Example #1
function lcd_initialise()
    // Set the required GPIO pins to output
    if (!gpio_set_mode(LCD_RS_GPIO, 'out') || !gpio_set_mode(LCD_ES_GPIO, 'out') || !gpio_set_mode(LCD_D4_GPIO, 'out') || !gpio_set_mode(LCD_D5_GPIO, 'out') || !gpio_set_mode(LCD_D6_GPIO, 'out') || !gpio_set_mode(LCD_D7_GPIO, 'out')) {
        return FALSE;
    // Send Initialise Codes
    if (!_lcd_set_mode(FALSE) || !_lcd_send(0b110011) || !_lcd_send(0b110010)) {
        return FALSE;
    // Reset LCD
    if (!lcd_command('2_line_5x8', 'on_no_cursor', 'clear', 'text_forwards')) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Example #2
function gpio_set_modes($modes)
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($modes as $pin => $mode) {
        if (gpio_set_mode($pin, $mode)) {
    return $count;
Example #3

  BerryIO GPIO Set Mode Command
$title = 'GPIO Control';
// Load the GPIO functions
require_once FUNCTIONS . 'gpio.php';
// Check the args
if (count($args) != 2) {
    $content .= usage('Please provide pin and mode information');
    return FALSE;
// Set the GPIO Mode
if (gpio_set_mode($args[0], $args[1]) === FALSE) {
    $content .= message('ERROR: Cannot set GPIO pin "' . $args[0] . '" into mode "' . $args[1] . '"', 'gpio_status');
    return FALSE;
if ($GLOBALS['EXEC_MODE'] != 'api') {
    $content .= go_to('gpio_status');