<?php foreach ($projects as $project) { echo ' <section class="watchlist"> <h3><a href="#">' . $project['name'] . '</a></h3> <nav><a href="#"><img src="' . $location['images'] . '/feed.png" alt="(RSS)" title="Subscribe to this feed" /></a></nav> <div class="fc"></div> '; foreach ($project['logs'] as $log) { echo ' <article> <div class="type"> <img src="' . $location['images'] . '/act/' . getactimg($log['actiontype']) . '" alt="" /> </div> <div class="user"> ' . getuinfo($log['userid'], false) . ' </div> <div class="details" style="margin:2px 0px 0px 4px;"> <span style="background:#' . getactcol($log['actiontype']) . '">' . getactlogdsc($log['actiontype']) . '</span> categorised under <a href="#">' . getcatnm($log['category']) . '</a>, called <a href="#">' . $log['name'] . '</a> </div> <div class="fc"></div> </article>'; } echo ' </section>'; } if (count($projects) == 0) { echo ' <section>
$content .= ' <img src="images/admin.gif" alt="" title="管理员"/>'; } if ($c_log) { if ($r_dbu['id'] != $_SESSION[$config['u_hash']]) { $content .= ' <a href="?m=message&id=' . $r_dbu['id'] . '#send"><img src="images/o_7.gif" alt="" title="发消息"/></a>'; } if ($pa == 9 && $r_dbu['power'] < 9) { $content .= ' <a href="?m=user&cid=' . $r_dbu['id'] . '&p=' . ($r_dbu['power'] > 0 ? '1"><img src="images/o_1.gif" alt="" title="降为普通成员' : '0"><img src="images/o_0.gif" alt="" title="升为管理员') . '"/></a> <a href="?m=edituser&id=' . $r_dbu['id'] . '"><img src="images/o_3.gif" alt="" title="修改个人资料"/></a>'; } } } if ($c_log && $pa == 9 && $r_dbu['power'] < 9) { $content .= ' <img src="images/o_2.gif" alt="" title="删除" name="del_img" data-id="' . $r_dbu['id'] . '" class="f_link"/>'; } if ($c_log) { $cr = getuinfo($r_dbu); $content .= ($cr != '' ? '<br/>' : '') . $cr; if ($r_dbu['jaid'] > 0) { if (!isset($jadb[$r_dbu['jaid']])) { $jadb[$r_dbu['jaid']] = getainfo($r_dbu['jaid'], 'name'); } $content .= '<br/>邀请人:<a href="?m=user&id=' . $r_dbu['jaid'] . '">' . $jadb[$r_dbu['jaid']]['name'] . '</a>'; } } else { $content .= '<br/>'; } } else { $content .= '<br/>'; } $content .= '<br/>最后访问:' . ($r_dbu['visitdate'] > 0 ? date('Y-n-j H:i', getftime($r_dbu['visitdate'])) : '从未') . ($r_dbu['visit'] > 0 ? '<br/>访问次数:' . $r_dbu['visit'] : '') . (isset($a_sync_i[$r_dbu['id']]) ? '<br/>' . join(' ', $a_sync_i[$r_dbu['id']]) : '') . '</li>'; } while ($r_dbu = mysql_fetch_assoc($q_dbu));
<?php foreach ($comments as $comment) { ?> <article id="comment_<?php echo $comment['id']; ?> " class="comment<?php echo $comment['type'] != '' ? ' moderation' : ''; ?> "> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="user"><?php echo getuinfo($comment['author'], false); ?> </div> <div class="time">Posted on <?php echo timehtml5($comment['when_posted'], true); ?> </div> <div class="actions"> <?php if ($comment['type'] == '') { ?> <!--<img src="<?php echo $location['images']; ?> /btnmini/edit.png" alt="" />--> <img class="comment_quote" src="<?php
$error = true; $errors[] = 'Your comment could not be inserted. There may be a server error.'; } // and our work here is done! if ($error) { output_errors($errors); } else { header("Location: {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"); exit; } } // add to views db_query("UPDATE issues SET num_views = num_views + 1 WHERE id = '{$id}'"); // who is the issue assigned to? if ($issue['assign'] > 0) { $issue['assignedto'] = getuinfo($issue['assign']); } else { $issue['assignedto'] = 'nobody'; } // Get assignable users (for now, just admins) $assignsarr = array(array(0, 'nobody'), array(0, '----------------------')); foreach ($users->from_admins() as $uid) { $assignsarr[] = array($uid, getunm($uid), $uid == $issue['assign'] ? true : false); } $issue['assigns'] = $assignsarr; // get the comments $result_comments = db_query_toarray("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE issue = {$id} ORDER BY when_posted ASC", "Retrieving comments for issue {$id} from database"); // output the page $page->include_template('ticket', array('issue' => $issue, 'comments' => $result_comments)); } }