$numcontent = $data->num_rows($result);
 while ($content[] = $data->fetch_array($result)) {
 $tpl->assign('numevents', $numcontent);
 $tpl->assign('events', $content);
 $result = $data->select_query("newscontent", "WHERE trash=0 ORDER BY title DESC");
 $content = array();
 $numcontent = $data->num_rows($result);
 while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($result)) {
     $temp['size'] = strlen($temp['news']);
     $content[] = $temp;
 $tpl->assign('numnews', $numcontent);
 $tpl->assign('news', $content);
 if (pageauth("photo", "limit")) {
     $patrollist = group_sql_list_normal("patrol", "OR");
     $result = $data->select_query("album_track", "WHERE {$patrollist} AND trash=0 ORDER BY album_name ASC");
 } else {
     $result = $data->select_query("album_track", "WHERE trash=0 ORDER BY album_name ASC");
 $content = array();
 $numcontent = $data->num_rows($result);
 while ($content[] = $data->fetch_array($result)) {
 $tpl->assign('numalbums', $numcontent);
 $tpl->assign('albums', $content);
 $result = $data->select_query("polls", "WHERE trash=0 ORDER BY date_start ASC");
 $content = array();
 $numcontent = $data->num_rows($result);
 while ($content[] = $data->fetch_array($result)) {
Example #2
         if ($action == "edit") {
             $filename = safesql($filename, "text");
             $sql = $data->update_query("patrol_articles", "patrol={$patrol}, title={$title}, detail={$story}, date_post={$timestamp}, album_id={$photo}, event_id={$event}, author={$auth}, pic={$pic}, topics={$topics}, `order`={$order}, summary={$summary}, related={$related}", "ID={$id}");
         } elseif ($action == "new") {
             $filename = safesql($filename, "text");
             $data->insert_query("patrol_articles", "'', {$patrol}, {$pic}, {$title}, {$story}, {$timestamp}, {$photo}, {$event}, {$auth}, 1, {$topics}, {$order}, {$summary}, {$related}, 0");
         if ($sql && $action == "edit") {
             show_admin_message("Article updated", "{$pagename}");
         } elseif ($sql && $action == "new") {
             show_admin_message("Article added", "{$pagename}");
 } elseif ($action == "moveitem" && pageauth("patrolart", "edit")) {
     if (pageauth("patrolart", "limit")) {
         $patrol = group_sql_list_normal("id", "OR", true);
         $sql = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ({$patrol}) AND ispublic = 1 ORDER BY teamname ASC");
     } else {
         $sql = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ispublic = 1 ORDER BY teamname ASC");
     $patrols = array();
     $numpatrols = $data->num_rows($sql);
     while ($patrols[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) {
     if (!pageauth("patrolart", "limit")) {
         $sql = $data->select_query("subsites", "ORDER BY name ASC");
         $subsites = array();
         $numsubsites = $data->num_rows($sql);
         while ($subsites[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) {
Example #3
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['name'] = "Group Site Manager";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['details'] = "Manages group websites";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['access'] = "Allowed to access group site manager";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['add'] = "Allowed to add new pages and menu items";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['edit'] = "Allowed to edit existing pages and menu items";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['delete'] = "Allowed to delete pages and menu items";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['publish'] = "notused";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['limit'] = "Limit to groups the user is part of";
    $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['id'] = "patrol";
} else {
    $subpage = $_GET['subpage'] != '' ? $_GET['subpage'] : '';
    if (!$subpage) {
        $action = $_GET['action'];
        if (pageauth("patrol", "limit")) {
            $patrollist = group_sql_list_normal("teamname", "OR");
            $result = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ({$patrollist}) AND ispublic=1 ORDER BY teamname ASC");
        } else {
            $result = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ispublic=1 ORDER BY teamname ASC");
        $patrol = array();
        while ($patrol[] = $data->fetch_array($result)) {
        $numpatrols = $data->num_rows($result);
        $tpl->assign('patrol', $patrol);
        $tpl->assign('patrolInfo', $patrolInfo);
        $tpl->assign('action', $action);
        $tpl->assign('numpatrol', $numpatrols);
        $filetouse = "admin_patrol.tpl";
    } else {
        $allowed = array('patrolcontent' => true, 'patrolmenus' => true);