function index() { //面包屑导航 $data['headpagemenu'] = array(0 => array('name' => '后台', 'link' => "admin.php"), 1 => array('name' => '中奖管理', 'link' => "")); $data['headpagetitle'] = "中奖管理"; //左侧菜单 $data['menumod'] = "prize"; //数据总量 $count = fetch_one_array("select count(*) as num from " . dbtable("prize") . " p," . dbtable("shopprize") . " u where order by p.prize_date"); //分页 $per_page = getgpc("per_page"); $per_page = $per_page ? $per_page : 0; $pnum = 20; $list = fetch_array("select p.*,u.tname, from " . dbtable("prize") . " p," . dbtable("shopprize") . " u where order by limit {$per_page},{$pnum} "); foreach ($list as $key => $row) { if ($row['status'] == 1 and !empty($row['city_no'])) { $city_no = $row['city_no']; $city_data = fetch_one_array("select tname from " . dbtable("shopprize") . " where city_no='" . $city_no . "'"); $list[$key]['extname'] = $city_data['tname']; } else { $list[$key]['extname'] = ""; } } $data["plist"] = $list; $this->load->library('pagination'); $config['base_url'] = 'admin.php?mod=prize&act=index'; $config['total_rows'] = $count["num"]; $config['per_page'] = $pnum; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data["page"] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $this->load->view('prize_index', $data); }
public static function submitcheck($var, $allowget = 0, $seccodecheck = 0, $secqaacheck = 0) { if (!getgpc($var)) { return FALSE; } else { global $_G; if ($allowget || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_GET['formhash']) && $_GET['formhash'] == formhash() && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FLASH_VERSION']) && (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || preg_replace("/https?:\\/\\/([^\\:\\/]+).*/i", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == preg_replace("/([^\\:]+).*/", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))) { if (empty($_GET['phone_reg'])) { if (checkperm('seccode')) { if ($secqaacheck && !check_secqaa($_GET['secanswer'], $_GET['sechash'])) { showmessage('submit_secqaa_invalid'); } if ($seccodecheck && !check_seccode($_GET['seccodeverify'], $_GET['sechash'])) { showmessage('submit_seccode_invalid'); } } } return TRUE; // For ios reg modify by heavenK } elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_GET['formhash']) && !empty($_GET['phone_reg']) && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FLASH_VERSION']) && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { return TRUE; } else { //add by zh if ($_GET['mod'] == 'sms' && $_GET['flag'] == 1) { exit(lang('message', 'submit_invalid')); } else { showmessage('submit_invalid'); } } } }
function check_priv() { $username = $this->sid_decode($this->view->sid); if (empty($username)) { // header('Location: '.UC_API.'/admin.php?m=user&a=login&iframe='.getgpc('iframe', 'G').($this->cookie_status ? '' : '&sid='.$this->view->sid)); // exit; //暂时屏蔽 } else { $this->user['isfounder'] = $username == 'UCenterAdministrator' ? 1 : 0; if (!$this->user['isfounder']) { $admin = $this->db->fetch_first("SELECT a.*, m.* FROM " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "admins a LEFT JOIN " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "members m USING(uid) WHERE a.username='******'"); if (empty($admin)) { header('Location: ' . UC_API . '/admin.php?m=user&a=login&iframe=' . getgpc('iframe', 'G') . ($this->cookie_status ? '' : '&sid=' . $this->view->sid)); exit; } else { $this->user = $admin; $this->user['username'] = $username; $this->user['admin'] = 1; $this->view->sid = $this->sid_encode($username); $this->setcookie('sid', $this->view->sid, 86400); } } else { $this->user['username'] = '******'; $this->user['admin'] = 1; $this->view->sid = $this->sid_encode($this->user['username']); $this->setcookie('sid', $this->view->sid, 86400); } $this->view->assign('user', $this->user); } }
function control() { parent::__construct(); $authkey = md5(UC_KEY . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $this->onlineip); $this->time = time(); $seccodeauth = getgpc('seccodeauth'); $seccode = $this->authcode($seccodeauth, 'DECODE', $authkey); //$seccode = rand(100000, 999999); //$this->setcookie('uc_secc', $this->authcode($seccode."\t".$this->time, 'ENCODE')); @header("Expires: -1"); @header("Cache-Control: no-store, private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE); @header("Pragma: no-cache"); include_once UC_ROOT . 'lib/seccode.class.php'; $code = new seccode(); $code->code = $seccode; $code->type = 0; $code->width = 70; $code->height = 21; $code->background = 0; $code->adulterate = 1; $code->ttf = 1; $code->angle = 0; $code->color = 1; $code->size = 0; $code->shadow = 1; $code->animator = 0; $code->fontpath = UC_ROOT . 'images/fonts/'; $code->datapath = UC_ROOT . 'images/'; $code->includepath = ''; $code->display(); }
/** * 权限检测 * @author allen */ protected function check_acl() { $controller = $this->uri->rsegment(1) ? $this->uri->rsegment(1) : getgpc("mod"); $action = $this->uri->rsegment(2) ? $this->uri->rsegment(2) : getgpc("act"); $node_str = $controller . '/' . $action; $query_node = $this->db->get_where('admin_node', array('node' => $node_str, 'status' => 1)); $node = $query_node->row_array(); //查出被权限的节点 $admin_utype = $this->session->userdata('admin_utype'); if ($admin_utype == 'sysadmin') { //全站放行 return; } if (is_array($node) && count($node) > 0) { $admin_id = $this->session->userdata('admin_id'); $query_acl = $this->db->select('admin_group.acl')->from('admin_group')->join('admin_user', 'admin_user.groupid =')->where(array('' => $admin_id))->get(); $acl = unserialize($query_acl->row_array()['acl']); if (!in_array($node['id'], $acl)) { if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) { $data['status'] = false; $data['msg'] = '您没有权限进行此操作!'; ajaxReturn($data); } else { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); alert("您没有权限进行此操作!"); } } } }
function onls() { //如果添加用户设置 if (getgpc('add_user_set', 'P')) { $praArr = $_POST; $praArr['username'] = $this->user['username']; $usetArr = serialize($praArr); if (!empty($usetArr)) { $this->mUset->add_user_set($usetArr); } } //如果删除 if (getgpc('del', 'G')) { $id = getgpc('id'); $this->mUset->del_user_set($id); } //如果更新 if (getgpc('update', 'G')) { $updateArr = serialize($_POST); $this->mUset->update_user_set($updateArr); } $all_user_set = $this->mUset->get_user_set(); //获取所有用户设置 //$this->view->assign("result",$this->result); $this->view->assign("all_user_set", $all_user_set); $this->view->display('admin_uset'); }
function _call($a, $arg) { $do = getgpc('do'); $do = empty($do) ? 'onindex' : 'on' . $do; if (method_exists($this, $do) && $do[0] != '_') { $this->{$do}(); } else { exit('Plugin module not found'); } }
function onls() { $page = getgpc('page'); $delete = getgpc('delete', 'P'); $num = $_ENV['feed']->get_total_num(); $feedlist = $_ENV['feed']->get_list($page, UC_PPP, $num); $multipage = $this->page($num, UC_PPP, $page, 'admin.php?m=feed&a=ls'); $this->view->assign('feedlist', $feedlist); $this->view->assign('multipage', $multipage); $this->view->display('admin_feed'); }
function onsend() { $mailid = intval(getgpc('mailid')); $result = $_ENV['mail']->send_by_id($mailid); if ($result) { $this->writelog('mail_send', "appid={$appid}¬eid={$noteid}"); $this->message('mail_succeed', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { $this->writelog('mail_send', 'failed'); $this->message('mail_false', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } }
function onls() { $page = getgpc('page'); $find = getgpc('find', 'P'); $replacement = getgpc('replacement', 'P'); $replacementnew = getgpc('replacementnew', 'P'); $findnew = getgpc('findnew', 'P'); $delete = getgpc('delete', 'P'); if ($find) { foreach ($find as $id => $arr) { $_ENV['badword']->update_badword($find[$id], $replacement[$id], $id); } } $status = 0; if ($findnew) { $_ENV['badword']->add_badword($findnew, $replacementnew, $this->user['username']); $status = 1; $this->writelog('badword_add', 'findnew=' . htmlspecialchars($findnew) . '&replacementnew=' . htmlspecialchars($replacementnew)); } if (@$delete) { $_ENV['badword']->delete_badword($delete); $status = 2; $this->writelog('badword_delete', "delete=" . implode(',', $delete)); } if (getgpc('multisubmit', 'P')) { $badwords = getgpc('badwords', 'P'); $type = getgpc('type', 'P'); if ($type == 0) { $_ENV['badword']->truncate_badword(); $type = 1; } $arr = explode("\n", str_replace(array("\r", "\n\n"), array("\r", "\n"), $badwords)); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $arr2 = explode("=", $v); $_ENV['badword']->add_badword($arr2[0], $arr2[1], $this->user['username'], $type); } } if ($status > 0) { $notedata = $_ENV['badword']->get_list($page, 1000000, 1000000); $this->load('note'); $_ENV['note']->add('updatebadwords', '', $this->serialize($notedata, 1)); $_ENV['note']->send(); $this->load('cache'); $_ENV['cache']->updatedata('badwords'); } $num = $_ENV['badword']->get_total_num(); $badwordlist = $_ENV['badword']->get_list($page, UC_PPP, $num); $multipage = $this->page($num, UC_PPP, $page, 'admin.php?m=badword&a=ls'); $this->view->assign('status', $status); $this->view->assign('badwordlist', $badwordlist); $this->view->assign('multipage', $multipage); $this->view->display('admin_badword'); }
function getclass() { $gradeid = getgpc("gradeid"); $classid = getgpc("classid"); $res = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("class") . " where upid='" . $gradeid . "'"); $str = '<option value="0">全部班级</option>'; foreach ($res as $row) { if ($classid == $row['id']) { $add = " selected"; } else { $add = ""; } $str .= '<option value="' . $row["id"] . '" ' . $add . '>' . $row["name"] . '</option>'; } echo $str; }
function onupdate() { $updated = false; if ($this->submitcheck('submit')) { $type = getgpc('type', 'P'); if (!is_array($type) || in_array('data', $type)) { $_ENV['cache']->updatedata(); } if (!is_array($type) || in_array('tpl', $type)) { $_ENV['cache']->updatetpl(); } $updated = true; } $this->view->assign('updated', $updated); $this->view->display('admin_cache'); }
function index() { $per_page = getgpc("per_page"); $per_page = $per_page ? $per_page : 0; $pnum = 8; $list = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("englandstyle") . " where 1 and status=1 order by displayorder desc, id desc limit {$per_page},{$pnum}"); foreach ($list as $key => $row) { $res[intval($key / 4)][] = $row; } $count = fetch_one_array("select count(*) as num from " . dbtable("englandstyle") . " where 1 and status=1"); $data['total_num'] = $count['num']; $data['per_page'] = $per_page + $pnum; $data['pnum'] = $pnum; $data["reslist"] = $res; $this->load->view('englandstyle', $data); }
function save(){ $this->redirect .= '&dxanchor='.$this->dxanchor; $varsnew = getgpc('varsnew', 'p'); $varsnew['height'] = $varsnew['height'] > 0 ? intval($varsnew['height']) : 0; $varsnew['lineheight'] = $varsnew['lineheight'] ? 'height:'.$varsnew['lineheight'].'px;line-height:'.$varsnew['lineheight'].'px;' : ''; $varsnew['left'] = intval($varsnew['left']).'px'; $varsnew['top'] = intval($varsnew['top']).'px'; $varsnew['left3'] = intval($varsnew['left3']); $varsnew['top3'] = intval($varsnew['top3']); $this->cache->set('settings', $varsnew); $this->cache->styles('weather.css', $varsnew, true); $this->cpmsg(); }
function dxcore(){ global $pluginid, $plugin; define('XTQ_ROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'/'); $this->pluginid = $pluginid; $this->identifier = $plugin['identifier']; $this->basescript = 'plugins&operation=config&do='.$this->pluginid.'&identifier=ducexweather&pmod='.getgpc('pmod'); $this->redirect = getglobal('siteurl').ADMINSCRIPT.'?action='.$this->basescript; require(XTQ_ROOT.'include/dx_cache.class.php'); $this->cache = new dx_xcache('ducexweather'); $this->settings = $this->cache->loadsetting(); $this->header(); }
/** * 编辑积分规则 */ public function onedit() { $a = getgpc('a'); $rule_id = getgpc('rule_id', 'G'); if (getgpc('edit_credit_rule', 'P')) { $rule_id = getgpc('rid'); $rule_name = getgpc('rule_name', 'P'); $cycle_type = getgpc('cycle_type', 'P'); $reward_num = getgpc('reward_num', 'P'); $credit = getgpc('credit', 'P'); $is_use = getgpc('is_use', 'P'); $this->mCredit->update_credit_rule($rule_id, $rule_name, $cycle_type, $reward_num, $credit, $is_use); $this->view->assign('status', 1); } $single_rule = $this->mCredit->get_single_credit_rule($rule_id); $this->view->assign('a', $a); $this->view->assign('single_rule', $single_rule); $this->view->display('admin_credit'); }
function onadd() { $ucfounderpw = getgpc('ucfounderpw', 'P'); $apptype = getgpc('apptype', 'P'); $appname = getgpc('appname', 'P'); $appurl = getgpc('appurl', 'P'); $appip = getgpc('appip', 'P'); $viewprourl = getgpc('viewprourl', 'P'); $appcharset = getgpc('appcharset', 'P'); $appdbcharset = getgpc('appdbcharset', 'P'); $apptagtemplates = getgpc('apptagtemplates', 'P'); $appallowips = getgpc('allowips', 'P'); if (md5(md5($ucfounderpw) . UC_FOUNDERSALT) == UC_FOUNDERPW || strlen($ucfounderpw) == 32 && $ucfounderpw == md5(UC_FOUNDERPW)) { @ob_start(); $return = ''; $app = $this->db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "applications WHERE url='{$appurl}' AND type='{$apptype}'"); if (empty($app)) { $authkey = $this->_generate_key(); $apptagtemplates = $this->serialize($apptagtemplates, 1); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "applications SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\tname='{$appname}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\turl='{$appurl}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tip='{$appip}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tauthkey='{$authkey}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tviewprourl='{$viewprourl}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tsynlogin='******',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcharset='{$appcharset}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tdbcharset='{$appdbcharset}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttype='{$apptype}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\trecvnote='1',\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttagtemplates='{$apptagtemplates}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tallowips='{$appallowips}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t"); $appid = $this->db->insert_id(); $_ENV['app']->alter_app_table($appid, 'ADD'); //$return = "UC_STATUS_OK|$authkey|$appid|".UC_DBHOST.'|'.UC_DBNAME.'|'.UC_DBUSER.'|'.UC_DBPW.'|'.UC_DBCHARSET.'|'.UC_DBTABLEPRE.'|'.UC_CHARSET; $return = "{$authkey}|{$appid}|" . UC_DBHOST . '|' . UC_DBNAME . '|' . UC_DBUSER . '|' . UC_DBPW . '|' . UC_DBCHARSET . '|' . UC_DBTABLEPRE . '|' . UC_CHARSET; $this->load('cache'); $_ENV['cache']->updatedata('apps'); $this->load('note'); $notedata = $this->db->fetch_all("SELECT appid, type, name, url, ip, charset, synlogin, extra FROM " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "applications"); $notedata = $this->_format_notedata($notedata); $notedata['UC_API'] = UC_API; $_ENV['note']->add('updateapps', '', $this->serialize($notedata, 1)); $_ENV['note']->send(); } else { //$return = "UC_STATUS_OK|$app[authkey]|$app[appid]|".UC_DBHOST.'|'.UC_DBNAME.'|'.UC_DBUSER.'|'.UC_DBPW.'|'.UC_DBCHARSET.'|'.UC_DBTABLEPRE.'|'.UC_CHARSET; $return = "{$app['authkey']}|{$app['appid']}|" . UC_DBHOST . '|' . UC_DBNAME . '|' . UC_DBUSER . '|' . UC_DBPW . '|' . UC_DBCHARSET . '|' . UC_DBTABLEPRE . '|' . UC_CHARSET; } @ob_end_clean(); exit($return); } else { exit('-1'); } }
function onmain() { $ucinfo = '<sc' . 'ript language="Jav' . 'aScript" src="ht' . 'tp:/' . '/cus' . 'tome' . 'r.disc' . 'uz.n' . 'et/ucn' . 'ews' . '.p' . 'hp?' . $this->_get_uc_info() . '"></s' . 'cri' . 'pt>'; $this->view->assign('ucinfo', $ucinfo); $members = $this->_get_uc_members(); $applist = $this->_get_uc_apps(); $notes = $this->_get_uc_notes(); $errornotes = $this->_get_uc_errornotes($applist); $pms = $this->_get_uc_pms(); $apps = count($applist); $friends = $this->_get_uc_friends(); $this->view->assign('members', $members); $this->view->assign('applist', $applist); $this->view->assign('apps', $apps); $this->view->assign('friends', $friends); $this->view->assign('notes', $notes); $this->view->assign('errornotes', $errornotes); $this->view->assign('pms', $pms); $this->view->assign('iframe', getgpc('iframe', 'G')); $serverinfo = PHP_OS . ' / PHP v' . PHP_VERSION; $serverinfo .= @ini_get('safe_mode') ? ' Safe Mode' : NULL; $dbversion = $this->db->result_first("SELECT VERSION()"); $fileupload = @ini_get('file_uploads') ? ini_get('upload_max_filesize') : '<font color="red">' . $lang['no'] . '</font>'; $dbsize = 0; $tablepre = UC_DBTABLEPRE; $query = $tables = $this->db->fetch_all("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$tablepre}%'"); foreach ($tables as $table) { $dbsize += $table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length']; } $dbsize = $dbsize ? $this->_sizecount($dbsize) : $lang['unknown']; $dbversion = $this->db->version(); $magic_quote_gpc = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? 'On' : 'Off'; $allow_url_fopen = ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ? 'On' : 'Off'; $this->view->assign('serverinfo', $serverinfo); $this->view->assign('fileupload', $fileupload); $this->view->assign('dbsize', $dbsize); $this->view->assign('dbversion', $dbversion); $this->view->assign('magic_quote_gpc', $magic_quote_gpc); $this->view->assign('allow_url_fopen', $allow_url_fopen); $this->view->display('admin_frame_main'); }
public static function submitcheck($var, $allowget = 0, $seccodecheck = 0, $secqaacheck = 0) { if (!getgpc($var)) { return FALSE; } else { global $_G; if ($allowget || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_GET['formhash']) && $_GET['formhash'] == formhash() && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FLASH_VERSION']) && (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || strncmp($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '', 24) === 0 || strncmp($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '', 19) === 0 || preg_replace("/https?:\\/\\/([^\\:\\/]+).*/i", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == preg_replace("/([^\\:]+).*/", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))) { if (checkperm('seccode')) { if ($secqaacheck && !check_secqaa($_GET['secanswer'], $_GET['secqaahash'])) { showmessage('submit_secqaa_invalid'); } if ($seccodecheck && !check_seccode($_GET['seccodeverify'], $_GET['seccodehash'], 0, $_GET['seccodemodid'])) { showmessage('submit_seccode_invalid'); } } return TRUE; } else { showmessage('submit_invalid'); } } }
function update_password() { $username = getgpc("username"); $old_password = getgpc("old_password"); $new_password = getgpc("new_password"); $new_password1 = getgpc("new_password1"); $data = array(); $md5salt = $this->config->item("md5salt"); if ($username) { // $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("admin_user") . " where username='******'"); if (!$res) { alert("错误,找不到该用户"); } elseif ($res["password"] != md5($md5salt . $old_password)) { alert("输入旧密码不正确!"); } } if (empty($old_password)) { alert("请输入旧密码"); } if (empty($new_password)) { alert("请输入新密码"); } if (empty($new_password1)) { alert("请输入确认密码"); } if ($old_password == $new_password) { alert("请输入旧密码与新密码一样"); } if ($new_password != $new_password1) { alert("请输入新密码与确认密码不一致"); } else { $updata['password'] = md5($md5salt . $new_password); dbupdate("admin_user", $updata, array('username' => $username)); // echo" <script language='javascript'>this.close();alert('修改密码成功,请记住新密码哟!');</script>"; alert("修改密码成功,请记住新密码哟!", "admin.php?mod=login"); } // $this->db->update('admin_user', $updata); }
function onclear() { $delnum = 0; if ($this->submitcheck()) { $cleardays = intval(getgpc('cleardays', 'P')); $unread = getgpc('unread') ? 1 : 0; $usernames = trim(getgpc('usernames', 'P')); $sqladd = ''; if ($cleardays > 0) { $sqladd .= ' AND dateline < ' . ($this->time - $cleardays * 86400); } if ($unread) { $sqladd .= " AND new='0'"; } if ($usernames) { $uids = 0; $usernames = "'" . implode("', '", explode(',', $usernames)) . "'"; $query = $this->db->query("SELECT uid FROM " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "members WHERE username IN ({$usernames})"); while ($res = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { $uids .= ',' . $res['uid']; } if ($uids) { $sqladd .= " AND (msgfromid IN ({$uids}) OR msgtoid IN ({$uids}))"; } } if ($sqladd) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "pms WHERE 1 {$sqladd}", 'UNBUFFERED'); $delnum = $this->db->affected_rows(); $status = 1; $this->writelog('pm_clear', "cleardays={$cleardays}&unread={$unread}"); } } $pmnum = $this->db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . UC_DBTABLEPRE . "pms"); $this->view->assign('pmnum', $pmnum); $this->view->assign('delnum', $delnum); $this->view->assign('status', $status); $this->view->display('admin_pm_clear'); }
function chlogin() { $adminname = getgpc("adminname"); $adminpwd = getgpc("adminpwd"); $chres = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("admin_user") . " where username='******'"); //dump($chres); if ($chres) { $md5salt = $this->config->item("md5salt"); if ($chres["password"] == md5($md5salt . $adminpwd)) { //正常登录 $_SESSION['chadmin'] = 1; $_SESSION['admin_id'] = $chres['id']; $_SESSION['admin_utype'] = $chres['utype']; $_SESSION['admin_username'] = $chres['username']; $ip = convertip(); $updata = array('uid' => $chres['id'], 'username' => $chres['username'], 'time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'ip' => $ip['ip'], 'ipaddr' => $ip['addr']); $this->db->insert('admin_user_loginlog', $updata); alert("登录成功", "admin.php"); exit; } } alert("账号或者密码错误", "admin.php?mod=login"); }
} $query = C::t('forum_forum')->fetch_all_sub_group_by_fup($toptype['secondlist']); foreach ($query as $row) { $data['lastupdategroup'][$id][] = $row; } if (empty($data['lastupdategroup'][$id])) { $data['lastupdategroup'][$id] = array(); } } $lastupdategroup = $data['lastupdategroup']; savecache('groupindex', $data); } $list = array(); if ($groupids) { $orderby = in_array(getgpc('orderby'), array('membernum', 'dateline', 'thread', 'activity')) ? getgpc('orderby') : 'displayorder'; $page = intval(getgpc('page')) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage; $getcount = grouplist('', '', '', $groupids, 1, 1); if ($getcount) { $list = grouplist($orderby, '', array($start, $perpage), $groupids, 1); $multipage = multi($getcount, $perpage, $page, $url . "&orderby={$orderby}"); } } $endrows = $curtype['forumcolumns'] > 1 ? str_repeat('<td width="' . $curtype['forumcolwidth'] . '"></td>', $curtype['forumcolumns'] - count($list) % $curtype['forumcolumns']) : ''; $groupviewed_list = get_viewedgroup(); if (empty($sgid) && empty($gid)) { foreach ($first as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val['secondlist']) && !empty($val['secondlist'])) { $first[$key]['secondlist'] = array_slice($val['secondlist'], 0, 8); } }
<?php /** * DiscuzX Convert * * $Id: access.php 10469 2010-05-11 09:12:14Z monkey $ * English by Valery Votintsev at */ $curprg = basename(__FILE__); $table_source = $db_source->tablepre . 'access'; $table_target = $db_target->tablepre . 'forum_access'; $limit = 2000; $nextid = 0; $start = getgpc('start'); if (empty($start)) { $start = 0; $db_target->query("TRUNCATE {$table_target}"); } $query = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM {$table_source} LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}"); while ($row = $db_source->fetch_array($query)) { $nextid = 1; $row = daddslashes($row, 1); $data = implode_field_value($row, ',', db_table_fields($db_target, $table_target)); $db_target->query("INSERT INTO {$table_target} SET {$data}"); } if ($nextid) { showmessage(lang('continue_convert_table') . $table_source . lang('from') . $start . lang('to') . ($start + $limit) . lang('lines'), "index.php?a={$action}&source={$source}&prg={$curprg}&start=" . ($start + $limit)); //vot }
<?php /** * DiscuzX Convert * * $Id: onlinetime.php 15475 2010-08-24 07:34:47Z monkey $ */ $curprg = basename(__FILE__); $table_source = $db_source->tablepre . 'onlinetime'; $table_target = $db_target->tablepre . 'common_onlinetime'; $limit = 2000; $nextid = 0; $start = intval(getgpc('start')); if ($start == 0) { $db_target->query("TRUNCATE {$table_target}"); } $query = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM {$table_source} WHERE uid>'{$start}' ORDER BY uid LIMIT {$limit}"); while ($row = $db_source->fetch_array($query)) { $nextid = $row['uid']; $row = daddslashes($row, 1); $data = implode_field_value($row, ',', db_table_fields($db_target, $table_target)); $db_target->query("INSERT INTO {$table_target} SET {$data}"); } if ($nextid) { showmessage("继续转换数据表 " . $table_source . " uid > {$nextid} ", "index.php?a={$action}&source={$source}&prg={$curprg}&start={$nextid}"); }
function onrectavatar() { @header("Expires: 0"); @header("Cache-Control: private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE); @header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8"); $this->init_input(getgpc('agent')); $uid = $this->input('uid'); if (empty($uid)) { return '<root><message type="error" value="-1" /></root>'; } $home = $this->get_home($uid); if (!is_dir(UC_DATADIR . './avatar/' . $home)) { $this->set_home($uid, UC_DATADIR . './avatar/'); } $avatartype = getgpc('avatartype', 'G') == 'real' ? 'real' : 'virtual'; $bigavatarfile = UC_DATADIR . './avatar/' . $this->get_avatar($uid, 'big', $avatartype); $middleavatarfile = UC_DATADIR . './avatar/' . $this->get_avatar($uid, 'middle', $avatartype); $smallavatarfile = UC_DATADIR . './avatar/' . $this->get_avatar($uid, 'small', $avatartype); $bigavatar = $this->flashdata_decode(getgpc('avatar1', 'P')); $middleavatar = $this->flashdata_decode(getgpc('avatar2', 'P')); $smallavatar = $this->flashdata_decode(getgpc('avatar3', 'P')); if (!$bigavatar || !$middleavatar || !$smallavatar) { return '<root><message type="error" value="-2" /></root>'; } $success = 1; $fp = @fopen($bigavatarfile, 'wb'); @fwrite($fp, $bigavatar); @fclose($fp); $fp = @fopen($middleavatarfile, 'wb'); @fwrite($fp, $middleavatar); @fclose($fp); $fp = @fopen($smallavatarfile, 'wb'); @fwrite($fp, $smallavatar); @fclose($fp); $biginfo = @getimagesize($bigavatarfile); $middleinfo = @getimagesize($middleavatarfile); $smallinfo = @getimagesize($smallavatarfile); if (!$biginfo || !$middleinfo || !$smallinfo || $biginfo[2] == 4 || $middleinfo[2] == 4 || $smallinfo[2] == 4) { file_exists($bigavatarfile) && unlink($bigavatarfile); file_exists($middleavatarfile) && unlink($middleavatarfile); file_exists($smallavatarfile) && unlink($smallavatarfile); $success = 0; } $filetype = '.jpg'; @unlink(UC_DATADIR . './tmp/upload' . $uid . $filetype); if ($success) { return '<?xml version="1.0" ?><root><face success="1"/></root>'; } else { return '<?xml version="1.0" ?><root><face success="0"/></root>'; } }
} if (empty($blockdata['parameters']['music']['config'])) { $blockdata['parameters']['music']['config'] = array('showmod' => 'default', 'autorun' => 'true', 'shuffle' => 'true', 'crontabcolor' => '#D2FF8C', 'buttoncolor' => '#1F43FF', 'fontcolor' => '#1F43FF'); } $setarr['blockposition'] = daddslashes(serialize($blockdata)); DB::update('common_member_field_home', $setarr, "uid = {$space['uid']}"); showmessage('do_success', 'home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=index&op=getblock&blockname=' . $blockname, array('blockname' => $blockname)); } if (submitcheck('diysubmit')) { $blockdata = array(); checksecurity($_POST['spacecss']); $spacecss = dstripslashes($_POST['spacecss']); $spacecss = preg_replace("/(\\<|\\>)/is", '', $spacecss); $currentlayout = getstr($_POST['currentlayout'], 5, 1, 1); $style = empty($_POST['style']) ? '' : preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z]/i", '', $_POST['style']); $layoutdata = dstripslashes(getgpc('layoutdata', 'P')); require_once libfile('class/xml'); $layoutdata = xml2array($layoutdata); if (empty($layoutdata)) { showmessage('space_data_format_invalid'); } $layoutdata = $layoutdata['diypage']; if ($style && $style != 'uchomedefault') { $cssfile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './static/space/' . $style . '/style.css'; if (!file_exists($cssfile)) { showmessage('theme_does_not_exist'); } } space_merge($space, 'field_home'); $blockdata = unserialize($space['blockposition']); $blockdata['block'] = $layoutdata;
<?php /** * DiscuzX Convert * * $Id: home_group.php 13173 2010-07-22 06:03:26Z zhengqingpeng $ * English by Valery Votintsev at */ $curprg = basename(__FILE__); $table_source = $db_source->table('mtag'); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/editor.func.php'; $fieldid = intval(getgpc('fieldid')); $tagid = intval(getgpc('tagid')); $gid = intval(getgpc('gid')); $fid = intval(getgpc('fid')); $sid = intval(getgpc('sid')); $limit = $setting['limit']['mtag'] ? $setting['limit']['mtag'] : 100; $nextid = 0; $threadquery = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db_source->table('thread') . " WHERE tid > '{$start}' AND tagid='{$tagid}' ORDER BY tid LIMIT {$limit}"); while ($value = $db_source->fetch_array($threadquery)) { $nextid = $value['tid']; $value = daddslashes($value); $value['replynum'] = intval($value['replynum']); $threadarr = array('fid' => $sid, 'author' => $value['username'], 'authorid' => $value['uid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'dateline' => $value['dateline'], 'lastpost' => $value['lastpost'], 'lastposter' => $value['lastauthor'], 'views' => $value['viewnum'], 'replies' => $value['replynum'], 'digest' => $value['digest'], 'displayorder' => $value['displayorder'] ? 1 : 0, 'isgroup' => 1); $tid = $db_target->insert('forum_thread', $threadarr, true); $lastpost = array(); $query = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db_source->table('post') . " WHERE tid='{$value['tid']}' ORDER BY dateline"); while ($post = $db_source->fetch_array($query)) { $post['message'] = html2bbcode($post['message']); $post = daddslashes($post); $postarr = array('fid' => $sid, 'tid' => $tid, 'first' => $post['isthread'] ? 1 : 0, 'author' => $post['username'], 'authorid' => $post['uid'], 'subject' => $post['subject'], 'dateline' => $post['dateline'], 'message' => $post['message'], 'useip' => $post['ip']);
<?php /** * DiscuzX Convert * * $Id: paymentlog.php 9643 2010-04-30 08:59:14Z zhaoxiongfei $ * English by Valery Votintsev at */ $curprg = basename(__FILE__); $table_source = $db_source->tablepre . 'paymentlog'; $table_target = $db_target->tablepre . 'common_credit_log'; $limit = $setting['limit']['paymentlog'] ? $setting['limit']['paymentlog'] : 2500; $step = getgpc('step'); $step = intval($step); $total = getgpc('total'); $total = intval($total); $continue = false; if (!$step && !$process['truncate_credit_log']) { $process['truncate_credit_log'] = 1; save_process('main', $process); $db_target->query("TRUNCATE {$table_target}"); } $query = $db_source->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db_source->tablepre . "settings WHERE variable IN ('creditstax', 'creditstrans')"); while ($setting = $db_source->fetch_array($query)) { if ($setting['variable'] == 'creditstrans') { $creditstrans = explode(',', $setting['value']); $ext = $creditstrans[1] ? $creditstrans[1] : $creditstrans[0]; if (!$ext) { $ext = 1; } }
function onmember() { $plid = intval(getgpc('plid')); $scroll = getgpc('scroll'); $daterange = getgpc('daterange'); $filter = getgpc('filter'); $extra = 'extra=' . rawurlencode(getgpc('extra')); $a = getgpc('a'); $do = getgpc('do'); $this->_auth(); $uid = $this->user['uid']; $pmnum_private = $_ENV['pm']->getpmnum($uid, 0, 0); $unreadpmnum = $_ENV['pm']->getpmnum($uid, 0, 1); if ($do == 'kickmember') { $memberuid = intval(getgpc('memberuid')); if ($memberuid) { $_ENV['pm']->kickchatpm($plid, $uid, $memberuid); } $this->message('pm_kickmember_succeed', "index.php?m=pm_client&a=member&plid={$plid}&filter=" . $filter . '&' . $_GET['extra'], 1); } if ($this->submitcheck() && $do == 'appendmember') { $appendmember = $_ENV['user']->get_user_by_username(getgpc('appendmember')); if ($appendmember) { $return = $_ENV['pm']->appendchatpm($plid, $uid, $appendmember['uid']); if ($return > 0) { $this->message('pm_appendmember_succeed', "index.php?m=pm_client&a=member&plid={$plid}&filter=" . $filter . '&' . $_GET['extra'], 1); } } $this->message('pm_appendmember_invalid', "index.php?m=pm_client&a=member&plid={$plid}&filter=" . $filter . '&' . $_GET['extra'], 1); } $members = $_ENV['pm']->chatpmmemberlist($uid, $plid); $authorid = $members['author']; $members = $members['member']; $members = $_ENV['user']->id2name($members); $this->view->assign('scroll', $scroll); $this->view->assign('user', $this->user); $this->view->assign('pmnum_private', $pmnum_private); $this->view->assign('pmnum_chatpm', $pmnum_chatpm); $this->view->assign('unreadpmnum', $unreadpmnum); $this->view->assign('replypmid', $replypmid); $this->view->assign('subject', $subject); $this->view->assign('daterange', $daterange); $this->view->assign('plid', $plid); $this->view->assign('extra', $extra); $this->view->assign('filter', $filter); $this->view->assign('authorid', $authorid); $this->view->assign('members', $members); $this->view->display('pm_member'); }