public function runWithParams($params) { if (!hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_PARTICIPANT_PANEL')) { die('No permission'); } parent::runWithParams($params); }
/** * RPC routine to to initialise the survey's collection of tokens where new participant tokens may be later added. * * @access public * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials * @param integer $iSurveyID ID of the survey where a token table will be created for * @param array $aAttributeFields An array of integer describing any additional attribute fields * @return array Status=>OK when successfull, otherwise the error description */ public function activate_tokens($sSessionKey, $iSurveyID, $aAttributeFields = array()) { if (!$this->_checkSessionKey($sSessionKey)) { return array('status' => 'Invalid session key'); } if (hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_CREATE_SURVEY')) { $oSurvey = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID); if (is_null($oSurvey)) { return array('status' => 'Error: Invalid survey ID'); } if (is_array($aAttributeFields) && count($aAttributeFields) > 0) { foreach ($aAttributeFields as &$sField) { $sField = intval($sField); $sField = 'attribute_' . $sField; } $aAttributeFields = array_unique($aAttributeFields); } Yii::app()->loadHelper('admin/token'); if (createTokenTable($iSurveyID, $aAttributeFields)) { return array('status' => 'OK'); } else { return array('status' => 'Token table could not be created'); } } else { return array('status' => 'No permission'); } }
echo $imageurl; ?> edit.png' alt='<?php $clang->eT("Edit current user group"); ?> ' name='EditUserGroup' /></a> <?php } else { ?> <img src='<?php echo $imageurl; ?> blank.gif' alt='' width='40' height='20' /> <?php } if ($ugid && $grpresultcount > 0 && (Yii::app()->session['loginID'] == $grow['owner_id'] || hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_SUPERADMIN'))) { ?> <a href='#' onclick="if (confirm('<?php $clang->eT("Are you sure you want to delete this entry?", "js"); ?> ')) { <?php echo convertGETtoPOST($this->createUrl('admin/usergroups/sa/delete/ugid/' . $ugid)); ?> }"> <img src='<?php echo $imageurl; ?> delete.png' alt='<?php $clang->eT("Delete current user group"); ?>
/** * getSurveyList() Queries the database (survey table) for a list of existing surveys * * @param boolean $returnarray if set to true an array instead of an HTML option list is given back * @return string This string is returned containing <option></option> formatted list of existing surveys * */ function getSurveyList($returnarray = false, $returnwithouturl = false, $surveyid = false) { $cached = null; $timeadjust = getGlobalSetting('timeadjust'); $clang = new Limesurvey_lang(Yii::app()->session['adminlang']); if (is_null($cached)) { if (!hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_SUPERADMIN')) { $surveyidresult = Survey::model()->permission(Yii::app()->user->getId())->with(array('languagesettings' => array('condition' => 'surveyls_language=language')))->findAll(); } else { $surveyidresult = Survey::model()->with(array('languagesettings' => array('condition' => 'surveyls_language=language')))->findAll(); } $surveynames = array(); foreach ($surveyidresult as $result) { $surveynames[] = array_merge($result->attributes, $result->languagesettings[0]->attributes); } $cached = $surveynames; } else { $surveynames = $cached; } $surveyselecter = ""; if ($returnarray === true) { return $surveynames; } $activesurveys = ''; $inactivesurveys = ''; $expiredsurveys = ''; if ($surveynames) { foreach ($surveynames as $sv) { $surveylstitle = flattenText($sv['surveyls_title']); if (strlen($surveylstitle) > 45) { $surveylstitle = htmlspecialchars(mb_strcut(html_entity_decode($surveylstitle, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 0, 45, 'UTF-8')) . "..."; } if ($sv['active'] != 'Y') { $inactivesurveys .= "<option "; if (Yii::app()->user->getId() == $sv['owner_id']) { $inactivesurveys .= " style=\"font-weight: bold;\""; } if ($sv['sid'] == $surveyid) { $inactivesurveys .= " selected='selected'"; $svexist = 1; } if ($returnwithouturl === false) { $inactivesurveys .= " value='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("/admin/survey/view/surveyid/" . $sv['sid']) . "'>{$surveylstitle}</option>\n"; } else { $inactivesurveys .= " value='{$sv['sid']}'>{$surveylstitle}</option>\n"; } } elseif ($sv['expires'] != '' && $sv['expires'] < dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust)) { $expiredsurveys .= "<option "; if (Yii::app()->user->getId() == $sv['owner_id']) { $expiredsurveys .= " style=\"font-weight: bold;\""; } if ($sv['sid'] == $surveyid) { $expiredsurveys .= " selected='selected'"; $svexist = 1; } if ($returnwithouturl === false) { $expiredsurveys .= " value='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("/admin/survey/view/surveyid/" . $sv['sid']) . "'>{$surveylstitle}</option>\n"; } else { $expiredsurveys .= " value='{$sv['sid']}'>{$surveylstitle}</option>\n"; } } else { $activesurveys .= "<option "; if (Yii::app()->user->getId() == $sv['owner_id']) { $activesurveys .= " style=\"font-weight: bold;\""; } if ($sv['sid'] == $surveyid) { $activesurveys .= " selected='selected'"; $svexist = 1; } if ($returnwithouturl === false) { $activesurveys .= " value='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("/admin/survey/view/surveyid/" . $sv['sid']) . "'>{$surveylstitle}</option>\n"; } else { $activesurveys .= " value='{$sv['sid']}'>{$surveylstitle}</option>\n"; } } } // End Foreach } //Only show each activesurvey group if there are some if ($activesurveys != '') { $surveyselecter .= "<optgroup label='" . $clang->gT("Active") . "' class='activesurveyselect'>\n"; $surveyselecter .= $activesurveys . "</optgroup>"; } if ($expiredsurveys != '') { $surveyselecter .= "<optgroup label='" . $clang->gT("Expired") . "' class='expiredsurveyselect'>\n"; $surveyselecter .= $expiredsurveys . "</optgroup>"; } if ($inactivesurveys != '') { $surveyselecter .= "<optgroup label='" . $clang->gT("Inactive") . "' class='inactivesurveyselect'>\n"; $surveyselecter .= $inactivesurveys . "</optgroup>"; } if (!isset($svexist)) { $surveyselecter = "<option selected='selected' value=''>" . $clang->gT("Please choose...") . "</option>\n" . $surveyselecter; } else { if ($returnwithouturl === false) { $surveyselecter = "<option value='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("/admin") . "'>" . $clang->gT("None") . "</option>\n" . $surveyselecter; } else { $surveyselecter = "<option value=''>" . $clang->gT("None") . "</option>\n" . $surveyselecter; } } return $surveyselecter; }
/** * Load menu bar of user group controller. * @param int $ugid * @return void */ function _userGroupBar($ugid = 0) { $data['clang'] = Yii::app()->lang; Yii::app()->loadHelper('database'); if (!empty($ugid)) { $sQuery = "SELECT gp.* FROM {{user_groups}} AS gp, {{user_in_groups}} AS gu WHERE gp.ugid=gu.ugid AND gp.ugid = {$ugid}"; if (!hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_SUPERADMIN')) { $sQuery .= " AND gu.uid = " . Yii::app()->session['loginID']; } $grpresult = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sQuery)->queryRow(); //Checked if ($grpresult) { $grpresultcount = 1; $grow = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $grpresult); } else { $grpresultcount = 0; $grow = false; } $data['grow'] = $grow; $data['grpresultcount'] = $grpresultcount; } $data['ugid'] = $ugid; $data['imageurl'] = Yii::app()->getConfig("adminimageurl"); // Don't came from rendertemplate ? $this->getController()->render('/admin/usergroup/usergroupbar_view', $data); }
?> alt='<?php $clang->eT("Add another search criteria"); ?> ' id="addbutton" style="margin-bottom:4px"></td> </tr> </table> <br/> </div> <br/> <table id="displaytokens"></table> <div id="pager"></div> <?php if (hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_PARTICIPANT_PANEL')) { ?> <div id="addcpdb" title="addsurvey" style="display:none"> <p><?php $clang->eT("Please select the attributes that are to be added to the central database"); ?> </p> <p> <select id="attributeid" name="attributeid" multiple="multiple"> <?php if (!empty($attrfieldnames)) { foreach ($attrfieldnames as $key => $value) { echo "<option value='" . $key . "'>" . $value . "</option>"; } } ?>
/** * This function change the owner of a survey. * * @access public * @param int $newowner * @param int $iSurveyID * @return void */ public function ajaxowneredit($newowner, $iSurveyID) { header('Content-type: application/json'); $intNewOwner = sanitize_int($newowner); $intSurveyId = sanitize_int($iSurveyID); $owner_id = Yii::app()->session['loginID']; $query_condition = 'sid=:sid'; $params[':sid'] = $intSurveyId; if (!hasGlobalPermission("USER_RIGHT_SUPERADMIN")) { $query_condition .= ' AND owner_id=:uid'; $params[':uid'] = $owner_id; } $result = Survey::model()->updateAll(array('owner_id' => $intNewOwner), $query_condition, $params); $result = Survey::model()->with('owner')->findAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $intSurveyId, 'owner_id' => $intNewOwner)); $intRecordCount = count($result); $aUsers = array('record_count' => $intRecordCount); foreach ($result as $row) { $aUsers['newowner'] = $row->owner->users_name; } $ajaxoutput = ls_json_encode($aUsers) . "\n"; echo $ajaxoutput; }
/** * This function sends the shared participant info to the share panel using JSON encoding * This function is called after the share panel grid is loaded * This function returns the json depending on the user logged in by checking it from the session * @param it takes the session user data loginID * @return JSON encoded string containg sharing information */ function getTokens_json($iSurveyId, $search = null) { // CHECK TO SEE IF A TOKEN TABLE EXISTS FOR THIS SURVEY $bTokenExists = tableExists('{{tokens_' . $iSurveyId . '}}'); if (!$bTokenExists) { $clang->eT("No token table."); // return json ? error not treated in js. return; } $clang = $this->getController()->lang; if (!hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'tokens', 'read')) { $clang->eT("We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this."); // return json ? error not treated in js. return; } $page = Yii::app()->request->getPost('page', 1); $sidx = Yii::app()->request->getPost('sidx', 'lastname'); $sord = Yii::app()->request->getPost('sord', 'asc'); $limit = Yii::app()->request->getPost('rows', 25); $aData = new stdClass(); $aData->page = $page; if (!empty($search)) { $condition = Tokens_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->getSearchMultipleCondition($search); } else { $condition = new CDbCriteria(); } $condition->order = $sidx . " " . $sord; $condition->offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $condition->limit = $limit; $tokens = Tokens_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->findAll($condition); $condition->offset = 0; $condition->limit = 0; $aData->records = Tokens_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->count($condition); if ($limit > $aData->records) { $limit = $aData->records; } if ($limit != 0) { $aData->total = ceil($aData->records / $limit); } else { $aData->total = 0; } Yii::app()->loadHelper("surveytranslator"); $format = getDateFormatData(Yii::app()->session['dateformat']); $aSurveyInfo = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyId)->getAttributes(); //Get survey settings $attributes = getAttributeFieldNames($iSurveyId); // Now find all responses for the visible tokens $visibleTokens = array(); $answeredTokens = array(); if ($aSurveyInfo['anonymized'] == "N" && $aSurveyInfo['active'] == "Y") { foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (isset($token['token']) && $token['token']) { $visibleTokens[] = $token['token']; } } $answers = Survey_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->findAllByAttributes(array('token' => $visibleTokens)); foreach ($answers as $answer) { $answeredTokens[$answer['token']] = $answer['token']; } } foreach ($tokens as $token) { $aRowToAdd = array(); if ((int) $token['validfrom']) { $token['validfrom'] = date($format['phpdate'] . ' H:i', strtotime(trim($token['validfrom']))); } else { $token['validfrom'] = ''; } if ((int) $token['validuntil']) { $token['validuntil'] = date($format['phpdate'] . ' H:i', strtotime(trim($token['validuntil']))); } else { $token['validuntil'] = ''; } $aRowToAdd['id'] = $token['tid']; $action = ""; $action .= "<div class='inputbuttons'>"; // so we can hide this when edit is clicked // Check is we have an answer if (in_array($token['token'], $answeredTokens) && hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'responses', 'read')) { // @@TODO change link $url = $this->getController()->createUrl("admin/responses/sa/browse/surveyid/{$iSurveyId}", array('token' => $token['token'])); $title = $clang->gT("View response details"); $action .= CHtml::link(CHtml::image(Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'token_viewanswer.png', $title, array('title' => $title)), $url, array('class' => 'imagelink')); } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } // Check if the token can be taken if ($token['token'] != "" && ($token['completed'] == "N" || $token['completed'] == "") && hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'responses', 'create')) { $action .= viewHelper::getImageLink('do_16.png', "survey/index/sid/{$iSurveyId}/token/{$token['token']}/newtest/Y", $clang->gT("Do survey"), '_blank'); } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } if (hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'tokens', 'delete')) { $attribs = array('onclick' => 'if (confirm("' . $clang->gT("Are you sure you want to delete this entry?") . ' (' . $token['tid'] . ')")) {$("#displaytokens").delRowData(' . $token['tid'] . ');$.post(delUrl,{tid:' . $token['tid'] . '});}'); $action .= viewHelper::getImageLink('token_delete.png', null, $clang->gT("Delete token entry"), null, 'imagelink btnDelete', $attribs); } if (strtolower($token['emailstatus']) == 'ok' && hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'tokens', 'update')) { if ($token['completed'] == 'N' && $token['usesleft'] > 0) { if ($token['sent'] == 'N') { $action .= viewHelper::getImageLink('token_invite.png', "admin/tokens/sa/email/surveyid/{$iSurveyId}/tokenids/" . $token['tid'], $clang->gT("Send invitation email to this person (if they have not yet been sent an invitation email)"), "_blank"); } else { $action .= viewHelper::getImageLink('token_remind.png', "admin/tokens/sa/email/action/remind/surveyid/{$iSurveyId}/tokenids/" . $token['tid'], $clang->gT("Send reminder email to this person (if they have already received the invitation email)"), "_blank"); } } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } if (hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'tokens', 'update')) { $action .= viewHelper::getImageLink('edit_16.png', null, $clang->gT("Edit token entry"), null, 'imagelink token_edit'); } if (!empty($token['participant_id']) && $token['participant_id'] != "" && hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_PARTICIPANT_PANEL')) { $action .= viewHelper::getImageLink('cpdb_16.png', "admin/participants/sa/displayParticipants/searchurl/participant_id||equal||" . $token['participant_id'], $clang->gT("View this person in the central participants database"), '_top'); } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } $action .= '</div>'; $aRowToAdd['cell'] = array($token['tid'], $action, $token['firstname'], $token['lastname'], $token['email'], $token['emailstatus'], $token['token'], $token['language'], $token['sent'], $token['remindersent'], $token['remindercount'], $token['completed'], $token['usesleft'], $token['validfrom'], $token['validuntil']); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $aRowToAdd['cell'][] = $token[$attribute]; } $aData->rows[] = $aRowToAdd; } echo ls_json_encode($aData); }
function getUserGroupList($ugid = NULL, $outputformat = 'optionlist') { $clang = Yii::app()->lang; //$squery = "SELECT ugid, name FROM ".db_table_name('user_groups') ." WHERE owner_id = {Yii::app()->session['loginID']} ORDER BY name"; $sQuery = "SELECT a.ugid,, a.owner_id, b.uid FROM {{user_groups}} AS a LEFT JOIN {{user_in_groups}} AS b ON a.ugid = b.ugid WHERE 1=1 "; if (!hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_SUPERADMIN')) { $sQuery .= "AND uid = " . Yii::app()->session['loginID']; } $sQuery .= " ORDER BY name"; $sresult = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sQuery)->query(); //Checked if (!$sresult) { return "Database Error"; } $selecter = ""; foreach ($sresult->readAll() as $row) { $groupnames[] = $row; } //$groupnames = $sresult->GetRows(); $simplegidarray = array(); if (isset($groupnames)) { foreach ($groupnames as $gn) { $selecter .= "<option "; if (Yii::app()->session['loginID'] == $gn['owner_id']) { $selecter .= " style=\"font-weight: bold;\""; } //if (isset($_GET['ugid']) && $gn['ugid'] == $_GET['ugid']) {$selecter .= " selected='selected'"; $svexist = 1;} if ($gn['ugid'] == $ugid) { $selecter .= " selected='selected'"; $svexist = 1; } $link = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("/admin/usergroups/view/ugid/" . $gn['ugid']); $selecter .= " value='{$link}'>{$gn['name']}</option>\n"; $simplegidarray[] = $gn['ugid']; } } if (!isset($svexist)) { $selecter = "<option value='-1' selected='selected'>" . $clang->gT("Please choose...") . "</option>\n" . $selecter; } //else {$selecter = "<option value='-1'>".$clang->gT("None")."</option>\n".$selecter;} if ($outputformat == 'simplegidarray') { return $simplegidarray; } else { return $selecter; } }
/** * This function sends the shared participant info to the share panel using JSON encoding * This function is called after the share panel grid is loaded * This function returns the json depending on the user logged in by checking it from the session * @param it takes the session user data loginID * @return JSON encoded string containg sharing information */ function getTokens_json($iSurveyId, $search = null) { // CHECK TO SEE IF A TOKEN TABLE EXISTS FOR THIS SURVEY $bTokenExists = tableExists('{{tokens_' . $iSurveyId . '}}'); if (!$bTokenExists) { self::_newtokentable($iSurveyId); } $clang = $this->getController()->lang; $page = Yii::app()->request->getPost('page'); $sidx = Yii::app()->request->getPost('sidx'); $sidx = !empty($sidx) ? $sidx : "lastname"; $sord = Yii::app()->request->getPost('sord'); $sord = !empty($sord) ? $sord : "asc"; $limit = Yii::app()->request->getPost('rows'); $limit = isset($limit) ? $limit : 25; //Stop division by zero errors $page = isset($page) ? $page : 1; //Stop division by zero errors $aData = new stdClass(); $aData->page = $page; if (!empty($search)) { $condition = Tokens_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->getSearchMultipleCondition($search); } else { $condition = new CDbCriteria(); } $condition->order = $sidx . " " . $sord; $condition->offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $condition->limit = $limit; $tokens = Tokens_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->findAll($condition); $condition->offset = 0; $condition->limit = 0; $aData->records = Tokens_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->count($condition); if ($limit > $aData->records) { $limit = $aData->records; } if ($limit != 0) { $aData->total = ceil($aData->records / $limit); } else { $aData->total = 0; } Yii::app()->loadHelper("surveytranslator"); $format = getDateFormatData(Yii::app()->session['dateformat']); $aSurveyInfo = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyId)->getAttributes(); //Get survey settings $attributes = getAttributeFieldNames($iSurveyId); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $aRowToAdd = array(); if ((int) $token['validfrom']) { $token['validfrom'] = date($format['phpdate'] . ' H:i', strtotime(trim($token['validfrom']))); } else { $token['validfrom'] = ''; } if ((int) $token['validuntil']) { $token['validuntil'] = date($format['phpdate'] . ' H:i', strtotime(trim($token['validuntil']))); } else { $token['validuntil'] = ''; } $aRowToAdd['id'] = $token['tid']; $action = ""; if ($token['token'] != "" && ($token['completed'] == "N" || $token['completed'] == "")) { $action .= '<input type="image" style="float: left" src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'do_16.png" title="' . $clang->gT("Do survey") . '" alt="' . $clang->gT("Do survey") . '" onclick=\'"' . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$iSurveyId}/token/{$token['token']}/newtest/Y") . '", "_blank")\'>'; } elseif ($token['completed'] != "N" && $token['completed'] != "" && $aSurveyInfo['anonymized'] == "N" && $aSurveyInfo['active'] == 'Y') { // Get the survey response id of the matching entry, can be optimised into 1 call leaving for now $id = Survey_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->findAllByAttributes(array('token' => $token['token'])); if (count($id) > 0) { $action .= '<input type="image" style="float: left" src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'token_viewanswer.png" title="' . $clang->gT("View response details") . '" alt="' . $clang->gT("View response details") . '" onClick=\'"' . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("admin/responses/sa/view/surveyid/{$iSurveyId}/id/{$id[0]['id']}") . '", "_top")\'>'; } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } $action .= '<input type="image" style="float: left" src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'token_delete.png" title="' . $clang->gT("Delete token entry") . '" alt="' . $clang->gT("Delete token entry") . '" onclick=\'if (confirm("' . $clang->gT("Are you sure you want to delete this entry?") . ' (' . $token['tid'] . ')")) {$("#displaytokens").delRowData(' . $token['tid'] . ');$.post(delUrl,{tid:' . $token['tid'] . '});}\'>'; if (strtolower($token['emailstatus']) == 'ok') { if ($token['completed'] == 'N' && $token['usesleft'] > 0) { if ($token['sent'] == 'N') { $action .= '<input type="image" style="float: left" src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'token_invite.png" name="sendinvitations" id="sendinvitations" title="' . $clang->gT("Send invitation email to this person (if they have not yet been sent an invitation email)") . '" onclick=\'"' . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("admin/tokens/sa/email/surveyid/{$iSurveyId}/tokenids/" . $token['tid']) . '")\' />'; } else { $action .= '<input type="image" style="float: left" src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'token_remind.png" name="sendreminders" id="sendreminders" title="' . $clang->gT("Send reminder email to this person (if they have already received the invitation email)") . '" onclick=\'"' . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("admin/tokens/sa/email/action/remind/surveyid/{$iSurveyId}/tokenids/" . $token['tid']) . '")\' />'; } } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } $action .= '<input style="float: left; height: 16; width: 16px; font-size: 8; font-family: verdana" type="image" src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'edit_16.png" class="token_edit" title="' . $clang->gT("Edit token entry") . '" alt="' . $clang->gT("Edit token entry") . '">'; if (!empty($token['participant_id']) && $token['participant_id'] != "" && hasGlobalPermission('USER_RIGHT_PARTICIPANT_PANEL')) { $action .= '<input type="image" style="float: left" src="' . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . 'cpdb_16.png" name="viewparticipant" id="viewparticipant" title="' . $clang->gT("View this person in the central participants database") . '" alt="' . $clang->gT("View this person in the central participants database") . '" onClick=\'"' . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("admin/participants/sa/displayParticipants/searchurl/participant_id||equal||" . $token['participant_id']) . '", "_top")\'>'; } else { $action .= '<div style="width: 20px; height: 16px; float: left;"></div>'; } $aRowToAdd['cell'] = array($token['tid'], $action, $token['firstname'], $token['lastname'], $token['email'], $token['emailstatus'], $token['token'], $token['language'], $token['sent'], $token['remindersent'], $token['remindercount'], $token['completed'], $token['usesleft'], $token['validfrom'], $token['validuntil']); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $aRowToAdd['cell'][] = $token[$attribute]; } $aData->rows[] = $aRowToAdd; } echo ls_json_encode($aData); }