function editform($predef = "", $errfile = "") { global $sess, $mytrail, $auth, $PATH_INFO, $perm; $capabilities = get_caps($perm, parent_path($mytrail['path'])); //$mytrail is a complete nodeinfo-structure that comes from //trail.php $tpl = new Template(APPLICATION_HOME . "/templates/trail", "keep"); $tpl->set_file(array("simpleframe" => "simpleframe.html")); $tpl->set_var("CONTENT", print_trail_editform($mytrail, $predef, has_caps($capabilities, CAP_SUPERUSER), $errfile)); $tpl->parse("simpleframe", "simpleframe"); print $tpl->get("simpleframe"); }
function display_form($passerror = false, $senderror = "", $ssenderror = false, $posconf = false) { global $kat, $expert, $in_login, $perm, $extension, $sess, $method, $ltrstr, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $auth, $viewdata_messages, $PATH_INFO; list($leer, $expert, $method, $extension) = split('/', $PATH_INFO); $pl = build_pathlist($kat, false); $plf = build_pathlist($kat, true); $restriction_list = build_restriction_list($kat); $username = $auth->auth['uname']; $in_login = false; $userdata = get_user_from_name($expert); $capabilities = get_caps($perm, $kat); if (!class_exists("Template")) { include ""; } if (!(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['viewtype']) and $HTTP_GET_VARS['viewtype'] == "0")) { $tpl = new Template(APPLICATION_HOME . "/templates/mypage", "keep"); $tpl->set_file(array("main" => "editall.html")); include "commonheader2.html"; $tpl->set_var("USERNAME", $expert); } switch ($method) { case "Messages": if ($extension == "") { $extension = "Inbox"; } if (!isset($viewdata_messages)) { $viewdata_messages['ci'] = 0; $viewdata_messages['ob'] = 'd'; $sess->register("viewdata_messages"); } if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['ci'])) { $ci = $HTTP_GET_VARS['ci']; $ci = $HTTP_GET_VARS['ci'] == "all" ? "-1" : $ci; $viewdata_messages['ci'] = $ci == "" ? 0 : $ci; } if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['ob'])) { $viewdata_messages['ob'] = $HTTP_GET_VARS['ob'] == "" ? 'd' : $HTTP_GET_VARS['ob']; } if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['viewtype']) and $HTTP_GET_VARS['viewtype'] == "0") { do_mor($userdata, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $extension == "Inbox"); } elseif (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['viewtype']) and $HTTP_GET_VARS['viewtype'] != "0") { $tpl->set_var("EDITFORM", print_my_lms($userdata, $viewdata_messages['ci'], $viewdata_messages['ob'], $senderror, $HTTP_GET_VARS['objectid'], $HTTP_GET_VARS['viewtype'], $extension)); } else { $tpl->set_var("EDITFORM", print_my_lms($userdata, $viewdata_messages['ci'], $viewdata_messages['ob'], $senderror, "", 1, $extension)); } $subnav = array(); $subnav[0] = array("title" => $ltrstr['Inbox'], "url" => "Inbox"); $subnav[1] = array("title" => $ltrstr['Outbox'], "url" => "Outbox"); // die(count_friends($userdata['User_ID'])); if (count_friends($userdata['User_ID']) != 0) { $subnav[2] = array("title" => $ltrstr['Composer'], "url" => "Composer"); } switch ($extension) { case "Inbox": $idx = 0; break; case "Outbox": $idx = 1; break; case "Composer": $idx = 2; break; default: $idx = -1; } $tpl->set_var("SUBNAV", ""); update_read_stamp($userdata['User_ID']); break; case "Send_Message": $tpl->set_var("EDITFORM", print_message_send_form($userdata['Username'], $ssenderror)); $tpl->set_var("SUBNAV", ""); break; case "Make_friendship": $tpl->set_var("EDITFORM", print_make_friendship($userdata['Username'])); $tpl->set_var("SUBNAV", ""); break; case "Settings": if ($extension == "") { $extension = "Profile"; } //die("Ext: ".$extension); $subnav = array(); $subnav[0] = array("title" => $ltrstr['Profile'], "url" => "Profile"); $subnav[1] = array("title" => $ltrstr['Security Preferences'], "url" => "Password"); $subnav[2] = array("title" => $ltrstr['Preferences'], "url" => "Preferences"); switch ($extension) { case "Profile": $idx = 0; break; case "Password": $idx = 1; break; case "Preferences": $idx = 2; break; default: $idx = -1; } $tpl->set_var("EDITFORM", print_all_settings_form($extension, $userdata, $passerror, $posconf)); $tpl->set_var("SUBNAV", ""); break; } $itsme = $auth->auth['uname'] == $expert or has_caps($capabilities, CAP_SUPERUSER); $tpl->set_var("FRIENDLIST", print_mypage_friendlist($userdata['User_ID'], $userdata, $itsme)); $tpl->set_var("IWANTTO", print_iwantto($PATH_INFO)); $tpl->parse("main", "main"); $tpl->p("main"); include "commonfooter2.html"; }
if (!defined("USER_INC")) { include "dbapi/"; } if (!defined("MSG_FRIENDSHIPS_INC")) { include "messages/"; } if (!defined("MESSAGES_INC")) { include "messages/"; } page_open(array("sess" => "Linktrail_Session", "auth" => "Linktrail_Auth", "perm" => "Linktrail_Perm", "user" => "Linktrail_User")); //Some funny guy with good eyes might try to call this file directely with his own //userid (I'm asking me, where he should get it) and the userid of his friend (I am even //more asking me how to get it) for comfirming the request/cancelin a frienddship. //Let's kick him back! $capabilities = get_caps($perm, "/"); if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['expert'] != $auth->auth['uid'] and has_caps($capabilities, CAP_SUPERUSER)) { page_close(); Header("Location: " . $sess->url("/Experts/" . rawurlencode($expert))); exit; } if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['expert'] == "" or $HTTP_GET_VARS['target'] == "") { page_close(); Header("Location: " . $sess->url("/Experts/" . rawurlencode($expert))); exit; } $uname = uid2name($HTTP_GET_VARS['expert']); $hisname = uid2name($HTTP_GET_VARS['target']); /*foreach($HTTP_GET_VARS as $key => $value) echo("$key = $value<br>"); die("test");*/
include "layout/"; } if (!defined("LAY_DIREDIT_INC")) { include "layout/"; } if (!defined("LAY_SLOTS_INC")) { include "layout/"; } if (!defined("DISPLAY_DIRECTORY_INC")) { include "application/"; } $capabilities = get_caps($perm, $kat); $kat = $PATH_INFO; $nodeinfo = get_node_info($kat); //push back evil guys... if (!has_caps($capabilities, CAP_EDIT_EXPERTS) or $REQUEST_METHOD != "POST" or $nodeinfo == -1) { go_back(); } if (isset($cancel)) { go_back(); } else { doit(); } function go_back() { global $sess, $PATH_INFO; page_close(); Header("Location: " . $sess->url($PATH_INFO)); exit; } function print_error($errstr, $predef)
function perm_check($type, $perms, $thislink) { global $auth; $res = false; switch ($type) { case "add": $res = has_caps($perms, PERM_ADD); break; case "edit": $res = (has_caps($perms, PERM_EDIT) or has_caps($perms, PERM_MOVE) or $thislink['uid'] == $auth->auth['uid']); break; case "move": $res = has_caps($perms, PERM_MOVE); break; case "del": $res = (has_caps($perms, PERM_DEL) or has_caps($perms, PERM_MOVE) or $thislink['uid'] == $auth->auth['uid']); break; case "pass": $res = true; break; } return $res; }
} if (!defined("LAY_DIRECTORY_INC")) { include "layout/"; } if (!defined("LAY_SLOTS_INC")) { include "layout/"; } if (!class_exists("Template")) { include ""; } $capabilities = get_caps($perm, $kat); $url = str_replace('//', '/', $PATH_INFO); $pos = strrpos($url, '/') + 1; $method = substr($url, $pos); $kat = substr($url, 0, $pos); if (!has_caps($capabilities, CAP_EDIT_SLOTS)) { Header("Location: " . $sess->url($kat)); exit; } if ($method == "") { $method = "Add_Slot"; } //die("Method: $method || Path: $kat || pathinfo: $PATH_INFO"); $nodeinfo = get_node_info($kat); switch ($method) { case 'Add_Slot': if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "GET") { add_slot_form(); } else { if (isset($del)) { go_back();