Example #1
 function RunModule()
     if (isset($_GET['adv']) && (!isset($_GET['q']) && !isset(self::$types[$_GET['adv']]))) {
         // if we're using advanced search
         $_GET['q'] = $_REQUEST['q'] = $_GET['adv'];
         $_GET['adv'] = $_REQUEST['adv'] = '';
     $query = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '';
     $adv = isset($_GET['adv']) ? $_GET['adv'] : '';
     echo '<h1>Search</h1>';
     echo '<p>Search Results for ' . $query . '</p>';
     $scores = self::RunSearch($query, $adv);
     foreach ($scores as $row) {
         $score = $row[0];
         $module = $row[1];
         $pkVal = $row[2];
         $info = $row[3];
         $obj = utopia::GetInstance($module);
         $data = $obj->LookupRecord($pkVal);
         $url = $obj->GetURL($pkVal);
         $title = word_trim(html2txt($data[$info[1]]), 10, true);
         $desc = word_trim(html2txt($data[$info[2]]), 30, true);
         echo '<div class="searchResult"><a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a><div>' . $desc . '</div></div>';
Example #2
 public function fetch_thread_replies($count, $tid)
     require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
     require_once './source/plugin/singcere_waterfall/singcere_waterfall.func.php';
     $list = array();
     $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE first != 1 AND tid = %d AND invisible >= 0 ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, %d", array('forum_post', $tid, $count));
     while (($result = DB::fetch($query)) != false) {
         preg_match_all("/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/i", $result['message'], $matchaids);
         $attachs = parseattach($result['tid'], $result['pid'], $matchaids, $result['message'], $skipaids);
         $k = $result['message'] = preg_replace("/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/ ", "\$attachs[\\1]", $result['message']);
         $k = discuzcode($k, FALSE, FALSE);
         $result['message'] = $k;
         $result['message'] = html2txt($result['message']);
         $list[] = $result;
     return $list;
Example #3
 public function find($page = 1)
     $limit = 10;
     $vdata = array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '未输入关键词!');
     if ($str = $this->input->get('w')) {
         // 元个数大于5
         if (mstrlen($str) > 5) {
             $str = get_str_tags(html2txt($str));
         if ($data = $this->model->find_list($str, $limit, $limit * ($page - 1))) {
             $vdata = $data;
             $vdata['status'] = 1;
             $vdata['msg'] = "获取数据共" . $vdata['count'] . "条";
             $this->pagination->initialize(page_config($limit, $vdata['count'], site_url('tags/find/')));
             $vdata['pages'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
Example #4
function search_output()
    global $db, $opt;
    global $distance_unit, $startat, $count, $sql, $sqlLimit;
    $encoding = 'UTF-8';
    $xmlLine = "\t<cache>\n\t\t<name><![CDATA[{cachename}]]></name>\n\t\t<owner id=\"{ownerid}\"><![CDATA[{owner}]]></owner>\n\t\t<id>{cacheid}</id>\n\t\t<waypoint>{waypoint}</waypoint>\n\t\t<hidden>{time}</hidden>\n\t\t<status id=\"{statusid}\">{status}</status>\n\t\t<lon value=\"{lonvalue}\">{lon}</lon>\n\t\t<lat value=\"{latvalue}\">{lat}</lat>\n\t\t<distance unit=\"" . $distance_unit . "\">{distance}</distance>\n\t\t<type id=\"{typeid}\">{type}</type>\n\t\t<difficulty>{difficulty}</difficulty>\n\t\t<terrain>{terrain}</terrain>\n\t\t<size id=\"{sizeid}\">{container}</size>\n\t\t<country id=\"{countryid}\">{country}</country>\n\t\t<link><![CDATA[" . $opt['page']['default_absolute_url'] . "viewcache.php?wp={waypoint}]]></link>\n\t\t<desc><![CDATA[{shortdesc}]]></desc>\n\t\t<hints><![CDATA[{hints}]]></hints>\n\t</cache>\n";
    // create temporary table
    sql_slave('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE &searchtmp SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $sql . $sqlLimit);
    $resultcount = sql_value_slave('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()', 0);
    $rsCount = sql_slave('SELECT COUNT(*) `count` FROM &searchtmp');
    $rCount = sql_fetch_array($rsCount);
    // start output
    if (!$db['debug']) {
        header("Content-type: application/xml; charset=" . $encoding);
        //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $sFilebasename . ".txt");
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $encoding . "\"?>\n";
        echo "<result>\n";
        echo "\t<docinfo>\n";
        echo "\t\t<results>" . $rCount['count'] . "</results>\n";
        echo "\t\t<startat>" . $startat . "</startat>\n";
        echo "\t\t<perpage>" . $count . "</perpage>\n";
        echo "\t\t<total>" . $resultcount . "</total>\n";
        echo "\t</docinfo>\n";
    $rs = sql_slave("SELECT &searchtmp.`cache_id` `cacheid`,\n                    &searchtmp.`longitude` `longitude`,\n                    &searchtmp.`latitude` `latitude`,\n                    `caches`.`wp_oc` `waypoint`,\n                    `caches`.`date_hidden` `date_hidden`,\n                    `caches`.`name` `name`,\n                    `caches`.`country` `countrycode`,\n                    `caches`.`terrain` `terrain`,\n                    `caches`.`difficulty` `difficulty`,\n                    `caches`.`desc_languages` `desc_languages`,\n                    `cache_size`.`name` `size`,\n                    `cache_size`.`id` `size_id`,\n                    `cache_type`.`name` `type`,\n                    `cache_type`.`id` `type_id`,\n                    `cache_status`.`name` `status`,\n                    `cache_status`.`id` `status_id`,\n                    `user`.`username` `username`,\n                    `user`.`user_id` `user_id`,\n                    `cache_desc`.`desc` `desc`,\n                    `cache_desc`.`short_desc` `short_desc`,\n                    `cache_desc`.`hint` `hint`,\n                    `cache_desc`.`desc_html` `html`,\n                    &searchtmp.`distance` `distance`,\n                    `sys_trans_text`.`text` `country`\n         FROM &searchtmp\n         INNER JOIN `caches` ON &searchtmp.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n         INNER JOIN `user` ON &searchtmp.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n         INNER JOIN `cache_desc`\n             ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_desc`.`cache_id` \n             AND `caches`.`default_desclang`=`cache_desc`.`language`\n         INNER JOIN `cache_type` ON `caches`.`type`=`cache_type`.`id`\n         INNER JOIN `cache_status` ON `caches`.`status`=`cache_status`.`id`\n         INNER JOIN `cache_size` ON `caches`.`size`=`cache_size`.`id`\n         LEFT JOIN `countries` ON `countries`.`short`=`caches`.`country`\n         LEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` ON `sys_trans_text`.`trans_id`=`countries`.`trans_id`\n         AND `sys_trans_text`.`lang`='&1'", $opt['template']['locale']);
    while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) {
        if (strlen($r['desc_languages']) > 2) {
            $r = get_locale_desc($r);
        $thisline = $xmlLine;
        $lat = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['latitude']);
        $thisline = str_replace('{lat}', help_latToDegreeStr($lat), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{latvalue}', $lat, $thisline);
        $lon = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['longitude']);
        $thisline = str_replace('{lon}', help_lonToDegreeStr($lon), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{lonvalue}', $lon, $thisline);
        $time = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($r['date_hidden']));
        $thisline = str_replace('{time}', $time, $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{waypoint}', $r['waypoint'], $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{cacheid}', $r['cacheid'], $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{cachename}', filterevilchars($r['name']), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{country}', text_xmlentities($r['country']), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{countryid}', $r['country'], $thisline);
        if ($r['hint'] == '') {
            $thisline = str_replace('{hints}', '', $thisline);
        } else {
            $thisline = str_replace('{hints}', str_rot13_gc(decodeEntities(filterevilchars(strip_tags($r['hint'])))), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{shortdesc}', filterevilchars($r['short_desc']), $thisline);
        if ($r['html'] == 0) {
            $thisline = str_replace('{htmlwarn}', '', $thisline);
            $thisline = str_replace('{desc}', filterevilchars(strip_tags($r['desc'])), $thisline);
        } else {
            $thisline = str_replace('{htmlwarn}', ' (Text converted from HTML)', $thisline);
            $thisline = str_replace('{desc}', html2txt(filterevilchars($r['desc'])), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{type}', $r['type'], $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{typeid}', $r['type_id'], $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{container}', $r['size'], $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{sizeid}', $r['size_id'], $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{status}', $r['status'], $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{statusid}', $r['status_id'], $thisline);
        $difficulty = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['difficulty'] / 2);
        $thisline = str_replace('{difficulty}', $difficulty, $thisline);
        $terrain = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['terrain'] / 2);
        $thisline = str_replace('{terrain}', $terrain, $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{owner}', filterevilchars($r['username']), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{ownerid}', filterevilchars($r['user_id']), $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{distance}', text_xmlentities(sprintf("%01.1f", $r['distance'])), $thisline);
        $thisline = lf2crlf($thisline);
        if (!$db['debug']) {
            echo $thisline;
    if (!$db['debug']) {
        echo "</result>\n";
Example #5
                $page['page'][$i]['souspage'][$j]['image_url'] = "";
                $page['page'][$i]['souspage'][$j]['image_largeur'] = "";
                $page['page'][$i]['souspage'][$j]['image_hauteur'] = "";
                $page['page'][$i]['souspage'][$j]['vignette_url'] = "";
                $page['page'][$i]['souspage'][$j]['vignette_largeur'] = "";
                $page['page'][$i]['souspage'][$j]['vignette_hauteur'] = "";
        } else {
            $page['page'][$i]['souspage'] = array();
        /* on recupere les infos de la premiere page pour les balises meta */
        if ($i == "0") {
            $page['meta_description'] = html2txt($ligne['page_summary']);
            $page['meta_keyword'] = html2txt($ligne['page_title'] . " " . $ligne['page_summary']);
            $page['meta_date'] = $ligne['page_date_edit'];
if ($right_user['add_information']) {
    $page['link_add'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_information'] . "&v1=form_page");
} else {
    $page['link_add'] = "";
$_SESSION['menu_information'] = $page['page'];
$page['L_add'] = $lang['information']['add_page'];
$page['L_title'] = $lang['information']['information'];
function PageCodeOutbox()
    global $memberID;
    global $dir;
    global $site;
    global $tmpl;
    global $date_format;
    $query = "\r\n\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t`Messages`.`ID`,\r\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `timestamp`,\r\n\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(`Date`, '{$date_format}') AS `Date`,\r\n\t\t\t`Recipient`,\r\n\t\t\t`Profiles`.`NickName` AS `RecipientNickName`,\r\n\t\t\t`Subject`,\r\n\t\t\t`New`\r\n\t\tFROM `Messages`\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON\r\n\t\t\t`Profiles`.`ID` = `Recipient`\r\n\t\tWHERE `Sender` = {$memberID}\r\n\t\tORDER BY `Date` DESC\r\n\t\t";
    $rMsgs = db_res($query);
    if (!mysql_num_rows($rMsgs)) {
        return '<div class="no_result"><div>' . _t("_No messages in Outbox") . '</div></div>';
    // --- get template and replace headers ---
    $aReplace = array();
    $aReplace['mailbox_header_img'] = '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon('outbox.gif') . '" class="mailbox_header_img" />';
    //$aReplace['summary'] = _t(
    $aReplace['flag'] = _t('_Flag');
    $aReplace['from'] = _t('_Recipient');
    $aReplace['date'] = _t('_Date');
    $aReplace['subject'] = _t('_Subject');
    $aReplace['click_to_sort'] = _t('_Click to sort');
    $aReplace['actions_l'] = '';
    $aReplace['actions'] = '';
    $ret = file_get_contents("{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/mail_box.html");
    foreach ($aReplace as $key => $val) {
        $ret = str_replace("__{$key}__", $val, $ret);
    $aMyTmpl = preg_split("/\\{\\/?InsertRows\\}/", $ret);
    $tmplRow = $aMyTmpl[1];
    $ret = "{$aMyTmpl[0]}{InsertRows /}{$aMyTmpl[2]}";
    $InsertRows = '';
    $tr_class = 'odd';
    while ($aMsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($rMsgs)) {
        $sSubject = process_line_output(html2txt($aMsg['Subject']));
        $aReplace = array();
        $aReplace['tr_class'] = $tr_class;
        $aReplace['new_add'] = $aMsg['New'] ? 'new' : '';
        $aReplace['ID'] = $aMsg['ID'];
        $aReplace['CheckBox'] = '';
        $aReplace['Flag'] = '<img class="mailbox_flag_img" src="' . getTemplateIcon($aMsg['New'] ? 'not_readed.gif' : 'readed.gif') . '" title="' . _t($aMsg['New'] ? '_Not Readed' : '_Readed') . '" />';
        $aReplace['From'] = "<!--{$aMsg['RecipientNickName']}--> <a href=\"{$site['url']}{$aMsg['RecipientNickName']}\">{$aMsg['RecipientNickName']}</a>";
        $aReplace['Date'] = "<!--{$aMsg['timestamp']}--> {$aMsg['Date']}";
        $aReplace['Subject'] = "<!--{$sSubject}--> <a href=\"{$site['url']}messages_outbox.php?message={$aMsg['ID']}\">{$sSubject}</a>";
        $sInsertRow = $tmplRow;
        foreach ($aReplace as $key => $val) {
            $sInsertRow = str_replace("{{$key}}", $val, $sInsertRow);
        $sInsertRows .= $sInsertRow;
        $tr_class = $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
    $ret = str_replace("{InsertRows /}", $sInsertRows, $ret);
    return $ret;
Example #7
 * Send email function
 * @param string $sRecipientEmail		- Email where email should be send
 * @param string $sMailSubject			- subject of the message
 * @param string $sMailBody				- Body of the message
 * @param integer $iRecipientID			- ID of recipient profile
 * @param array $aPlus					- Array of additional information
 * @return boolean 						- trie if message was send
 * 										- false if not
function sendMail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $iRecipientID = 0, $aPlus = array(), $sEmailFlag = 'html', $isDisableAlert = false, $bForceSend = false)
    global $site;
    if (!$sRecipientEmail || preg_match('/\\(2\\)$/', $sRecipientEmail)) {
        return false;
    if ($iRecipientID) {
        $aRecipientInfo = getProfileInfo($iRecipientID);
    // don't send mail to the user if he/she decided to not receive any site's notifications, unless it is critical emails (like email confirmation)
    if (!$bForceSend) {
        $aRealRecipient = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getRow("SELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Email`='" . process_db_input($sRecipientEmail, BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION) . "' LIMIT 1");
        if ($aRealRecipient && 1 != $aRealRecipient['EmailNotify']) {
            return true;
    $sEmailNotify = isset($GLOBALS['site']['email_notify']) ? $GLOBALS['site']['email_notify'] : getParam('site_email_notify');
    $sSiteTitle = isset($GLOBALS['site']['title']) ? $GLOBALS['site']['title'] : getParam('site_title');
    $sMailHeader = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($sSiteTitle) . "?= <{$sEmailNotify}>";
    $sMailParameters = "-f{$sEmailNotify}";
    if ($aPlus || $iRecipientID) {
        if (!is_array($aPlus)) {
            $aPlus = array();
        $oEmailTemplates = new BxDolEmailTemplates();
        $sMailSubject = $oEmailTemplates->parseContent($sMailSubject, $aPlus, $iRecipientID);
        $sMailBody = $oEmailTemplates->parseContent($sMailBody, $aPlus, $iRecipientID);
    $sMailSubject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($sMailSubject) . '?=';
    $sMailHeader = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
    if (!$isDisableAlert && 'on' == getParam('bx_smtp_on')) {
        return BxDolService::call('smtpmailer', 'send', array($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters, 'html' == $sEmailFlag, $aRecipientInfo));
    if ('html' == $sEmailFlag) {
        $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
        $iSendingResult = mail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters);
    } else {
        $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
        $sMailBody = html2txt($sMailBody);
        $iSendingResult = mail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, html2txt($sMailBody), $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters);
    if (!$isDisableAlert) {
        //--- create system event
        $aAlertData = array('email' => $sRecipientEmail, 'subject' => $sMailSubject, 'body' => $sMailBody, 'header' => $sMailHeader, 'params' => $sMailParameters, 'html' => 'html' == $sEmailFlag ? true : false);
        $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'send_mail', $aRecipientInfo['ID'], '', $aAlertData);
    return $iSendingResult;

 * YoutubeGallery for Joomla!
 * @version 4.3.6
 * @author Ivan Komlev< <*****@*****.**>
 * @link http://www.joomlaboat.com
 * @GNU General Public License
// No direct access to this file
//defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$videofile = urldecode($_GET['videofile']);
$videofile = html2txt($videofile);
$videofile = '../../../' . $videofile;
if (!file_exists($videofile)) {
    echo 'File not found.';
require_once 'flv4php/FLV.php';
$flv = new FLV($videofile);
echo $flv->getFlvThumb();
function html2txt($document)
    $search = array('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', '@<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', '@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU', '@<![\\s\\S]*?--[ \\t\\n\\r]*>@');
    $text = preg_replace($search, '', $document);
    return $text;
Example #9
function limit_words($string, $word_limit)
    $words = explode(' ', $string);
    $toremove = array('—', '“', '"', ',', '.', '-', '?', '•', ',', '.', ':', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '-', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '.', ';', '{', '}', '[', ']', '|', '/', '<', '>', '+', '=');
    $words = str_replace($toremove, "", $words);
    $words = preg_replace('/[\\r\\n\\t\\s]+/s', ' ', $words);
    $words = html2txt($words);
    return implode(' ', array_splice($words, 0, $word_limit));
Example #10
$page['value_text'] = "";
$page['value_id'] = "";
$page['value_topic'] = "";
$page['erreur'] = array();
$page['form_action'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_forum'] . "&v1=" . $forum['forum_idurl']);
/* modification ou add */
if (isset($_POST) and !empty($_POST)) {
    /* we format datas */
    $_POST['title'] = format_txt($_POST['title']);
    $_POST['text'] = trim($_POST['text']);
    /* verification des infos */
    if (!isset($_POST['title']) or $_POST['title'] == "") {
        $page['erreur'][$nb_erreur]['message'] = $lang['forum']['E_empty_title'];
    if (!isset($_POST['text']) or trim(html2txt($_POST['text'])) == "") {
        $page['erreur'][$nb_erreur]['message'] = $lang['forum']['E_empty_message'];
    /* we format datas */
    if (isset($_SESSION['session_member_id']) and !empty($_SESSION['session_member_id'])) {
        $_POST['member'] = $_SESSION['session_member_id'];
    } else {
        $_POST['member'] = 0;
    $_POST['forum'] = $forum['forum_id'];
    $_POST['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    if (!isset($_POST['topic']) or $_POST['topic'] == "") {
        $_POST['topic'] = "0";
    # the field email must not be filled in otherwise it mey be a spam robot
Example #11
function txtAlfabetico()
    $txt = ucfirst(LABEL_Titulo) . ': ' . $_SESSION["CFGTitulo"] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= ucfirst(LABEL_Autor) . ': ' . $_SESSION["CFGAutor"] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= ucfirst(LABEL_Keywords) . ': ' . $_SESSION["CFGKeywords"] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= ucfirst(LABEL_Cobertura) . ': ' . $_SESSION["CFGCobertura"] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= LABEL_URI . ': ' . $_SESSION["CFGURL"] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= ucfirst(LABEL_Version) . ': ' . $_SESSION["CFGVersion"] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= "__________________________________________________________________________\r\n";
    //Lista de todos los términos
    $sql = SQLlistaTemas();
    while ($arrayTema = mysqli_fetch_array($sql[datos])) {
        #Mantener vivo el navegador
        $time_now = time();
        if ($time_start >= $time_now + 10) {
            $time_start = $time_now;
            header('X-pmaPing: Pong');
        // Diferenciar entre términos preferidos y términos no preferidos o referencias
        if ($arrayTema[t_relacion]) {
            //Remisiones de equivalencias y no preferidos
            $sqlNoPreferidos = SQLterminosValidosUF($arrayTema[id]);
            while ($arrayNoPreferidos = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNoPreferidos[datos])) {
                $acronimo = arrayReplace(array("4", "5", "7", "8"), array(USE_termino, EQ_acronimo, EQP_acronimo, NEQ_acronimo), $arrayNoPreferidos[t_relacion]);
                $referencia_mapeo = $arrayNoPreferidos[vocabulario_id] !== '1' ? ' (' . $arrayNoPreferidos[titulo] . ' / ' . $arrayNoPreferidos[idioma] . ')' : '' . "\r\n";
                $txt .= "\n" . $arrayTema[tema] . $referencia_mapeo;
                $txt .= '	' . $acronimo . ': ' . $arrayNoPreferidos[tema_pref] . "\r\n";
        } else {
            // Si es preferido: mostar notas y relaciones
            $txt .= "\n" . $arrayTema[tema] . "\r\n";
            $txt .= LABEL_fecha_creacion . ': ' . $arrayTema[cuando] . "\r\n";
            if ($arrayTema[cuando_final] > $arrayTema[cuando]) {
                $txt .= LABEL_fecha_modificacion . ': ' . $arrayTema[cuando_final] . "\r\n";
            $sqlNotas = SQLdatosTerminoNotas($arrayTema[id], array("NB", "NH", "NA", "NC"));
            while ($arrayNotas = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNotas[datos])) {
                $acronimo = arrayReplace(array("NB", "NH", "NA", "NC"), array(NB_acronimo, NH_acronimo, NA_acronimo, NC_acronimo), $arrayNotas[tipo_nota]);
                $txt .= '	' . $acronimo . ': ' . html2txt($arrayNotas[nota]) . "\r\n";
            $sqlRelaciones = SQLverTerminoRelaciones($arrayTema[id]);
            $arrayRelacionesVisibles = array("2", "3", "4");
            // TG/TE/UP /TR
            while ($arrayRelaciones = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlRelaciones[datos])) {
                if (in_array($arrayRelaciones[t_relacion], $arrayRelacionesVisibles)) {
                    $acronimo = arrayReplace($arrayRelacionesVisibles, array(TR_acronimo, TG_acronimo, UP_acronimo), $arrayRelaciones[t_relacion]);
                    $txt .= '	' . $acronimo . ': ' . $arrayRelaciones[tema] . "\r\n";
            //Terminos especificos
            $SQLTerminosE = SQLverTerminosE($arrayTema[id]);
            while ($arrayTE = mysqli_fetch_array($SQLTerminosE[datos])) {
                $txt .= '	' . TE_acronimo . ': ' . $arrayTE[tema] . "\r\n";
    $filname = string2url($_SESSION[CFGTitulo] . ' ' . MENU_ListaAbc) . '.txt';
    return sendFile("{$txt}", "{$filname}");
Example #12
     $title = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', trim(strip_tags($matches[0][0])));
 } else {
     $title = '';
 // Turns out PHP has a function for extracting meta tags for us, the only
 // catch is that it works on files, so we fake a file by creating one using
 // base64 encode and string concaternation
 $tmp = get_meta_tags("data://{$mime};base64," . base64_encode($content));
 if (isset($tmp['description'])) {
     $desc = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', trim($tmp['description']));
 } else {
     $desc = '';
 // This is the rest of the content. We try to clean it somewhat using
 // the custom function html2text which works 90% of the tiem
 $content = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', trim(strip_tags(html2txt($content))));
 // If values arent set lets try to set them here. Start with desc
 // using content and then try the title using desc
 if ($desc == '' && $content != '') {
     $desc = substr($content, 0, 200) . '...';
 if ($title == '' && $desc != '') {
     $title = substr($desc, 0, 50) . '...';
 // If we dont have a title, then we dont have desc or content
 // so lets not add it to the index
 if ($title != '') {
     $toindex[] = array($url, $title, $desc, $rank);
     echo 'INDEXING ' . $count . "\r\n";
 } else {
Example #13
 function Answers_Info($user_data)
     $arr = $user_data['parameters']['res'];
     $res = '<table class="data">' . "\n";
     $p = $this->Problems_AllById($user_data['contest_id']);
     $tasks = $user_data['parameters']['tasks'];
     $opened = false;
     $n = count($arr);
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < $n) {
         $m = min(10, $n - $i);
         $res .= '  <tr>' . "\n    ";
         for ($j = 0; $j < $m; $j++) {
             $pr = $p[$tasks[$i]['problem_id']];
             $res .= '<th><span title="' . htmlspecialchars(html2txt($pr['description'])) . '">' . ($i + 1) . '</span></th>';
         for ($j = $m; $j < 10; $j++) {
             $res .= '<td class="void"></td>';
         $res .= '  </tr>' . "\n";
         $i -= $m;
         $res .= '  <tr>' . "\n    ";
         for ($j = 0; $j < $m; $j++) {
             $title = '';
             $pr = $p[$tasks[$i]['problem_id']];
             if (!$arr[$i]) {
                 $lib = new $pr['settings']['anstype']();
                 $title = htmlspecialchars('Ответ участника: ' . $lib->GetUserAnswerText($pr, $user_data['parameters']['user_answers'][$i], $i));
                 $title .= htmlspecialchars(' | Верный ответ: ' . $lib->GetCorrectAnswerText($pr));
             $res .= '<td' . ($arr[$i] ? ' style="background: #cfc"' : '') . '>' . ($arr[$i] ? '+' : '<span title="' . $title . '">-</span>') . '</td>';
         for ($j = $m; $j < 10; $j++) {
             $res .= '<td class="void"></td>';
         $res .= '  </tr>' . "\n";
     $res .= '</table>' . "\n";
     return $res;
function txt4term($tema_id, $params = array())
    $arrayTema = ARRAYverTerminoBasico($tema_id);
    $txt .= "\n" . $arrayTema[tema] . "\r\n";
    $label_target_vocabulary = '';
    $txt .= $params["includeCreatedDate"] == 1 ? LABEL_fecha_creacion . ': ' . $arrayTema[cuando] . "\r\n" : '';
    if ($arrayTema[cuando_final] > $arrayTema[cuando] && $params["includeModDate"] == 1) {
        $txt .= LABEL_fecha_modificacion . ': ' . $arrayTema[cuando_final] . "\r\n";
    $sqlNotas = SQLdatosTerminoNotas($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    while ($arrayNotas = $sqlNotas->FetchRow()) {
        $arrayNotas[label_tipo_nota] = in_array($arrayNotas[ntype_id], array(8, 9, 10, 11, 15)) ? arrayReplace(array(8, 9, 10, 11, 15), array(LABEL_NA, LABEL_NH, LABEL_NB, LABEL_NP, LABEL_NC), $arrayNotas[ntype_id]) : $arrayNotas[ntype_code];
        if ($arrayNotas[tipo_nota] !== 'NP' && in_array($arrayNotas[tipo_nota], $params["includeNote"])) {
            $txt .= '	' . $arrayNotas[label_tipo_nota] . ': ' . html2txt($arrayNotas[nota]) . "\r\n";
    $sqlRelaciones = SQLverTerminoRelaciones($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    $arrayRelacionesVisibles = array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
    // TG/TE/UP/TR
    while ($arrayRelaciones = $sqlRelaciones->FetchRow()) {
        if (in_array($arrayRelaciones[t_relacion], $arrayRelacionesVisibles)) {
            $acronimo = arrayReplace($arrayRelacionesVisibles, array(TR_acronimo, TG_acronimo, UP_acronimo, EQP_acronimo, EQ_acronimo, NEQ_acronimo), $arrayRelaciones[t_relacion]);
            if (in_array($arrayRelaciones[t_relacion], array(5, 6, 7))) {
                //términos equivalentes .. se concatenan después de los TE/NT
                $label_target_vocabulary .= '	' . $acronimo . ': ' . $arrayRelaciones[tema] . ' (' . $arrayRelaciones[titulo] . ')' . "\r\n";
            } else {
                $txt .= '	' . $acronimo . $arrayRelaciones[rr_code] . ': ' . $arrayRelaciones[tema] . "\r\n";
    //Terminos especificos
    $SQLTerminosE = SQLverTerminosE($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    while ($arrayTE = $SQLTerminosE->FetchRow()) {
        $txt .= '	' . TE_acronimo . $arrayTE[rr_code] . ': ' . $arrayTE[tema] . "\r\n";
    $txt .= $label_target_vocabulary;
    //Terminos equivalentes web services
    $SQLtargetTerms = SQLtargetTerms($arrayTema[tema_id]);
    while ($arrayTT = $SQLtargetTerms->FetchRow()) {
        $txt .= '	' . FixEncoding(ucfirst($arrayTT[tvocab_label])) . ': ' . FixEncoding($arrayTT[tterm_string]) . "\r\n";
    return $txt;
 function test_ppt()
     global $CONF;
     //don't run test if utility not on this machine
     if ($this->extractor->supported_formats['.ppt']['supported']) {
         $filename = $CONF['path_test'] . 'data/test.ppt';
         $content = "\n" . $filename . "\n&nbsp;\nCreated with pptHtml\n\n";
         //not happy with this - this is a watermark this version of ppthtml inserts
         $r = $this->extractor->extract($filename);
         $this->assertEqual($content, html2txt($r));
Example #16
function do_meta_tag($arrayTermino = "")
    global $CFG;
    //Si hay algún tema de proveniente de algún proceso
    global $tema;
    if (secure_data($tema, "digit")) {
        //Si hay tema_id desde GET o PORS
        $tema_id = $_POST[tema] ? $_POST[tema] : $_GET[tema];
        //Si hay tema_id desde algún proceso
        $tema_id = $tema ? $tema : $tema_id;
    if (secure_data($tema_id, "digit")) {
        $ARRAYdatosTermino = ARRAYverDatosTermino(secure_data($tema_id, "digit"));
        $sub_title = '; ' . xmlentities($ARRAYdatosTermino[titTema]);
        $ver_sub_title = xmlentities($ARRAYdatosTermino[titTema]) . ' - ';
        $relMeta = '<link rel="Dublin Core metadata" type="application/xml" href="xml.php?dcTema=' . $ARRAYdatosTermino[idTema] . '" title="Dublin Core ' . xmlentities($datosTermino[titTema]) . '" />';
        $relMeta .= '<link rel="MADS metadata" type="application/xml" href="xml.php?madsTema=' . $ARRAYdatosTermino[idTema] . '" title="MADS ' . xmlentities($datosTermino[titTema]) . '" />';
        $relMeta .= '<link rel="Zthes metadata" type="application/xml" href="xml.php?zthesTema=' . $ARRAYdatosTermino[idTema] . '" title="Zthes ' . xmlentities($datosTermino[titTema]) . '" />';
        $relMeta .= '<link rel="Skos metadata" type="application/rdf+xml" href="xml.php?skosTema=' . $ARRAYdatosTermino[idTema] . '" title="Skos Core ' . xmlentities($datosTermino[titTema]) . '" />';
        $relMeta .= '<link rel="TopicMap metadata" type="application/xml" href="xml.php?xtmTema=' . $ARRAYdatosTermino[idTema] . '" title="TopicMap ' . xmlentities($datosTermino[titTema]) . '" />';
    } elseif (secure_data($_GET[letra], "alnum")) {
        $sub_title = '; ' . MSG_ResultLetra . ' ' . xmlentities($_REQUEST[letra]);
        $ver_sub_title = ' :: ' . MENU_ListaAbc . ': ' . xmlentities($_REQUEST[letra]);
    $meta_tag = '<title>' . xmlentities($ver_sub_title . ' ' . $_SESSION[CFGTitulo]) . '</title>';
     * Error en verificación
    	$meta_tag.='<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="'.LANG.'" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=' . $CFG["_CHAR_ENCODE"] . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="generator" content="' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGVersion]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="description" content="' . html2txt($ver_sub_title . $_SESSION[CFGCobertura]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGKeywords] . $sub_title) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="author" content="' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGAutor]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="Creation_Date" content="' . $_SESSION[CFGCreacion] . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="revisit-after" content="15 days" />';
    //$meta_tag.='<!-- Dublin Core -->';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="DC.Title"        content="' . xmlentities($ver_sub_title . ' ' . $_SESSION[CFGTitulo]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="DC.Creator"      content="' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGAutor]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="DC.Subject"      content="' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGKeywords] . $sub_title) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="DC.Description"  content="' . html2txt($ver_sub_title . $_SESSION[CFGCobertura], true) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="DC.Publisher"    content="' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGAutor]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="DC.Date"         content="' . $_SESSION[CFGCreacion] . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<meta name="DC.Language"     content="' . LANG . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<link rel="' . MENU_Inicio . '" href="' . $_SESSION[CFGURL] . 'index.php" title="' . MENU_Inicio . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<link rel="' . MENU_ListaSis . '" href="' . $_SESSION[CFGURL] . 'index.php" title="' . MENU_ListaSis . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<link rel="' . MENU_ListaAbc . '" href="' . $_SESSION[CFGURL] . 'index.php?letra=?" title="' . MENU_ListaAbc . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<link rel="' . MENU_Sobre . '" href="' . $_SESSION[CFGURL] . 'sobre.php" title="' . MENU_Sobre . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<link rel="rss" type="application/rss+xml" href="xml.php?rss=true" title="RSS ' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGTitulo]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="xml.php?rss=true" title="RSS ' . xmlentities($_SESSION[CFGTitulo]) . '" />';
    $meta_tag .= $relMeta;
    return array("metadata" => $meta_tag, "arraydata" => $ARRAYdatosTermino);
Example #17
    $tpl->display("string:" . $tploutput);
$smarty_output = ob_get_contents();
$_SESSION['file_auth']['jones_demo'] = '1';
$_SESSION["fileauth_array"]['jones_demo'] = array();
$_SESSION["fileauth_time_array"]['jones_demo'] = array();
if (extension_loaded('zlib')) {
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y') . ' 00:00:00' . ' GMT', true, 200);
header('Date: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT', true, 200);
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1998)) . ' GMT', true, 200);
echo html2txt($smarty_output);
function html2txt($document)
    $search = array('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '/\\/\\*(.*)\\*\\//');
    $text = preg_replace($search, '', $document);
    return $text;
Example #18
# modification
$page['link_edit'] = "";
$page['link_delete'] = "";
if ($right_user['edit_information']) {
    $page['link_edit'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_information'] . "&v1=form_page&v2=" . $page['page_id']);
if ($right_user['delete_information']) {
    $page['link_delete'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_information'] . "&v1=page_list&v2=delete&v3=" . $page['page_id']);
/* add de la visit */
$var['id'] = $page['page_id'];
$sql_visit = sql_replace($sql['information']['edit_page_visit'], $var);
$sgbd = sql_connect();
$res_visit = sql_query($sql_visit);
/* end add visit */
# text
$page['L_page'] = $lang['information']['information'];
$page['L_date'] = $lang['information']['date_edit'];
$page['L_author'] = $lang['information']['author'];
$page['L_edit'] = $lang['information']['edit'];
$page['L_delete'] = $lang['information']['delete'];
# meta
$page['meta_title'] = $page['title'];
$page['meta_description'] = html2txt($page['summary']);
$page['meta_keyword'] = html2txt($page['keyword']);
$page['meta_date'] = $page['date_edit'];
$page['template'] = $tpl['information']['view_page'];
Example #19
			<p><iframe class="advertise" src="http://prosper202.com/ads/prosper202/" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> 
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="section">
					<td class="left" ><h2>Prosper202 Development Blog</h2></td>
$rss = fetch_rss('http://prosper202.com/blog/rss/');
if (isset($rss->items) && 0 != count($rss->items)) {
    $rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 5);
    foreach ($rss->items as $item) {
        $item['description'] = html2txt($item['description']);
        if (strlen($item['description']) > 350) {
            $item['description'] = substr($item['description'], 0, 350) . ' [...]';
				<h4><a href='<?php 
        echo $item['link'];
        echo $item['title'];
</a> - <?php 
        printf('%s ago', human_time_diff(strtotime($item['pubdate'], time())));
 * Send email function
 * @param string $sRecipientEmail		- Email where email should be send
 * @param string $sMailSubject			- subject of the message
 * @param string $sMailBody				- Body of the message
 * @param integer $iRecipientID			- ID of recipient profile
 * @param array $aPlus					- Array of additional information
 * @return boolean 						- trie if message was send
 * 										- false if not
function sendMail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $iRecipientID = '', $aPlus = '', $sEmailFlag = 'text')
    global $site;
    if ($iRecipientID) {
        $aRecipientInfo = getProfileInfo($iRecipientID);
    $sMailHeader = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($site['title']) . "?= <{$site['email_notify']}>";
    $sMailParameters = "-f{$site['email_notify']}";
    $sMailSubject = str_replace("<SiteName>", $site['title'], $sMailSubject);
    $sMailBody = str_replace("<SiteName>", $site['title'], $sMailBody);
    $sMailBody = str_replace("<Domain>", $site['url'], $sMailBody);
    $sMailBody = str_replace("<recipientID>", $aRecipientInfo['ID'], $sMailBody);
    $sMailBody = str_replace("<RealName>", $aRecipientInfo['NickName'], $sMailBody);
    $sMailBody = str_replace("<NickName>", $aRecipientInfo['NickName'], $sMailBody);
    $sMailBody = str_replace("<Email>", $aRecipientInfo['Email'], $sMailBody);
    $sMailBody = str_replace("<Password>", $aRecipientInfo['Password'], $sMailBody);
    if (is_array($aPlus)) {
        foreach ($aPlus as $key => $value) {
            $sMailBody = str_replace('<' . $key . '>', $value, $sMailBody);
    $sMailSubject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($sMailSubject) . '?=';
    $sMailHeader = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
    if ('html' == $sEmailFlag) {
        $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
        $iSendingResult = mail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters);
    } else {
        $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
        $iSendingResult = mail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, html2txt($sMailBody), $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters);
    return $iSendingResult;
Example #21
 * Send email function
 * @param $sRecipientEmail - Email where email should be send
 * @param $sMailSubject - subject of the message
 * @param $sMailBody - Body of the message
 * @param $iRecipientID - ID of recipient profile
 * @param $aPlus - Array of additional information
 * @param $iEmailType - email message type: BX_EMAIL_SYSTEM, BX_EMAIL_NOTIFY or BX_EMAIL_MASS
 * @return true if message was send or false otherwise
function sendMail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $iRecipientID = 0, $aPlus = array(), $iEmailType = BX_EMAIL_NOTIFY, $sEmailFlag = 'html', $isDisableAlert = false)
    // make sure that recipient's email is valid and message isn't empty
    if (!$sMailBody || !$sRecipientEmail || preg_match('/\\(2\\)$/', $sRecipientEmail)) {
        return false;
    // get recipient account
    $oAccount = BxDolAccount::getInstance($sRecipientEmail);
    $aAccountInfo = $oAccount ? $oAccount->getInfo() : false;
    // don't send bulk emails if user didn't subscribed to site news or email is unconfirmed
    if ($aAccountInfo && BX_EMAIL_MASS == $iEmailType && (!$aAccountInfo['email_confirmed'] || !$aAccountInfo['receive_news'])) {
        return false;
    // don't send email notifications if user didn't subscribed to notifications or email is unconfirmed
    if ($aAccountInfo && BX_EMAIL_NOTIFY == $iEmailType && (!$aAccountInfo['email_confirmed'] || !$aAccountInfo['receive_updates'])) {
        return false;
    // if profile id is provided - get profile's info
    $aRecipientInfo = false;
    if ($iRecipientID) {
        $oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iRecipientID);
        if ($oProfile) {
            $aRecipientInfo = $oProfile->getInfo();
    // get site vars
    $sEmailNotify = getParam('site_email_notify');
    $sSiteTitle = getParam('site_title');
    // add unsubscribe link
    if (empty($aPlus['unsubscribe'])) {
        $aPlus['unsubscribe'] = '';
        if ($oAccount && (BX_EMAIL_MASS == $iEmailType || BX_EMAIL_NOTIFY == $iEmailType)) {
            $aPlus['unsubscribe'] = ($sLink = $oAccount->getUnsubscribeLink($iEmailType)) ? '<a href="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $sLink . '">' . _t('_sys_et_txt_unsubscribe') . '</a>' : '';
    // parse template
    if ($aPlus || $iRecipientID) {
        if (!is_array($aPlus)) {
            $aPlus = array();
        $oEmailTemplates = BxDolEmailTemplates::getInstance();
        $sMailSubject = $oEmailTemplates->parseContent($sMailSubject, $aPlus, $iRecipientID);
        $sMailBody = $oEmailTemplates->parseContent($sMailBody, $aPlus, $iRecipientID);
    // email message headers
    $sMailHeader = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($sSiteTitle) . "?= <{$sEmailNotify}>";
    $sMailParameters = "-f{$sEmailNotify}";
    $sMailSubject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($sMailSubject) . '?=';
    $sMailHeader = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
    // build data for alert handler
    $bResult = null;
    $aAlert = array('email' => $sRecipientEmail, 'subject' => $sMailSubject, 'body' => $sMailBody, 'header' => $sMailHeader, 'params' => $sMailParameters, 'recipient' => $aRecipientInfo, 'html' => 'html' == $sEmailFlag ? true : false, 'override_result' => &$bResult);
    // system alert
    if (!$isDisableAlert) {
        bx_alert('system', 'before_send_mail', isset($aRecipientInfo['ID']) ? $aRecipientInfo['ID'] : 0, '', $aAlert);
        if ($bResult !== null) {
            return $bResult;
    // send mail
    if ('html' == $sEmailFlag) {
        $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
        $iSendingResult = mail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters);
    } else {
        $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
        $sMailBody = html2txt($sMailBody);
        $iSendingResult = mail($sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, html2txt($sMailBody), $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters);
    // system alert
    if (!$isDisableAlert) {
        bx_alert('system', 'send_mail', isset($aRecipientInfo['ID']) ? $aRecipientInfo['ID'] : 0, '', $aAlert);
    return $iSendingResult;
Example #22
            $page['forum'][$i]['link_down'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_forum'] . "&v1=forum_list&v2=organize&v3=down&v4=" . $ligne['forum_order'] . "&v5=" . $ligne['forum_id']);
        $page['forum'][$i]['link_edit'] = "";
        $page['forum'][$i]['link_delete'] = "";
        if ($right_user['edit_forum']) {
            $page['forum'][$i]['link_edit'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_forum'] . "&v1=form_forum&v2=" . $ligne['forum_id']);
        if ($right_user['delete_forum']) {
            $page['forum'][$i]['link_delete'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_forum'] . "&v1=forum_list&v2=delete&v3=" . $ligne['forum_id']);
if ($right_user['add_forum']) {
    $page['link_add'] = convert_url("index.php?r=" . $lang['general']['idurl_forum'] . "&v1=form_forum");
} else {
    $page['link_add'] = "";
$_SESSION['menu_forum'] = $page['forum'];
$page['L_add'] = $lang['forum']['add_forum'];
$page['L_forum_list'] = $lang['forum']['forum_list'];
# meta
$page['meta_title'] = $lang['forum']['forum_list'];
if (isset($page['forum'][0]['description'])) {
    $page['meta_description'] = html2txt($page['forum'][0]['description']);
    $page['meta_keyword'] = html2txt($page['forum'][0]['name'] . " " . $page['forum'][0]['description']);
$page['meta_date'] = "";
$page['template'] = $tpl['forum']['forum_list'];
Example #23
    $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{terrain}', $terrain, $thisline);
    $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{owner}', $r['username'], $thisline);
    // logs ermitteln
    $logentries = '';
    $rsLogs = sql_slave("SELECT `cache_logs`.`id`, `cache_logs`.`text_html`, `log_types`.`de` `type`, `cache_logs`.`date`, `cache_logs`.`text`, `user`.`username` FROM `cache_logs`, `user`, `log_types` WHERE `cache_logs`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id` AND `cache_logs`.`type`=`log_types`.`id` AND `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=&1 ORDER BY `cache_logs`.`date` DESC LIMIT 20", $r['cacheid']);
    while ($rLog = sql_fetch_array($rsLogs)) {
        $thislog = $txtLogs;
        $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $rLog['id'], $thislog);
        $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', date('d.m.Y', strtotime($rLog['date'])), $thislog);
        $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{username}', $rLog['username'], $thislog);
        $logtype = $rLog['type'];
        $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $logtype, $thislog);
        if ($rLog['text_html'] == 0) {
            $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{text}', $rLog['text'], $thislog);
        } else {
            $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{text}', html2txt($rLog['text']), $thislog);
        $logentries .= $thislog . "\n";
    $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{logs}', $logentries, $thisline);
    $thisline = lf2crlf($thisline);
    if ($rCount['count'] == 1 && $bUseZip == false) {
        echo $thisline;
    } else {
        $phpzip->add_data($r['waypoint'] . '.txt', $thisline);
if ($sqldebug == true) {
Example #24
        $thisline = str_replace('{mod_suffix}', '', $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{cachename}', filterevilchars($r['name']), $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{country}', tr($r['country']), $thisline);
    if ($r['hint'] == '') {
        $thisline = str_replace('{hints}', '', $thisline);
    } else {
        $thisline = str_replace('{hints}', filterevilchars(strip_tags($r['hint'])), $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{shortdesc}', filterevilchars($r['short_desc']), $thisline);
    if ($r['html'] == 0) {
        $thisline = str_replace('{htmlwarn}', '', $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{desc}', filterevilchars(strip_tags($r['desc'])), $thisline);
    } else {
        $thisline = str_replace('{htmlwarn}', ' (Text p�eveden z HTML)', $thisline);
        $thisline = str_replace('{desc}', html2txt(filterevilchars($r['desc'])), $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{type}', $r['type'], $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{container}', $r['size'], $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{status}', $r['status'], $thisline);
    $difficulty = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['difficulty'] / 2);
    $thisline = str_replace('{difficulty}', $difficulty, $thisline);
    $terrain = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['terrain'] / 2);
    $thisline = str_replace('{terrain}', $terrain, $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{owner}', filterevilchars($r['username']), $thisline);
    $thisline = str_replace('{distance}', htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%01.1f", $r['distance'])), $thisline);
    // logs ermitteln
    $logentries = '';
    $thisline = lf2crlf($thisline);
    echo $thisline;
function cupid_email($profile)
    global $ret;
    global $data;
    global $site;
    $profile = (int) $profile;
    $match_min = (int) getParam("match_percent");
    $prof_arr = getProfileInfo($profile, true);
    if ((int) $prof_arr['ID'] <= 0) {
        return false;
    $add = '';
    if ('all' != $prof_arr['LookingFor']) {
        $add = "AND `Sex` = '{$prof_arr['LookingFor']}' ";
    $add .= "AND ( `LookingFor` = '{$prof_arr['Sex']}' OR `LookingFor` = 'all' )";
    $memb_res = db_res("SELECT ID, NickName, Email, EmailFlag\n\t\t\t\tFROM Profiles\n\t\t\t\tWHERE EmailNotify = 'NotifyMe' AND Status = 'Active' AND ID <> {$profile} {$add}");
    if (mysql_num_rows($memb_res) < 1) {
        return false;
    while ($memb_arr = mysql_fetch_array($memb_res)) {
        $match = match_profiles($memb_arr['ID'], $profile);
        if ($match < $match_min) {
            // If the profile matches less then predefined
            // percent then go to next iteration (i.e. next profile)
        $message = getParam("t_CupidMail");
        $subject = getParam('t_CupidMail_subject');
        $subject = addslashes($subject);
        $recipient = $memb_arr['Email'];
        $headers = "From: {$site['title']} <{$site['email_notify']}>";
        $headers2 = "-f{$site['email_notify']}";
        $message = str_replace("<SiteName>", $site['title'], $message);
        $message = str_replace("<Domain>", $site['url'], $message);
        $message = str_replace("<RealName>", $memb_arr['NickName'], $message);
        $message = str_replace("<StrID>", $memb_arr['ID'], $message);
        $message = str_replace("<MatchProfileLink>", getProfileLink($prof_arr['ID']), $message);
        $message = addslashes($message);
        if ('Text' == $memb_arr['EmailFlag']) {
            $message = html2txt($message);
        if ('HTML' == $memb_arr['EmailFlag']) {
            $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $headers;
        $sql = "INSERT INTO `NotifyQueue` SET `Email` = {$memb_arr['ID']}, Msg = 0, `From` = 'ProfilesMsgText', Creation = NOW(), MsgText = '{$message}', MsgSubj = '{$subject}'";
        $res = db_res($sql);
    return true;
function UpdateMessage()
    $query = "UPDATE `NotifyMsgs` SET `Subj` = '" . process_db_input($_POST['subj']) . "', `Text` = '" . process_db_input(html2txt($_POST['body_html'])) . "', `HTML` = '" . process_db_input($_POST['body_html']) . "' WHERE ID = '" . (int) $_POST['msgs_id'] . "'";
    $res = db_res($query);
    return $res;
function send_cupid_email($aAnyProf, $iSelCupID)
    global $site;
    $message = getParam("t_CupidMail");
    $subject = getParam('t_CupidMail_subject');
    $subject = addslashes($subject);
    $recipient = $aAnyProf['Email'];
    $headers = "From: {$site['title']} <{$site['email_notify']}>";
    $headers2 = "-f{$site['email_notify']}";
    $message = str_replace("<SiteName>", $site['title'], $message);
    $message = str_replace("<Domain>", $site['url'], $message);
    $message = str_replace("<RealName>", $aAnyProf['NickName'], $message);
    $message = str_replace("<StrID>", $aAnyProf['ID'], $message);
    $message = str_replace("<MatchProfileLink>", getProfileLink($iSelCupID), $message);
    $message = addslashes($message);
    if ('Text' == $aAnyProf['EmailFlag']) {
        $message = html2txt($message);
    if ('HTML' == $aAnyProf['EmailFlag']) {
        $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $headers;
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `NotifyQueue` SET `Email` = {$aAnyProf['ID']}, Msg = 0, `From` = 'ProfilesMsgText', Creation = NOW(), MsgText = '{$message}', MsgSubj = '{$subject}'";
    $res = db_res($sql);
    return true;
function do_json($tema_id)
    global $CFG;
    $datosTermino = ARRAYverDatosTermino($tema_id);
    if (!is_numeric($datosTermino["tema_id"])) {
        return null;
    $ARRAYterm["tema_id"] = $datosTermino["tema_id"];
    $ARRAYterm["string"] = $datosTermino["titTema"];
    $ARRAYterm["created"] = $datosTermino["cuando"];
    $ARRAYterm["code"] = $datosTermino["code"];
    if ($datosTermino["cuando_final"]) {
        $ARRAYterm["modified"] = $datosTermino["cuando_final"];
    for ($iNota = 0; $iNota < count($datosTermino["notas"]); ++$iNota) {
        //there are note and is not private note
        if ($datosTermino["notas"][$iNota]["id"] && $datosTermino["notas"][$iNota]["tipoNota"] !== 'NP') {
            $tipoNota = in_array($datosTermino["notas"][$iNota]["tipoNota_id"], array(8, 9, 10, 11, 15)) ? arrayReplace(array(8, 9, 10, 11, 15), array(LABEL_NA, LABEL_NH, LABEL_NB, LABEL_NP, LABEL_NC), $datosTermino["notas"][$iNota]["tipoNota_id"]) : $datosTermino["notas"][$iNota]["tipoNotaLabel"];
            $ARRAYterm["notes"][] = array("@type" => $tipoNota, "@lang" => $datosTermino[notas][$iNota][lang_nota], "@value" => html2txt($datosTermino["notas"][$iNota]["nota"]));
    return json_encode($ARRAYterm);
Example #29
function search_output()
    global $opt, $translate, $txt_record;
    global $converted_from_html;
    global $phpzip, $bUseZip;
    $txtLine = $txt_record;
    $txtLogs = "<===================>\n{username} / {date} / {type}\n\n{text}\n";
    $rs = sql_slave("SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT\n            &searchtmp.`cache_id` `cacheid`,\n            &searchtmp.`longitude` `longitude`,\n            &searchtmp.`latitude` `latitude`,\n            `caches`.`wp_oc` `waypoint`,\n            `caches`.`date_hidden` `date_hidden`,\n            `caches`.`name` `name`,\n            `caches`.`terrain` `terrain`,\n            `caches`.`difficulty` `difficulty`,\n            `caches`.`desc_languages` `desc_languages`,\n            `caches`.`needs_maintenance`,\n            `caches`.`listing_outdated`,\n            IFNULL(`stt_country`.`text`,`countries`.`en`) AS `country`,\n            IFNULL(`stt_size`.`text`,`cache_size`.`name`) `size`,\n            IFNULL(`stt_type`.`text`,`cache_type`.`en`) `type`,\n            IFNULL(`stt_status`.`text`,`cache_status`.`name`) `status`,\n            `user`.`username` `username`,\n            `cache_desc`.`desc` `desc`,\n            `cache_desc`.`short_desc` `short_desc`,\n            `cache_desc`.`language` `desc_language`,\n            `cache_desc`.`hint` `hint`,\n            `cache_desc`.`desc_html` `html`,\n            `user`.`user_id`,\n            `user`.`username`,\n            `user`.`data_license`\n         FROM\n            &searchtmp\n            INNER JOIN `caches` ON &searchtmp.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n            INNER JOIN `cache_desc`\n                ON `cache_desc`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n                AND `caches`.`default_desclang`=`cache_desc`.`language`\n             INNER JOIN `cache_type` ON `cache_type`.`id`=`caches`.`type`\n             INNER JOIN `cache_size` ON `cache_size`.`id`=`caches`.`size`\n             INNER JOIN `cache_status` ON `cache_status`.`id`=`caches`.`status`\n             INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`user_id`=`caches`.`user_id`\n             LEFT JOIN `countries` ON `countries`.`short`=`caches`.`country`\n             LEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` `stt_type` ON `stt_type`.`trans_id`=`cache_type`.`trans_id` AND `stt_type`.`lang`='&1'\n             LEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` `stt_size` ON `stt_size`.`trans_id`=`cache_size`.`trans_id` AND `stt_size`.`lang`='&1'\n             LEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` `stt_status` ON `stt_status`.`trans_id`=`cache_status`.`trans_id` AND `stt_status`.`lang`='&1'\n             LEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` `stt_country` ON `stt_country`.`trans_id`=`countries`.`trans_id` AND `stt_country`.`lang`='&1'", $opt['template']['locale']);
    while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) {
        if (strlen($r['desc_languages']) > 2) {
            $r = get_locale_desc($r);
        $thisline = $txtLine;
        $lat = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['latitude']);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{lat}', help_latToDegreeStr($lat), $thisline);
        $lon = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['longitude']);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{lon}', help_lonToDegreeStr($lon), $thisline);
        $time = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($r['date_hidden']));
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{time}', $time, $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{waypoint}', $r['waypoint'], $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', $r['cacheid'], $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', $r['name'], $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{country}', $r['country'], $thisline);
        if ($r['hint'] == '') {
            $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{hints}', '', $thisline);
        } else {
            $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{hints}', str_rot13_gc(decodeEntities(strip_tags($r['hint']))), $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{shortdesc}', $r['short_desc'], $thisline);
        $license = getLicenseDisclaimer($r['user_id'], $r['username'], $r['data_license'], $r['cacheid'], $opt['template']['locale'], true, false, true);
        if ($license != "") {
            $license = "\r\n\r\n{$license}";
        if ($r['html'] == 0) {
            $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{htmlwarn}', '', $thisline);
            $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{desc}', decodeEntities(strip_tags($r['desc'])) . $license, $thisline);
        } else {
            $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{htmlwarn}', " ({$converted_from_html})", $thisline);
            $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{desc}', html2txt($r['desc']) . $license, $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $r['type'], $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{container}', $r['size'], $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{status}', $r['status'], $thisline);
        $difficulty = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['difficulty'] / 2);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{difficulty}', $difficulty, $thisline);
        $terrain = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['terrain'] / 2);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{terrain}', $terrain, $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{siteurl}', $opt['page']['default_absolute_url'], $thisline);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{owner}', $r['username'], $thisline);
        $flags = array();
        if ($r['needs_maintenance'] > 0 || $r['listing_outdated']) {
            if ($r['needs_maintenance'] > 0) {
                $flags[] = 'geocache needs maintenance';
            if ($r['listing_outdated'] > 0) {
                $flags[] = 'description is outdated';
        } else {
            $flags[] = 'ok';
        foreach ($flags as &$flag) {
            $flag = $translate->t($flag, '', basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{condition}', implode(', ', $flags), $thisline);
        // logs ermitteln
        $logentries = '';
        $rsLogs = sql_slave("SELECT\n                `cache_logs`.`id`,\n                `cache_logs`.`text_html`,\n                IFNULL(`stt`.`text`, `log_types`.`en`) `type`,\n                `cache_logs`.`date`,\n                `cache_logs`.`text`,\n                `user`.`username`\n             FROM `cache_logs`\n             JOIN `user` ON `cache_logs`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n             JOIN `log_types` ON `cache_logs`.`type`=`log_types`.`id`\n             LEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` `stt` ON `stt`.`trans_id`=`log_types`.`trans_id` AND `stt`.`lang`='&2'\n             WHERE `cache_logs`.`cache_id`=&1\n             ORDER BY\n                `cache_logs`.`order_date` DESC,\n                `cache_logs`.`date_created` DESC,\n                `cache_logs`.`id` DESC\n             LIMIT 20", $r['cacheid'], $opt['template']['locale']);
        while ($rLog = sql_fetch_array($rsLogs)) {
            $thislog = $txtLogs;
            $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $rLog['id'], $thislog);
            $dateformat = "d.m.Y H:i";
            if (substr($rLog['date'], 11) == "00:00:00") {
                $dateformat = "d.m.Y";
            $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', date($dateformat, strtotime($rLog['date'])), $thislog);
            $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{username}', $rLog['username'], $thislog);
            $logtype = $rLog['type'];
            $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $logtype, $thislog);
            if ($rLog['text_html'] == 0) {
                $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{text}', decodeEntities(strip_tags($rLog['text'])), $thislog);
            } else {
                $thislog = mb_ereg_replace('{text}', html2txt($rLog['text']), $thislog);
            $logentries .= $thislog . "\n";
        $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{logs}', $logentries, $thisline);
        $thisline = lf2crlf($thisline);
        if (!$bUseZip) {
            echo $thisline;
        } else {
            $phpzip->add_data($r['waypoint'] . '.txt', $thisline);
function PageCorespondence($memberID, $senderID)
    global $site;
    global $date_format;
    $preview_leight = 25;
    $sender_nickname = getProfileInfo($senderID);
    //db_arr("SELECT `NickName` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '$senderID'");
    $member_to_sender_query = "SELECT `Profiles`.`ID` AS pID, `Profiles`.`NickName`, `Profiles`.`Status`, `Messages`.`ID` AS mID, `New`, DATE_FORMAT( `Date`, '{$date_format}') as 'Date', `Subject`, LEFT( `Text`, {$preview_leight} ) AS Preview FROM `Messages` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON `Messages`.`Recipient` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `Sender` = '" . (int) $memberID . "' AND `Recipient` = '" . (int) $senderID . "' ORDER BY `Date` DESC";
    $member_to_sender_res = db_res($member_to_sender_query);
    $member_to_sender_num = mysql_num_rows($member_to_sender_res);
    $sender_to_member_query = "SELECT `Messages`.`ID` AS mID, `New`, DATE_FORMAT( `Date`, '{$date_format}') as 'Date', `Subject`, LEFT( `Text`, {$preview_leight} ) AS Preview FROM `Messages` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON Messages.Sender = Profiles.ID WHERE `Sender` = '" . (int) $senderID . "' AND `Recipient` = '" . (int) $memberID . "' ORDER BY `Date` DESC";
    $sender_to_member_res = db_res($sender_to_member_query);
    $sender_to_member_num = mysql_num_rows($sender_to_member_res);
    $ret = '';
    $ret .= '<div class="member_to_sender">';
    if ($member_to_sender_num > 0) {
        $ret .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">';
        $ret .= '<tr>';
        $ret .= '<td colspan="3" class="cor_title">';
        $ret .= _t('_messages_to', $sender_nickname['NickName']);
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '</tr>';
        $ret .= '<tr>';
        $ret .= '<td width="17">';
        $ret .= '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon('convert.gif') . '" alt="" />';
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '<td width="70">';
        $ret .= _t('_Date');
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '<td>';
        $ret .= _t('_Subject');
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '</tr>';
        $j_out = '0';
        while ($member_to_sender_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($member_to_sender_res)) {
            if (strlen($member_to_sender_arr['Subject']) == 0) {
                $cor_subject_out = $member_to_sender_arr['Preview'];
                if (strlen($member_to_sender_arr['Preview']) >= $preview_length) {
                    $cor_subject_out .= "...";
            } else {
                $cor_subject_out = $member_to_sender_arr['Subject'];
                if (strlen($member_to_sender_arr['Subject']) >= $preview_length) {
                    $cor_subject_out .= "...";
            if ('1' == $member_to_sender_arr['New']) {
                $new_out = 'not_readed.gif';
                $style_add = 'style="font-weight:bold;"';
            } else {
                $new_out = 'readed.gif';
                $style_add = '';
            if ($j_out % 2 != '0') {
                $bgcolor = '#FFFFFF';
            } else {
                $bgcolor = '#EAF6C6';
            $ret .= '<tr class="tr_hover" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">';
            $ret .= '<td height="20">';
            $ret .= '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon($new_out) . '" alt="" />';
            $ret .= '</td>';
            $ret .= '<td ' . $style_add . '>';
            $ret .= $member_to_sender_arr['Date'];
            $ret .= '</td>';
            $ret .= '<td ' . $style_add . ' align="left">';
            $ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'messages_outbox.php?message=' . $member_to_sender_arr['mID'] . '">';
            $ret .= process_line_output(html2txt($cor_subject_out));
            $ret .= '</a>';
            $ret .= '</td>';
            $ret .= '</tr>';
        $ret .= '</table>';
    } else {
        $ret .= '<div class="no_result"><div>';
        $ret .= _t('_no_messages_to', $sender_nickname['NickName']);
        $ret .= '</div></div>';
    $ret .= '</div>';
    $ret .= '<div class="sender_to_member">';
    if ($sender_to_member_num) {
        $ret .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">';
        $ret .= '<tr>';
        $ret .= '<td colspan="3" class="cor_title">';
        $ret .= _t('_messages_from', $sender_nickname['NickName']);
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '</tr>';
        $ret .= '<tr>';
        $ret .= '<td width="17">';
        $ret .= '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon('convert.gif') . '" alt="" />';
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '<td width="70">';
        $ret .= _t('_Date');
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '<td>';
        $ret .= _t('_Subject');
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '</tr>';
        $j_in = '0';
        while ($sender_to_member_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($sender_to_member_res)) {
            if (strlen($sender_to_member_arr['Subject']) == 0) {
                $cor_subject_in = $sender_to_member_arr['Preview'];
                if (strlen($sender_to_member_arr['Preview']) >= $preview_length) {
                    $cor_subject_in .= "...";
            } else {
                $cor_subject_in = $sender_to_member_arr['Subject'];
                if (strlen($sender_to_member_arr['Subject']) >= $preview_length) {
                    $cor_subject_in .= "...";
            if ($_GET['message'] == $sender_to_member_arr['mID']) {
                $new_in = 'current_mes.png';
                $style_add_in = '';
            } else {
                if ('1' == $sender_to_member_arr['New']) {
                    $new_in = 'not_readed.gif';
                    $style_add_in = 'style="font-weight:bold;"';
                } else {
                    $new_in = 'readed.gif';
                    $style_add_in = '';
            if ($j_in % 2 != '0') {
                $bgcolor = '#FFFFFF';
            } else {
                $bgcolor = '#EAF6C6';
            $ret .= '<tr class="tr_hover" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">';
            $ret .= '<td height="20">';
            $ret .= '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon($new_in) . '" alt="" />';
            $ret .= '</td>';
            $ret .= '<td ' . $style_add_in . '>';
            $ret .= $sender_to_member_arr['Date'];
            $ret .= '</td>';
            $ret .= '<td ' . $style_add_in . ' align="left">';
            $ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'messages_inbox.php?message=' . $sender_to_member_arr['mID'] . '">';
            $ret .= process_line_output(html2txt($cor_subject_in));
            $ret .= '</a>';
            $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '</table>';
    } else {
        $ret .= '<div class="no_result"></div>';
        $ret .= _t('_no_messages_from', $sender_nickname['NickName']);
        $ret .= '</div></div>';
    $ret .= '</div>';
    return $ret;