function votesys_gen_vote() { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $userdata = get_userdata(get_current_user_id()); echo "<center>Sveikas " . $userdata->display_name . "<br><br>"; $vote_user = get_user_stats(get_current_user_id()); $settings = get_option('votesys_options'); echo "Jūs turite: " . $vote_user->points . " balsavimo taškus.<br><br>"; echo "Visa informacija kodėl verta balsuoti, ką gausite balsuodami ir kaip tai padaryti nurodita <a href = '" . $settings['help_href'] . "'> čia.</a> <br><br>"; echo "<i>Pastaba: paslaugų uždėjimo sistemą kolkas yra tobulinama todėl jas kolkas galite atsiimti tik parašius administracijai skype arba pm (Ideo)</i><br><br>"; echo "<b>Svetainės kuriose galite balsuoti</b><br><br>"; echo "<table class ='vote-table-top' width = '100%'>"; echo "<tr class ='vote-table-top'><th>Topo pavadinimas</th><th>Taškų kuriuos gausite skaičius</th><th>Galite balsuoti vieną karta per</th><th>Ar galite balsuoti?</th><th>Baneris</th></tr>"; global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'votesys_topsite'; $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $table_name . "`"); foreach ($results as $site) { echo "<tr class = 'vote-table-middle'><th class = 'vote-table-middle1'>" . $site->site_name . "</th>"; echo "<th class = 'vote-table-middle1'>" . $settings['add_point_sk'] . "</th>"; echo "<th class = 'vote-table-middle1'>" . $site->vote_interval_text . "</th>"; if (can_vote($vote_user, $site->vote_site_id)) { echo "<th style='color:green;'>TAIP</th>"; } else { echo "<th style='color:red;'>NE</th>"; } echo "<th class = 'vote-table-middle1'><a href=wp-content/plugins/Vote-system/vote.php?userid=" . $vote_user->id . "&siteid=" . $site->vote_site_id . "><img src =" . $site->site_banner_url . "></img></th></tr>"; } echo "</table></center>"; } else { echo "<center> Sveiki! <br><br> <div class = 'vote-warning' >Jus nesate prisijunge prie tinklapio todėl už atiduotus balsus negausite taškų !</div> <br>"; echo "Visa informacija kodėl verta balsuoti, ką gausite balsuodami ir kaip tai padaryti nurodita <b>SICIA REIKIA HREFO PADORAUS NEZINAU KA RASYTTTTTTTTT</b><a href = ''> čia.</a> <br><br>"; echo "<b>Svetainės kuriose galite balsuoti</b><br><br>"; echo "<table class ='vote-table-top' width = '100%'>"; echo "<tr class ='vote-table-top'><th>Topo pavadinimas</th><th>Taškų kuriuos gutumete balsuojant prisijungus skaičius</th><th>Baneris</th></tr>"; global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'votesys_topsite'; $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $table_name . "`"); $settings = get_option('votesys_options'); foreach ($results as $site) { echo "<tr class = 'vote-table-middle'><th class = 'vote-table-middle1'>" . $site->site_name . "</th>"; echo "<th class = 'vote-table-middle1'>" . $settings['add_point_sk'] . "</th>"; echo "<th class = 'vote-table-middle1'>" . $site->site_web . "</th></tr>"; } echo "</table></center>"; } }
foreach ($_pfields as $field_id => $field) { // if ($field->config['visible']) { $query .= ',' . $field->query_select(); // } } $query .= " FROM `{$dbtable_prefix}user_profiles` WHERE `fk_user_id`={$uid}"; if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { $output = array_merge($output, mysql_fetch_assoc($res)); $output['date_added'] = strftime($config['datetime_format'], $output['date_added'] + $config['time_offset']); if (empty($output['del'])) { unset($output['del']); } $output = array_merge($output, get_user_stats($output['fk_user_id'], array('profile_comments', 'blog_posts', 'total_photos'))); if (empty($output['profile_comments'])) { unset($output['profile_comments']); } if (empty($output['blog_posts'])) { unset($output['blog_posts']); } if (empty($output['total_photos'])) { unset($output['total_photos']); } // set all the fields to their real (readable) values foreach ($_pfields as $field_id => $field) { // if ($field->config['visible']) { $_pfields[$field_id]->set_value($output, false); // } }
$query = "SELECT b.`m_name`,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.`paid_until`) as `paid_until` FROM `{$dbtable_prefix}payments` a,`{$dbtable_prefix}memberships` b WHERE a.`m_value_to`=b.`m_value` AND a.`fk_user_id`='" . $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'] . "' AND a.`paid_until`>'" . gmdate('Ymd') . "' AND a.`refunded`=0 AND a.`is_active`=1 ORDER BY a.`paid_until` DESC LIMIT 1"; if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { $output = array_merge($output, mysql_fetch_assoc($res)); $output['paid_until'] = strftime($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['prefs']['date_format'], $output['paid_until'] + $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['prefs']['time_offset']); } else { $query = "SELECT b.`m_name` FROM `" . USER_ACCOUNTS_TABLE . "` a,`{$dbtable_prefix}memberships` b WHERE a.`membership`=b.`m_value` AND a.`" . USER_ACCOUNT_ID . "`='" . $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'] . "'"; if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } $output['m_name'] = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); $output['paid_until'] = $GLOBALS['_lang'][123]; } $my_stats = get_user_stats($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'], array('total_photos', 'pviews', 'num_friends')); $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM `{$dbtable_prefix}user_inbox` WHERE `fk_user_id`='" . $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'] . "' AND `del`=0"; if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } $my_stats['total_messages'] = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM `{$dbtable_prefix}user_inbox` WHERE `is_read`=0 AND `fk_user_id`='" . $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'] . "' AND `del`=0"; if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } $my_stats['new_messages'] = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); $tpl->set_file('content', 'home.html'); $tpl->set_var('output', $output); $tpl->set_var('my_stats', $my_stats); $tpl->process('content', 'content'); $tplvars['title'] = $GLOBALS['_lang'][124];
<tr> <th rowspan="2" align="center">Przyznane</th> <th colspan="2" align="center">Skontaktowane?</th> <th rowspan="2" align="center">Telefony</th> <th rowspan="2" align="center">Spotkania</th> <th rowspan="2" align="center">W sumie</th> </tr> <tr> <th align="center">TAK</th> <th align="center">NIE</th> </tr> <?php $involved = array_keys(get_project_involved($_GET['project_id'])); $suma = array('all' => 0, 'contacted' => 0, 'telefon' => 0, 'spotkanie' => 0); foreach ($involved as $inv_id) { $stats = get_user_stats($inv_id, $_GET['project_id']); foreach ($stats as $key => $value) { $suma[$key] += $value; } echo '<tr><td align="center" nowrap>'; display_link_to_user($inv_id); if (is_ocp($inv_id, $_GET['project_id'])) { echo ' (OCP)'; } echo '</td><td align="center">' . join('</td><td align="center">', array($stats['all'], $stats['contacted'], $stats['all'] - $stats['contacted'], $stats['telefon'], $stats['spotkanie'], $stats['telefon'] + $stats['spotkanie'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; } echo '<tr><td align="center"><b>W SUMIE</b></td><td align="center"><b>' . join('</b></td><td align="center"><b>', array($suma['all'], $suma['contacted'], $suma['all'] - $suma['contacted'], $suma['telefon'], $suma['spotkanie'], $suma['telefon'] + $suma['spotkanie'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; ?> </table> <br><br></td></tr> <?php
} $smarty->display('static/downloads.tpl'); break; case 'top100': $smarty->assign('stats', get_top100_info($_GET['what'], $_GET['type'])); $smarty->display('top100.tpl'); break; case 'stats': $uid = isset($_SESSION['user_id']) ? $_SESSION['user_id'] : 0; $weekly = isset($_GET['weekly']); $smarty->assign('active_page', 'stats'); $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED); $smarty->setCacheLifetime(300); $cache_key = $uid . '@' . (int) $weekly . (isset($_GET['team']) ? (int) $_GET['team'] : 0); if (!is_cached('stats.tpl', $cache_key)) { $smarty->assign('user_stats', get_user_stats($weekly, isset($_GET['team']) ? $_GET['team'] : 0)); $smarty->assign('ma_count', count_all_answers()); } $smarty->display('stats.tpl', $cache_key); break; case 'tag_stats': $smarty->assign('active_page', 'stats'); $smarty->assign('stats', get_tag_stats()); $smarty->display('tag_stats.tpl'); break; case 'genre_stats': $smarty->assign('active_page', 'stats'); $smarty->assign('stats', get_common_stats()); $smarty->display('genre_stats.tpl'); break; case 'charts':
function get_users_stats($usernames = [], $wiki = null) { global $settings; $wiki = isset($wiki) ? $wiki : $settings['main_page_wiki']; $ret = []; $cnt = 0; while ($cnt * 50 < count($usernames)) { $temp_usernames = array_slice($usernames, $cnt * 50, 50); $cnt++; $cache = get_user_stats_cache($temp_usernames, $wiki); $cache_usernames = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($cache); $i++) { $ret[$cache[$i]['username']] = array('all' => $cache[$i]['art_count'], 'pending' => $cache[$i]['pending_art'], 'yes' => $cache[$i]['valid_art'], 'no' => $cache[$i]['invalid_art']); array_push($cache_usernames, $cache[$i]['username']); } $temp_usernames = array_diff($temp_usernames, $cache_usernames); foreach ($temp_usernames as $username) { $ret[$username] = get_user_stats($username, $wiki); } } return $ret; }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(-1); include 'Functions.php'; $user_id = $_GET['userid']; $site_id = $_GET['siteid']; $site = get_votesite_by_id($site_id); $settings = get_option('votesys_options'); $vote_user = get_user_stats($user_id); echo lookup_points($site_id); /* if($settings['advance_tracking']) { if(can_vote($vote_user,$site_id) && !lookup_pending($site_id,$vote_user)) { $lookup_time = time(); add_lookup($site_id,$lookup_time,$vote_user); header('Location: '.$site->site_vote_url); flush(); sleep(45); $lookup = get_lookup_data($lookup_time); $points = lookup_points($site_id); if($points > $lookup-> points_on_lookup) { vote($vote_user,$site_id);