<?php //TODO push those global variables under zin namespace echo "var isAlbumPage = " . (AlbumUtil::isAlbumPage() ? "true" : "false") . ";\n" . "var maxImageIndex = " . AlbumUtil::getMaxImageIndex() . ", hasNextPage = " . (hasNextPage() ? "true" : "false") . ", hasPrevPage = " . (hasPrevPage() ? "true" : "false") . ", albumsPerPage = " . getOption('albums_per_page') . ", imagesPerPage = " . getOption('images_per_page') . ", enableFancybox = " . (getOption('simplicity2_enable_fancybox') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", enableUpDownKeys = " . (getOption('simplicity2_nav_enable_updown') ? 'true' : 'false') . ";\n"; ?>
<?php $c++; $mobilebreak = $c % 2; if ($c == $breakcount) { echo '<br class="clear clearforboth" />'; $c = 0; } else { if ($mobilebreak == 0) { echo '<br class="clear clearformobile" />'; } } } } ?> <div class="sixteen columns"> <?php if (hasNextPage() || hasPrevPage()) { printPageListWithNav('«', '»', false, true, 'pagination', null, true, 5); } if ($numimages > 0) { printPPSlideShowLink(gettext('Slideshow')); } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php include "inc-bottom.php"; include "inc-footer.php";
<?php global $_zp_themeroot, $_zp_current_album; $albumCount = count($_zp_current_album->getSubalbums()); $isAlbumPage = $albumCount > 0; ?> <div id="thumbs"> <div id="thumbs-navigation" <?php echo hasNextPage() ? "next='" . getNextPageUrl() . "'" : ""; echo hasPrevPage() ? "prev='" . getPrevPageUrl() . "'" : ""; ?> > <div id='bar'> <div class="nav-cell filler"><span> </span></div> <?php AlbumUtil::printNavigation($prevText, $nextText, false, 7, true); ?> <div class="nav-cell filler end"><span> </span></div> </div> </div> <?php if ($isAlbumPage) { $u = 0; while (next_album()) { $a = $_zp_current_album; $thumb = $a->getAlbumThumbImage(); $title = $a->getTitle(); $desc = $a->getDesc(); $customThumb = $thumb->getCustomImage(NULL, 202, 56, 202, 56, NULL, NULL, false); $url = getAlbumURL(); echo "\t<div class='thumb' index='{$u}' title='{$title}' location='{$customThumb}' url='{$url}'><description>{$desc}</description></div>\n";
<div id="gallerytitle"><h2><?php echo getGalleryTitle(); ?> </h2></div> <div id="img_header_bg"> <div id="img_header"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="navigation"> <ul> <?php $totalPages = getTotalPages(); $currentPage = getCurrentPage(); if (hasPrevPage()) { $link = getPrevPageURL(); } else { $link = "#"; } echo "<li><a href=\"{$link}\" title=\"Previous Page\">«</a></li>\n"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalPages; $i++) { echo $i == $currentPage ? '<li class="current">' : '<li>'; if ($i < 10) { $page = '0' . $i; } else { $page = $i; } printLinkHTML(getPageNumURL($i), $page, "Page {$page}"); echo "</li>\n"; }
} ?> <?php if (class_exists('RSS') && getOption('RSS_album_image')) { ?> <span><?php printRSSLink('Gallery', '', gettext('Gallery RSS'), '', false); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php if ((hasNextPage() || hasPrevPage()) && (getOption('zpbase_galhomeop') == 'albums' && $showall == false)) { $jumpclass = 'jump'; $pagin = true; } else { $jumpclass = 'jump center'; $pagin = false; } ?> <div id="page-nav"> <div class="<?php echo $jumpclass; ?> "><?php printBaseAlbumMenuJump('count', gettext('Gallery Index')); ?> </div>
/** * returns a page nav list. * * @param bool $_oneImagePage set to true if there is only one image page as, for instance, in flash themes * @param int $navlen Number of navigation links to show (0 for all pages). Works best if the number is odd. * @param bool $firstlast Add links to the first and last pages of you gallery * @param int $current the current page * @param int $total total number of pages * */ function getPageNavList($_oneImagePage, $navlen, $firstlast, $current, $total) { $result = array(); if (hasPrevPage()) { $result['prev'] = getPrevPageURL(); } else { $result['prev'] = NULL; } if ($firstlast) { $result[1] = getPageNumURL(1, $total); } if ($navlen == 0) { $navlen = $total; } $extralinks = 2; if ($firstlast) { $extralinks = $extralinks + 2; } $len = floor(($navlen - $extralinks) / 2); $j = max(round($extralinks / 2), min($current - $len - (2 - round($extralinks / 2)), $total - $navlen + $extralinks - 1)); $ilim = min($total, max($navlen - round($extralinks / 2), $current + floor($len))); $k1 = round(($j - 2) / 2) + 1; $k2 = $total - round(($total - $ilim) / 2); for ($i = $j; $i <= $ilim; $i++) { $result[$i] = getPageNumURL($i, $total); } if ($firstlast) { $result[$total] = getPageNumURL($total, $total); } if (hasNextPage()) { $result['next'] = getNextPageURL(); } else { $result['next'] = NULL; } return $result; }
<?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="page-nav" class="clearfix"> <div class="jump"><?php printBaseAlbumMenuJump('count', gettext('Gallery Index')); ?> </div> <?php if ($showpag && (hasNextPage() || hasPrevPage())) { printPageListWithNav('« ' . gettext('prev'), gettext('next') . ' »', false, true, 'pagination'); } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php echo gettext('Search and archive functions have been disabled...'); ?>
} } ?> <?php if (function_exists('printGoogleMap')) { ?> <div id="map-wrap"><?php printGoogleMap('Google Map', null, 'hide'); ?> </div><?php } ?> </div> <?php if ((hasNextPage() || hasPrevPage()) && $showall == false) { $jumpclass = 'jump'; $pagin = true; } else { $jumpclass = 'jump center'; $pagin = false; } ?> <div id="page-nav"> <div class="<?php echo $jumpclass; ?> "><?php printBaseAlbumMenuJump('count', gettext('Gallery Index')); ?> </div>
/** * Returns the URL of the previous page. * * @param string $text The linktext that should be printed as a link * @param string $title The text the html-tag "title" should contain * @param string $class Insert here the CSS-class name you want to style the link with * @param string $id Insert here the CSS-ID name you want to style the link with */ function printPrevPageLink($text, $title = NULL, $class = NULL, $id = NULL) { if (hasPrevPage()) { printLink(getPrevPageURL(), $text, $title, $class, $id); } else { echo "<span class=\"disabledlink\">{$text}</span>"; } }