function hoot_enqueue_admin_widget_styles_scripts($hook) { /* Load hoot widgets for SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin on Edit screens */ $widgetload = ('post.php' == $hook || 'post-new.php' == $hook) && (defined('SITEORIGIN_PANELS_VERSION') && version_compare(SITEORIGIN_PANELS_VERSION, '2.0') >= 0) ? true : false; if ('widgets.php' == $hook || $widgetload) { /* Enqueue Styles */ wp_enqueue_style('hoot-font-awesome'); $style_uri = hoot_locate_style(trailingslashit(HOOT_CSS) . 'admin-widgets'); wp_enqueue_style('hoot-admin-widgets', $style_uri, array(), HOOT_VERSION); /* Enqueue Scripts */ // Load admin-widgets in footer to maintain script heirarchy $script_uri = hoot_locate_script(trailingslashit(HOOT_JS) . 'admin-widgets'); wp_enqueue_script('hoot-admin-widgets', $script_uri, array('jquery'), HOOT_VERSION, true); } }
/** * Registers the framework stylesheet files. The function does not load the stylesheet. * It merely registers it with WordPress. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ function hoot_admin_register_styles() { $style_uri = hoot_locate_style(trailingslashit(HOOT_CSS) . 'font-awesome'); wp_register_style('hoot-font-awesome', $style_uri, false, '4.5.0'); }
/** * Load stylesheets for the front end. * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ function hoot_base_enqueue_styles() { /* Load Google Fonts if 'google-fonts' is active. */ if (current_theme_supports('google-fonts')) { wp_enqueue_style('hoot-google-fonts', hoot_google_fonts_enqueue_url(), array(), null); } /* Load lightSlider style if 'light-slider' is active. */ if (current_theme_supports('light-slider')) { $style_uri = hoot_locate_style('css/lightSlider'); wp_enqueue_style('lightSlider', $style_uri, false, '1.1.0'); } /* Load gallery style if 'cleaner-gallery' is active. */ if (current_theme_supports('cleaner-gallery')) { $style_uri = hoot_locate_style(trailingslashit(HOOT_CSS) . 'gallery'); wp_enqueue_style('gallery', $style_uri); } /* Load gallery styles if Jetpack 'tiled-gallery' module is active */ if (class_exists('Jetpack') && Jetpack::is_module_active('tiled-gallery')) { $style_uri = hoot_locate_style(trailingslashit(HOOT_CSS) . 'gallery'); wp_enqueue_style('gallery', $style_uri); $style_uri = hoot_locate_style('css/jetpack'); wp_enqueue_style('hoot-jetpack', $style_uri); } /* Load font awesome if 'font-awesome' is active. */ if (current_theme_supports('font-awesome')) { $style_uri = hoot_locate_style(trailingslashit(HOOT_CSS) . 'font-awesome'); wp_enqueue_style('font-awesome', $style_uri, false, '4.5.0'); } }