function draw($lat, $lon, $color = NULL) { global $im; global $offset; global $dot; if ($color == NULL) { $color = $dot; } $pt = getlocationcoords($lat, $long, imagesx($im), imagesy($im)); ImageRectangle($im, $pt["x"] - $offset, $pt["y"], $pt["x"] + 1 - $offset, $pt["y"] + 1, $dot); }
function map() { global $objUtil; $long = $objUtil->checkGetKey('long', 0); $lat = $objUtil->checkGetKey('lat', 0); // First we load the background/base map. // We assume it's located in ../../styles/images/earth.jpg. // This can be any format but we are using JPG in this example. We will also allocate the color for the marker $im = imagecreatefromjpeg("../../styles/images/earth.jpg"); $red = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0); // Next need to find the base image size. We need these variables to be able scale the long/lat coordinates. $scale_x = imagesx($im); $scale_y = imagesy($im); $pt = getlocationcoords($lat, $long, $scale_x, $scale_y); // Now mark the point on the map using a red 4 pixel rectangle imagefilledrectangle($im, $pt["x"] - 2, $pt["y"] - 2, $pt["x"] + 2, $pt["y"] + 2, $red); // imagestring($im,2,1,$scale_y-20,"Courtesy of",$red); // Return the map image. We are using a PNG format as it gives better final image quality than a JPG header("Content-Type: image/png"); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); }
$Blue = imagecolorallocate($im_earthmap, 0, 0, 255); $Yellow = imagecolorallocate($im_earthmap, 255, 255, 0); #ImageColorTransparent($im_map_user, $Black); #ImageFill($im_map_user, 0, 0, $Black); #Imageinterlace($im_map_user, 1); #ImageAlphaBlending($im_map_user, true); #$im_earthmap_user = ImageCreateTrueColor($im_size_x,$im_size_y); #ImageAlphaBlending($im_earthmap_user, true); //ip auslesen, koordinaten ermitteln und in x,y umsetzen, punkt markieren $geoip = geoip_record_by_addr($gi, getIP()); #$pt = getlocationcoords($geoip->latitude, $geoip->longitude, $im_size_x, $im_size_y); // //bug fixed, id: 3114589 //thx to tms-schmidt if (!is_null($geoip)) { $pt = getlocationcoords($geoip->latitude, $geoip->longitude, $im_size_x, $im_size_y); } /*****************************************************************/ //Map Forms /*****************************************************************/ if ($create_map == "subscriptions") { $map_earth_filename_sub = "map_earth_user_subscriptions.jpg"; $map_filename_sub = "map_user_subscriptions.png"; //punkte markieren #$FORMULAR->makeMap($im_map_user,$gi,0,$im_size_x,$im_size_y); $FORMULAR->makeMap($im_earthmap, $gi, 0, $im_size_x, $im_size_y); $map_text = ___("Geographische Verteilung der Anmeldungen") . " " . TM_TODAY; } /*****************************************************************/ //Map NL History /*****************************************************************/
fwrite($stderr, "{$count} "); } $x1 = $row["sx"]; $y1 = $row["sy"]; $x2 = $row["dx"]; $y2 = $row["dy"]; $distance = gcPointDistance(array("x" => $x1, "y" => $y1), array("x" => $x2, "y" => $y2)); if ($distance > $GC_MIN) { // Plot great circle curve $points = gcPath(array("x" => $x1, "y" => $y1), array("x" => $x2, "y" => $y2), $distance, false); } else { // Draw straight lines $points = straightPath(array("x" => $x1, "y" => $y1), array("x" => $x2, "y" => $y2)); } $oldpt = null; foreach ($points as $loc) { if ($loc == null) { $oldpt = null; continue; } $newpt = getlocationcoords($loc["y"], $loc["x"], $scale_x, $scale_y); if ($oldpt) { imageline($im, $oldpt["x"], $oldpt["y"], $newpt["x"], $newpt["y"], $yellow); } $oldpt = $newpt; } } // Return the map image. We are using a PNG format as it gives better final image quality than a JPG header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im);
$earthimage = isvalidimage($imagething, $earthimages, $defaultimage); } else { $earthimage = $earthimages[$defaultimage]; } if (strstr($earthimage, ":")) { list($earthimage, , , ) = split(":", $earthimage); } // check if we need to run it in css mode if (!shouldrun($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { list($width, $height) = getimagecoords($earthimages, $earthimage); // make sure some coords were found if ($values["lat"] == "" || $values["lon"] == "") { $display = " "; $extracss = ""; } else { list($x, $y) = getlocationcoords($values["lat"], $values["lon"], $width, $height); if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["atlasprefs"])) { list(, , , , $dotname) = split(":", $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["atlasprefs"]); $dotname = clean_param($dotname, PARAM_FILE); list($thedot, $dotwidth, $dotheight) = finddot($dotname, $cssdots, $defaultdot); } else { $dotname = $cssdots[$defaultdot]; list($dotname, , , ) = split(":", $dotname); $dotname = clean_param($dotname, PARAM_FILE); list($thedot, $dotwidth, $dotheight) = finddot($dotname, $cssdots, $defaultdot); } // magical formula for placing the css dot $x = $x - floor($dotwidth / 2); $y = $y - floor($dotheight / 2); $extracss = "<style>\n#dotDiv { padding-left:{$x}; padding-top:{$y}; }\n</style>"; $display = "<div id=\"dotDiv\"><img width=\"{$dotwidth}\" height=\"{$dotheight}\" src=\"{$thedot}\">";
function makeMapWeight(&$img, &$gi, $q_id, $width, $height) { $Query = "SELECT ip FROM " . TM_TABLE_NL_H . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE siteid='" . TM_SITEID . "'"; $Query .= " AND ip!='' AND ip!=''"; if (check_dbid($q_id)) { $Query .= " AND q_id=" . checkset_int($q_id); } #$Query .=" Limit 10000"; if ($this->DB->Query($Query)) { $max = 0; $sum = 0; $K[0][0] = 0; while ($this->DB->next_Record()) { $geoip = geoip_record_by_addr($gi, $this->DB->Record['ip']); if (isset($geoip->latitude, $geoip->longitude)) { $pt = getlocationcoords($geoip->latitude, $geoip->longitude, $width, $height); if (isset($K[$pt['x']][$pt['y']])) { $K[$pt['x']][$pt['y']]++; if ($K[$pt['x']][$pt['y']] > $max) { $max = $K[$pt['x']][$pt['y']]; } } else { $K[$pt['x']][$pt['y']] = 1; } $sum++; } } //while $one_pc = $sum / 100; $Color1 = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 0, 0, 0); foreach ($K as $x => $ya) { foreach ($ya as $y => $c) { $d = round($c / $one_pc); $r = $d * 5; imagearc($img, $x, $y, $r, $r, 0, 360, $Color1); } } } //if query }
function makeMap(&$img, &$gi, $frm_id, $width, $height) { $Query = "SELECT ip FROM " . TM_TABLE_FRM_S . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE siteid='" . TM_SITEID . "'"; $Query .= " AND ip!='' AND ip!=''"; if (check_dbid($frm_id)) { $Query .= " AND frm_id=" . checkset_int($frm_id); } if ($this->DB->Query($Query)) { $Color1 = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 0); $Color2 = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0); while ($this->DB->next_Record()) { $geoip = geoip_record_by_addr($gi, $this->DB->Record['ip']); if (isset($geoip->latitude, $geoip->longitude)) { $pt = getlocationcoords($geoip->latitude, $geoip->longitude, $width, $height); imagefilledrectangle($img, $pt["x"] - 1, $pt["y"] - 1, $pt["x"] + 1, $pt["y"] + 1, $Color1); imagerectangle($img, $pt["x"] - 4, $pt["y"] - 4, $pt["x"] + 4, $pt["y"] + 4, $Color2); } } //while } //if query }
$r = "0"; $g = "225"; $b = "0"; } elseif ($setcolor == "violet") { $r = "191"; $g = "0"; $b = "255"; } else { $r = "255"; $g = "0"; $b = "0"; } $loc_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, $r, $g, $b); if ($lat == "" && $lon == "") { } else { list($x, $y) = getlocationcoords($lat, $lon, $width, $height); if ($setshape == "Diamond") { ImageLine($im, $x - $setsize, $y, $x, $y + $setsize, $loc_color); ImageLine($im, $x - $setsize, $y, $x, $y - $setsize, $loc_color); ImageLine($im, $x + $setsize, $y, $x, $y + $setsize, $loc_color); ImageLine($im, $x + $setsize, $y, $x, $y - $setsize, $loc_color); ImageFill($im, $x, $y, $loc_color); } elseif ($setshape == "Diamond Outline") { ImageLine($im, $x - $setsize, $y, $x, $y + $setsize, $loc_color); ImageLine($im, $x - $setsize, $y, $x, $y - $setsize, $loc_color); ImageLine($im, $x + $setsize, $y, $x, $y + $setsize, $loc_color); ImageLine($im, $x + $setsize, $y, $x, $y - $setsize, $loc_color); } elseif ($setshape == "Square") { ImageFilledRectangle($im, $x - $setsize, $y - $setsize, $x + $setsize, $y + $setsize, $loc_color); } elseif ($setshape == "Square Outline") { ImageRectangle($im, $x - $setsize, $y - $setsize, $x + $setsize, $y + $setsize, $loc_color);