Example #1
 * Processes (un)subscription requests to multiple lists
 * @param string $address The email address
 * @param array $list_ids The ids of the lists
 * @param bool $subscribe TRUE if addresss should be subscribed to the lists, FALSE if it should be unsubscribed
 * @return bool TRUE if operation was successful, else FALSE
function gu_subscription_process($address, &$list_ids, $subscribe)
    if (!check_email($address)) {
        return gu_error(t("Invalid email address"));
    $succ_list_names = array();
    $fail_list_names = array();
    // For each list we need to load it with all addresses
    foreach ($list_ids as $list_id) {
        $list = gu_list::get($list_id, TRUE);
        // Don't allow subscriptions to private lists
        if ($list->is_private()) {
            $res = FALSE;
        } else {
            if ($subscribe) {
                $res = $list->add($address, TRUE);
            } else {
                $res = $list->remove($address, TRUE);
        if ($res) {
            $succ_list_names[] = $list->get_name();
        } else {
            $fail_list_names[] = $list->get_name();
    // Check if there were any successful
    if (count($succ_list_names) < 1) {
        return FALSE;
    // Work out if we need to send any emails now, and if so create a sender
    if (gu_config::get('list_send_welcome') || gu_config::get('list_send_goodbye') || gu_config::get('list_subscribe_notify') || gu_config::get('list_unsubscribe_notify')) {
        $mailer = new gu_mailer();
        if ($mailer->init()) {
            $subject_prefix = count($succ_list_names) == 1 ? $succ_list_names[0] : gu_config::get('collective_name');
            // Send welcome / goodbye message
            if ($subscribe && gu_config::get('list_send_welcome') || !$subscribe && gu_config::get('list_send_goodbye')) {
                $subject = '[' . $subject_prefix . '] ' . ($subscribe ? t('Subscription') : t('Unsubscription')) . t(' confirmation');
                $action = $subscribe ? t('subscribed to') : t('unsubscribed from');
                $text = t("This is an automated message to confirm that you have been % the following lists:", array($action)) . "\n\n* " . implode("\n* ", $succ_list_names) . "\n\n";
                $text .= t('To change your subscriptions visit: ') . absolute_url('subscribe.php') . '?addr=' . $address . "\n\n";
                $text .= t('Please do not reply to this message. Thank you.');
                $mailer->send_mail($address, $subject, $text);
            // Send admin notifications
            if ($subscribe && gu_config::get('list_subscribe_notify') || !$subscribe && gu_config::get('list_unsubscribe_notify')) {
                $subject = '[' . $subject_prefix . '] ' . ($subscribe ? t('Subscription') : t('Unsubscription')) . t(' notification');
                $action = $subscribe ? t('subscribed to') : t('unsubscribed from');
                $text = t("This is an automated message to notify you that % has been % the following lists:", array($address, $action)) . "\n\n* " . implode("\n* ", $succ_list_names) . "\n\n";
                $mailer->send_admin_mail($subject, $text);
    $action = $subscribe ? t('subscribed to') : t('unsubscribed from');
    return gu_success(t('You have been % lists: <i>%</i>', array($action, implode('</i>, <i>', $succ_list_names))));
Example #2
			<li><a href="newsletters.php?box=outbox"><?php 
echo t('Outbox');
echo count($mailbox['outbox']);
if (count($lists) == 0) {
    gu_error(t("A address list must be created before a newsletter can be sent"));
if (gu_config::get('admin_email') == '') {
    gu_error(t("A valid admin email must be specified before a newsletter can be sent"));
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="send_form" name="send_form" method="post" action="compose.php<?php 
echo gu_is_debugging() ? '?DEBUG' : '';
"><input type="hidden" id="msg_id" name="msg_id" value="<?php 
echo $newsletter->get_id();
" /><input type="hidden" id="is_modified" name="is_modified" value="<?php 
echo $is_modified;
" />
	<div class="menubar">
		<input name="save_submit" type="submit" id="save_submit" value="<?php 
Example #3
  * Creates a Swift message from a Gutuma newsletter
  * @param gu_newsletter $newsletter The newsletter
  * @param string $recipient The recipient address
  * @param string $list_name The name of the list holding the recipient
  * @return mixed The Swift message if successful, else FALSE
 private function create_message(gu_newsletter $newsletter, $address, $list_name)
     if (!gu_config::get('msg_prefix_subject')) {
         $subject = $newsletter->get_subject();
     } elseif ($list_name != '') {
         $subject = '[' . $list_name . '] ' . $newsletter->get_subject();
     } else {
         $subject = '[' . gu_config::get('collective_name') . '] ' . $newsletter->get_subject();
     if ($list_name != '' && gu_config::get('msg_append_signature')) {
         $text = $newsletter->get_text() . "\n-------------------------------------------------\n" . t('Unsubscribe') . ": " . absolute_url('subscribe.php') . "?addr=" . $address . "\n" . t('Powered by Gutuma') . " (" . GUTUMA_URL . ")\n";
         $html = $newsletter->get_html() . '<hr /><p><a href="' . absolute_url('subscribe.php') . '?addr=' . $address . '">' . t('Unsubscribe') . '</a> ' . t('from this newsletter.') . t(' Powered by') . ' <a href="' . GUTUMA_URL . '">' . t('Gutuma') . '</a></p>';
     } else {
         $text =& $newsletter->get_text();
         $html =& $newsletter->get_html();
     // Add text and html as separate MIME parts
     $message = new Swift_Message($subject);
     $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($text));
     $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($html, "text/html"));
     // Add message attachments
     foreach ($newsletter->get_attachments() as $attachment) {
         if (!$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(new Swift_File($attachment['path']), $attachment['name']))) {
             return gu_error(t("Unable to attach '") . $attachment['name'] . "'");
     return $message;
Example #4
 * Deletes the specified newsletter
 * @param gu_newsletter $newsletter The newsletter to delete
function gu_ajax_newsletter_delete($newsletter)
    if (!$newsletter) {
        return gu_error(t('Invalid newsletter'));
    if ($newsletter->delete()) {
        gu_success(t('Newsletter deleted'));
        gu_ajax_return('gu_ajax_on_newsletter_delete(' . $newsletter->get_id() . ')');
Example #5
    } else {
        $name = '';
        gu_error(t('Incorrect username or password'));
} elseif (is_get_var('action') && get_get_var('action') == 'login') {
    $username = is_post_var('u') ? get_post_var('u') : '';
    $password = is_post_var('p') ? get_post_var('p') : '';
    $remember = is_post_var('login_remember');
    if (gu_session_authenticate($username, $password, $remember)) {
        // Redirect to page that referred here - or to the home page
        $redirect = is_get_var('ref') ? urldecode(get_get_var('ref')) : absolute_url('index.php');
        header('Location: ' . $redirect);
    } else {
        gu_error(t('Incorrect username or password'));
} elseif (is_get_var('action') && get_get_var('action') == 'logout') {
    // Invalidate session flag

<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
function loginSubmit(form)
	// MD5 encrypt the password and store in hidden field
    form.p.value = hex_md5(form.dummy_p.value);
Example #6
// Import CSV into new list if one has been uploaded
if (isset($_FILES['import_file'])) {
    $name = remove_ext(basename($_FILES['import_file']['name']));
    if ($_FILES['import_file']['type'] == 'text/csv') {
        $csv = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name'];
        if ($list = gu_list::import_csv($name, $csv)) {
            if ($list->update()) {
                gu_success(t('List <b><i>%</i></b> imported from CSV file', array($name)));
        // Delete file
        if (is_file($csv)) {
    } else {
        gu_error(t('Uploaded file is not a csv file'));
$lists = gu_list::get_all();

<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
	function gu_list_menu(list_id)
		return '<a href="editlist.php?list=' + list_id + '" class="imglink" title="<?php 
echo t('Edit');
"><img src="themes/<?php 
echo gu_config::get('theme_name');
Example #7
  * Saves the current settings values by writing them to the config.php file
  * @return bool TRUE if operation was successful, else FALSE
 public static function save()
     if (gu_is_demo()) {
         return gu_error(t('Settings cannot be changed in demo mode'));
     // Data checks
     if (preg_match('[^A-Za-z0-9]', self::$values['admin_username'])) {
         return gu_error(t('Username can only contain alphanumeric characters'));
     if (strlen(self::$values['admin_password']) < GUTUMA_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN) {
         return gu_error(t('Password must be at least % characters long', array(GUTUMA_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN)));
     if (!check_email(self::$values['admin_email'])) {
         return gu_error(t('A valid administrator email must be at provided'));
     if (!is_dir(RPATH . 'themes/' . self::$values['theme_name'])) {
         return gu_error(t("Theme <em>%</em> doesn't exists. You need to create it first !", array(self::$values['theme_name'])));
     $lh = @fopen(GUTUMA_CONFIG_FILE, 'w');
     if ($lh == FALSE) {
         return gu_error(t("Unable to create/open % file for writing", array(GUTUMA_CONFIG_FILE)));
     fwrite($lh, "\$gu_config_version = " . GUTUMA_VERSION_NUM . ";\n");
     foreach (array_keys(self::$values) as $key) {
         if (is_bool(self::$values[$key])) {
             fwrite($lh, "\$gu_config['" . $key . "'] = " . (self::$values[$key] ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE') . ";\n");
         } elseif (is_numeric(self::$values[$key])) {
             fwrite($lh, "\$gu_config['" . $key . "'] = " . self::$values[$key] . ";\n");
         } else {
             fwrite($lh, "\$gu_config['" . $key . "'] = '" . str_replace(array('\\"', "'"), array('"', "\\'"), self::$values[$key]) . "';\n");
     $f = file_get_contents(GUTUMA_CONFIG_FILE);
     // Version encodée (voir ligne 185)
     file_put_contents(GUTUMA_CONFIG_FILE, "<?php /*\n" . base64_encode($f) . "\n*/  ?>");
     // Version décodée (voir ligne 187)
     /* file_put_contents(GUTUMA_CONFIG_FILE,"<?php \n".$f."\n?>");*/
     return TRUE;
Example #8
  * Imports an address list from a CSV file
  * @param string $name The list name
  * @param string $path The path of the CSV file 
  * @return mixed The new list if it was successfully created, else FALSE
 public static function import_csv($name, $path)
     $csv = @fopen($path, 'r');
     if ($csv == FALSE) {
         return gu_error(t("Unable to open CSV file for reading"));
     // Read addresses from first cell on each line
     $addresses = array();
     while (!feof($csv)) {
         $vals = explode(',', fgets($csv));
         $address = trim($vals[0]);
         if (strlen($address) > 0 && strlen($address) <= GUTUMA_MAX_ADDRESS_LEN) {
             $addresses[] = $address;
     // Sort addresses alphabetically
     return gu_list::create($name, FALSE, $addresses);
Example #9
function gu_sender_test()
    // Get current settings, which may not have been saved
    $use_smtp = is_post_var('use_smtp');
    $smtp_server = get_post_var('smtp_server');
    $smtp_port = (int) get_post_var('smtp_port');
    $smtp_encryption = get_post_var('smtp_encryption');
    $smtp_username = get_post_var('smtp_username');
    $smtp_password = get_post_var('smtp_password');
    $use_sendmail = is_post_var('use_sendmail');
    $use_phpmail = is_post_var('use_phpmail');
    if (!($use_smtp || $use_sendmail || $use_phpmail)) {
        return gu_error(t('No method of mail transportation has been configured'));
    $test_msg = t('If you have received this email then your settings clearly work!');
    // Test SMTP settings first
    if ($use_smtp) {
        $mailer = new gu_mailer();
        if ($mailer->init(TRUE, $smtp_server, $smtp_port, $smtp_encryption, $smtp_username, $smtp_password, FALSE, FALSE)) {
            if (!$mailer->send_admin_mail('[' . gu_config::get('collective_name') . '] Testing SMTP', $test_msg)) {
                return gu_error(t('Unable to send test message using SMTP'));
        } else {
            return gu_error(t('Unable to initialize mailer with the SMTP settings'));
    // Test Sendmail next
    if ($use_sendmail) {
        $mailer = new gu_mailer();
        if ($mailer->init(FALSE, '', '', '', '', '', FALSE, FALSE)) {
            if (!$mailer->send_admin_mail('[' . gu_config::get('collective_name') . '] Testing Sendmail', $test_msg)) {
                return gu_error(t('Unable to send test message using Sendmail'));
        } else {
            return gu_error(t('Unable to initialize mailer with Sendmail'));
    // Test PHP mail next
    if ($use_phpmail) {
        $mailer = new gu_mailer();
        if ($mailer->init(FALSE, '', '', '', '', '', FALSE, TRUE)) {
            if (!$mailer->send_admin_mail('[' . gu_config::get('collective_name') . '] Testing PHP mail', $test_msg)) {
                return gu_error(t('Unable to send test message using PHP mail'));
        } else {
            return gu_error(t('Unable to initialize mailer with PHP mail'));
    gu_success(t('Test messages sent to <br><i>%</i></b>', array(gu_config::get('admin_email'))));
Example #10
 * @author	Cyril MAGUIRE
include_once 'inc/gutuma.php';
if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
    list($name, $username, $password, $salt, $userProfile, $id, $new_record) = explode('[::]', unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['token'])));
    list($user_name, $user_login, $user_password, $user_salt, $user_userProfile, $user_id) = explode('[::]', unserialize(base64_decode($new_record)));
    $user_salt = substr($user_salt, 1, -2);
} else {
$users = gu_config::getUsers();
if (isset($users[$user_name])) {
    header('location:' . str_replace('plugins/gutuma/news', 'core/admin', absolute_url('plugin.php?p=gutuma&rec=done&u=' . $users[$user_name]['id'])));
// Save settings
if (is_post_var('save_settings')) {
    if (isset($users[$user_name])) {
        gu_error(t('<span style="color:red;">User already exists !</span>'));
    } else {
        gu_config::setUsers(get_post_var('id'), get_post_var('name'), get_post_var('login'), get_post_var('password'), base64_decode(get_post_var('salt')), get_post_var('userProfile'));
        if (gu_config::save()) {
            $ok = '';
        gu_success(t('New user successfully saved.'));
include_once 'themes/' . gu_config::get('theme_name') . '/_users.php';
Example #11
  * Gets all the newsletters
  * @return array The newsletters
 public static function get_all()
     $newsletters = array();
     if ($dh = @opendir(realpath(GUTUMA_TEMP_DIR))) {
         while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) {
             if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file[0] == '.') {
             if (($newsletter = self::get($file)) !== FALSE) {
                 $newsletters[] = $newsletter;
     } else {
         return gu_error(t('Unable to open newsletter folder'), ERROR_EXTRA);
     return $newsletters;