function setup_module($column, $module, $obj) { $user = get_login_user(); switch ($module) { case 'EventCalendarModule': $obj->assoc_type = 'user'; $obj->assoc_id = (int) $_SESSION['user']['id']; $obj->may_edit = true; // user may edit own events, right? ;) $obj->assoc_title = $user->login_name; break; } $obj->mode = PUB; } $page = new PageRenderer("setup_module", PAGE_CALENDAR, "Calendar - PeopleAggregator", "container_one_column.tpl", "header_user.tpl", NULL, PRI, $network_info); $theme_details = get_user_theme($login_uid); if (is_array($theme_details['css_files'])) { foreach ($theme_details['css_files'] as $key => $value) { $page->add_header_css($value); } } $css_path = $current_theme_path . '/calendar.css'; $page->add_header_css($css_path); $page->add_header_html(js_includes('calendar.js')); if (!empty($msg)) { $msg_tpl =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/display_message.tpl"); $msg_tpl->set('message', $msg); $page->add_module("middle", "top", $msg_tpl->fetch()); } $page->add_header_html($parameter); // uihelper_get_group_style($gid);
function uihelper_set_user_heading($page, $do_theme = TRUE, $userid = NULL) { global $uid; $uid = !empty($userid) ? $userid : $uid; // Changing ... if we give User id than it will display the information of that user // .. if we not give the id than it displayed (Page users id or login user id ) if (!empty($userid)) { $user = new User(); $user->load((int) $userid); } else { $user = get_login_user(); if (!PA::$login_uid) { $user = get_page_user(); } } if (empty($user)) { return; } if ($do_theme) { // put links all theme CSS files in the header $theme_details = get_user_theme($uid); if (is_array($theme_details['css_files'])) { foreach ($theme_details['css_files'] as $key => $value) { $page->add_header_css($value); } } $page->header->set('theme_details', $theme_details); // see if we have user defined CSS // Here we have to load the user $usr = new User(); $usr->user_id = $uid; $newcss = $usr->get_profile_field("ui", "newcss"); if (!empty($newcss)) { $usercss = "<style>" . $newcss . "</style>"; $page->add_header_html($usercss); } } // get selected general user data, so we can set captions, etc. $user_data_general = $user->get_profile_fields(GENERAL, array('user_caption', 'sub_caption', 'user_caption_image', 'desktop_image_action', 'desktop_image_display')); // set caption value if (!empty($user_data_general['user_caption'])) { $caption1 = chop_string($user_data_general['user_caption'], 20); } else { $caption1 = chop_string($user->first_name . " " . $user->last_name, 20); } $page->header->set('caption1', $caption1); $page->header->set('caption2', chop_string(@$user_data_general['sub_caption'], 40)); $page->header->set('caption_image', $user_data_general['user_caption_image']); $page->header->set('desktop_image_action', $user_data_general['desktop_image_action']); $page->header->set('display_image', @$user_data_general['desktop_image_display']); }
function print_init_params($link) { print "<init-params>"; if ($_SESSION["stored-params"]) { foreach (array_keys($_SESSION["stored-params"]) as $key) { if ($key) { $value = htmlspecialchars($_SESSION["stored-params"][$key]); print "<param key=\"{$key}\" value=\"{$value}\"/>"; } } } print "<param key=\"theme\" value=\"" . get_user_theme($link) . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"theme_options\" value=\"" . get_user_theme_options($link) . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"daemon_enabled\" value=\"" . ENABLE_UPDATE_DAEMON . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"feeds_frame_refresh\" value=\"" . FEEDS_FRAME_REFRESH . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"daemon_refresh_only\" value=\"true\"/>"; print "<param key=\"sign_progress\" value=\"" . theme_image($link, "images/indicator_white.gif") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"sign_progress_tiny\" value=\"" . theme_image($link, "images/indicator_tiny.gif") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"sign_excl\" value=\"" . theme_image($link, "images/sign_excl.png") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"sign_info\" value=\"" . theme_image($link, "images/sign_info.png") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"on_catchup_show_next_feed\" value=\"" . get_pref($link, "ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"hide_read_feeds\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "HIDE_READ_FEEDS") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"enable_feed_cats\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "ENABLE_FEED_CATS") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"feeds_sort_by_unread\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "FEEDS_SORT_BY_UNREAD") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"confirm_feed_catchup\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "CONFIRM_FEED_CATCHUP") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"cdm_auto_catchup\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "CDM_AUTO_CATCHUP") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"icons_url\" value=\"" . ICONS_URL . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"cookie_lifetime\" value=\"" . SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"default_view_mode\" value=\"" . get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_MODE") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"default_view_limit\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_LIMIT") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"default_view_order_by\" value=\"" . get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_ORDER_BY") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"prefs_active_tab\" value=\"" . get_pref($link, "_PREFS_ACTIVE_TAB") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"infobox_disable_overlay\" value=\"" . get_pref($link, "_INFOBOX_DISABLE_OVERLAY") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"icons_location\" value=\"" . ICONS_URL . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"hide_read_shows_special\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "HIDE_READ_SHOWS_SPECIAL") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"hide_feedlist\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "HIDE_FEEDLIST") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"bw_limit\" value=\"" . (int) $_SESSION["bw_limit"] . "\"/>"; // print "<param key=\"sync_counters\" value=\"" . // (int) get_pref($link, "SYNC_COUNTERS") . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"sync_counters\" value=\"1\"/>"; print "<param key=\"offline_enabled\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "ENABLE_OFFLINE_READING") . "\"/>"; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cf FROM\n\t\t\tttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $num_feeds = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cf"); print "<param key=\"num_feeds\" value=\"" . (int) $num_feeds . "\"/>"; print "<param key=\"collapsed_feedlist\" value=\"" . (int) get_pref($link, "_COLLAPSED_FEEDLIST") . "\"/>"; print "</init-params>"; }
//print json_encode(array("error" => "Function not implemented.")); } break; case "prefs-save": //print json_encode(array("error" => "Function not implemented.")); $realname = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["realname"]); $quit_message = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["quit_message"]); $new_password = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["new_password"]); $confirm_password = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["confirm_password"]); $nick = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["nick"]); $email = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["email"]); $theme = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["theme"]); $highlight_on = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["highlight_on"]); $theme_changed = false; $_SESSION["prefs_cache"] = false; if (get_user_theme($link) != $theme) { set_pref($link, "USER_THEME", $theme); $theme_changed = true; } set_pref($link, "HIGHLIGHT_ON", $highlight_on); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttirc_users SET realname = '{$realname}',\n\t\t\tquit_message = '{$quit_message}', \n\t\t\temail = '{$email}',\n\t\t\tnick = '{$nick}' WHERE id = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); if ($new_password != $confirm_password) { print json_encode(array("error" => "Passwords do not match.")); } if ($confirm_password == $new_password && $new_password) { $pwd_hash = encrypt_password($new_password, $_SESSION["name"]); db_query($link, "UPDATE ttirc_users SET pwd_hash = '{$pwd_hash}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); } if ($theme_changed) { print json_encode(array("message" => "THEME_CHANGED")); }
} } } //check if user is checking out only his content if ($uid != $login_uid) { throw new PAException(OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED, "You cant access other user's messages."); } $page = new PageRenderer("setup_module", PAGE_MESSAGE, sprintf(__("%s - Private Messages - %s"), $login_user->get_name(), $network_info->name), "container_one_column.tpl", 'header_user.tpl', PRI, HOMEPAGE, $network_info); /*$css_path = $current_theme_path.'/layout.css'; $page->add_header_css($css_path); $css_path = $current_theme_path.'/network_skin.css'; $page->add_header_css($css_path); $css_path = $current_theme_path.'/edit_skin.css'; $page->add_header_css($css_path);*/ // Currently using the CSS from the live site, due to some problem in merging local and server CSS. $theme_details = get_user_theme($uid); if (is_array($theme_details['css_files'])) { foreach ($theme_details['css_files'] as $key => $value) { $page->add_header_css($value); } } if (!empty($_GET['msg'])) { $message = MessagesHandler::get_message($_GET['msg']); } if (!empty($message)) { $msg_tpl =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/display_message.tpl"); $msg_tpl->set('message', $message); $page->add_module("middle", "top", $msg_tpl->fetch()); } // see if we have a user defined CSS $user_data_ui = sanitize_user_data(User::load_user_profile($uid, $uid, 'ui'));
function make_init_params($link) { $params = array(); $params["theme"] = get_user_theme($link); $params["theme_options"] = get_user_theme_options($link); $params["sign_progress"] = theme_image($link, "images/indicator_white.gif"); $params["sign_progress_tiny"] = theme_image($link, "images/indicator_tiny.gif"); $params["sign_excl"] = theme_image($link, "images/sign_excl.png"); $params["sign_info"] = theme_image($link, "images/sign_info.png"); foreach (array("ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED", "HIDE_READ_FEEDS", "ENABLE_FEED_CATS", "FEEDS_SORT_BY_UNREAD", "CONFIRM_FEED_CATCHUP", "CDM_AUTO_CATCHUP", "FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE", "DEFAULT_ARTICLE_LIMIT", "HIDE_READ_SHOWS_SPECIAL", "COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE") as $param) { $params[strtolower($param)] = (int) get_pref($link, $param); } $params["icons_url"] = ICONS_URL; $params["cookie_lifetime"] = SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME; $params["default_view_mode"] = get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_MODE"); $params["default_view_limit"] = (int) get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_LIMIT"); $params["default_view_order_by"] = get_pref($link, "_DEFAULT_VIEW_ORDER_BY"); $params["bw_limit"] = (int) $_SESSION["bw_limit"]; $result = db_query($link, "SELECT MAX(id) AS mid, COUNT(*) AS nf FROM\n\t\t\tttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]); $max_feed_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "mid"); $num_feeds = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "nf"); $params["max_feed_id"] = (int) $max_feed_id; $params["num_feeds"] = (int) $num_feeds; $params["collapsed_feedlist"] = (int) get_pref($link, "_COLLAPSED_FEEDLIST"); $params["csrf_token"] = $_SESSION["csrf_token"]; return $params; }