function getGamesLuckyLists($gamesId, $uid = 0, $state = '-1', $aim_table = 'lottery_games') { $map['token'] = get_token(); $map['aim_table'] = $aim_table; $map['draw_id'] = $gamesId; if ($uid != 0) { $map['follow_id'] = $uid; } if ($state != '-1') { $map['state'] = $state; } $lists = $this->where($map)->order('id desc')->select(); $awardLists = D('Addons://Draw/LotteryGamesAwardLink')->getGamesAwardlists($gamesId); foreach ($awardLists as $a) { $awardData[$a['award_id']] = $a; } foreach ($lists as &$v) { if ($awardData[$v['award_id']]) { $v['grade'] = $awardData[$v['award_id']]['grade']; $v['award_name'] = $awardData[$v['award_id']]['name']; $v['img'] = $awardData[$v['award_id']]['img']; } $address_id = intval($v['address']); if ($address_id) { $address = D('Addons://Shop/Address')->getInfo($address_id); $v['address'] = $address['address']; $v['truename'] = $address['truename']; $v['mobile'] = $address['mobile']; } $user = get_userinfo($v['follow_id']); $v['nickname'] = $user['nickname']; $v['headimgurl'] = $user['headimgurl']; } return $lists; }
public function chat() { $data = array(); if (is_login()) { $uesr_info = get_userinfo(); $data['user_name'] = $uesr_info['user_name']; $data['user_id'] = $uesr_info['user_id']; } $data['title'] = '聊天'; $this->assign($data); $this->display('default/chat'); }
public function order() { if (IS_POST) { if (!check_verify(I('verify'))) { $this->error('验证码输入错误'); } $Order = D('Order'); $order_id = 'NS' . date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999); $uid = is_login(); $site_id = I('site_id', 0, 'intval'); if ($uid) { $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $uid, $site_id); $mobile = get_userinfo($uid, 3); } else { $mobile = I('mobile', '', 'trim'); /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */ $User = new UserApi(); $res = $User->checkMobile($mobile); if ($res == 1) { $password = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $uid = $User->register('', $password, '', $mobile); if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功 send_sms($mobile, array('mobile' => $mobile, 'password' => $password), 'password'); $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $uid, $site_id); } } else { $user_info = $User->getinfo($mobile, 3); $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $user_info[0], $site_id); } } if ($result) { send_sms($mobile, array('orderid' => $order_id), 'onOrder'); $this->redirect('checkOrder', array('order_id' => $order_id)); } else { $this->error('订单提交失败'); } } else { $visa_id = I('visa_id', 0, 'intval'); if (empty($visa_id)) { $this->error('无效参数'); } // 线路信息 $map = array('visa_id' => $visa_id); $visa_info = M('Visa')->where($map)->find(); if (empty($visa_info)) { $this->error('不存在'); } $this->assign('visa_info', $visa_info); $this->display(); } }
function games_lucky_lists() { $this->assign('search_button', false); $this->assign('add_button', false); $this->assign('del_button', false); $this->assign('check_all', false); $gamesId = I('games_id', 0, 'intval'); $map['token'] = get_token(); $map['aim_table'] = 'lottery_games'; if ($gamesId) { $map['draw_id'] = $gamesId; } $state = I('state'); if ($state != null) { $map['state'] = $state; } session('common_condition', $map); $model = $this->getModel('lucky_follow'); $list_data = $this->_get_model_list($model); $gamesDao = D('Addons://Draw/Games'); $awardDao = D('Addons://Draw/LotteryGamesAwardLink'); $addressDao = D('Addons://Shop/Address'); foreach ($list_data['list_data'] as &$v) { $awardLists = $awardDao->getGamesAwardlists($v['draw_id']); foreach ($awardLists as $a) { $awardData[$a['award_id']] = $a; } if ($awardData[$v['award_id']]) { $awardId = $v['award_id']; $v['award_id'] = $awardData[$awardId]['grade']; $v['award_name'] = $awardData[$awardId]['name']; } $user = get_userinfo($v['follow_id']); $v['follow_id'] = $user['nickname']; $address_id = intval($v['address']); if ($address_id) { $address = $addressDao->getInfo($address_id); $v['address'] = $address['address']; $v['truename'] = $address['truename']; $v['mobile'] = $address['mobile']; } $v['state'] = $v['state'] == 1 ? '已发奖' : '未发奖'; $gamesInfo = $gamesDao->getInfo($v['draw_id']); $v['draw_id'] = $gamesInfo['title']; } $this->assign($list_data); $this->display(); }
function lists() { $isUser = get_userinfo($this->mid, 'manager_id'); if ($isUser) { redirect(addons_url('BusinessCard://BusinessCard/edit')); } $this->assign('add_button', false); $model = $this->getModel('BusinessCard'); $list_data = $this->_get_model_list($model); foreach ($list_data['list_data'] as &$vo) { // $url = U ( 'detail?uid=' . $vo ['uid'] ); $url = addons_url('BusinessCard://Wap/detail', array('uid' => $vo['uid'])); $vo['qrcode'] = "<img class='list_img' src='{$url}' />"; } $this->assign($list_data); $this->display(); }
public function lists() { $this->assign('add_button', false); $this->assign('search_button', false); $this->assign('del_button', false); $this->assign('check_all', false); // 解析列表规则 $data = $this->_list_grid($this->model); //dump ( $data ); $this->assign($data); // 搜索条件 $map = $this->_search_map($this->model, $data['fields']); $data['fields'][] = 'sum(score) as total'; $name = parse_name(get_table_name($this->model['id']), true); $list = M($name)->where($map)->field($data['fields'])->order('id DESC')->group('uid')->selectPage(); foreach ($list['list_data'] as &$vo) { $member = get_userinfo($vo['uid']); $vo['truename'] = $member['truename']; $vo['mobile'] = $member['mobile']; $vo['score'] = $vo['total']; } $this->assign($list); $this->display(); }
function getMembershipData() { $map['uid'] = $this->mid; $map['token'] = get_token(); $uid = I('uid'); $userExperience = get_userinfo($uid, 'experience'); $list = M('shop_membership')->where($map)->select(); foreach ($list as $v) { if ($v['condition'] >= $userExperience) { $extra .= $v['id'] . ':' . $v['membership'] . "\r\n"; } } return $extra; }
public function getSession($params) { return $this->encodeOutput(get_userinfo()); }
function get_html_userinfo($error_json_exit = false) { global $userinfo; global $html_userinfo; $html_userinfo = "No users found"; if (!get_userinfo($error_json_exit)) { return false; } if (!count($userinfo)) { return true; } $html_userinfo = "<table class='padcell'><tr><th>" . implode("</th><th>", array_keys($userinfo[0])) . "</th></tr>"; foreach ($userinfo as $k => $v) { $html_userinfo .= "<tr><td>" . implode("</td><td> ", $v) . "</td></tr>"; } $html_userinfo .= "</table>"; }
public function order() { if (IS_POST) { if (!check_verify(I('verify'))) { $this->error('验证码输入错误'); } $Order = D('Order'); $order_id = 'NS' . date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999); $uid = is_login(); $site_id = I('site_id', 0, 'intval'); if ($uid) { $result = $Order->inputLine($order_id, $uid, $site_id); $mobile = get_userinfo($uid, 3); } else { $mobile = I('mobile', '', 'trim'); /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */ $User = new UserApi(); $res = $User->checkMobile($mobile); if ($res == 1) { $password = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $uid = $User->register('', $password, '', $mobile); if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功 send_sms($mobile, array('mobile' => $mobile, 'password' => $password), 'password'); $result = $Order->inputLine($order_id, $uid, $site_id); } } else { $user_info = $User->getinfo($mobile, 3); $result = $Order->inputLine($order_id, $user_info[0], $site_id); } } if ($result) { send_sms($mobile, array('orderid' => $order_id), 'onOrder'); $this->redirect('checkOrder', array('order_id' => $order_id)); } else { $this->error('订单提交失败'); } } else { $line_id = I('line_id', 0, 'intval'); $tc_id = I('type_id', 0, 'intval'); $date = I('date', 0, 'strtotime'); if (empty($line_id) || empty($tc_id) || empty($date)) { $this->error('无效参数'); } // 线路信息 $line_info = M('Line')->find($line_id); // 套餐信息 $map = array('line_id' => $line_id, 'end_time' => array('egt', strtotime('+' . $line_info['earlier_date'] . 'day'))); $line_tc = M('LineTc')->where($map)->select(); if (empty($line_tc)) { $this->error('没有报价方案'); } $tc_info = array(); foreach ($line_tc as $key => $value) { if ($value['tc_id'] == $tc_id) { $tc_info = $value; break; } } $ext_time = strtotime('+' . $line_info['earlier_date'] . 'day'); $tc_str = explode(',', $tc_info['date_price_data']); foreach ($tc_str as $value) { list($k, $val) = explode('|', $value); $k = strtotime($k); if ($k <= $ext_time) { continue; } if ($k == $date) { $tc_info['price_info'] = explode('-', $val); $tc_info['price_info'][] = date('Y-m-d', $k); break; } } if (empty($tc_info['price_info'])) { $this->error('没有价格'); } $line_info['xingcheng'] = unserialize($line_info['xingcheng']); $line_info['remark'] = unserialize($line_info['remark']); $this->assign('line_info', $line_info); $this->assign('line_tc', $line_tc); $this->assign('tc_info', $tc_info); $this->display(); } }
private function _get_manager_menu($uid, $addonList) { $menu_map['uid'] = $uid; $menu_map['is_hide'] = 0; $menus = $this->where($menu_map)->order('sort asc, id asc')->select(); // 没配置菜单时取默认的菜单 if (empty($menus)) { $managerId = get_userinfo($uid, 'manager_id'); if ($managerId) { $menu_map1['uid'] = $managerId; $menus = $this->where($menu_map1)->order('sort asc, id asc')->select(); // 获取微商城id $menu_map1['addon_name'] = 'Shop'; $shopAddonId = $this->where($menu_map1)->getField('id'); foreach ($menus as $k => $vo) { if ($vo['title'] == '首页' || $vo['title'] == '微信管家') { unset($menus[$k]); } // 屏蔽普通用户的栏目 if ($vo['pid'] == $shopAddonId && $vo['title'] == '支付配置') { unset($menus[$k]); } if ($vo['pid'] == $shopAddonId && $vo['title'] == '功能配置') { unset($menus[$k]); } } } else { $menu_map['uid'] = C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR'); $menus = $this->where($menu_map)->order('sort asc, id asc')->select(); } } // 侧边栏数据 foreach ($menus as $m) { if ($m['menu_type'] == 0) { continue; } $param['side'] = $cate['id'] = $m['id']; $cate['title'] = $m['title']; $param['top'] = $cate['pid'] = intval($m['pid']); if ($m['url_type'] == 0) { $cate['url'] = $addonList[$m['addon_name']]['addons_url']; } elseif (strpos($m['url'], 'http://') !== false || strpos($m['url'], 'https://') !== false) { $cate['url'] = $m['url']; } elseif (strpos($m['url'], '://') !== false) { $cate['url'] = addons_url($m['url']); } else { $cate['url'] = U($m['url']); } $cate['url'] .= '&mdm=' . $cate['pid'] . '|' . $cate['id']; $cate['addon_name'] = $m['addon_name']; $res['core_side_menu'][$cate['pid']][] = $cate; $res['default_data'][$cate['url']] = $param; empty($m['addon_name']) || ($res['default_data'][$cate['addon_name']] = $param); } // 顶部栏数据 foreach ($menus as $m) { if ($m['menu_type'] != 0) { continue; } $param['top'] = $cate['id'] = $m['id']; $cate['title'] = $m['title']; $cate['pid'] = 0; if ($m['url_type'] == 0) { $cate['url'] = $addonList[$m['addon_name']]['addons_url']; if (empty($cate['url']) && !empty($res['core_side_menu'][$m['id']])) { $cate['url'] = $res['core_side_menu'][$m['id']][0]['url']; } $cate['url'] .= '&mdm=' . $cate['id']; } else { if ($m['url_type'] == 0) { $cate['url'] = $addonList[$m['addon_name']]['addons_url']; } elseif (strpos($m['url'], 'http://') !== false || strpos($m['url'], 'https://') !== false) { $cate['url'] = $m['url']; } elseif (strpos($m['url'], '://') !== false) { $cate['url'] = addons_url($m['url']); } else { $cate['url'] = U($m['url']); } if ($res['core_side_menu'][$m['id']][0]['id']) { $cate['url'] .= '&mdm=' . $m['id'] . '|' . $res['core_side_menu'][$m['id']][0]['id']; } else { $cate['url'] .= '&mdm=' . $m['id']; } } $cate['addon_name'] = $m['addon_name']; $res['core_top_menu'][] = $cate; $param['side'] = $res['core_side_menu'][$m['id']][0]['id']; $res['default_data'][$cate['url']] = $param; empty($m['addon_name']) || ($res['default_data'][$cate['addon_name']] = $param); } return $res; }
function show_log() { $model = $this->getModel('shop_vote_log'); $param1['mdm'] = $param['mdm'] = $_GET['mdm']; $vote_id = I('vote_id'); $vote_id && ($param['vote_id'] = $map['vote_id'] = $vote_id); $opt_id = I('option_id'); $opt_id && ($param['option_id'] = $map['option_id'] = $opt_id); $map['token'] = get_token(); $search_url = addons_url('Vote://ShopVote/show_log', $param); $this->assign('search_url', $search_url); $res['title'] = '投票活动'; $res['url'] = addons_url('Vote://ShopVote/lists', $param1); $res['class'] = _ACTION == 'lists' ? 'current' : ''; $nav[] = $res; $res['title'] = '投票记录'; $res['url'] = addons_url('Vote://ShopVote/show_log', $param); $res['class'] = _ACTION == 'show_log' ? 'current' : ''; $nav[] = $res; $this->assign('nav', $nav); $this->assign('add_button', false); $this->assign('del_button', false); $this->assign('check_all', false); $btn['url'] = U('option_lists', $param); $btn['title'] = '返回'; $returnbtn[] = $btn; $this->assign('top_more_button', $returnbtn); $nickname = I('truename'); if ($nickname) { $uidstr = D('Common/User')->searchUser($nickname); if ($uidstr) { $map['uid'] = array('in', $uidstr); } else { $map['uid'] = 0; } } session('common_condition', $map); // $shopVote=D('Addons://Vote/ShopVote')->getInfo($vote_id); $list_data = $this->_get_model_list($model); foreach ($list_data['list_data'] as &$vo) { // $vo['vote_id']=$shopVote['title']; $user = get_userinfo($vo['uid']); $vo['vote_id'] = url_img_html($user['headimgurl']); $vo['uid'] = $user['nickname']; $shopOption = D('Addons://Vote/ShopVoteOption')->getInfo($vo['option_id']); $vo['option_id'] = $shopOption['truename']; } $this->assign($list_data); $this->display('lists'); }
private function initUser() { if (isset($_GET['is_stree'])) { $suid = $user['uid'] = rand(1, 10000); } else { $uid = session('mid'); } if (!$uid && $GLOBALS['is_wap']) { $uid = get_uid_by_openid(); $uid > 0 && session('mid', $uid); } if (!$uid) { $youke_uid = M('config')->where('name="FOLLOW_YOUKE_UID"')->getField('value') - 1; $user['uid'] = $youke_uid; M('config')->where('name="FOLLOW_YOUKE_UID"')->setField('value', $youke_uid); session('mid', $youke_uid); } // 当前登录者 $GLOBALS['mid'] = $this->mid = intval($uid); $myinfo = get_userinfo($this->mid); $GLOBALS['myinfo'] = $myinfo; // 当前访问对象的uid $GLOBALS['uid'] = $this->uid = intval($_REQUEST['uid'] == 0 ? $this->mid : $_REQUEST['uid']); $this->assign('mid', $this->mid); // 登录者 $this->assign('uid', $this->uid); // 访问对象 $this->assign('myinfo', $GLOBALS['myinfo']); // 访问对象 }
/** * 修改密码提交 * * @author huajie <*****@*****.**> */ public function profile() { if (!is_login()) { $this->error('您还没有登陆', U('User/login')); } if (IS_POST) { // 获取参数 $uid = is_login(); $password = I('post.old'); $repassword = I('post.repassword'); $data['password'] = I('post.password'); empty($password) && $this->error('请输入原密码'); empty($data['password']) && $this->error('请输入新密码'); empty($repassword) && $this->error('请输入确认密码'); if ($data['password'] !== $repassword) { $this->error('您输入的新密码与确认密码不一致'); } $isUser = get_userinfo($uid, 'manager_id'); if ($isUser) { $data['login_password'] = $data['password']; } $res = D('Common/User')->updateUserFields($uid, $password, $data); if ($res !== false) { $this->success('修改密码成功!'); } else { $this->error('修改密码失败!'); } } else { $this->display(); } }
function output() { $model = $this->model; $map['token'] = get_token(); $orders = D('Addons://Shop/Order')->where($map)->getFields('order_number,id'); $follows = M('public_follow')->where($map)->getFields('openid,uid'); $payStatus = I('get.pay_status'); if ($payStatus) { if ($payStatus == 3) { $map['status'] = 0; } else { $map['status'] = $payStatus; } } $payType = I('get.pay_type'); if ($payType) { $map['paytype'] = $payType; } $isPrice = I('get.is_price'); if ($isPrice) { $minVal = I('get.min_value', 0, 'intval'); $maxVal = I('get.max_value', 0, 'intval'); if ($minVal && $maxVal) { $minVal < $maxVal && ($map['price'] = array('between', array($minVal, $maxVal))); $minVal > $maxVal && ($map['price'] = array('between', array($maxVal, $minVal))); $minVal == $maxVal && ($map['price'] = $minVal); } else { if (!empty($minVal)) { $map['price'] = array('egt', $minVal); } else { if (!empty($maxVal)) { $map['price'] = array('elt', $maxVal); } } } } $search = $_REQUEST['single_orderid']; if ($search) { $this->assign('search', $search); $map['single_orderid'] = array('like', '%' . htmlspecialchars($search) . '%'); unset($_REQUEST['single_orderid']); } session('common_condition', $map); $list_data = $this->_get_model_list($this->model); foreach ($list_data['list_grids'] as $v) { $titleArr[] = $v['title']; } $dataArr[] = $titleArr; $paytypearr = array('Weixin' => '微信支付', 'Alipaytype' => '支付宝支付', 'Tenpay' => '财付通WAP支付', 'TenpayComputer' => '财付通支付', 'Quickpay' => '银联支付'); foreach ($list_data['list_data'] as &$vo) { $vo['wecha_id'] = get_userinfo($follows[$vo['wecha_id']], 'nickname'); $vo['orderName'] = urldecode($vo['orderName']); $vo['price'] = '¥' . wp_money_format($vo['price']); $vo['status'] = $vo['status'] == 0 ? '未支付' : '已支付'; $vo['paytype'] = $paytypearr[$vo['paytype']]; $param['id'] = $orders[$vo['single_orderid']]; $vo['single_orderid'] = $vo['single_orderid']; unset($vo['id']); $dataArr[] = $vo; } outExcel($dataArr, $map['module']); }
function pigcms_init() { // dump ( 'pigcms_init' ); C('TMPL_L_DELIM', '{pigcms:'); // C ( 'TMPL_FILE_DEPR', '_' ); define('RES', ONETHINK_ADDON_PATH . 'WeiSite/View/default/pigcms/common'); $public_info = get_token_appinfo(); $manager = get_userinfo($public_info['uid']); // 站点配置 $data['f_logo'] = get_cover_url(C('SYSTEM_LOGO')); $data['f_siteName'] = C('WEB_SITE_TITLE'); $data['f_siteTitle'] = C('WEB_SITE_TITLE'); $data['f_metaKeyword'] = C('WEB_SITE_KEYWORD'); $data['f_metaDes'] = C('WEB_SITE_DESCRIPTION'); $data['f_siteUrl'] = SITE_URL; $data['f_qq'] = ''; $data['f_qrcode'] = ''; $data['f_ipc'] = C('WEB_SITE_ICP'); $data['reg_validDays'] = 30; // 用户信息 $data['user'] = array('id' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['uid'], 'openid' => get_openid(), 'username' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['nickname'], 'mp' => $public_info['token'], 'password' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['password'], 'email' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['email'], 'createtime' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['reg_time'], 'lasttime' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['last_login_time'], 'status' => 1, 'createip' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['reg_ip'], 'lastip' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['last_login_ip'], 'smscount' => 0, 'inviter' => 1, 'gid' => 5, 'diynum' => 0, 'activitynum' => 0, 'card_num' => 0, 'card_create_status' => 0, 'money' => 0, 'moneybalance' => 0, 'spend' => 0, 'viptime' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['last_login_time'] + 86400, 'connectnum' => 0, 'lastloginmonth' => 0, 'attachmentsize' => 0, 'wechat_card_num' => 0, 'serviceUserNum' => 0, 'invitecode' => '', 'remark' => ''); // 微网站配置信息 $data['homeInfo'] = array('id' => $manager['uid'], 'token' => $public_info['token'], 'title' => $this->config['title'], 'picurl' => get_cover_url($this->config['cover']), 'info' => $this->config['info'], 'copyright' => $manager['copy_right'], 'logo' => get_cover_url($this->config['cover'])); // 背景图 $data['flashbgcount'] = 1; $data['flashbg'][0] = array('id' => $this->config['background_id'], 'token' => $public_info['token'], 'img' => $this->config['background'], 'url' => "javascript:void(0)", 'info' => "背景图片", 'tip' => '2'); $data['flashbgcount'] = count($data['flashbg']); // 幻灯片 $slideshow = M('weisite_slideshow')->where($map)->order('sort asc, id desc')->select(); foreach ($slideshow as $vo) { $data['flash'][] = array('id' => $vo['id'], 'token' => $vo['token'], 'img' => get_cover_url($vo['img']), 'url' => $vo['url'], 'info' => $vo['title'], 'tip' => '1'); } $data['num'] = count($data['flash']); // 底部栏 $this->_footer('pigcms'); // 设置版权信息 $data["iscopyright"] = 0; $data["copyright"] = $data["siteCopyright"] = empty($manager['copy_right']) ? C('COPYRIGHT') : $manager['copy_right']; // 分享 $data['shareScript'] = ''; $data['token'] = $public_info['token']; $data['wecha_id'] = $public_info['wechat']; $this->assign($data); // 模板信息 if (file_exists(ONETHINK_ADDON_PATH . _ADDONS . '/View/default/pigcms/index.Tpl.php')) { $pigcms_temps = (require_once ONETHINK_ADDON_PATH . _ADDONS . '/View/default/pigcms/index.Tpl.php'); foreach ($pigcms_temps as $k => $vo) { $temps[$vo['tpltypename']] = $vo; } } if (file_exists(ONETHINK_ADDON_PATH . _ADDONS . '/View/default/pigcms/cont.Tpl.php')) { $pigcms_temps = (require_once ONETHINK_ADDON_PATH . _ADDONS . '/View/default/pigcms/cont.Tpl.php'); foreach ($pigcms_temps as $k => $vo) { $temps[$vo['tpltypename']] = $vo; } } $tpl = array('id' => $public_info['id'], 'routerid' => "", 'uid' => $public_info['uid'], 'wxname' => $public_info['public_name'], 'winxintype' => $public_info['type'], 'appid' => $public_info['appid'], 'appsecret' => $public_info['secret'], 'wxid' => $public_info['id'], 'weixin' => $public_info['wechat'], 'headerpic' => get_cover_url($GLOBALS['myinfo']['headface_url']), 'token' => $public_info['token'], 'pigsecret' => $public_info['token'], 'province' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['province'], 'city' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['city'], 'qq' => $GLOBALS['myinfo']['qq'], 'color_id' => 0, 'tpltypeid' => $temps[$this->config['template_index']]['tpltypeid'], 'tpltypename' => $this->config['template_index'], 'tpllistid' => $temps[$this->config['template_lists']]['tpltypeid'], 'tpllistname' => $this->config['template_lists'], 'tplcontentid' => $temps[$this->config['template_detail']]['tpltypeid'], 'tplcontentname' => $this->config['template_detail']); $this->assign('tpl', $tpl); $this->assign('wxuser', $tpl); }
function logout() { process_logout(); return get_userinfo(); }
function handle_callback() { global $g_error, $g_info; try { if ($_REQUEST['error']) { return; } $code = $_REQUEST['code']; $token = $_REQUEST['access_token']; $state = $_REQUEST['state']; $id_token = $_REQUEST['id_token']; if (isset($_REQUEST['session_state'])) { $_SESSION['session_state'] = $_REQUEST['session_state']; } else { unset($_SESSION['session_state']); } if (!$code) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { handle_implicit_callback(); } else { handle_implicit(); } return; } $client_id = $_SESSION['provider']['client_id']; $client_secret = $_SESSION['provider']['client_secret']; $token_ep = $_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint']; $userinfo_ep = $_SESSION['provider']['userinfo_endpoint']; $client_redirect_uri = RP_REDIRECT_URI; $url = $token_ep; $data = array('client_id' => $client_id, 'code' => $code, 'redirect_uri' => $client_redirect_uri, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code_verifier' => $_SESSION['code_verifier']); $curl_options = array(); $token_endpoint_auth_method = $_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_method']; $token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg = $_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg']; log_debug("Token Endpoint Auth Method : %s alg : %s", $token_endpoint_auth_method, $token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg); switch ($token_endpoint_auth_method) { case 'client_secret_post': $data['client_id'] = $client_id; $data['client_secret'] = $client_secret; break; case 'client_secret_jwt': $client_assertion = array('iss' => $client_id, 'sub' => $client_id, 'aud' => $token_ep, 'jti' => bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)), 'exp' => time() + 5 * 60, 'iat' => time()); if (!$token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg) { $token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg = 'HS256'; } $token_endpoint_auth_signing_algs_supported = is_array($_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported']) ? $_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported'] : explode('|', $_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported']); if (!in_array($token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg, $token_endpoint_auth_signing_algs_supported)) { $g_error = "Token Endpoint Auth Sig Alg {$token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg} is not supported."; return NULL; } $jwt = rp2op_jwt_sign_encrypt($_SESSION['provider'], $client_assertion, $token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg); if (!$jwt) { $g_error .= 'Unable to sign client_secret_jwt'; log_error($g_error); } $data['client_assertion_type'] = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer'; $data['client_assertion'] = $jwt; break; case 'private_key_jwt': $client_assertion = array('iss' => $client_id, 'sub' => $client_id, 'aud' => $token_ep, 'jti' => bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)), 'exp' => time() + 5 * 60, 'iat' => time()); if (!$token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg) { $token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg = 'RS256'; } $token_endpoint_auth_signing_algs_supported = is_array($_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported']) ? $_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported'] : explode('|', $_SESSION['provider']['token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported']); if (!in_array($token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg, $token_endpoint_auth_signing_algs_supported)) { $g_error = "Token Endpoint Auth Sig Alg {$token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg} is not supported."; return NULL; } $jwt = rp2op_jwt_sign_encrypt($_SESSION['provider'], $client_assertion, $token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg); if (!$jwt) { $g_error .= 'Unable to sign private_key_jwt'; log_error($g_error); } $data['client_assertion_type'] = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer'; $data['client_assertion'] = $jwt; break; case '': case 'client_secret_basic': default: $curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH] = CURLAUTH_BASIC; $curl_options[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = "{$client_id}:{$client_secret}"; break; } list($status_code, $data_content_type, $req_out, $response_headers, $data_responseText) = curl_fetch_url($url, NULL, $curl_options, true, $data); if ($status_code != 200) { $g_error .= "Unable to get Access Token.\n{$req_out}\n{$response_headers}\n{$data_responseText}"; log_error($g_error); return; } elseif (strpos($data_content_type, 'application/json') !== false) { $obj = json_decode($data_responseText, true); if (!$obj) { $g_error .= "Unable to get access token.\n{$req_out}\n{$response_headers}\n{$data_responseText}"; log_error($g_error); return; } if (isset($obj['access_token'])) { get_userinfo($userinfo_ep, $obj['access_token']); } else { log_debug("Token Endpoint - %s\n%s\n%s", $req_out, $response_headers, $data_responseText); } if (!$id_token) { $id_token = $obj['id_token']; $g_info .= "Using ID Token from Token Endpoint Response\n"; } else { $g_info .= "Using ID Token from User-Agent\n"; } if (isset($id_token)) { $g_info .= "{$id_token}\n"; $unpacked_id_token = rp_decrypt_verify_id_token($id_token); $bit_length = substr($unpacked_id_token['jws'][0]['alg'], 2); switch ($bit_length) { case '384': $hash_alg = 'sha384'; break; case '512': $hash_alg = 'sha512'; break; case '256': default: $hash_alg = 'sha256'; break; } $hash_length = (int) ((int) $bit_length / 2) / 8; if ($unpacked_id_token['jws'][1]['at_hash']) { $g_info .= "ID Token contains at_hash\n"; if (!$token) { $g_error .= "Access Token not found with ID Token response\n"; } else { if (base64url_encode(substr(hash($hash_alg, $token, true), 0, $hash_length)) == $unpacked_id_token['jws'][1]['at_hash']) { $g_info .= "Access Token Hash Verified\n"; } else { $g_error .= "Access Token Hash Verification Failed for access token : {$token}.\n"; } } } if ($unpacked_id_token['jws'][1]['c_hash']) { $g_info .= "ID Token contains c_hash\n"; if (!$code) { $g_error .= "Code not found with ID Token response\n"; } else { if (base64url_encode(substr(hash($hash_alg, $code, true), 0, $hash_length)) == $unpacked_id_token['jws'][1]['c_hash']) { $g_info .= "Code Hash Verified\n"; } else { $g_error .= "Code Hash Verification Failed for code {$code}\n"; } } } } } else { $g_error .= "Unable to get Access Token.\n{$req_out}\n{$response_headers}\n{$data_responseText}"; log_error($g_error); return; } } catch (Exception $e) { log_error("handle_callback exception : %s", $e->getMessage()); } }
<div class="form" id="dlg_form"> <div class="panel panel-default form-group"> <div class="panel-heading"><strong>Configs</strong></div> <div class="panel-body collapse in" id="modules"> <div class="content"> <div style="margin-top:5px"> <p><div id="dists"> No dispatchers created yet !<a target="_blank" href="">Depends on Python 2.7.*</a><br> </div></p> <p>Just paste following command at terminal prompt. <i>-m</i> options specifies maximum number of concurrent tasks.<br></p> <code>python -s <?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace('/task_create.php', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?> -t <?php $a = get_userinfo(); echo $a['Token']; ?> -l</code> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default form-group"> <div class="panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#options" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="options"><strong>Global Options</strong></div> <div class="panel-body collapse in" id="options"> <div class="content" style="overflow: hidden; display: block;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"> <blockquote>Global</blockquote> </div>
require_once 'workflows.php'; $wf = new Workflows(); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Tokyo'); function trimAll($str) { return str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), " ", $str); } function get_userinfo() { $filename = "~/.hatebulist"; $str = exec('cat ' . $filename, $output); $userinfo_array = explode(" ", $output[0]); return array('user_name' => $userinfo_array[0], 'api_key' => $userinfo_array[1]); } $user = get_userinfo(); $user_name = $user['user_name']; $api_key = $user['api_key']; # $url = "" . $user_name . "/search/json?q=" . $query . "&sort=date&limit=20"; $nonce = md5(mt_rand()); $created = date(DATE_ISO8601); $x_wsse = sprintf('UsernameToken Username="******", PasswordDigest="%s", Nonce="%s", Created="%s"', $user_name, base64_encode(sha1($nonce . $created . $api_key, true)), base64_encode($nonce), $created); $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => "X-WSSE: {$x_wsse}\r\n" . "User-Agent: HatebuList.alfredworkflow"))); $file = file_get_contents($url, 0, $context); $json = json_decode($file); $dataList = $json; foreach ($dataList->bookmarks as $data) { $entry = $data->entry; $title = $entry->title; $count = $entry->count;
$display = $header . $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('help.tpl')); echo $display; session::global_un_set('current_class_for_help'); exit; } /* Save filename */ $helpobject['file'] = $str[session::global_get('current_class_for_help')]['FILE']; /* Save path to the file */ $helpobject['currentplug'] = $helpdir; /* Avoid displaying the same help every time */ if (isset($_GET['pg'])) { session::global_un_set('current_class_for_help'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['plug'])) { /* This displays helpfiles depending on the current $_GET[plug] */ $ui = get_userinfo(); $tmp = new pluglist($config, $ui); $path = $tmp->get_path($_GET['plug']); $helpobject['currentplug'] = $path; $helpobject['file'] = "index.html"; $helpdir = "../doc/core/" . $helpobject['lang'] . "/html/" . preg_replace("/^.*\\//i", "", $helpobject['currentplug']); if (empty($helpobject['currentplug'])) { $helpdir = ""; } } /* this Post var is set if another page is requested */ if (isset($_GET['pg'])) { if (preg_match("/\\//", $_GET['pg'])) { $arr = explode("/", $_GET['pg']); $helpobject['currentplug'] = "../doc/core/" . $helpobject['lang'] . "/html/" . $arr[0]; $helpdir = $helpobject['currentplug'];
function storeCenter() { if (!is_login()) { Cookie('__forward__', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); redirect(U('home/user/login', array('from' => 2))); } $this->mid = 382; $info = get_userinfo($this->mid); $this->assign('info', $info); // dump ( $info ); // 取优惠券 $map['shop_uid'] = $this->mid; $list = M('coupon')->where($map)->select(); $this->assign('coupons', $list); // dump($list); // 商家中心 $this->display(); }
/** * 将用户添加到用户组的编辑页面 * @author kevin <*****@*****.**> */ public function group() { $uid = I('uid'); $auth_groups = D('AuthGroup')->getGroups(); $user_groups = AuthGroupModel::getUserGroup($uid); $ids = array(); foreach ($user_groups as $value) { $ids[] = $value['group_id']; } $userInfo = get_userinfo($uid); $this->assign('userinfo', $userInfo); $this->assign('auth_groups', $auth_groups); $this->assign('user_groups', implode(',', $ids)); $this->meta_title = '用户组授权'; $this->display(); }
function showLog() { $nav[0]['title'] = "投票列表"; $nav[0]['class'] = ""; $nav[0]['url'] = U("lists"); $nav[1]['title'] = "投票记录"; $nav[1]['class'] = "current"; $this->assign('nav', $nav); $btn['url'] = U('lists', array('mdm' => $_GET['mdm'])); $btn['title'] = '返回'; $returnbtn[] = $btn; $this->assign('top_more_button', $returnbtn); $this->assign('add_button', false); $this->assign('search_button', false); $this->assign('del_button', false); $this->assign('check_all', false); $model = $this->vlog; $page = I('p', 1, 'intval'); // 默认显示第一页数据 // 解析列表规则 $list_data = $this->_list_grid($model); unset($list_data['list_grids'][4]); $grids = $list_data['list_grids']; $fields = $list_data['fields']; // 搜索条件 // $map ['addon'] = $this->addon; $map['vote_id'] = I('id'); // $map ['token'] = get_token (); session('common_condition', $map); // $map = $this->_search_map ( $model, $fields ); $row = empty($model['list_row']) ? 20 : $model['list_row']; empty($fields) || in_array('id', $fields) || array_push($fields, 'id'); $name = parse_name(get_table_name($model['id']), true); $data = M($name)->field(empty($fields) ? true : $fields)->where($map)->order('id DESC')->page($page, $row)->select(); //var_dump($data); // 获取投票标题 // $map2 ['id'] = I ( 'id' ); // $vname = M ( 'vote' )->where ( $map2 )->getField ( 'title' ); foreach ($data as $v) { $option_ids[$v['options']] = $v['options']; } // 代码须优化 // 获取投票选项名称 if (!empty($option_ids)) { $map3['id'] = array('in', $option_ids); $list = M('vote_option')->where($map3)->field('id,name')->select(); foreach ($list as $vo) { $option_names[$vo['id']] = $vo['name']; } } foreach ($data as &$v) { // $v ['vote_id'] = $vname; $v['options'] = $option_names[$v['options']]; $user = get_userinfo($v['user_id']); $v['vote_id'] = url_img_html($user['headimgurl']); $v['user_id'] = get_nickname($v['user_id']); } $count = M($name)->where($map)->count(); $list_data['list_data'] = $data; // 分页 if ($count > $row) { $page = new \Think\Page($count, $row); $page->setConfig('theme', '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%'); $list_data['_page'] = $page->show(); } unset($list_data["list_grids"][""]); $this->assign($list_data); //dump($list_data); $this->display('./Application/Home/View/default/Addons/lists.html'); }
function profile() { $map['id'] = $this->mid; $info = get_userinfo($map['id']); $this->assign('info', $info); if (IS_POST) { if (!empty($_POST['truename']) && $_POST['truename'] != $info['truename']) { $data['truename'] = I('post.truename'); } if (!empty($_POST['mobile']) && $_POST['mobile'] != $info['mobile']) { $data['mobile'] = I(''); } if (!empty($data)) { $res = D('Common/User')->updateInfo($map['id'], $data); } redirect(U('test', 'test_id=' . $_REQUEST['test_id'])); exit; } $this->display(); }
<?php $cfg = (include 'config.php'); $code = $_GET['code']; $userinfo = get_userinfo($code, $cfg); function https_request($url, $data) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($curl); if (curl_errno($curl)) { return 'Errno' . curl_error($curl); } curl_close($curl); return $result; } function get_userinfo($code, $cfg) { //====获取access_token $access_token_url = "" . $cfg['appid'] . "&secret=" . $cfg['appsecret'] . "&code=" . $code . "&grant_type=authorization_code"; $access_token_result = https_request($access_token_url); $access_token_arr = json_decode($access_token_result, true); //====获取用户信息 $userinfo_url = "" . $access_token_arr['access_token'] . "&openid=" . $access_token_arr['openid']; $userinfo_result = https_request($userinfo_url); $userinfo_arr = json_decode($userinfo_result, true);