Example #1
 * Check an input field isn't 'evil'.
 * @param  string			The name of the parameter
 * @param  string			The value retrieved
 * @param  ?boolean		Whether the parameter is a POST parameter (NULL: undetermined)
function check_input_field_string($name, &$val, $posted = false)
    if (preg_match('#^\\s*((((j\\s*a\\s*v\\s*a\\s*)|(v\\s*b\\s*))?s\\s*c\\s*r\\s*i\\s*p\\s*t)|(d\\s*a\\s*t\\s*a\\s*))\\s*:#i', $val) != 0 && $name != 'value') {
        log_hack_attack_and_exit('SCRIPT_URL_HACK_2', $val);
    // Security check for known URL fields. Check for specific things, plus we know we can be pickier in general
    $is_url = $name == 'from' || $name == 'preview_url' || $name == 'redirect' || $name == 'redirect_passon' || $name == 'url';
    if ($is_url) {
        if ($is_url) {
            if (preg_match('#\\n|\\000|<|(".*[=<>])|^\\s*((((j\\s*a\\s*v\\s*a\\s*)|(v\\s*b\\s*))?s\\s*c\\s*r\\s*i\\s*p\\s*t)|(d\\s*a\\s*t\\s*a\\s*))\\s*:#mi', $val) != 0) {
                if ($name == 'page') {
                    $_GET[$name] = '';
                // Stop loops
                log_hack_attack_and_exit('DODGY_GET_HACK', $name, $val);
            // Don't allow external redirections
            if (!$posted) {
                $_val = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $val);
                if (looks_like_url($_val)) {
                    $bus = array(get_base_url(false), get_forum_base_url(), 'http://ocportal.com/');
                    $ok = false;
                    foreach ($bus as $bu) {
                        if (substr($_val, 0, strlen($bu)) == $bu) {
                            $ok = true;
                    if (!$ok) {
                        $val = get_base_url(false);
    if ($GLOBALS['BOOTSTRAPPING'] == 0) {
        // Quickly depose of common spam attacks. Not really security, just a sensible barrier
        if ((!function_exists('is_guest') || is_guest()) && (strpos($val, '[url=http://') !== false || strpos($val, '[link') !== false) && strpos($val, '<a ') !== false) {
            log_hack_attack_and_exit('LAME_SPAM_HACK', $val);
        // Additional checks for non-privileged users
        if (function_exists('has_specific_permission') && $name != 'page') {
            if (false) {
Example #2
 * Filter HTML for safety.
 * @param  boolean		Whether to explicitly execute this with admin rights. There are a few rare situations where this should be done, for data you know didn't come from a member, but is being evaluated by one.
 * @param  MEMBER			The member the evaluation is running as. This is a security issue, and you should only run as an administrator if you have considered where the comcode came from carefully
 * @param  integer		The offset of the tag in the Comcode
 * @param  integer		The length of the Comcode
 * @param  LONG_TEXT		The Comcode being parsed
 * @param  boolean		Whether the parser is/was in an HTML region
 * @param  boolean		Whether the parser is/was in a Semi-HTML region
function filter_html($as_admin, $source_member, $pos, &$len, &$comcode, $in_html, $in_semihtml)
    if (!$as_admin && !has_specific_permission($source_member, 'use_very_dangerous_comcode')) {
        $comcode = preg_replace('#(\\\\)+(\\[/(html|semihtml)\\])#', '\\2', $comcode);
        // Stops sneaky trying to trick the end of the HTML tag to hack this function
        if ($in_html && $in_semihtml) {
            $ahead_end = max(strpos(strtolower($comcode), '[/html]', $pos), strpos(strtolower($comcode), '[/semihtml]', $pos));
        } elseif ($in_html) {
            $ahead_end = strpos(strtolower($comcode), '[/html]', $pos);
        } elseif ($in_semihtml) {
            $ahead_end = strpos(strtolower($comcode), '[/semihtml]', $pos);
        } else {
            $ahead_end = false;
        if ($ahead_end === false) {
            $ahead_end = strlen($comcode);
        $ahead = substr($comcode, $pos, $ahead_end - $pos);
        // Tidy up
        $comcode = substr($comcode, 0, $pos) . $ahead . substr($comcode, $ahead_end);
        $len = strlen($comcode);