($clientInfo["comments"]);

                    <p id="theclear">&nbsp;</p>
Example #18



			<label for="size">column size</label><br />
			<input id="size" name="size" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($thecolumn["size"]);
" size="32" maxlength="128" /><br />
			<span class="notes">HTML sizing conventions (e.g. 95%, or 150px)</span>
<br />
			<span class="notes">if you are using HTML code in your field, you will want to choose the no-encoding option, but special character in the database may not display correctly.</span>
			<label for="sortorder">sorting</label><br />
			<textarea id="sortorder" name="sortorder" cols="64" rows="2"><?php 
echo $thecolumn["sortorder"];
Example #19
    function showTasks($type)
        $querystatement = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tid,\n\t\t\t\ttype,\n\t\t\t\tsubject,\n\t\t\t\tcompleted,\n\t\t\t\tif(enddate < CURDATE(),1,0) AS ispastdue,\n\t\t\t\tif(assignedtodate < CURDATE(),1,0) AS ispastassigneddate,\n\t\t\t\tstartdate,\n\t\t\t\tenddate,\n\t\t\t\tassignedtodate,\n\t\t\t\tprivate,\n\t\t\t\tassignedbyid,\n\t\t\t\tassignedtoid,\n\t\t\t\tIF(assignedtodate IS NOT NULL, assignedtodate, IF((enddate IS NOT NULL && type = 'TS'), enddate, IF((startdate IS NOT NULL && type = 'EV'), startdate, CURDATE()))) AS xdate\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tnotes\n\t\t\tWHERE";
        switch ($type) {
            case "ReceivedAssignments":
                $querystatement .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\tassignedtoid = '" . $this->useruuid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOR \t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttype = 'TS'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (assignedtoid = '' OR assignedtoid IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND createdby = " . $this->userid . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND \t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcompleted = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR \t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcompleted = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND completeddate >= CURDATE()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
                $title = "Assignments";
                $id = "AS";
            case "GivenAssignments":
                $querystatement .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t(assignedbyid = '" . $this->useruuid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (completed = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOR (completed = 1 AND completeddate >= CURDATE())\n\t\t\t\t\t))";
                $title = "Delegations";
                $id = "DG";
        $querystatement .= "AND (\n\t\t\t\t\t(startdate IS NULL AND enddate IS NULL AND assignedtodate IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\tOR (startdate IS NOT NULL AND startdate <= DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) AND enddate IS NULL AND assignedtodate IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\tOR (enddate IS NOT NULL AND enddate <= DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY))\n\t\t\t\t\tOR (assignedtodate IS NOT NULL AND assignedtodate <= DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY))\n\t\t\t\t   )";
        $querystatement .= " ORDER BY\n\t\t\t\timportance DESC,\n\t\t\t\txdate,\n\t\t\t\tsubject";
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        $numRows = $this->db->numRows($queryresult);
		<h3 class="tasksLinks"><?php 
        echo $title;
        if ($numRows) {
 <span class="small">(<?php 
            echo $numRows;

		<div class="tasksDivs">

        if ($numRows) {
            $linkStart = getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1");
            $section["title"] = "Today";
            $section["date"] = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
            while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
                $className = "tasks";
                if ($therecord["completed"]) {
                    $className .= " complete";
                } else {
                    if ($therecord["ispastdue"] || $therecord["ispastassigneddate"]) {
                        $className .= " pastDue";
                if ($therecord["private"]) {
                    $className .= " private";
                $className .= " " . $therecord["type"];
                $checkBoxID = $id . $therecord["type"] . "C" . $therecord["id"];
                $link = $linkStart . "?id=" . $therecord["id"] . "&amp;backurl=" . APP_PATH . "modules/base/snapshot.php";
                $rightSide = "";
                if ($therecord["assignedtodate"]) {
                    $rightSide .= "FUP: " . formatFromSQLDate($therecord["assignedtodate"]) . "<br />";
                switch ($therecord["type"]) {
                    case "TS":
                        if ($therecord["enddate"]) {
                            $rightSide .= "Due: " . formatFromSQLDate($therecord["enddate"]) . "<br />";
                    case "EV":
                        $rightSide .= "Start: " . formatFromSQLDate($therecord["startdate"]) . "<br />";
                        $rightSide .= "End: " . formatFromSQLDate($therecord["enddate"]) . "<br />";
                if (!$rightSide) {
                    $rightSide = "&nbsp;";
                $bottomInfo = "";
                switch ($type) {
                    case "ReceivedAssignments":
                        if ($therecord["assignedbyid"]) {
                            $bottomInfo = "Assigned By: " . htmlQuotes($this->phpbms->getUserName($therecord["assignedbyid"], true));
                    case "GivenAssignments":
                        $bottomInfo = "Assigned To: " . htmlQuotes($this->phpbms->getUserName($therecord["assignedtoid"], true));
                // Looking for grouping changes in headers (3 days, 4-7 days, > 7 days)
                $xdate = stringToDate($therecord["xdate"], "SQL");
                if ($xdate > $section["date"]) {
                    while ($xdate > $section["date"]) {
                        switch ($section["title"]) {
                            case "Today":
                                $section["title"] = "Soon";
                                $section["date"] = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 7, date("Y"));
                            case "Soon":
                                $section["title"] = "Later";
                                $section["date"] = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2038);
                            case "Later":
                                //should never be here
                                $section["date"] = $xdate;
                        //end switch
<div class="taskSection"><?php 
                    echo $section["title"];
                //end if

					<div id="<?php 
                echo $id . $therecord["id"];
" class="<?php 
                echo $className;

						<span class="taskRight"><?php 
                echo $rightSide;

						<input class="radiochecks taskChecks" id="<?php 
                echo $checkBoxID;
" name="<?php 
                echo $checkBoxID;
" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                if ($therecord["completed"]) {
                    echo 'checked="checked"';
  align="middle" />

						<a href="<?php 
                echo $link;
                echo htmlQuotes($therecord["subject"]);

                if ($bottomInfo) {

                    echo $bottomInfo;


        } else {
					<p class="small disabledtext">no <?php 
            echo strtolower($title);
		</div> <?php 
Example #20
				<input name="state" type="text" id="state" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["state"]);
" size="10" maxlength="20" />
				<label for="postalcode">zip/postal code</label><br />
				<input name="postalcode" type="text" id="postalcode" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["postalcode"]);
" size="12" maxlength="15" />
				<label for="country">country</label><br />
				<input id="country" name="country" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["country"]);
" size="44" maxlength="128" />


			<legend><label for="comments">memo</label></legend>
			<textarea name="comments" cols="20" rows="10" id="comments"><?php 
echo $therecord["comments"];
Example #21


	<div id="leftSideDiv">
			<legend><label for="content">memo</label></legend>
			<p id="timeStampP">
				<button id="timeStampButton" type="button" class="graphicButtons buttonTimeStamp" accesskey="t" title="Add time stamp to memo (Access Key - t)">time stamp</button>
				<textarea name="content" cols="45" rows="23" id="content"><?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["content"]);
				<input id = "username" type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo formatVariable(trim($_SESSION["userinfo"]["firstname"] . " " . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["lastname"]));
" />

	<div id="repeatDiv">

		<div <?php 
if ($therecord["parentid"]) {
    echo 'style="display:none;"';
Example #22
    function display()
        if ($this->displayLabel) {
        if (!isset($this->_attributes["class"])) {
            $this->_attributes["class"] = "";
        } else {
            $this->_attributes["class"] = " " . $this->_attributes["class"];
        $this->_attributes["class"] = "inputSmartSearch" . $this->_attributes["class"];
<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo $this->id;
" id="<?php 
        echo $this->id;
" value="<?php 
        echo $this->value;
" />
		<input type="hidden" id="sff-<?php 
        echo $this->id;
" value="<?php 
        echo (int) $this->allowFreeForm;
		<input type="hidden" id="sdbid-<?php 
        echo $this->id;
" value="<?php 
        echo $this->searchInfo["id"];
		<input type="text" name="ds-<?php 
        echo $this->id;
" id="ds-<?php 
        echo $this->id;
"  title="Use % for wildcard searches." <?php 
        echo htmlQuotes($this->displayValue);
Example #23
                        <label for="company_phone">phone number</label><br />
                        <input id="company_phone" name="company_phone" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["company_phone"]);
" size="40" maxlength="128" />

if (isset($therecord["company_taxid"])) {
                        <label for="company_taxid">company tax id</label><br />
                        <input id="company_taxid" name="company_taxid" type="text" value="<?php 
    echo htmlQuotes($therecord["company_taxid"]);
" size="40" maxlength="128" />
//endif - tax id

                    <div class="fauxP">
                        print logo
                        <div id="graphicHolder"><img alt="logo" src="<?php 
echo APP_PATH;
dbgraphic.php?t=file&amp;r=1" /></div>
Example #24
 name="radio" onclick="showTypeDetails();" class="radiochecks" /><label for="type3">page link</label><br />
				<img src="menu-example-link.png" width="220" height="167" class="typeImage" alt="page link" />

	<div id="details">
			<legend>link / parent</legend>
			<p id="thelink">
				<label for="link">link</label> <span class="notes">(URL)</span><br />
				<input id="link" name="link" type="text" value="<?php 
if (substr($therecord["link"], 0, 10) != "search.php") {
    echo htmlQuotes($therecord["link"]);
" size="64" maxlength="255" />
			<p id="thetabledef">
				<label  for="linkdropdown">table definition</label><br />
$thetable->displayParentDropDown($therecord["parentid"], $therecord["uuid"]);
Example #25

			<p class="standout" align="center">JavaScript is disabled.</p>
			<p> Please check browser requirements.</p>

		<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php 
echo htmlentities($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);

				<label for="username">name</label><br />
				<input name="name" type="text" id="username" size="25" maxlength="64" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($_POST["name"]);
" disabled="disabled"/>

				<label for="password">password</label><br />
				<input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="25" maxlength="24" disabled="disabled"/>

			<p id="moreinfoButtonP"><button id="moreinfoButton" type="button" class="graphicButtons buttonInfo"><span>more info</span></button></p>
			<p id="buttonP"><button class="Buttons" type="submit" id="loginButton" disabled="disabled">Log In</button></p>

Example #26
    echo "style=\"display:none;\"";
					<label for="defaultcriteriafindoptions">criteria: selected find option</label> <span class="notes">(quick search)</span><br/>
					<textarea id="defaultcriteriafindoptions" name="defaultcriteriafindoptions" cols="32" rows="2"><?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["defaultcriteriafindoptions"]);

					<label for="defaultcriteriaselection">criteria: selected search field</label><br />
					<textarea id="defaultcriteriaselection" name="defaultcriteriaselection" cols="32" rows="2" ><?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["defaultcriteriaselection"]);

$theform->showCustomFields($db, $thetable->customFieldsQueryResult);


$theform->showGeneralInfo($phpbms, $therecord);
Example #27
				<p id="uploadlabel">
					<label for="upload">upload new file</label><br />
					<input id="upload" name="upload" type="file" size="64" tabindex="260" />
		<p id="descriptionlabel">
			<label for="content">description</label><br />
			<textarea name="description" cols="45" rows="4" id="content"><?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["description"]);
if ($therecord["id"]) {
    $attchmentsquery = getAttachments($db, $therecord["uuid"]);
    if ($db->numRows($attchmentsquery)) {
		<h2>Record Attachments</h2>
		<div class="fauxP">
		<div style="" class="smallQueryTableHolder">
		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="smallQueryTable">
				<th align="left">table</th>
			<legend>estimate charges</legend>
			<p><br />
			<p id="pEstimationscript" <?php 
if ($therecord["canestimate"]) {
    echo "style=\"display:block\" ";
				<label for="estimationscript">estimation script</label><br />
				<input id="estimationscript" name="estimationscript" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlQuotes($therecord["estimationscript"]);
" size="64" maxlength="128"/>

$theform->showCustomFields($db, $thetable->customFieldsQueryResult);


$theform->showGeneralInfo($phpbms, $therecord);
Example #29
    function displayWeek($userid, $dayInWeek = null)
        // Creates a week view calendar for the widget
        if (!$dayInWeek) {
            $dayInWeek = mktime(0, 0, 0);
        $firstDay = $dayInWeek;
        $dayArray = localtime($firstDay, true);
        while ($dayArray["tm_wday"] != 0) {
            $firstDay = strtotime("yesterday", $firstDay);
            $dayArray = localtime($firstDay, true);
        //build the initial array
        $events = array();
        $lastDay = strtotime("6 days", $firstDay);
        $tempDay = $firstDay;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
            $events["d" . $tempDay] = array();
            $tempDay = strtotime("tomorrow", $tempDay);
        //first lets get the regular events in the timeframe;
        $querystatement = "\n            SELECT\n                notes.id,\n                notes.startdate,\n                notes.starttime,\n                notes.enddate,\n                notes.endtime,\n                notes.subject\n            FROM\n                notes\n            WHERE\n                (\n                    notes.private = 0\n                    OR notes.createdby=" . $userid . "\n                )\n                AND notes.type='EV'\n                AND notes.repeating = 0\n                AND notes.startdate >= '" . dateToString($firstDay, "SQL") . "'\n                AND notes.startdate <= '" . dateToString($lastDay, "SQL") . "'";
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
            $events["d" . stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL")]["t" . stringToTime($therecord["starttime"], "24 Hour")][] = $therecord;
        //next we do recurring events
        $querystatement = "\n            SELECT\n                notes.id,\n                notes.startdate,\n                notes.starttime,\n                notes.enddate,\n                notes.endtime,\n                notes.subject,\n                notes.repeattype,\n                notes.repeatevery,\n                notes.firstrepeat,\n                notes.lastrepeat,\n                notes.timesrepeated,\n                notes.repeatontheday,\n                notes.repeatontheweek,\n                notes.repeateachlist,\n                notes.repeatuntil,\n                notes.repeattimes\n            FROM\n                notes\n            WHERE\n                repeating =1\n                AND (\n                    notes.private = 0\n                    OR notes.createdby=" . $userid . "\n                ) AND notes.type='EV'\n                AND (\n                    notes.repeatuntil IS NULL\n                    OR notes.repeatuntil >= '" . dateToString($firstDay, "SQL") . "'\n                    )\n                AND (\n                    notes.repeattimes IS NULL\n                    OR notes.repeattimes > notes.timesrepeated\n                    )";
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        $thetable = new notes($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1");
        while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) {
            $dateArray = $thetable->getValidInRange(stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL"), $lastDay, $therecord);
            foreach ($dateArray as $date) {
                if ($date >= $firstDay && $date <= $lastDay) {
                    if ($therecord["enddate"]) {
                        $therecord["enddate"] = dateToString($date + (stringToDate($therecord["enddate"], "SQL") - stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL")), "SQL");
                    $therecord["startdate"] = dateToString($date, "SQL");
                    $events["d" . $date]["t" . stringToTime($therecord["starttime"], "24 Hour")][] = $therecord;
        $querystatement = "\n            SELECT\n                DECODE(password,'" . ENCRYPTION_SEED . "') AS decpass\n            FROM\n                users\n            WHERE\n                id=" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"];
        $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
        $passrec = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult);
        $icallink = "?u=" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"] . "&amp;h=" . md5("phpBMS" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["firstname"] . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["lastname"] . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"] . $passrec["decpass"]);
        <input type="hidden" id="eventDateLast" value="<?php 
        echo strtotime("-7 days", $firstDay);
" />
        <input type="hidden" id="eventDateToday" value="<?php 
        echo mktime(0, 0, 0);
" />
        <input type="hidden" id="eventDateNext" value="<?php 
        echo strtotime("tomorrow", $lastDay);
" />

        <ul id="eventButtons">
            <li id="icalLi"><a href="ical.php<?php 
        echo $icallink;
" title="ical subscription link" id="icalA"><span>ical</span></a>&nbsp;</li>
            <li><button id="eventLastWeek" type="button" title="previous week" class="smallButtons"><span>&lt;&lt;</span></button></li>
            <li><button id="eventToday" type="button" title="today" class="smallButtons"><span>today</span></button></li>
            <li><button id="eventNextWeek" type="button" title="next week" class="smallButtons"><span>&gt;&gt;</span></button></li>
        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id="eventsList"><?php 
        foreach ($events as $date => $times) {
<tr class="eventDayName" <?php 
            if (mktime(0, 0, 0) === (int) str_replace("d", "", $date)) {
                echo 'id="today"';
                        <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo @strftime("%A", (int) str_replace("d", "", $date));
                        <td width="100%" align="right"><?php 
            echo @strftime("%b %e %Y", (int) str_replace("d", "", $date));
            if (count($times)) {
                foreach ($times as $time => $timeevents) {
                    foreach ($timeevents as $event) {
                                        <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" align="right"><?php 
                        echo formatFromSQLTime($event["starttime"]);
                                        <td valign="top" ><a href="<?php 
                        echo getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1") . "?id=" . $event["id"];
                        echo htmlQuotes($event["subject"]);
                    //endforeach events
                //endforeach time
            } else {
                                <td class="disabledtext" align="right">no events</td>
            // endif
        //endforeach day
Example #30
 function getTax($uuid)
     $therecord["name"] = "";
     if ($uuid) {
         $uuid = mysql_real_escape_string($uuid);
         $querystatement = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`name`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`percentage`\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`tax`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`uuid`='" . $uuid . "'\n\t\t\t\t";
         $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement);
         if ($this->db->numRows($queryresult)) {
             $therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult);
     } else {
         $therecord["name"] = NULL;
         $therecord["percentage"] = NULL;
     $therecord["name"] = htmlQuotes($therecord["name"]);
     return $therecord;