Example #1
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//  limitations under the License.
require_once 'DataFunctions.php';

#ifndef _GI_INTERNAL_H_
#define _GI_INTERNAL_H_

#include "ContainerTypes.h"
#include "GLAData.h"
#include "GIStreamInfo.h"
#include "TwoWayList.h"

grokit\create_data_type("GITask", "Data", [], ['stream' => 'GIStreamProxy', 'gi' => 'GLAState']);

typedef TwoWayList<GITask> GITaskList;

#endif // _GI_INTERNAL_H_
Example #2
/** These are requests going to the disk. The pageSize is the MMap page
		The requests are sent to the DiskArray who sends them to the HDThreads.

		  memLoc: the memory location where the read/write is done

grokit\create_data_type("DiskRequestData", "DiskData", ['memLoc' => 'void*'], []);

typedef TwoWayList< DiskRequestData > DiskRequestDataContainer;
/** Internal datatype used by the ChunkReaderWriter to keep track of requests
				chunkID: id of the chunk we are dealing with
				hMsg: the hopping message to send back to EE
				token: the token to send back
grokit\create_data_type("CRWRequest", "Data", ['chunkID' => 'off_t'], ['hMsg' => 'HoppingDataMsg', 'token' => 'GenericWorkToken']);

typedef Keyify<off_t> KOff_t; // keyified off_t
typedef EfficientMap< KOff_t, CRWRequest > IDToRequestMap;

#endif // DISK_IO_DATA_
Example #3
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//  limitations under the License.
require_once 'DataFunctions.php';


#include "ContainerTypes.h"

/* Data types used by Bulk Loader to do its internal work. Should be
of no interest to the rest of the system */

grokit\create_data_type("TextLoaderDS", "Data", ['stream' => 'FILE*', 'file' => 'std::string'], []);

// container for the above
typedef TwoWayList<TextLoaderDS> TextLoaderDSContainer;

Example #4
grokit\create_data_type("GISTProduceResultsWorkFunc", "WorkFuncWrapper", [], [], true);

grokit\create_data_type("GISTProduceStateWorkFunc", "WorkFuncWrapper", [], [], true);

grokit\create_data_type("CacheChunkWorkFunc", "WorkFuncWrapper", [], [], true);

grokit\create_data_type("GSEPreProcessWorkFunc", "WorkFuncWrapper", [], [], true);

grokit\create_data_type("GSEProcessReadOnlyWorkFunc", "WorkFuncWrapper", [], [], true);

grokit\create_data_type("ClusterProcessChunkWorkFunc", "WorkFuncWrapper", [], [], true);


Example #5
// Produces results for this GIST.
grokit\create_data_type("GISTProduceResultsWD", "WorkDescription", ['fragmentNo' => 'int'], ['whichOne' => 'QueryExit', 'gist' => 'GLAState']);

grokit\create_data_type("GIProduceChunkWD", "WorkDescription", [], ['gi' => 'GLAState', 'stream_info' => 'GIStreamProxy', 'queriesCovered' => 'QueryIDSet']);

/***** GSE Work Descriptions *****/

// Pre-processing
grokit\create_data_type("GSEPreProcessWD", "WorkDescription", [], ['whichQueryExits' => 'QueryExitContainer', 'requiredStates' => 'QueryToGLASContMap']);

// Processing a read-only request
grokit\create_data_type("GSEProcessWD", "WorkDescription", [], ['whichQueryExits' => 'QueryExitContainer', 'gseStates' => 'QueryToGLAStateMap', 'constStates' => 'QueryToGLAStateMap', 'request' => 'ServiceData']);

/****** Cluster Work Descriptions ******/

// Process Chunk
grokit\create_data_type('ClusterProcessChunkWD', 'WorkDescription', [], ['chunk' => 'Chunk']);

Example #6
//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//  You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//  limitations under the License.
require_once 'DataFunctions.php';

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string>

#include "Data.h"
#include "TwoWayList.h"

/** Container for counters

grokit\create_data_type("PCounter", "DataC", ['name' => 'std::string', 'value' => 'int64_t', 'group' => 'std::string'], [], true);

typedef TwoWayList <PCounter> PCounterList;

#endif // _PROF_MSG_DATA_H_

/** Text Loader

                files: names of files that we are bulkloading
                queries: the queries that are going to tag the produced chunks
grokit\create_data_type("TextLoaderConfigureData", "WayPointConfigureData", ['files' => 'StringContainer'], ['queries' => 'QueryExitContainer'], true);

grokit\create_data_type("TileJoinConfigureData", "WayPointConfigureData", ['lhsrelName' => 'std::string', 'rhsrelName' => 'std::string'], ['JoinWP' => 'WayPointID', 'queryColumnsMapLhs' => 'QueryExitToSlotsMap', 'queryColumnsMapRhs' => 'QueryExitToSlotsMap', 'columnsToSlotsPairLhs' => 'SlotPairContainer', 'columnsToSlotsPairRhs' => 'SlotPairContainer'], true);

grokit\create_data_type("GIConfigureData", "WayPointConfigureData", ['files' => 'StringContainer'], ['queries' => 'QueryExitContainer'], true);


// this is the list of way point configurations sent into the execution engine
typedef TwoWayList<WayPointConfigureData> WayPointConfigurationList;

Example #8
// Copyright 2013 Tera Insights, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
require_once 'DataFunctions.php';


#include <cinttypes>
#include <string>

#include "TwoWayList.h"

// Base class for Execution Engine Tasks
grokit\create_base_data_type("Task", "DataC", [], [], true, true);

typedef TwoWayList<Task> TaskList;

// Delete Relation
grokit\create_data_type("DeleteRelationTask", "Task", ['relation' => 'std::string'], [], true);


Example #9

// ProduceResults work function will produce a ChunkContainer

// Result of a GI reading data from a file.
grokit\create_data_type("GIProduceChunkRez", "ExecEngineData", [], ['stream' => 'GIStreamProxy', 'gi' => 'GLAState', 'chunk' => 'ChunkContainer']);

/***** Return types for GSEs *****/

// Results from preprocessing
grokit\create_data_type("GSEPreProcessRez", "ExecEngineData", [], ['constStates' => 'QueryToGLAStateMap']);

// Results from processing
grokit\create_data_type("GSEProcessRez", "ExecEngineData", [], ['gseStates' => 'QueryToGLAStateMap', 'result' => 'ServiceData']);

/***** Return types for Cluster WP ******/

grokit\create_data_type("ClusterProcessChunkRez", "ExecEngineData", ['min' => 'int64_t', 'max' => 'int64_t'], []);

Example #10
typedef TwoWayList <GLAState> GLAStateContainer;
typedef EfficientMap <QueryID, GLAState> QueryToGLAStateMap;
typedef EfficientMap <QueryID, GLAStateContainer> QueryToGLASContMap;

typedef EfficientMap< QueryID, Swapify<int> > QueryIDToInt;
typedef EfficientMap< QueryID, Swapify<bool> > QueryIDToBool;

typedef TwoWayList<WayPointID> ReqStateList;
typedef EfficientMap<QueryID, ReqStateList> QueryToReqStates;

/** GLAPointer stores a pointer to a GLA state. This is an in-memory

grokit\create_data_type("GLAPtr", "GLAState", ['glaPtr' => 'void*'], [], false);

/******* Data containing QueryIDSet and Chunk **/
grokit\create_base_data_type("CacheData", "DataC", ['queryIDs' => 'QueryIDSet'], ['cacheChunk' => 'Chunk'], false);

typedef EfficientMap <ChunkID, CacheData> ChunkToCacheMap;

/** Data Structures for GIST Waypoints */

grokit\create_base_data_type("GISTWorkUnit", "DataC", [], ['gist' => 'GLAState', 'localScheduler' => 'GLAState', 'gla' => 'GLAState'], false);
Example #11
// needs to go, lineage is a list of History objects (where each waypoint that
// obtains and then forwards on the message can add new history objects to the
// list), and data is the actual data in the message.
grokit\create_base_data_type("HoppingDataMsg", "DataC", ['currentPos' => 'WayPointID'], ['dest' => 'QueryExitContainer', 'lineage' => 'HistoryList', 'data' => 'ExecEngineData']);

// this macro defines direct messages, that are sent to a particular waypoint
grokit\create_base_data_type("DirectMsg", "Data", ['receiver' => 'WayPointID'], ['message' => 'Notification']);

// this macro defines hopping downstream messages... these are a lot like hopping
// data messages, except that they contain Notification objects instead of data 
grokit\create_data_type("HoppingDownstreamMsg", "DataC", ['currentPos' => 'WayPointID'], ['dest' => 'QueryExitContainer', 'msg' => 'Notification']);

// this macro defines hopping upstream messages... unlike the downstream messages,
// these have only one destination---the waypoint(s) that produce(s) data associated
// with a particular query exit
grokit\create_data_type("HoppingUpstreamMsg", "DataC", ['currentPos' => 'WayPointID'], ['dest' => 'QueryExit', 'msg' => 'Notification']);

Example #12
//  set of sampled entries from all of the too-full segments
grokit\create_data_type("TooFullMessage", "Notification", [], ['whatWeFound' => 'HashSegmentSample']);

// this is sent from the hash cleaner to a particular waypoint to notify the waypoint
// that it has now become disk-based
grokit\create_data_type("IKillYouMessage", "Notification", [], []);

// when a join waypoint finlly dies (that is, when a "wounded" waypoint that is being emptied
// out of the hash table has its last bytes ever removed from the hash table) it sends this
// message to both the hash cleaner and to the writer letting them know that it has finally died
grokit\create_data_type("WayPointDeadMsg", "Notification", [], []);

// messge sent from cleaner to a join with the hash
grokit\create_data_type("CentralHashMessage", "Notification", [], ['centralHash' => 'HashTable']);

grokit\create_data_type("GetHashTable", "Notification", [], []);

Example #13
// this file contains all of the various work token types

#include "Data.h"
#include "DistributedQueue.cc"

// this macro defines the generic token type, which is sent to waypoints when they
// request the ability to do some work... tokens must also be sent back to the
// execution engine when the work is done.  grantedTo is the identifier for the
// waypoint who was actually granted the right to use the token
grokit\create_base_data_type("GenericWorkToken", "Data", ['label' => 'int'], []);

// this macro defines the CPU token type
grokit\create_data_type("CPUWorkToken", "GenericWorkToken", [], []);

// this macro defines the Disk token type
grokit\create_data_type("DiskWorkToken", "GenericWorkToken", [], []);

// this is used to send a list of disk tokens for writer waypoints to use
typedef DistributedQueue <DiskWorkToken> DiskWorkTokenQueue;

Example #14
grokit\create_data_type("TextLoaderHistory", "History", ['whichChunk' => 'ChunkID', 'file' => 'std::string'], []);

grokit\create_data_type("GIHistory", "History", ['whichChunk' => 'ChunkID', 'file' => 'std::string'], []);

grokit\create_data_type("TileJoinScanHistory", "History", ['bucketID' => 'int', 'whichChunk' => 'ChunkID', 'isLHS' => 'bool', 'file' => 'std::string'], ['whichExits' => 'QueryExitContainer']);

grokit\create_data_type("TileJoinWriteHistory", "History", [], []);

grokit\create_data_type("TileJoinMergeHistory", "History", ['bucketID' => '__uint64_t'], ['chunkIDLHSList' => 'ChunkIDContainer', 'chunkIDRHSList' => 'ChunkIDContainer', 'whichExits' => 'QueryExitContainer']);

grokit\create_data_type("CacheHistory", "History", ['whichChunk' => 'uint64_t'], []);
