Example #1
  * https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/pull/6393
  * Hook handlers for 'access:collections:write','all' hook should respect
  * group's content access mode and container write permissions
 public function testWriteAccessArray()
     $membersonly = ElggGroup::CONTENT_ACCESS_MODE_MEMBERS_ONLY;
     $unrestricted = ElggGroup::CONTENT_ACCESS_MODE_UNRESTRICTED;
     $original_page_owner = elgg_get_page_owner_entity();
     $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(false);
     // User is not a member of the group
     // Member-only group
     $write_access = get_write_access_array($this->user->guid, true);
     $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists($this->group->group_acl, $write_access));
     // Unrestricted group
     $write_access = get_write_access_array($this->user->guid, true);
     $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists($this->group->group_acl, $write_access));
     // User is a member (can write to container)
     // Member-only group
     $write_access = get_write_access_array($this->user->guid, true);
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists($this->group->group_acl, $write_access));
     // Unrestricted group
     $write_access = get_write_access_array($this->user->guid, true);
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists($this->group->group_acl, $write_access));
     $original_page_owner_guid = elgg_instanceof($original_page_owner) ? $original_page_owner->guid : 0;
Example #2
 static function getSite($a, $args, $c)
     $site = elgg_get_site_entity();
     $accessIds = [];
     foreach (get_write_access_array() as $id => $description) {
         $accessIds[] = ["id" => $id, "description" => $description];
     return ["guid" => $site->guid, "title" => $site->title, "menu" => [["guid" => "menu:" . 1, "title" => "Blog", "link" => "/blog", "js" => true], ["guid" => "menu:" . 2, "title" => "Nieuws", "link" => "/news", "js" => true], ["guid" => "menu:" . 3, "title" => "Forum", "link" => "/forum", "js" => true]], "accessIds" => $accessIds, "defaultAccessId" => get_default_access()];
Example #3
function hypefaker_add_page($owner, $container, $parent = null)
    $locale = elgg_get_plugin_setting('locale', 'hypeFaker', 'en_US');
    $faker = Factory::create($locale);
    $access_array = get_write_access_array($owner->guid);
    $access_id = array_rand($access_array, 1);
    $write_access_array = get_write_access_array($owner->guid);
    $write_access_id = array_rand($write_access_array, 1);
    $page = new ElggObject();
    $page->subtype = $parent ? 'page' : 'page_top';
    $page->owner_guid = $owner->guid;
    $page->container_guid = $container->guid;
    $page->title = $faker->sentence(6);
    $page->description = $faker->text(500);
    $page->tags = $faker->words(5);
    $page->access_id = $access_id;
    $page->write_access_id = $write_access_id;
    $page->__faker = true;
    if ($parent) {
        $page->parent_guid = $parent->guid;
    if ($page->save()) {
        $page->annotate('page', $page->description, $page->access_id, $page->owner_guid);
        elgg_create_river_item(array('view' => 'river/object/page/create', 'action_type' => 'create', 'subject_guid' => $page->owner_guid, 'object_guid' => $page->getGUID()));
        // add some revisions
        $users = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('types' => 'user', 'limit' => rand(1, 10), 'order_by' => 'RAND()', 'metadata_names' => '__faker'));
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            if ($page->canAnnotate($user->guid, 'page')) {
                $last_revision = $faker->text(500);
                $page->annotate('page', $last_annotation, $page->access_id, $user->guid);
        if (!empty($last_revision)) {
            $page->description = $last_revision;
        return $page;
    return false;
Example #4
  * Can the user change this access collection?
  * Use the plugin hook of 'access:collections:write', 'user' to change this.
  * @see get_write_access_array() for details on the hook.
  * Respects access control disabling for admin users and {@link elgg_set_ignore_access()}
  * @see get_write_access_array()
  * @param int   $collection_id The collection id
  * @param mixed $user_guid     The user GUID to check for. Defaults to logged in user.
  * @return bool
 function canEdit($collection_id, $user_guid = null)
     if ($user_guid) {
         $user = _elgg_services()->entityTable->get((int) $user_guid);
     } else {
         $user = _elgg_services()->session->getLoggedInUser();
     $collection = get_access_collection($collection_id);
     if (!$user instanceof \ElggUser || !$collection) {
         return false;
     $write_access = get_write_access_array($user->getGUID(), 0, true);
     // don't ignore access when checking users.
     if ($user_guid) {
         return array_key_exists($collection_id, $write_access);
     } else {
         return elgg_get_ignore_access() || array_key_exists($collection_id, $write_access);
Example #5
 * Return a humanreadable version of an entity's access level
 * @param $entity_accessid (int) The entity's access id
 * @return string e.g. Public, Private etc
function get_readable_access_level($entity_accessid)
    $access = (int) $entity_accessid;
    //get the access level for object in readable string
    $options = get_write_access_array();
    foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
        if ($key == $access) {
            $entity_acl = htmlentities($option, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
            return $entity_acl;
    return false;
Example #6
use Faker as F;
$success = $error = 0;
$count = (int) get_input('count');
$faker = F\Factory::create(LOCALE);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
    $users = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('types' => 'user', 'limit' => 1, 'order_by' => 'RAND()', 'metadata_names' => '__faker'));
    $owner = $users[0];
    $containers = array($owner);
    $groups = $owner->getGroups(array(), 100);
    if ($groups) {
        $containers = array_merge($containers, $groups);
    foreach ($containers as $container) {
        $access_array = get_write_access_array($owner->guid);
        $access_id = array_rand($access_array, 1);
        $bookmark = new ElggObject();
        $bookmark->subtype = 'bookmarks';
        $bookmark->owner_guid = $owner->guid;
        $bookmark->container_guid = $container->guid;
        $bookmark->title = $faker->sentence(6);
        $bookmark->description = $faker->text(500);
        $bookmark->tags = $faker->words(5);
        $bookmark->address = $faker->url;
        $bookmark->access_id = $access_id;
        $bookmark->__faker = true;
        if ($bookmark->save()) {
            elgg_create_river_item(array('view' => 'river/object/bookmarks/create', 'action_type' => 'create', 'subject_guid' => $owner->guid, 'object_guid' => $bookmark->getGUID()));
        } else {
 * Elgg access level input
 * Displays a dropdown input field
 * @uses $vars['value']          The current value, if any
 * @uses $vars['options_values'] Array of value => label pairs (overrides default)
 * @uses $vars['name']           The name of the input field
 * @uses $vars['entity']         Optional. The entity for this access control (uses access_id)
 * @uses $vars['class']          Additional CSS class
if (isset($vars['class'])) {
    $vars['class'] = "elgg-input-access {$vars['class']}";
} else {
    $vars['class'] = "elgg-input-access";
$defaults = array('disabled' => false, 'value' => get_default_access(), 'options_values' => get_write_access_array());
/* @var ElggEntity $entity */
$entity = elgg_extract('entity', $vars);
// should we tell users that public/logged-in access levels will be ignored?
$container = elgg_get_page_owner_entity();
if ($container instanceof ElggGroup && $container->getContentAccessMode() === ElggGroup::CONTENT_ACCESS_MODE_MEMBERS_ONLY && !elgg_in_context('group-edit') && !($entity && $entity instanceof ElggGroup)) {
    $show_override_notice = true;
} else {
    $show_override_notice = false;
if ($entity) {
    $defaults['value'] = $entity->access_id;
$vars = array_merge($defaults, $vars);
if ($vars['value'] == ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
Example #8

$entity = elgg_extract('entity', $vars);
$user = elgg_get_page_owner_entity();
echo '<div>';
echo '<label>' . elgg_echo('wall:usersettings:river_access_id') . '</label>';
echo '<div class="elgg-text-help">' . elgg_echo('wall:usersettings:river_access_id:help') . '</div>';
$user_write_access = get_write_access_array();
echo elgg_view('input/access', array('name' => 'params[river_access_id]', 'value' => elgg_get_plugin_user_setting('river_access_id', $user->guid, 'hypeWall'), 'options_values' => $user_write_access));
echo '</div>';
if (hypeWall()->config->third_party_wall) {
    echo '<div>';
    echo '<label>' . elgg_echo('wall:usersettings:third_party_wall') . '</label>';
    echo elgg_view('input/access', array('name' => 'params[third_party_wall]', 'value' => elgg_get_plugin_user_setting('third_party_wall', $user->guid, 'hypeWall'), 'options_values' => array(0 => elgg_echo('option:no'), 1 => elgg_echo('option:yes'))));
    echo '</div>';
Example #9
 * Return the name of an ACCESS_* constant or an access collection,
 * but only if the logged in user has write access to it.
 * Write access requirement prevents us from exposing names of access collections
 * that current user has been added to by other members and may contain
 * sensitive classification of the current user (e.g. close friends vs acquaintances).
 * Returns a string in the language of the user for global access levels, e.g.'Public, 'Friends', 'Logged in', 'Public';
 * or a name of the owned access collection, e.g. 'My work colleagues';
 * or a name of the group or other access collection, e.g. 'Group: Elgg technical support';
 * or 'Limited' if the user access is restricted to read-only, e.g. a friends collection the user was added to
 * @uses get_write_access_array()
 * @param int $entity_access_id The entity's access id
 * @return string
 * @since 1.7.0
function get_readable_access_level($entity_access_id)
    $access = (int) $entity_access_id;
    // Check if entity access id is a defined global constant
    $access_array = array(ACCESS_PRIVATE => elgg_echo("PRIVATE"), ACCESS_FRIENDS => elgg_echo("access:friends:label"), ACCESS_LOGGED_IN => elgg_echo("LOGGED_IN"), ACCESS_PUBLIC => elgg_echo("PUBLIC"));
    if (array_key_exists($access, $access_array)) {
        return $access_array[$access];
    // Entity access id is a custom access collection
    // Check if the user has write access to it and can see it's label
    $write_access_array = get_write_access_array();
    if (array_key_exists($access, $write_access_array)) {
        return $write_access_array[$access];
    // return 'Limited' if the user does not have access to the access collection
    return elgg_echo('access:limited:label');
$hidden = ' hidden';
$set_custom = false;
if ($acl) {
    $ga = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'granular_access', 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array('name' => 'acl_id', 'value' => $acl->id)));
    if ($ga) {
        $granular_access = $ga[0];
// determine whether we display this filled out by default
// only do this if $granluar_access is valid
// AND there's no existing matching option in the dropdown
if ($granular_access) {
    if (is_array($vars['options_values'])) {
        $options_values = $vars['options_values'];
    } else {
        $options_values = get_write_access_array();
    if (array_search($vars['value'], $options_values) === false) {
        $set_custom = true;
$name = $vars['name'] ? $vars['name'] : 'access_id';
echo elgg_view('input/hidden', array('name' => 'granular_access_names[]', 'value' => $name));
if ($set_custom) {
    // this is a granular_access value, so we should show the form by default
    $hidden = '';
$default_callback = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\tokeninput_search';
$callback = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('granular_access', 'search_callback', $vars, $default_callback);
<div class="granular-access-wrapper<?php 
Example #11
 * Removes a user from an access collection
 * @param int $user_guid The user GUID
 * @param int $collection_id The access collection ID
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function remove_user_from_access_collection($user_guid, $collection_id)
    $collection_id = (int) $collection_id;
    $user_guid = (int) $user_guid;
    $collections = get_write_access_array();
    if (!($collection = get_access_collection($collection_id))) {
        return false;
    if ((array_key_exists($collection_id, $collections) || $collection->owner_guid == 0) && ($user = get_user($user_guid))) {
        global $CONFIG;
        delete_data("delete from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}access_collection_membership where access_collection_id = {$collection_id} and user_guid = {$user_guid}");
        return true;
    return false;
Example #12

$widget = elgg_extract("entity", $vars);
$container = $widget->getContainerEntity();
$homeGuid = $widget->folder ? $widget->folder : $container->guid;
$data = array('containerGuid' => $container->guid, 'homeGuid' => $homeGuid, 'accessIds' => get_write_access_array(), 'isWidget' => true, 'odt_enabled' => elgg_is_active_plugin('odt_editor') ? true : false, 'limit' => $widget->limit ? $widget->limit : 10);
echo "<script> var _appData = " . json_encode($data) . "; </script>";
echo "<div class=\"pleiofile\" data-containerguid=\"" . (int) $container->guid . "\" data-homeguid=\"" . (int) $homeGuid . "\"></div>";
Example #13
$container = elgg_get_page_owner_entity();
if (!$params['container_guid'] && $container) {
    $params['container_guid'] = $container->guid;
// don't call get_default_access() unless we need it
if (!isset($vars['value']) || $vars['value'] == ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
    if ($entity) {
        $vars['value'] = $entity->access_id;
    } else {
        $vars['value'] = get_default_access(null, $params);
$params['value'] = $vars['value'];
// don't call get_write_access_array() unless we need it
if (!isset($vars['options_values'])) {
    $vars['options_values'] = get_write_access_array(0, 0, false, $params);
if (!isset($vars['disabled'])) {
    $vars['disabled'] = false;
// if access is set to a value not present in the available options, add the option
if (!isset($vars['options_values'][$vars['value']])) {
    $acl = get_access_collection($vars['value']);
    $display = $acl ? $acl->name : elgg_echo('access:missing_name');
    $vars['options_values'][$vars['value']] = $display;
// should we tell users that public/logged-in access levels will be ignored?
if ($container instanceof ElggGroup && $container->getContentAccessMode() === ElggGroup::CONTENT_ACCESS_MODE_MEMBERS_ONLY && !elgg_in_context('group-edit') && !$entity instanceof ElggGroup) {
    $show_override_notice = true;
} else {
    $show_override_notice = false;
Example #14

 * Elgg access level input
 * Displays a dropdown input field
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
 * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
 * @uses $vars['options_values']
 * @uses $vars['name'] The name of the input field
$defaults = array('class' => 'elgg-input-access', 'disabled' => FALSE, 'value' => get_default_access(), 'options_values' => get_write_access_array());
$vars = array_merge($defaults, $vars);
if ($vars['value'] == ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
    $vars['value'] = get_default_access();
if (is_array($vars['options_values']) && sizeof($vars['options_values']) > 0) {
    echo elgg_view('input/dropdown', $vars);
Example #15

 * Write access
 * Removes the public option found in input/access
 * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
 * @uses $vars['options_values']
 * @uses $vars['name'] The name of the input field
 * @uses $vars['entity'] Optional. The entity for this access control (uses write_access_id)
$options = get_write_access_array();
$defaults = array('class' => 'elgg-input-access', 'disabled' => FALSE, 'value' => get_default_access(), 'options_values' => $options);
if (isset($vars['entity'])) {
    $defaults['value'] = $vars['entity']->write_access_id;
$vars = array_merge($defaults, $vars);
if ($vars['value'] == ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
    $vars['value'] = get_default_access();
$vars['value'] = $vars['value'] == ACCESS_PUBLIC ? ACCESS_LOGGED_IN : $vars['value'];
echo elgg_view('input/dropdown', $vars);
Example #16
global $CONFIG;
$page_owner = elgg_get_page_owner_entity();
if ($page_owner) {
    $title_text = elgg_echo("file:user", array($page_owner->name));
} else {
    $title_text = elgg_echo("file");
$params = array("title" => $title_text);
if ($page_owner instanceof ElggGroup) {
    $containerGuid = $page_owner->guid;
    $params['filter'] = false;
} elseif ($page_owner instanceof ElggUser) {
    $containerGuid = $page_owner->guid;
    if ($page_owner->getGUID() == elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()) {
        $params["filter_context"] = "mine";
    } else {
        $params["filter_context"] = $page_owner->username;
} else {
    $containerGuid = 0;
$data = array('accessIds' => get_write_access_array(), 'isWidget' => false, 'odt_enabled' => elgg_is_active_plugin('odt_editor') ? true : false);
$params['content'] = "<script> var _appData = " . json_encode($data) . "; </script>";
$params['content'] .= "<div class=\"pleiofile\" data-containerguid=\"" . (int) $containerGuid . "\" data-homeguid=\"" . (int) $containerGuid . "\"></div>";
if ($page_owner instanceof ElggGroup && elgg_is_active_plugin('search')) {
    $params['sidebar'] = elgg_view('groups/sidebar/search', array('entity' => $page_owner));
echo elgg_view_page($title_text, elgg_view_layout("content", $params));
Example #17
 * Return the name of an ACCESS_* constant or a access collection,
 * but only if the user has write access on that ACL.
 * @warning This function probably doesn't work how it's meant to.
 * @param int $entity_access_id The entity's access id
 * @return string 'Public', 'Private', etc.
 * @since 1.7.0
 * @todo I think this probably wants get_access_array() instead of get_write_access_array(),
 * but those two functions return different types of arrays.
function get_readable_access_level($entity_access_id)
    $access = (int) $entity_access_id;
    //get the access level for object in readable string
    $options = get_write_access_array();
    if (array_key_exists($access, $options)) {
        return $options[$access];
    // return 'Limited' if the user does not have access to the access collection
    return elgg_echo('access:limited:label');
Example #18
 case 'summary':
     echo '<div class="summary">';
     echo elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('markdown_wiki_edit', 'summary', $vars['guid'], '');
     echo '<label>' . elgg_echo("markdown_wiki:{$name}") . '</label>';
     echo elgg_view("input/{$type}", array('name' => $name, 'value' => $vars[$name]));
     echo elgg_view("input/checkbox", array('name' => 'minorchange'));
     echo elgg_echo('markdown_wiki:minorchange');
     echo '</div>';
 case 'tags':
 case 'write_access_id':
     if ($user) {
         $entity = get_entity($vars['guid']);
         if (!$vars['guid'] && can_write_to_container($user, $vars['container_guid'], 'object', 'markdown_wiki') || $entity && $entity->canEdit($user_guid)) {
             $list = get_write_access_array();
             $list[0] = elgg_echo('markdown_wiki:access:private');
             // no public.
             echo '<div>';
             echo '<label>' . elgg_echo("markdown_wiki:{$name}") . '</label><br/>';
             echo elgg_view("input/{$type}", array('name' => $name, 'value' => $vars[$name], 'options_values' => $list));
             echo '</div>';
 case 'title':
     echo elgg_view("input/{$type}", array('name' => $name, 'value' => $vars[$name]));
 case 'guid':
     if ($vars['guid']) {
Example #19
 * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
 * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
if (isset($vars['class'])) {
    $class = $vars['class'];
if (!$class) {
    $class = "input-access";
if (!array_key_exists('value', $vars) || $vars['value'] == ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
    $vars['value'] = get_default_access();
if (!isset($vars['options']) || !is_array($vars['options'])) {
    $vars['options'] = array();
    $vars['options'] = get_write_access_array();
if (is_array($vars['options']) && sizeof($vars['options']) > 0) {

<select name="<?php 
    echo $vars['internalname'];
" <?php 
    if (isset($vars['js'])) {
        echo $vars['js'];
    if (isset($vars['disabled']) && $vars['disabled']) {
        echo ' disabled="yes" ';
Example #20
  * Can the user change this access collection?
  * Use the plugin hook of 'access:collections:write', 'user' to change this.
  * @see get_write_access_array() for details on the hook.
  * Respects access control disabling for admin users and {@link elgg_set_ignore_access()}
  * @see get_write_access_array()
  * @param int   $collection_id The collection id
  * @param mixed $user_guid     The user GUID to check for. Defaults to logged in user.
  * @return bool
 function canEdit($collection_id, $user_guid = null)
     try {
         $user = _elgg_services()->entityTable->getUserForPermissionsCheck($user_guid);
     } catch (UserFetchFailureException $e) {
         return false;
     $collection = get_access_collection($collection_id);
     if (!$user || !$collection) {
         return false;
     $write_access = get_write_access_array($user->guid, 0, true);
     // don't ignore access when checking users.
     if ($user_guid) {
         return array_key_exists($collection_id, $write_access);
     } else {
         return elgg_get_ignore_access() || array_key_exists($collection_id, $write_access);