private function doaction($name, $args) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = array(0 => $args); } $class = $this->items[$name]['class']; $func = $this->items[$name]['func']; if (empty($class)) { if (!function_exists($func)) { unset($this->items[$name]); $this->Save(); return new IXR_Error(404, 'The requested function not found'); } //return $func($arg); try { return call_user_func_array($func, $args); } catch (Exception $e) { return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()); } } else { if (!class_exists($class)) { unset($this->items[$name]); $this->save(); return new IXR_Error(404, 'The requested class not found'); } $obj = getinstance($class); //return $obj->$func($arg); try { return call_user_func_array(array($obj, $func), $args); } catch (Exception $e) { return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()); } } }
public static function i($pid = 0) { $result = getinstance(__CLASS__); if ($pid > 0) { $result->pid = $pid; } return $result; }
public static function i($section = '') { if (!isset(self::$self)) { self::$self = getinstance(__CLASS__); self::$self->loadfile('default'); } if ($section != '') { self::$self->section = $section; } return self::$self; }
public function __get($name) { if (isset($this->mapoptions[$name])) { $prop = $this->mapoptions[$name]; if (is_array($prop)) { list($classname, $method) = $prop; return call_user_func_array(array(getinstance($classname), $method), array($name)); } return litepublisher::$options->data[$prop]; } return parent::__get($name); }
public function processform() { $plugin = tregservices::i(); $plugin->lock(); foreach ($plugin->items as $name => $classname) { $service = getinstance($classname); $service->processform(); } $plugin->update_widget(); $plugin->unlock(); return ''; }
public static function getinstance($name) { if (isset(self::$instances[$name])) { return self::$instances[$name]; } $result = getinstance(__CLASS__); if ($result->name != '') { $result = litepublisher::$classes->newinstance(__CLASS__); } $result->name = $name; $result->load(); return $result; }
public function processform() { $plugin = tmlstorage::i(); foreach ($plugin->items as $classname => $items) { $obj = getinstance($classname); if (is_array($obj->data['tml'])) { foreach ($obj->data['tml'] as $key => $value) { $obj->data['tml'][$key] = $_POST[$classname . '_text_' . $key]; } } else { $obj->data['tml'] = $_POST[$classname . '_text']; } $obj->save(); } }
public static function init($usecookie = false) { if (!self::$initialized) { self::$initialized = true; ini_set('session.use_cookies', $usecookie); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', $usecookie); ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); session_cache_limiter(false); if (function_exists('igbinary_serialize')) { ini_set('igbinary.compact_strings', 0); ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'igbinary'); } } if (tfilestorage::$memcache) { return getinstance(__CLASS__); } else { //ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); } }
public function __get($name) { if (!isset($this->items[$name])) { return ''; } $func = $this->items[$name]['func']; $class = $this->tags[$name]['class']; if (empty($class)) { if (function_exists($func)) { return $func($name); } else { $this->delete($name); } } elseif (class_exists($class)) { $obj = getinstance($class); return $obj->{$func}($name); } else { $this->delete($name); } }
public function methodSignature($name) { $caller = TXMLRPC::i(); if (!$caller->itemexists($name)) { return new IXR_Error(-32601, "server error. requested method {$name} does not exist."); } $item = $caller->getitem($name); if ($item['class'] != __CLASS__) { $obj = getinstance($item['class']); if (method_exists($obj, 'getsignature')) { return $obj->getsignature($name); } else { return new IXR_Error(-32601, "server error. requested signature of {$name} method does not exist."); } } switch ($name) { case 'system.listMethods': case 'mt.listMethods': return array('array'); case 'system.methodSignature': return array('array', 'string'); case 'system.methodHelp': return array('string', 'string'); case 'system.multicall': return array('array', 'array'); case 'methodExist': return array('boolean', 'string'); case 'demo.addTwoNumbers': case 'sample.add': return array('int', 'int', 'int'); case 'demo.sayHello': return array('string'); default: return new IXR_Error(-32601, "server error. requested signature of {$name} method does not exist."); } }
public function parsehtml() { $html = getinstance('tadminhtml'); $html->ini = array(); foreach ($this->html as $filename) { $realfilename = $this->getrealfilename($filename); if (!file_exists($realfilename)) { $this->error(sprintf('The file "%s" not found', $realfilename)); } if (!($parsed = parse_ini_file($realfilename, true))) { $this->error(sprintf('Error parse "%s" ini file', $realfilename)); } if (count($html->ini) == 0) { $html->ini = $parsed; } else { foreach ($parsed as $section => $itemsini) { $html->ini[$section] = isset($html->ini[$section]) ? $itemsini + $html->ini[$section] : $itemsini; } } } tfilestorage::savevar(tlocal::getcachedir() . 'adminhtml', $html->ini); }
public static function i(tpost $post) { $self = getinstance(__CLASS__); $self->post = $post; return $self; }
public function execute() { while ($item = $this->db->getassoc(sprintf("date <= '%s' order by date asc limit 1", sqldate()))) { extract($item); $this->log("task started:\n{$class}->{$func}({$arg})"); $arg = unserialize($arg); if ($class == '') { if (function_exists($func)) { try { $func($arg); } catch (Exception $e) { litepublisher::$options->handexception($e); } } else { $this->db->iddelete($id); continue; } } elseif (class_exists($class)) { try { $obj = getinstance($class); $obj->{$func}($arg); } catch (Exception $e) { litepublisher::$options->handexception($e); } } else { $this->db->iddelete($id); continue; } if ($type == 'single') { $this->db->iddelete($id); } else { $this->db->setvalue($id, 'date', sqldate(strtotime("+1 {$type}"))); } } }
private function getadminplugin($name) { $about = tplugins::getabout($name); if (empty($about['adminclassname'])) { return false; } $class = $about['adminclassname']; if (!class_exists($class)) { litepublisher::$classes->include_file(litepublisher::$paths->plugins . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $about['adminfilename']); } return getinstance($class); }
public function createfiles() { $this->countfiles = 0; $this->count = 0; $this->date = time(); $this->lastmod = date('Y-m-d', $this->date); $this->openfile(); $home = thomepage::i(); $this->prio = 9; $this->write('/', $home->showposts && $home->showpagenator ? ceil($home->archcount / litepublisher::$options->perpage) : 1); $perpage = 1000; foreach ($this->classes as $prio => $class) { $this->prio = max(9 - $prio, 1); $instance = getinstance($class); $from = 0; do { $links = $instance->getsitemap($from, $perpage); $from += count($links); foreach ($links as $item) { $this->write($item['url'], $item['pages']); } } while (count($links) == $perpage); } //url's from items prop foreach ($this->items as $url => $prio) { $this->writeitem($url, $prio); } $this->closefile(); $this->Save(); }
private function printclasspage($classname) { $cachefile = $classname . '.php'; if ($this->cache_enabled) { if ($this->include_file($cachefile)) { return; } } $obj = getinstance($classname); $Template = ttemplate::i(); $s = $Template->request($obj); eval('?>' . $s); if ($this->cache_enabled && $obj->cache) { $this->cache->set($cachefile, $result); } }
public static function instance() { return getinstance(get_called_class()); }
public function delete($name) { if (!isset($this->items[$name])) { return false; } $item = $this->items[$name]; unset($this->items[$name]); $this->save(); $datafile = false; if (class_exists($item['class'])) { $plugin = getinstance($item['class']); if ($plugin instanceof tplugin) { $datafile = litepublisher::$paths->data . $plugin->getbasename(); } } litepublisher::$classes->lock(); if (!empty($item['adminclass'])) { litepublisher::$classes->delete($item['adminclass']); } litepublisher::$classes->delete($item['class']); litepublisher::$classes->unlock(); if ($datafile) { tfilestorage::delete($datafile . '.php'); tfilestorage::delete($datafile . '.bak.php'); } $this->deleted($name); }
public function oncomuser(array $values, $comfirmed) { //ignore $comfirmed, always return redirect $form = tcommentform::i(); if ($err = $form->processcomuser($values)) { return $err; } $email = strtolower(trim($values['email'])); $host = substr($email, strpos($email, '@') + 1); switch ($host) { case '': $name = 'google'; break; case '': $name = 'yandex'; break; case '': case '': case '': case '': $name = 'mailru'; break; default: return false; } if (!isset($this->items[$name])) { return false; } $service = getinstance($this->items[$name]); if (!$service->valid) { return false; } $service->sessdata['comuser'] = $values; $url = $service->getauthurl(); if (!$url) { return false; } return $form->sendresult($url, array(ini_get('') => $service->session_id)); }
public static function i($idview = 0) { $result = getinstance(__CLASS__); if ($idview > 0) { $view = tview::i((int) $idview); $result->items =& $view->sidebars; } return $result; }
public function call($method, $args) { $this->callevent('beforecall', array($method, &$args)); if (!isset($this->items[$method])) { return new IXR_Error(-32601, "server error. requested method {$method} does not exist."); } $class = $this->items[$method]['class']; $func = $this->items[$method]['func']; if (empty($class)) { if (function_exists($func)) { try { return call_user_func_array($func, $args); } catch (Exception $e) { return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()); } } else { $this->delete($method); return new IXR_Error(-32601, "server error. requested function \"{$Func}\" does not exist."); } } else { //create class instance if (!class_exists($class)) { $this->delete($method); return new IXR_Error(-32601, "server error. requested class \"{$class}\" does not exist."); } $obj = getinstance($class); /* if (!method_exists($Obj, $Func)) { $this->delete($method); return new IXR_Error(-32601, "server error. requested object method \"$Function\" does not exist."); } */ //return $obj->$func($args); try { return call_user_func_array(array($obj, $func), $args); } catch (Exception $e) { //litepublisher::$options->handexception($e); //echo (litepublisher::$options->errorlog); return new IXR_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()); } } }
public function addcoclass($class) { if ($this->indexofcoclass($class) === false) { $this->coclasses[] = $class; $this->save(); $this->coinstances = getinstance($class); } }
function installClasses() { litepublisher::$urlmap = turlmap::i(); litepublisher::$urlmap->lock(); $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->lock(); $xmlrpc = TXMLRPC::i(); $xmlrpc->lock(); ttheme::$defaultargs = array(); $theme = ttheme::getinstance('default'); // $html = tadminhtml::i(); // $html->loadinstall(); foreach (litepublisher::$classes->items as $class => $item) { //echo "$class<br>\n"; if (preg_match('/^(titem|titem_storage|titemspostsowner|tcomment|IXR_Client|IXR_Server|tautoform|tchildpost|tchildposts|tlitememcache)$/', $class)) { continue; } $obj = getinstance($class); if (method_exists($obj, 'install')) { $obj->install(); } } $xmlrpc->unlock(); $posts->unlock(); litepublisher::$urlmap->unlock(); }
public static function i($id = null) { return getinstance(__CLASS__); }
public function processform() { //dumpvar($_POST); $result = ''; switch ($this->name) { case 'views': $views = tviews::i(); $idview = (int) tadminhtml::getparam('idview', 0); if (!$idview || !$views->itemexists($idview)) { return ''; } if ($this->action == 'delete') { if ($idview > 1) { $views->delete($idview); } return ''; } $view = tview::i($idview); if ($idview > 1) { $view->customsidebar = isset($_POST['customsidebar']); $view->disableajax = isset($_POST['disableajax']); } $view->name = trim($_POST['name']); $view->themename = trim($_POST['theme_idview']); $view->menuclass = $_POST['menu']; $view->hovermenu = isset($_POST['hovermenu']); $this->set_custom($idview); if ($idview == 1 || $view->customsidebar) { $widgets = twidgets::i(); foreach (range(0, 2) as $index) { $view->sidebars[$index] = array(); $idwidgets = explode(',', trim($_POST["sidebar{$index}"])); foreach ($idwidgets as $idwidget) { $idwidget = (int) trim($idwidget); if (!$widgets->itemexists($idwidget)) { continue; } $view->sidebars[$index][] = array('id' => $idwidget, 'ajax' => isset($_POST["inline{$idwidget}"]) ? 'inline' : isset($_POST["ajax{$idwidget}"])); } } } $view->save(); break; case 'addview': $name = trim($_POST['name']); if ($name != '') { $views = tviews::i(); $id = $views->add($name); } break; case 'spec': foreach (self::getspecclasses() as $classname) { $obj = getinstance($classname); $obj->lock(); $obj->setidview($_POST["idview-{$classname}"]); if (isset($obj->data['keywords'])) { $obj->keywords = $_POST["keywords-{$classname}"]; } if (isset($obj->data['description '])) { $obj->description = $_POST["description-{$classname}"]; } if (isset($obj->data['head'])) { $obj->head = $_POST["head-{$classname}"]; } $obj->unlock(); } break; case 'group': switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'posts': $posts = tposts::i(); $idview = (int) $_POST['postview']; if (dbversion) { $posts->db->update("idview = '{$idview}'", 'id > 0'); } else { foreach ($posts->items as $id => $item) { $post = tpost::i($id); $post->idview = $idview; $post->save(); $post->free(); } } break; case 'menus': $idview = (int) $_POST['menuview']; $menus = tmenus::i(); foreach ($menus->items as $id => $item) { $menu = tmenu::i($id); $menu->idview = $idview; $menu->save(); } break; case 'themes': $themename = $_POST['themeview']; $views = tviews::i(); $views->lock(); foreach ($views->items as $id => $item) { $view = tview::i($id); $view->themename = $themename; $view->save(); } $views->unlock(); break; } break; case 'defaults': $views = tviews::i(); foreach ($views->defaults as $name => $id) { $views->defaults[$name] = (int) $_POST[$name]; } $views->save(); break; case 'headers': $template = ttemplate::i(); $template->heads = $_POST['heads']; $template->save(); $adminmenus = tadminmenus::i(); $adminmenus->heads = $_POST['adminheads']; $adminmenus->save(); $ajax = tajaxposteditor::i(); $ajax->lock(); $ajax->ajaxvisual = isset($_POST['ajaxvisual']); $ajax->visual = trim($_POST['visual']); $ajax->unlock(); litepublisher::$options->show_file_perm = isset($_POST['show_file_perm']); break; case 'admin': return $this->adminoptionsform->processform(); } ttheme::clearcache(); }
public static function singleinstance($class) { $single = getinstance($class); if ($id = $single->get_owner()->class2id($class)) { if ($single->id == $id) { return $single; } if ($single->id == 0 && $id > 0) { return $single->loaddata($id); } } return $single; }
public static function instance() { return getinstance(__CLASS__); }
public function getmenu() { if ($r = $this->ongetmenu()) { return $r; } //$current = $this->context instanceof tmenu ? $this->context->id : 0; $view = $this->view; $menuclass = $view->menuclass; $filename = $view->theme->name . sprintf('.%s.%s.php', $menuclass, litepublisher::$options->group ? litepublisher::$options->group : 'nobody'); if ($result = litepublisher::$urlmap->cache->get($filename)) { return $result; } $menus = getinstance($menuclass); $result = $menus->getmenu($this->hover, 0); litepublisher::$urlmap->cache->set($filename, $result); return $result; }