static function generator($cmp, $args, $redirected) { if (count($args) != 3 && count($args) != 4) { throw new Haanga_CompilerException("Memeame_Pagination requires 3 or 4 parameters"); } if (count($args) == 3) { $args[3] = 5; } $current = hvar('mnm_current'); $total = hvar('mnm_total'); $start = hvar('mnm_start'); $end = hvar('mnm_end'); $prev = hvar('mnm_prev'); $next = hvar('mnm_next'); $pages = 'mnm_pages'; $code = hcode(); $code->decl($current, $args[0]); $code->decl($total, hexec('ceil', hexpr($args[2], '/', $args[1]))); $code->decl($start, hexec('max', hexpr($current, '-', hexec('intval', hexpr($args[3], '/', 2))), 1)); $code->decl($end, hexpr($start, '+', $args[3], '-', 1)); $code->decl($prev, hexpr_cond(hexpr(1, '==', $current), FALSE, hexpr($current, '-', 1))); $code->decl($next, hexpr_cond(hexpr($args[2], '<', 0, '||', $current, '<', $total), hexpr($current, '+', 1), FALSE)); $code->decl('mnm_pages', hexec('range', $start, hexpr_cond(hexpr($end, '<', $total), $end, $total))); $cmp->set_safe($current); $cmp->set_safe($total); $cmp->set_safe($prev); $cmp->set_safe($next); $cmp->set_safe($pages); return $code; }
static function generator($cmp, $args, $assign = NULL) { /* ast */ $code = hcode(); /* llamar a la funcion */ $exec = hexec('sprintf', "<!--Delivered to you in %4.3f seconds-->", hexpr(hexec('microtime', TRUE), '-', hvar('globals', 'start_time'))); /* imprimir la funcion */ $cmp->do_print($code, $exec); return $code; }
/** * firstof tag * */ static function generator($cmp, $args) { $count = count($args); $args = array_reverse($args); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (isset($expr) && Haanga_AST::is_var($args[$i])) { $expr = hexpr_cond(hexpr(hexec('empty', $args[$i]), '==', FALSE), $args[$i], $expr); } else { $expr = $args[$i]; } } return $expr; }
static function generator($compiler, $args) { if (count($args) > 1) { if (!Haanga_AST::is_str($args[1])) { $compiler->Error("pluralize: First parameter must be an string"); } $parts = explode(",", $args[1]['string']); $singular = ""; if (count($parts) == 1) { $plural = $parts[0]; } else { $singular = $parts[0]; $plural = $parts[1]; } } else { $singular = ""; $plural = "s"; } return hexpr_cond(hexpr($args[0], '<=', 1), $singular, $plural); }
static function generator($cmp, $args, $declared) { static $cycle = 0; if (!isset($cmp->cycle)) { $cmp->cycle = array(); } $code = hcode(); $index = 'index_' . $cycle; $def = 'def_cycle_' . $cycle; if (count($args) == 1 && Haanga_AST::is_var($args[0]) && isset($cmp->cycle[$args[0]['var']])) { $id = $cmp->cycle[$args[0]['var']]; $index = 'index_' . $id; $def = 'def_cycle_' . $id; } else { if (!$declared) { $code->do_if(hexpr(hexec('isset', hvar($def)), '==', FALSE)); } $code->decl($def, $args); if (!$declared) { $code->do_endif(); } } /* isset($var) == FALSE */ $expr = hexpr(hexec('isset', hvar($index)), '==', FALSE); $inc = hexpr(hexpr(hexpr(hvar($index), '+', 1)), '%', hexec('count', hvar($def))); if (!$declared) { if (isset($id)) { $code->decl($index, $inc); } else { $code->decl($index, hexpr_cond($expr, 0, $inc)); } $code->end(); $var = hvar($def, hvar($index)); $cmp->do_print($code, $var); } else { $code->decl($index, -1); $cmp->cycle[$declared] = $cycle; } $cycle++; return $code; }
protected function generate_op_ifchanged($details, &$body) { static $ifchanged = 0; $ifchanged++; $var1 = 'ifchanged' . $ifchanged; if (!isset($details['check'])) { /* ugly */ $this->ob_start($body); $var2 = hvar('buffer' . $this->ob_start); $this->generate_op_code($details['body'], $body); $this->ob_start--; $body->do_if(hexpr(hexec('isset', hvar($var1)), '==', FALSE, '||', hvar($var1), '!=', $var2)); $this->do_print($body, $var2); $body->decl($var1, $var2); } else { /* beauty :-) */ foreach ($details['check'] as $id => $type) { if (!Haanga_AST::is_var($type)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected string {$type['string']}, expected a varabile"); } $this_expr = hexpr(hexpr(hexec('isset', hvar($var1, $id)), '==', FALSE, '||', hvar($var1, $id), '!=', $type)); if (isset($expr)) { $this_expr = hexpr($expr, '&&', $this_expr); } $expr = $this_expr; } $body->do_if($expr); $this->generate_op_code($details['body'], $body); $body->decl($var1, $details['check']); } if (isset($details['else'])) { $body->do_else(); $this->generate_op_code($details['else'], $body); } $body->do_endif(); }
static function generator($compiler, $args) { return hexpr_cond(hexpr(hexec('empty', $args[0]), '==', TRUE), $args[1], $args[0]); }