function guifi_abbreviate($str, $len = 5) { $str = guifi_to_7bits($str); if (strlen($str) > $len) { $words = str_word_count(ucwords($str), 1, '1234567890'); if (count($words) > 1) { $s = ""; foreach ($words as $k => $word) { if ($k == 1) { $s .= substr($word, 0, 3); } else { $s .= substr($word, 0, 1); } } return $s; } else { return guifi_trim_vowels($str); } } return str_replace(" ", "", $str); }
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone) { //SOME VARIABLES $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan'); $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan'); $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2); $wireless_model = 0; $wireless_iface = 0; switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) { case "1": case "15": case "16": case "17": case "18": // WRT54Gv1-4, WHR-HP-G54, WHR-G54S (BUFFALO), WRT54GL, WRT54GSv1-2, WRT54GSv4 $wireless_model = 'broadcom'; $wireless_iface = 'wl0'; $vlans = 'config switch eth0 option vlan0 \\"1 2 3 4 5*\\" option vlan1 \\"0 5\\" '; $lan_iface = 'eth0.0'; $wan_iface = 'eth0.1'; $txant = 'txant'; $rxant = 'rxant'; $packages = 'broadcom/packages'; break; default: _outln_comment('model id not supported'); exit; } if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main'; } if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] != 'Main') { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1'; } else { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '0'; } $wds_links = array(); $wds_str = ''; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface['interface_type'] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $key => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links[] = $link; } $iplocal[] = $ipv4; $iflocal[] = $interface; } } } } } if (count($wds_links) == 0) { return; } // SECTION FILES // FILE NETWORK $lan_network = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask); $file_network = ' ' . $vlans . ' config interface loopback option \'ifname\' \'lo\' option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ipaddr\' \'\' option \'netmask\' \'\' config interface lan option \'ifname\' \'' . $lan_iface . '\' option \'type\' \'bridge\' option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $lan->ipv4 . '\' option \'netmask\' \'' . $lan->netmask . '\' option \'gateway\' \'\' option \'dns\' \'' . $dns . '\' config interface wan option \'ifname\' \'' . $wan_iface . '\' option \'proto\' \'none\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/network')); _out_file($file_network, '/etc/config/network'); // FILE WIRELESS $file_wireless = ' config \'wifi-device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\' option \'type\' \'' . $wireless_model . '\' option \'channel\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][channel] . '\' option \'disabled\' \'0\' option \'' . $txant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\' option \'' . $rxant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\' config wifi-iface option \'device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\' option \'network\' \'lan\' option \'mode\' \'ap\' option \'ssid\' \'' . guifi_to_7bits($dev->radios[0][ssid]) . '\' option \'encryption \'none\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/wireless')); _out_file($file_wireless, '/etc/config/wireless'); // WDS Links $ifcount = 1; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $bgpd = '1'; } if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $ospfd = '1'; } $ifcount++; $wds_won = 'option \'bssid\' \'' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '\''; $wds_non = 'option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ifname\' \'wds0.' . ($key + 1) . '\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $iplocal[$key][ipv4] . '\' option \'netmask\' \'' . $iplocal[$key][netmask] . '\''; } else { $status = 'disabled'; $wds_won = 'option \'bssid\' \'00:00:00:00:00:00\''; $wds_non = 'option \'proto\' \'none\''; } $wds_network = 'config \'interface\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\' ' . $wds_non . ' '; $wds_wireless = 'config \'wifi-iface\' option \'device\' \'wl0\' option \'network\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\' option \'mode\' \'wds\' option \'encryption\' \'none\' ' . $wds_won . ' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('WDS ' . $hostname . ''); _outln_comment('Routing: ' . $wds['routing'] . ''); _outln_comment('Status: ' . $status . ''); print '<pre>echo "' . $wds_network . ' " >> /etc/config/network </pre>'; print '<pre>echo "' . $wds_wireless . ' " >> /etc/config/wireless </pre>'; } if (count($wds_links) >= 5) { return; } // QUAGGA CONFIG FILES $file_zebra = ''; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/zebra.conf')); _out_file($file_zebra, '/etc/quagga/zebra.conf'); // FILE OSPFD if ($ospfd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf')); print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf.bak echo " ! interface br-lan ! router ospf ospf router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' redistribute bgp network ' . $lan_network[netid] . '/' . $lan_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } print 'default-information originate ! " > /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf</pre>'; } // FILE BGPD if ($bgpd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf')); print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf.bak echo " ! interface br-lan ! router bgp ' . $dev->id . ' bgp router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' network ' . $lan_network[netid] . '/' . $lan_network[maskbits] . '<br />'; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } print 'redistribute ospf '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { print 'neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . ' '; } } } } } print '" > /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf</pre>'; } //FILE FIREWALL $firewall = ' config defaults option \'syn_flood\' \'1\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' config zone option \'name\' \'lan\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/firewall')); _out_file($firewall, '/etc/config/firewall'); //FILE OPKG $opkg_conf = ' src/gz guifi' . $packages . ' dest root / dest ram /tmp lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf')); _out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf'); $dhcp_statics = array(); $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4); function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr) { if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) { $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'; } $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id])); $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]); if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) { $max[3] = $curr[3]; } } $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]); $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]); // cable links if (!empty($dev->interfaces)) { foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) { if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { if (!empty($ipv4[links])) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') { $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]); if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } } } } // ap/client links if (!empty($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) { if (!empty($radio[interfaces])) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) { if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { if (!empty($ipv4[links])) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } } } } } $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1; $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics); $first = explode(".", $item[netid]); $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]); $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstatics; if ($statics == -1) { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers')); _outln_nvram('dhcp_start', $max[3] + 2); } _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers')); print 'echo "'; foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) { print '<pre> ## Device: ' . $static[2] . ' config \'static_lease\' option \'macaddr\' \'' . $static[1] . '\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $static[0] . '\' </pre>'; } print '" > /etc/config/luci_ethers<br />'; // FILE DHCP $file_dhcp = ' config \'dnsmasq\' option \'domainneeded\' \'1\' option \'boguspriv\' \'1\' option \'filterwin2k\' \'0\' option \'localise_queries\' \'1\' option \'local\' \'/lan/\' option \'domain\' \'lan\' option \'expandhosts\' \'1\' option \'nonegcache\' \'0\' option \'authoritative\' \'1\' option \'readethers\' \'1\' option \'leasefile\' \'/tmp/dhcp.leases\' option \'resolvfile\' \'/tmp/\' config \'dhcp\' \'lan\' option \'interface\' \'lan\' option \'leasetime\' \'12h\' option \'start\' \'' . ($max[3] + 2) . '\' option \'limit\' \'' . $limit . '\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/dhcp')); _out_file($file_dhcp, '/etc/config/dhcp'); }
function guifi_user_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { guifi_log(GUIFILOG_TRACE, 'function guifi_user_form_validate()', $form_state); $edit =& $form_state['values']; if (isset($edit['username_created'])) { if (user_load(array('name' => $edit['username_created'])) == FALSE) { form_set_error('username_created', t('Invalid user name.')); } } if (isset($edit['id']) and isset($edit['previous_pwd'])) { if ($form_state['clicked_button']['#value'] != t('Reset password')) { if (empty($edit['previous_pwd'])) { form_set_error('previous_pwd', t('You need to specify the current password to submit any change')); } $prevUser = guifi_user_load($edit['id']); if (crypt($edit['previous_pwd'], $prevUser['password']) != $prevUser['password']) { form_set_error('previous_pwd', t('Unable to submit changes: Password failure.')); } } } if (empty($edit['firstname'])) { form_set_error('firstname', t('Firstname field cannot be blank .')); } if (empty($edit['lastname'])) { form_set_error('lastname', t('Lastname field cannot be blank .')); } $edit['firstname'] = trim($edit['firstname']); $edit['lastname'] = trim($edit['lastname']); $edit['username'] = str_replace(" ", ".", strtolower(guifi_to_7bits($edit['firstname']) . '.' . guifi_to_7bits($edit['lastname']))); // $edit['username'] = str_replace(" ",".",strtolower(guifi_to_7bits($edit['firstname'].'.'.$edit['lastname']))); if (!empty($edit['username'])) { if (isset($edit['id'])) { $query = db_query("SELECT username, services " . "FROM {guifi_users} " . "WHERE username ='******' " . " AND id <> %d", $edit['username'], $edit['id']); } else { $query = db_query("SELECT username, nid, services " . "FROM {guifi_users} " . "WHERE username ='******'", $edit['username']); } while ($proxy_id = db_fetch_object($query)) { $services = unserialize($proxy_id->services); $qry2 = db_query("SELECT nick " . "FROM {guifi_services} " . "WHERE id = %d", $services['proxy']); $proxy_name = db_fetch_object($qry2); form_set_error('username', t('The user %username is already defined ' . 'at the node %nodename ' . 'for service %servicename. Use middle initial, 2nd lastname or a prefix ' . 'with the proxy to get a unique username.', array('%username' => $edit['username'], '%nodename' => guifi_get_nodename($proxy_id->nid), '%servicename' => $proxy_name->nick))); } } if (!empty($edit['pass'])) { $edit['password'] = crypt($edit['pass']); } if (!empty($edit['notification'])) { if (isset($edit['id'])) { $query = db_query("SELECT username, notification, nid, services " . "FROM {guifi_users} " . "WHERE notification ='%s' " . " AND id <> %d", $edit['notification'], $edit['id']); } else { $query = db_query("SELECT username, notification, nid, services " . "FROM {guifi_users} " . "WHERE notification ='%s'", $edit['notification']); } while ($guifi_users = db_fetch_object($query)) { form_set_error('notification', t('The e-mail address: %notification is already defined ' . 'for the user: %username on node %nodename ' . '<p>Each user must use a real e-mail and this must not be repeated in others.', array('%notification' => $edit['notification'], '%username' => $guifi_users->username, '%nodename' => guifi_get_nodename($guifi_users->nid)))); } } }
function guifi_unsolclic_network_vars($dev, $zone) { _outln_comment($dev->nick); _outln_comment(t('Global network parameters')); _outln_nvram('router_name', $dev->nick); _outln_nvram('wan_hostname', $dev->nick); $wlan_lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan'); if ($wlan_lan->ipv4 != '') { _outln_nvram('lan_ipaddr', $wlan_lan->ipv4); _outln_nvram('lan_gateway', ''); _outln_nvram('lan_netmask', $wlan_lan->netmask); } $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Lan'); if ($lan->ipv4 != '') { _outln_nvram('lan_ipaddr', $lan->ipv4); $item = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask); _outln_nvram('lan_gateway', $item['netstart']); _outln_nvram('lan_netmask', $lan->netmask); } $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan'); if ($wan) { if (empty($wan->ipv4)) { _outln_nvram('wan_proto', 'dhcp'); } else { _outln_nvram('wan_proto', 'static'); _outln_nvram('wan_ipaddr', $wan->ipv4); _outln_nvram('wan_netmask', $wan->netmask); if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-WRTv23' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-guifi') { _outln_nvram('fullswitch', '1'); _outln_nvram('wan_dns', guifi_get_dns($zone, 3)); } } } else { _outln_nvram('wan_proto', 'disabled'); } _outln_nvram('lan_domain', ''); _outln_nvram('wan_domain', ''); _outln_nvram('http_passwd', 'guifi'); _outln_nvram('time_zone', $zone->time_zone); _outln_nvram('sv_localdns', guifi_get_dns($zone, 1)); if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Alchemy') { _outln_nvram('wan_dns', guifi_get_dns($zone, 3)); } if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Talisman') { foreach (explode(' ', guifi_get_dns($zone, 3)) as $key => $dns) { _outln_nvram('wan_dns' . $key, $dns); } } _outln_nvram('wl_net_mode', 'b-only'); _outln_nvram('wl0_net_mode', 'b-only'); _outln_nvram('wl_afterburner', 'on'); _outln_nvram('wl_frameburst', 'on'); // Setting outpur power (mW) _outln_nvram('txpwr', '28'); if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main'; } if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] != 'Main') { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1'; } else { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '0'; } _outln_nvram('txant', $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode]); _outln_nvram('wl0_antdiv', '0'); _outln_nvram('wl_antdiv', '0'); _outln_nvram('block_wan', '0'); if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Talisman') { _outln_nvram('ident_pass', '0'); _outln_nvram('multicast_pass', '0'); _outln_nvram('wl_closed', '0'); _outln_nvram('block_loopback', '0'); } _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Management')); _outln_nvram('telnetd_enable', '1'); _outln_nvram('sshd_enable', '1'); _outln_nvram('sshd_passwd_auth', '1'); _outln_nvram('remote_management', '1'); _outln_nvram('remote_mgt_https', '1'); _outln_nvram('snmpd_enable', '1'); _outln_nvram('snmpd_sysname', ''); _outln_nvram('snmpd_syscontact', ''); _outln_nvram('boot_wait', 'on'); _outln_comment(t('This is just a fake key. You must install a trusted key if you like to have you router managed externally')); _outln_nvram('sshd_authorized_keys', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAwWNX4942fQExw4Hph2M/sxOAWVE9PB1I4JnNyhoWuF9vid0XcU34kwWqBBlI+LjDErCQyaR4ysFgDX61V4kUuCKwBOMp+UGxhL648VTv5Qji/YwvIzt7nguUOZ5AGPISqsC0717hc0Aja1mvHkQqg9aXKznmszmyKZGhcm2+SU8='); // For DD-WRTv23 _outln_nvram('http_enable', '1'); _outln_nvram('https_enable', '1'); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('NTP Network time protocol'); $ntp = guifi_get_ntp($zone, 1); if (empty($ntp)) { _outln_nvram('ntp_enable', '0'); } else { _outln_nvram('ntp_enable', '1'); _outln_nvram('ntp_server', $ntp); } _outln_comment(); switch ($dev->radios[0][mode]) { case "ap": case "AP": _outln_comment(t('AP mode')); _outln_nvram('wl_mode', 'ap'); _outln_nvram('wl0_mode', 'ap'); _outln_nvram('wl_channel', $dev->radios[0][channel]); _outln_nvram('wl_ssid', '' . guifi_to_7bits($dev->radios[0][ssid])); _outln_nvram('wl_macmode', 'disable'); _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode', 'disable'); _outln_nvram('wl_macmode1', 'disable'); _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode1', 'disable'); guifi_unsolclic_ospf($dev, $zone); guifi_unsolclic_dhcp($dev); guifi_unsolclic_wds_vars($dev); break; case 'client': _outln_comment(t('Client mode')); $ap_macs = array(); foreach ($dev->radios[0]['interfaces'] as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if (isset($ipv4[links])) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $key => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client') { $ap_macs[] = $link['interface']['mac']; $gateway = $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4']; if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Alchemy' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Talisman') { _outln_nvram('wl_mode', 'wet'); _outln_nvram('wl0_mode', 'wet'); _outln_nvram('wl_ssid', '' . guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter'])); } if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-WRTv23' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-guifi') { _outln_nvram('wl_mode', 'sta'); _outln_nvram('wl0_mode', 'sta'); _outln_nvram('wl_ssid', '' . guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter'])); } _outln_nvram('wan_gateway', $gateway); } } } } } if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Alchemy') { $filter = implode(" ", $ap_macs); if ($filter == "") { _outln_comment(t('WARNING: AP MAC not set')); $filter = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"; } _outln_nvram('wl_macmode', 'allow'); _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode', 'allow'); _outln_nvram('wl_macmode1', 'other'); _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode1', 'other'); _outln_nvram('wl_maclist', $filter); _outln_nvram('wl0_maclist', $filter); _outln_nvram('wl_mac_list', $filter); _outln_nvram('wl0_mac_list', $filter); } else { _outln_nvram('wl_macmode', 'disabled'); _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode', 'disabled'); _outln_nvram('wl_macmode1', 'disabled'); _outln_nvram('wl0_macmode1', 'disabled'); } $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Lan'); if ($lan) { guifi_unsolclic_ospf($dev, $zone); break; } else { guifi_unsolclic_gateway($dev); break; } } _outln_comment(); }