function hoturl_absolute_raw($page, $options = null) { return htmlspecialchars_decode(hoturl_absolute($page, $options)); }
function hoturl_absolute_nodefaults($page, $options = null) { global $Opt, $_hoturl_defaults; $defaults = $_hoturl_defaults; $_hoturl_defaults = null; $url = hoturl_absolute($page, $options); $_hoturl_defaults = $defaults; return $url; }
<path d="M 61.71,62.611 C 66.977,55.945 70.128,47.531 70.128,38.378 C 70.128,29.161 66.936,20.696 61.609,14.01" style="fill:none;stroke:#111111;stroke-width:5;stroke-linecap:round"/> </svg><svg id="muteicon" class="fx" width="1.5em" height="1.5em" viewBox="0 0 75 75" style="position:relative;bottom:-3px"> <polygon points="39.389,13.769 22.235,28.606 6,28.606 6,47.699 21.989,47.699 39.389,62.75 39.389,13.769" style="stroke:#111111;stroke-width:5;stroke-linejoin:round;fill:#111111;" /> <path d="M 48.651772,50.269646 69.395223,25.971024" style="fill:none;stroke:#111111;stroke-width:5;stroke-linecap:round"/> <path d="M 69.395223,50.269646 48.651772,25.971024" style="fill:none;stroke:#111111;stroke-width:5;stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg></button></td>'; //echo '<span class="hidden fhn_ib"> Mute</span>'; //echo '<span class="hidden fhx_ib"> Unmute</span></button></td>'; // show-papers if ($Me->has_database_account()) { echo '<td style="padding-left:2em">', Ht::checkbox("buzzer_showpapers", 1, $show_papers, array("id" => "buzzer_showpapers", "onclick" => "trackertable_showpapers()")), " ", Ht::label("Show papers"), '</td>'; Ht::stash_script("trackertable_showpapers()"); } // kiosk mode if ($Me->privChair) { echo '<td style="padding-left:2em">', Ht::js_button("Kiosk mode", "popup(this,'kiosk',0,true)"), '</td>'; $Conf->footerHtml('<div id="popup_kiosk" class="popupc"> <p>Kiosk mode is a discussion status page with no other site privileges. It’s safe to leave a browser in kiosk mode open in the hallway.</p> <p><b>Kiosk mode will sign you out of the site.</b> Do not use kiosk mode on your main browser. Instead, sign in to another browser and navigate to this page. Or use these URLs:</p> <p><table><tr><td class="lcaption nw">With papers</td> <td>' . hoturl_absolute("buzzer", array("__PATH__" => $kiosk_keys[1])) . '</td></tr> <tr><td class="lcaption nw">Conflicts only</td> <td>' . hoturl_absolute("buzzer", array("__PATH__" => $kiosk_keys[0])) . '</td></tr></table></p>' . Ht::form_div(hoturl_post("buzzer")) . '<div class="popup_actions">' . Ht::hidden("buzzer_showpapers", 1, array("class" => "popup_populate")) . Ht::js_button("Cancel", "popup(null,'kiosk',1)") . Ht::submit("signout_to_kiosk", "Enter kiosk mode", array("class" => "bb")) . '</div></div></form>'); } echo "</tr></table></form>\n"; $Conf->footer();
function run(Contact $user, $qreq, $ssel) { global $Conf; $settingrank = $Conf->setting("tag_rank") && $qreq->tag == "~" . $Conf->setting_data("tag_rank"); if (!$user->isPC && !($user->is_reviewer() && $settingrank)) { return self::EPERM; } $tagger = new Tagger($user); if ($tag = $tagger->check($qreq->tag, Tagger::NOVALUE | Tagger::NOCHAIR)) { $result = Dbl::qe_raw($Conf->paperQuery($user, array("paperId" => $ssel->selection(), "tagIndex" => $tag, "order" => "order by tagIndex, PaperReview.overAllMerit desc, Paper.paperId"))); $real = ""; $null = "\n"; while ($prow = PaperInfo::fetch($result, $user)) { if ($user->can_change_tag($prow, $tag, null, 1)) { if ($prow->tagIndex === null) { $null .= "X\t{$prow->paperId}\t{$prow->title}\n"; } else { if ($real === "" || $lastIndex == $row->tagIndex - 1) { $real .= "\t{$prow->paperId}\t{$prow->title}\n"; } else { if ($lastIndex == $row->tagIndex) { $real .= "=\t{$prow->paperId}\t{$prow->title}\n"; } else { $real .= str_pad("", min($prow->tagIndex - $lastIndex, 5), ">") . "\t{$prow->paperId}\t{$prow->title}\n"; } } } $lastIndex = $prow->tagIndex; } } $text = "# Edit the rank order by rearranging this file's lines.\n\n# The first line has the highest rank. Lines starting with \"#\" are\n# ignored. Unranked papers appear at the end in lines starting with\n# \"X\", sorted by overall merit. Create a rank by removing the \"X\"s and\n# rearranging the lines. Lines starting with \"=\" mark papers with the\n# same rank as the preceding papers. Lines starting with \">>\", \">>>\",\n# and so forth indicate rank gaps between papers. When you are done,\n# upload the file at\n" . "# " . hoturl_absolute("offline") . "\n\n" . "Tag: " . trim($qreq->tag) . "\n" . "\n" . $real . $null; downloadText($text, "rank"); } else { Conf::msg_error($tagger->error_html); } }