Example #1
 * Sends a notify mail on page change or registration
 * @param  string  $id       The changed page
 * @param  string  $who      Who to notify (admin|subscribers|register)
 * @param  int     $rev      Old page revision
 * @param  string  $summary  What changed
 * @param  boolean $minor    Is this a minor edit?
 * @param  array   $replace  Additional string substitutions, @KEY@ to be replaced by value
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function notify($id, $who, $rev = '', $summary = '', $minor = false, $replace = array())
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $INFO;
    // decide if there is something to do
    if ($who == 'admin') {
        if (empty($conf['notify'])) {
        //notify enabled?
        $text = rawLocale('mailtext');
        $to = $conf['notify'];
        $bcc = '';
    } elseif ($who == 'subscribers') {
        if (!$conf['subscribers']) {
        //subscribers enabled?
        if ($conf['useacl'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && $minor) {
        //skip minors
        $data = array('id' => $id, 'addresslist' => '', 'self' => false);
        trigger_event('COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, 'subscription_addresslist');
        $bcc = $data['addresslist'];
        if (empty($bcc)) {
        $to = '';
        $text = rawLocale('subscr_single');
    } elseif ($who == 'register') {
        if (empty($conf['registernotify'])) {
        $text = rawLocale('registermail');
        $to = $conf['registernotify'];
        $bcc = '';
    } else {
        //just to be safe
    $ip = clientIP();
    $text = str_replace('@DATE@', dformat(), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@BROWSER@', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@IPADDRESS@', $ip, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@HOSTNAME@', gethostsbyaddrs($ip), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@NEWPAGE@', wl($id, '', true, '&'), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@PAGE@', $id, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@TITLE@', $conf['title'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@DOKUWIKIURL@', DOKU_URL, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@SUMMARY@', $summary, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@USER@', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@NAME@', $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@MAIL@', $INFO['userinfo']['mail'], $text);
    foreach ($replace as $key => $substitution) {
        $text = str_replace('@' . strtoupper($key) . '@', $substitution, $text);
    if ($who == 'register') {
        $subject = $lang['mail_new_user'] . ' ' . $summary;
    } elseif ($rev) {
        $subject = $lang['mail_changed'] . ' ' . $id;
        $text = str_replace('@OLDPAGE@', wl($id, "rev={$rev}", true, '&'), $text);
        $df = new Diff(explode("\n", rawWiki($id, $rev)), explode("\n", rawWiki($id)));
        $dformat = new UnifiedDiffFormatter();
        $diff = $dformat->format($df);
    } else {
        $subject = $lang['mail_newpage'] . ' ' . $id;
        $text = str_replace('@OLDPAGE@', 'none', $text);
        $diff = rawWiki($id);
    $text = str_replace('@DIFF@', $diff, $text);
    if (utf8_strlen($conf['title']) < 20) {
        $subject = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $subject;
    } else {
        $subject = '[' . utf8_substr($conf['title'], 0, 20) . '...] ' . $subject;
    mail_send($to, $subject, $text, $conf['mailfrom'], '', $bcc);
Example #2
  * Prepare default token replacement strings
  * Populates the '$replacements' property.
  * Should be called by the class constructor
 protected function prepareTokenReplacements()
     global $INFO;
     global $conf;
     /* @var Input $INPUT */
     global $INPUT;
     global $lang;
     $ip = clientIP();
     $cip = gethostsbyaddrs($ip);
     $this->replacements['text'] = array('DATE' => dformat(), 'BROWSER' => $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'IPADDRESS' => $ip, 'HOSTNAME' => $cip, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL, 'USER' => $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'), 'NAME' => $INFO['userinfo']['name'], 'MAIL' => $INFO['userinfo']['mail']);
     $signature = str_replace('@DOKUWIKIURL@', $this->replacements['text']['DOKUWIKIURL'], $lang['email_signature_text']);
     $this->replacements['text']['EMAILSIGNATURE'] = "\n-- \n" . $signature . "\n";
     $this->replacements['html'] = array('DATE' => '<i>' . hsc(dformat()) . '</i>', 'BROWSER' => hsc($INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT')), 'IPADDRESS' => '<code>' . hsc($ip) . '</code>', 'HOSTNAME' => '<code>' . hsc($cip) . '</code>', 'TITLE' => hsc($conf['title']), 'DOKUWIKIURL' => '<a href="' . DOKU_URL . '">' . DOKU_URL . '</a>', 'USER' => hsc($INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')), 'NAME' => hsc($INFO['userinfo']['name']), 'MAIL' => '<a href="mailto:"' . hsc($INFO['userinfo']['mail']) . '">' . hsc($INFO['userinfo']['mail']) . '</a>');
     $signature = $lang['email_signature_text'];
     if (!empty($lang['email_signature_html'])) {
         $signature = $lang['email_signature_html'];
     $signature = str_replace(array('@DOKUWIKIURL@', "\n"), array($this->replacements['html']['DOKUWIKIURL'], '<br />'), $signature);
     $this->replacements['html']['EMAILSIGNATURE'] = $signature;
Example #3
  * Send a mail about the new comment
  * Mails are sent to the author of the post and
  * all subscribers that opted-in
 function send_subscriber_mails($comment)
     global $conf;
     // get general article info
     $sql = "SELECT title, page, mail\n                  FROM entries\n                 WHERE pid = ?";
     $res = $this->sqlitehelper->query($sql, $comment['pid']);
     $entry = $this->sqlitehelper->res2row($res, 0);
     // prepare mail bodies
     $atext = io_readFile($this->localFN('notifymail'));
     $stext = io_readFile($this->localFN('subscribermail'));
     $title = sprintf($this->getLang('subscr_subject'), $entry['title']);
     $repl = array('@TITLE@' => $entry['title'], '@NAME@' => $comment['name'], '@COMMENT@' => $comment['text'], '@USER@' => $comment['name'], '@MAIL@' => $comment['mail'], '@DATE@' => dformat(time()), '@BROWSER@' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], '@IPADDRESS@' => clientIP(), '@HOSTNAME@' => gethostsbyaddrs(clientIP()), '@URL@' => wl($entry['page'], '', true), '@DOKUWIKIURL@' => DOKU_URL);
     $atext = str_replace(array_keys($repl), array_values($repl), $atext);
     $stext = str_replace(array_keys($repl), array_values($repl), $stext);
     // notify author
     $mails = array_map('trim', split(',', $conf['notify']));
     $mails[] = $entry['mail'];
     $mails = array_unique(array_filter($mails));
     if (count($mails) > 0) {
         mail_send('', $title, $atext, $conf['mailfrom'], '', implode(',', $mails));
     // finish here when subscriptions disabled
     if (!$this->getConf('comments_subscription')) {
     // get subscribers
     $sql = "SELECT A.mail as mail, B.key as key\n                  FROM subscriptions A, optin B\n                 WHERE A.mail = B.mail\n                   AND B.optin = 1\n                   AND A.pid = ?";
     $res = $this->sqlitehelper->query($sql, $comment['pid']);
     $rows = $this->sqlitehelper->res2arr($res);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         // ignore commenter herself:
         if ($row['mail'] == $comment['mail']) {
         // ignore email addresses already notified:
         if (in_array($row['mail'], $mails)) {
         mail_send($row['mail'], $title, str_replace('@UNSUBSCRIBE@', wl($entry['page'], array('btngu' => $row['key']), true), $stext), $conf['mailfrom']);
Example #4
  * Set the text and HTML body and apply replacements
  * This function applies a whole bunch of default replacements in addition
  * to the ones specidifed as parameters
  * If you pass the HTML part or HTML replacements yourself you have to make
  * sure you encode all HTML special chars correctly
  * @param string $text     plain text body
  * @param array  $textrep  replacements to apply on the text part
  * @param array  $htmlrep  replacements to apply on the HTML part, leave null to use $textrep
  * @param string $html     the HTML body, leave null to create it from $text
  * @param bool   $wrap     wrap the HTML in the default header/Footer
 public function setBody($text, $textrep = null, $htmlrep = null, $html = null, $wrap = true)
     global $INFO;
     global $conf;
     /* @var Input $INPUT */
     global $INPUT;
     $htmlrep = (array) $htmlrep;
     $textrep = (array) $textrep;
     // create HTML from text if not given
     if (is_null($html)) {
         $html = $text;
         $html = hsc($html);
         $html = preg_replace('/^-----*$/m', '<hr >', $html);
         $html = nl2br($html);
     if ($wrap) {
         $wrap = rawLocale('mailwrap', 'html');
         $html = preg_replace('/\\n-- <br \\/>.*$/s', '', $html);
         //strip signature
         $html = str_replace('@HTMLBODY@', $html, $wrap);
     // copy over all replacements missing for HTML (autolink URLs)
     foreach ($textrep as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($htmlrep[$key])) {
         if (media_isexternal($value)) {
             $htmlrep[$key] = '<a href="' . hsc($value) . '">' . hsc($value) . '</a>';
         } else {
             $htmlrep[$key] = hsc($value);
     // embed media from templates
     $html = preg_replace_callback('/@MEDIA\\(([^\\)]+)\\)@/', array($this, 'autoembed_cb'), $html);
     // prepare default replacements
     $ip = clientIP();
     $cip = gethostsbyaddrs($ip);
     $trep = array('DATE' => dformat(), 'BROWSER' => $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'IPADDRESS' => $ip, 'HOSTNAME' => $cip, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL, 'USER' => $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'), 'NAME' => $INFO['userinfo']['name'], 'MAIL' => $INFO['userinfo']['mail']);
     $trep = array_merge($trep, (array) $textrep);
     $hrep = array('DATE' => '<i>' . hsc(dformat()) . '</i>', 'BROWSER' => hsc($INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT')), 'IPADDRESS' => '<code>' . hsc($ip) . '</code>', 'HOSTNAME' => '<code>' . hsc($cip) . '</code>', 'TITLE' => hsc($conf['title']), 'DOKUWIKIURL' => '<a href="' . DOKU_URL . '">' . DOKU_URL . '</a>', 'USER' => hsc($INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')), 'NAME' => hsc($INFO['userinfo']['name']), 'MAIL' => '<a href="mailto:"' . hsc($INFO['userinfo']['mail']) . '">' . hsc($INFO['userinfo']['mail']) . '</a>');
     $hrep = array_merge($hrep, (array) $htmlrep);
     // Apply replacements
     foreach ($trep as $key => $substitution) {
         $text = str_replace('@' . strtoupper($key) . '@', $substitution, $text);
     foreach ($hrep as $key => $substitution) {
         $html = str_replace('@' . strtoupper($key) . '@', $substitution, $html);
Example #5
 * Send a notify mail on uploads
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function media_notify($id, $file, $mime, $old_rev = false)
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $INFO;
    if (empty($conf['notify'])) {
    //notify enabled?
    $ip = clientIP();
    $text = rawLocale('uploadmail');
    $text = str_replace('@DATE@', dformat(), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@BROWSER@', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@IPADDRESS@', $ip, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@HOSTNAME@', gethostsbyaddrs($ip), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@DOKUWIKIURL@', DOKU_URL, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@USER@', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@MIME@', $mime, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@MEDIA@', ml($id, '', true, '&', true), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@SIZE@', filesize_h(filesize($file)), $text);
    if ($old_rev && $conf['mediarevisions']) {
        $text = str_replace('@OLD@', ml($id, "rev={$old_rev}", true, '&', true), $text);
    } else {
        $text = str_replace('@OLD@', '', $text);
    if (empty($conf['mailprefix'])) {
        $subject = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $lang['mail_upload'] . ' ' . $id;
    } else {
        $subject = '[' . $conf['mailprefix'] . '] ' . $lang['mail_upload'] . ' ' . $id;
    mail_send($conf['notify'], $subject, $text, $conf['mailfrom']);
Example #6
 * Send a notify mail on uploads
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function media_notify($id, $file, $mime)
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    if (empty($conf['notify'])) {
    //notify enabled?
    $ip = clientIP();
    $text = rawLocale('uploadmail');
    $text = str_replace('@DATE@', dformat(), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@BROWSER@', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@IPADDRESS@', $ip, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@HOSTNAME@', gethostsbyaddrs($ip), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@DOKUWIKIURL@', DOKU_URL, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@USER@', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@MIME@', $mime, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@MEDIA@', ml($id, '', true, '&', true), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@SIZE@', filesize_h(filesize($file)), $text);
    $from = $conf['mailfrom'];
    $from = str_replace('@USER@', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $from);
    $from = str_replace('@NAME@', $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $from);
    $from = str_replace('@MAIL@', $INFO['userinfo']['mail'], $from);
    $subject = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $lang['mail_upload'] . ' ' . $id;
    mail_send($conf['notify'], $subject, $text, $from);
 * Sends a notify mail on page change
 * @param  string  $id       The changed page
 * @param  string  $who      Who to notify (admin|subscribers)
 * @param  int     $rev      Old page revision
 * @param  string  $summary  What changed
 * @param  boolean $minor    Is this a minor edit?
 * @param  array   $replace  Additional string substitutions, @KEY@ to be replaced by value
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function notify($id, $who, $rev = '', $summary = '', $minor = false, $replace = array())
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $INFO;
    // decide if there is something to do
    if ($who == 'admin') {
        if (empty($conf['notify'])) {
        //notify enabled?
        $text = rawLocale('mailtext');
        $to = $conf['notify'];
        $bcc = '';
    } elseif ($who == 'subscribers') {
        if (!$conf['subscribers']) {
        //subscribers enabled?
        if ($conf['useacl'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && $minor) {
        //skip minors
        $bcc = subscriber_addresslist($id, false);
        if (empty($bcc)) {
        $to = '';
        $text = rawLocale('subscribermail');
    } elseif ($who == 'register') {
        if (empty($conf['registernotify'])) {
        $text = rawLocale('registermail');
        $to = $conf['registernotify'];
        $bcc = '';
    } else {
        //just to be safe
    $ip = clientIP();
    $text = str_replace('@DATE@', strftime($conf['dformat']), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@BROWSER@', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@IPADDRESS@', $ip, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@HOSTNAME@', gethostsbyaddrs($ip), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@NEWPAGE@', wl($id, '', true, '&'), $text);
    $text = str_replace('@PAGE@', $id, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@TITLE@', $conf['title'], $text);
    $text = str_replace('@DOKUWIKIURL@', DOKU_URL, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@SUMMARY@', $summary, $text);
    $text = str_replace('@USER@', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $text);
    foreach ($replace as $key => $substitution) {
        $text = str_replace('@' . strtoupper($key) . '@', $substitution, $text);
    if ($who == 'register') {
        $subject = $lang['mail_new_user'] . ' ' . $summary;
    } elseif ($rev) {
        $subject = $lang['mail_changed'] . ' ' . $id;
        $text = str_replace('@OLDPAGE@', wl($id, "rev={$rev}", true, '&'), $text);
        require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/DifferenceEngine.php';
        $df = new Diff(split("\n", rawWiki($id, $rev)), split("\n", rawWiki($id)));
        $dformat = new UnifiedDiffFormatter();
        $diff = $dformat->format($df);
    } else {
        $subject = $lang['mail_newpage'] . ' ' . $id;
        $text = str_replace('@OLDPAGE@', 'none', $text);
        $diff = rawWiki($id);
    $text = str_replace('@DIFF@', $diff, $text);
    $subject = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $subject;
    $from = $conf['mailfrom'];
    $from = str_replace('@USER@', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $from);
    $from = str_replace('@NAME@', $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $from);
    $from = str_replace('@MAIL@', $INFO['userinfo']['mail'], $from);
    mail_send($to, $subject, $text, $from, '', $bcc);