function _get_user() { $db = gs_db_slave_connect(); $remote_addr = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $user_name = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `user`, `nobody_index` FROM `users` WHERE `current_ip`=\'' . $db->escape($remote_addr) . '\''); return gs_user_get($user_name); }
function InitRecordCall($filename, $index, $comment) { //FIXME $user = gs_user_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']); $call = "Channel: SIP/" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "MaxRetries: 0\n" . "WaitTime: 15\n" . "Context: vm-rec-multiple\n" . "Extension: webdialrecord\n" . "Callerid: {$comment} <Aufnahme>\n" . "Setvar: __user_id=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . "\n" . "Setvar: __user_name=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "Setvar: CHANNEL(language)=" . gs_get_conf('GS_INTL_ASTERISK_LANG', 'de') . "\n" . "Setvar: __is_callfile_origin=1\n" . "Setvar: __callfile_from_user="******"\n" . "Setvar: __record_file=" . $filename . "\n"; $filename = '/tmp/gs-' . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . '-' . _pack_int(time()) . rand(100, 999) . '.call'; $cf = @fOpen($filename, 'wb'); if (!$cf) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to write call file "' . $filename . '"'); echo 'Failed to write call file.'; die; } @fWrite($cf, $call, strLen($call)); @fClose($cf); @chmod($filename, 0666); $spoolfile = '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename); if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) { $our_host_ids = @gs_get_listen_to_ids(); if (!is_array($our_host_ids)) { $our_host_ids = array(); } $user_is_on_this_host = in_array($_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['host_id'], $our_host_ids); } else { $user_is_on_this_host = true; } if ($user_is_on_this_host) { # the Asterisk of this user and the web server both run on this host $err = 0; $out = array(); @exec('sudo mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err); if ($err != 0) { @unlink($filename); gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to move call file "' . $filename . '" to "' . '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename) . '"'); echo 'Failed to move call file.'; die; } } else { $cmd = 'sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa('root@' . $user['host'] . ':' . $filename); //echo $cmd, "\n"; @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err); @unlink($filename); if ($err != 0) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to scp call file "' . $filename . '" to ' . $user['host']); echo 'Failed to scp call file.'; die; } //remote_exec( $user['host'], $cmd, 10, $out, $err ); // <-- does not use sudo! $cmd = 'sudo ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -l root ' . qsa($user['host']) . ' ' . qsa('mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile)); //echo $cmd, "\n"; @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err); if ($err != 0) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to mv call file "' . $filename . '" on ' . $user['host'] . ' to "' . $spoolfile . '"'); echo 'Failed to mv call file on remote host.'; die; } } }
function gs_prov_phone_checkcfg_by_user($usercode, $reboot = true) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\-_.]+$/', $usercode)) { return new GsError('User must be alphanumeric.'); } $ip = gs_user_ip_by_user($usercode); if (isGsError($ip)) { return new GsError($ip->getMsg()); } $userArr = gs_user_get($usercode); if (isGsError($userArr)) { return new GsError($userArr->getMsg()); } if (!is_array($userArr)) { return new GsError('Failed to get user from DB.'); } $ext = $userArr['ext']; gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "phone_checkcfg by user \"{$usercode}\", ip \"{$ip}\", ext \"{$ext}\""); //echo " IP: $ip\n"; $ok1 = _gs_prov_phone_checkcfg_by_ip_do($ip, $reboot); //echo "Extension: $ext\n"; $ok2 = _gs_prov_phone_checkcfg_by_ext_do($ext, $reboot); return $ok1 || $ok2; }
$methods = explode(',', GS_GUI_AUTH_METHOD); array_walk($methods, 'gs_trim_value'); foreach ($methods as &$method) { $PAM = new PAMAL($method); $user = $PAM->getUser(); if ($user) { break; } } unset($method); if (!$user) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="My Realm"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('Unauthorized'); } $userinfo = gs_user_get($user); $DB = gs_db_slave_connect(); $GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE = gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE'); if (!$GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE) { # find host # $rs = $DB->execute('SELECT `u`.`host_id` `id`, `h`.`host` FROM `users` `u` LEFT JOIN `hosts` `h` ON (`h`.`id`=`u`.`host_id`) WHERE `u`.`id`=' . (int) @$userinfo['id']); $host = $rs->fetchRow(); if (!$host) { die('Failed to get host.'); }
# user ##################################################################### if (!isset($_REQUEST['user'])) { gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'No user code specified. Use user='******'No user code specified. Use user='******'user']); if (gs_get_conf('GS_LVM_USER_6_DIGIT_INT')) { # hack to compare user names as if they were integers # padded to 6 digits $user_code = lTrim($user_code, '0'); if (strLen($user_code) < 6) { $user_code = str_pad($user_code, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } } $user = @gs_user_get($user_code); if (isGsError($user)) { gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, $user->getMsg()); die_invalid($user->getMsg()); } if ($user['nobody_index'] > 0) { gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Nobody user. Not allowed to init a call.'); die_not_allowed('Nobody user. Not allowed to init a call.'); } $db = gs_db_master_connect(); if (!$db) { gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Could not connect to database.'); die_error('Could not connect to database.'); } $is_foreign = (bool) (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `is_foreign` FROM `hosts` WHERE `id`=' . $user['host_id']); $user_ext_obj = new CanonicalPhoneNumber(gs_get_conf('GS_CANONIZE_LOCAL_BRANCH') . $user['ext']);
function gs_user_language_changed_ui($username, $lang) { include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/gs-fns/gs_user_get.php'; $user = gs_user_get($username); if (isGsError($username)) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, $user_name->getMsg()); return; } $data = _get_ui_head('UserLanguageChangedUI'); $data[] = array('parm' => 'user', 'value' => $user['ext']); $data[] = array('parm' => 'language', 'value' => $lang); _gs_send_event($data); }
if (isGsError($ret)) { echo '<div class="errorbox">', $ret->getMsg(), '</div>', "\n"; } } } if (GS_BUTTONDAEMON_USE == true) { $user = gs_user_get($edit_user); gs_pickupgroup_update_ui($user['ext']); } } if ($u_prv_grp_ed) { $query = 'UPDATE `users` SET ' . '`group_id`=' . ($u_prv_grp_id > 0 ? $u_prv_grp_id : 'NULL') . ' ' . 'WHERE `user`=\'' . $DB->escape($edit_user) . '\''; $ok = $DB->execute($query); if (GS_BUTTONDAEMON_USE == true) { if (!isset($user['ext'])) { $user = gs_user_get($edit_user); } gs_usergroup_update_ui($user['ext']); } } if ($bp_add_h > 0) { $user_id = (int) $DB->executeGetOne('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $DB->escape($edit_user) . '\''); if ($user_id > 0) { $host_exists = $DB->executeGetOne('SELECT 1 FROM `hosts` WHERE `id`=' . $bp_add_h); if ($host_exists) { $query = 'REPLACE INTO `boi_perms` (`user_id`, `host_id` , `roles`) VALUES (' . $user_id . ', ' . $bp_add_h . ', \'l\')'; $ok = $DB->execute($query); } } } $action = 'list';
$clir_internal = @$_REQUEST['clir-internal'] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; $clir_external = @$_REQUEST['clir-external'] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; gs_clir_activate($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name'], 'internal', $clir_internal); gs_clir_activate($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name'], 'external', $clir_external); $cw = !!@$_REQUEST['callwaiting']; # setting this reboots phone, so check if it has really changed $cw_old = gs_callwaiting_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']); if (!isGsError($cw_old)) { if ($cw != $cw_old) { gs_callwaiting_activate($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name'], $cw); } } } $user_groups = gs_group_members_groups_get(array(@$_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id']), 'user'); $queues_allowed = gs_group_members_get(gs_group_permissions_get($user_groups, 'login_queues', 'queue')); $user = gs_user_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']); $queue_ids = @$_REQUEST['queue_id']; if (@$_REQUEST['action'] == 'loginqueue' && !empty($queue_ids)) { $ami = new AMI(); $ami->ami_login('gscc', 'gspass', '', 5038); $agent = $DB->executeGetOne('SELECT `name` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user['id']); // Ich vertraue gs_group_members_get // in dem array sind NUR int() $queue_ids = array_intersect($queue_ids, $queues_allowed); $rs = $DB->execute('SELECT `_id`, `name` FROM `ast_queues` WHERE `_host_id`=' . $user['host_id'] . ' AND `_id` IN (' . implode(",", $queue_ids) . ') AND `_id` NOT IN (SELECT `_queue_id` FROM `ast_queue_members` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user['id'] . ')'); while ($queue_map = $rs->fetchRow()) { $penalty = $DB->executeGetOne('SELECT `penalty` FROM `penalties` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user['id'] . ' AND `_queue_id`=' . $queue_map['_id']); if (!$penalty) {
* wget "http://GS_PROV_HOST/gemeinschaft/prov/twinkle/?login_user=hans&login_pwd=123" -O ~/.twinkle/hans.cfg * twinkle -f hans * You should be online ;-) * */ define('GS_VALID', true); require_once dirName(__FILE__) . '/../../../inc/conf.php'; require_once GS_DIR . 'inc/gs-lib.php'; require_once GS_DIR . 'inc/db_connect.php'; require_once GS_DIR . 'inc/gs-fns/gs_user_get.php'; require_once GS_DIR . 'lib/yadb/yadb.php'; require_once GS_DIR . 'htdocs/gui/inc/pamal/pamal.php'; $PAM = new PAMAL(GS_GUI_AUTH_METHOD); $user = $PAM->getUser(); if ($user) { $puser = gs_user_get($user); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $user . '-' . $puser['host'] . ".cfg"); $DB = @gs_db_slave_connect(); $secret = $DB->executeGetOne('SELECT `secret` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $puser['id']); echo '#USER', "\n"; echo 'user_name=', $puser['ext'], "\n"; echo 'user_domain=', $puser['host'], "\n"; echo 'user_display=', $puser['firstname'], ', ', $puser['lastname'], "\n"; echo 'user_organization=', "\n"; echo 'auth_realm=', "\n"; echo 'auth_name=', $puser['ext'], "\n"; echo 'auth_pass='******'# SIP SERVER', "\n"; echo 'outbound_proxy=' . $puser['host'], "\n"; echo 'all_requests_to_proxy=no', "\n";