Example #1
     qroPrintEntry(gettext("N/A"), "center", "middle");
 } else {
     $geo_info = Asset_host::get_extended_location($_conn, $geoloc, $currentIP);
     if ($geo_info['html_icon'] != '') {
         $country_img = $geo_info['html_icon'] . ' ';
         $slnk = $current_url . preg_replace("/.*src\\='\\/ossim([^']+)'.*/", "\\1", $country_img);
     } else {
         $country_img = "";
         $slnk = "";
     $div = '<div id="' . $currentIP . ';' . $currentIP . ';' . $host_id . '" ctx="' . (Session::show_entities() ? $ctx : Session::get_default_ctx()) . '" class="HostReportMenu" style="padding:0px 0px 0px 25px">';
     $bdiv = '</div>';
     qroPrintEntry($div . $country_img . "&nbsp;" . BuildAddressLink($currentIP, 32) . $currentIP . '</A>&nbsp;' . $bdiv, 'left', '', 'nowrap');
     qroPrintEntry(getrepimg($prio, $rel, $act, $currentIP), "center", "middle");
 if ($resolve_IP == 1) {
     qroPrintEntry('&nbsp;&nbsp;' . baseGetHostByAddr($currentIP, $ctx, $db) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
 /* Print # of Occurances */
 $tmp_iplookup = 'base_qry_main.php?num_result_rows=-1' . '&amp;submit=' . gettext("Query DB") . '&amp;current_view=-1';
 $tmp_iplookup2 = 'base_stat_alerts.php?num_result_rows=-1' . '&amp;submit=' . gettext("Query DB") . '&amp;current_view=-1&sort_order=occur_d';
 if ($addr_type == 1) {
     if ($no_ip) {
         $url_criteria = BuildSrcIPFormVars(NULL_IP);
     } else {
         $url_criteria = BuildSrcIPFormVars($currentIP);
 } else {
     if ($addr_type == 2) {
 if ($no_ip) {
 } else {
     $geo_info = Asset_host::get_extended_location($_conn, $geoloc, $currentIP);
     if ($geo_info['html_icon'] != '') {
         $country_img = $geo_info['html_icon'] . ' ';
         $slnk = $current_url . preg_replace("/.*src\\='\\/ossim([^']+)'.*/", "\\1", $country_img);
     } else {
         $country_img = "";
         $slnk = "";
     $div = '<div id="' . $currentIP . ';' . $currentIP . ';' . $host_id . '" class="HostReportMenu" style="padding:0px 0px 0px 25px">';
     // '.getrepbgcolor($prio,1).'
     $bdiv = '</div>';
     qroPrintEntry($div . $country_img . '&nbsp;' . BuildAddressLink($currentIP, 32) . $currentIP . '</A>&nbsp;' . getrepimg($prio, $rel, $act, $currentIP) . $bdiv, 'left', '', 'nowrap');
 if ($resolve_IP == 1) {
     qroPrintEntry('&nbsp;&nbsp;' . baseGetHostByAddr($currentIP, $ctx, $db) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
 /* Print # of Occurances */
 $tmp_iplookup = 'base_qry_main.php?num_result_rows=-1' . '&amp;submit=' . gettext("Query DB") . '&amp;current_view=-1';
 $tmp_iplookup2 = 'base_stat_alerts.php?num_result_rows=-1' . '&amp;submit=' . gettext("Query DB") . '&amp;current_view=-1&sort_order=occur_d';
 if ($no_ip) {
     $url_criteria_src = BuildSrcIPFormVars(NULL_IP);
 } else {
     $url_criteria_src = BuildSrcIPFormVars($currentIP);
 if ($no_ip) {
     $url_criteria_dst = BuildDstIpFormVars(NULL_IP);
 } else {
					   <th>' . gettext("Dst MAC") . '</th>
					  <TD nowrap>' . $idm_data["src_userdomains"] . '</TD>
					  <TD nowrap>' . $idm_data["src_hostname"] . '</TD>
					  <TD nowrap>' . $idm_data["src_mac"] . '</TD>
					  <TD nowrap>' . $idm_data["dst_userdomains"] . '</TD>
					  <TD nowrap>' . $idm_data["dst_hostname"] . '</TD>
					  <TD nowrap>' . $idm_data["dst_mac"] . '</TD>
    $src_img = getrepimg($idm_data["rep_prio_src"], $idm_data["rep_rel_src"], $idm_data["rep_act_src"], $current_sip);
    $dst_img = getrepimg($idm_data["rep_prio_dst"], $idm_data["rep_rel_dst"], $idm_data["rep_act_dst"], $current_dip);
    $src_bgcolor = getrepbgcolor($idm_data["rep_prio_src"], 1);
    $dst_bgcolor = getrepbgcolor($idm_data["rep_prio_dst"], 1);
    echo '<br/>
                    <div class="siem_detail_table">
                    <div class="siem_detail_subsection">' . _('REPUTATION') . '</div>
                    <div class="siem_detail_subcontent">
					<TABLE class="table_list">
					<TR><!-- REPUTATION Subtitle missing -->
					   <th>' . gettext("Source Address") . '</th>
					   <th>' . gettext("Priority") . '</th>
					   <th>' . gettext("Reliability") . '</th>
					   <th>' . gettext("Activity") . '</th>
					   <th>' . gettext("Destination Address") . '</th>
					   <th>' . gettext("Priority") . '</th>
					   <th>' . gettext("Reliability") . '</th>
 $cell_align['IP_PORTSRC'] = "left";
 $cell_align['IP_SRC'] = "left";
 $cell_align['PORT_SRC'] = "center";
 if (in_array("IP_SRC_FQDN", $_SESSION['views'][$_SESSION['current_cview']]['cols'])) {
     $cell_data['IP_SRC_FQDN'] = baseGetHostByAddr($current_sip, $ctx, $db);
     $cell_align['IP_SRC_FQDN'] = "center";
 // 6- Destination IP Address
 if ($current_dip32 != "") {
     // Dst Data
     $dst_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($_conn, $geoloc, $current_dip, $ctx, $current_dst_host, $myrow["dst_net"]);
     $dst_name = $dst_output['name'];
     $homelan_dst = $dst_output['is_internal'];
     $dst_img = $dst_output['html_icon'];
     $rep_dst_icon = getrepimg($myrow["REP_PRIO_DST"], $myrow["REP_REL_DST"], $myrow["REP_ACT_DST"], $current_dip);
     // Div for right click menu
     // Warning: ctx could be ctx_dst
     $div = '<div id="' . $current_dip . ';' . $dst_name . ';' . $current_dst_host . '" date_from="' . $date_from_aux . '" date_to="' . $date_to_aux . '" id2="' . $current_sip . ';' . $current_dip . '" ctx="' . $ctx . '" class="HostReportMenu">';
     $bdiv = '</div>';
     // IDM: User, Domain, and more data
     if ($idm_enabled && $myrow["dst_userdomain"] != "") {
         $idmtxt = _("IDM Username@domain") . ": <b>" . $myrow["dst_userdomain"] . "</b><br>" . _("IDM Hostname") . ": <b>" . $myrow["dst_hostname"] . "</b><br>" . _("IDM MAC") . ": <b>" . $myrow["dst_mac"] . "</b><br>" . _("IDM IP") . ": <b>{$current_dip}</b>";
         $dip_aux = explode(", ", $myrow["dst_userdomain"]);
         $dip_lnk = "";
         foreach ($dip_aux as $userdomain) {
             list($myrow["dst_username"], $myrow["dst_domain"]) = explode("@", $userdomain);
             $dip_where = '&idm_username%5B1%5D=both&idm_username%5B0%5D=' . urlencode($myrow["dst_username"]) . '&idm_domain%5B1%5D=both&idm_domain%5B0%5D=' . urlencode($myrow["dst_domain"]);
             $f_url = Menu::get_menu_url('base_qry_main.php?new=2&num_result_rows=-1&submit=Query+DB&current_view=-1' . $dip_where, 'analysis', 'security_events', 'security_events');
             $dip_lnk .= ($dip_lnk != "" ? ", " : "") . '<a class="trlnk idminfo" txt="' . Util::htmlentities($idmtxt, ENT_QUOTES) . '" style="color:navy;' . ($homelan_dst ? "font-weight:bold;" : "") . 'text-decoration:none" href="' . $f_url . '">' . $userdomain . '</a>';