Example #1
 function show_error($the_error, $bypass_error = FALSE, $no_connection = 0)
     global $sitename, $adminmail, $cpgdebugger, $userinfo;
     $the_error .= "\n\nIn: " . $this->file . " on line: " . $this->line;
     $the_error = 'On ' . (function_exists('get_uri') ? get_uri() : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "\n" . $the_error;
     $show = $no_connection || defined('INSTALL') ? 1 : is_admin() || NEXOS_DEBUG;
     if ($show) {
         if (!defined('INSTALL') && is_object($cpgdebugger)) {
             trigger_error($the_error, E_USER_WARNING);
         } else {
             $the_error = '<html><body><center><h1>ERROR</h1><form><textarea rows="8" cols="60">' . htmlspecialchars($the_error, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</textarea></form></body></html>';
     } else {
         if ($adminmail && $adminmail != '') {
             $addr = decode_ip(Security::get_ip());
             $host = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] != '' ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] : gethostbyaddr($addr);
             $the_error .= "\r\n\r\nGuest information:\r\nUser id: " . $userinfo['user_id'] . "\r\nUsername: "******"\r\nAdmin: " . ($show ? 'Yes' : 'No') . "\r\nIP: {$addr}\r\nHost: {$host}";
             if (!send_mail($mailer_message, $the_error, 1, 'SQL Error on ' . $sitename)) {
                 echo $mailer_message;
     if (!$bypass_error) {
         $errorpage = '<b>A database error has occurred<br /><br />';
         if (NEXOS_DEBUG) {
             $errorpage .= "</b><textarea cols='60' rows='6'>{$the_error}</textarea>";
         } else {
             $errorpage .= 'The webmaster has been notified of the error</b>';
         //header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
         if (function_exists('cpg_error')) {
             cpg_error($errorpage, 'Database Error');
         } else {
             require_once 'includes/nexos_page.php';
             $errorpage = nexos_header('Database Error') . $errorpage . cpg_footer();
Example #2
 * Format a form in the package actions box
 * @param string $uri The link target
 * @param string $action The action name (passed as HTTP POST parameter)
 * @param string $inner The HTML code to use for the link label
 * @return string The generated HTML code for the action link
function html_action_form($uri, $action, $inner)
    if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) {
        $code = '<form action="' . htmlspecialchars($uri, ENT_QUOTES) . '" ';
        $code .= 'method="post">';
        $code .= '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="';
        $code .= htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['AURSID'], ENT_QUOTES) . '" />';
        $code .= '<input type="submit" class="button text-button" name="';
        $code .= htmlspecialchars($action, ENT_QUOTES) . '" ';
        $code .= 'value="' . $inner . '" />';
        $code .= '</form>';
    } else {
        $code = '<a href="' . get_uri('/login/', true) . '">';
        $code .= $inner . '</a>';
    return $code;
Example #3
 * Change a user's password in the database if reset key and e-mail are correct
 * @param string $hash New MD5 hash of a user's password
 * @param string $salt New salt for the user's password
 * @param string $resetkey Code e-mailed to a user to reset a password
 * @param string $email E-mail address of the user resetting their password
 * @return string|void Redirect page if successful, otherwise return error message
function password_reset($hash, $salt, $resetkey, $email)
    $dbh = DB::connect();
    $q = "UPDATE Users ";
    $q .= "SET Passwd = '{$hash}', ";
    $q .= "Salt = '{$salt}', ";
    $q .= "ResetKey = '' ";
    $q .= "WHERE ResetKey != '' ";
    $q .= "AND ResetKey = " . $dbh->quote($resetkey) . " ";
    $q .= "AND Email = " . $dbh->quote($email);
    $result = $dbh->exec($q);
    if (!$result) {
        $error = __('Invalid e-mail and reset key combination.');
        return $error;
    } else {
        header('Location: ' . get_uri('/passreset/') . '?step=complete');
Example #4

  CPG Dragonfly™ CMS
  Copyright © 2004-2006 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team

  Dragonfly is released under the terms and conditions
  of the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version

  $Source: /cvs/l10n/polish/errors.php,v $
  $Revision: 1.3 $
  $Author: nanocaiordo $
  $Date: 2010/02/22 11:02:59 $
Encoding test: n-array summation ∑ latin ae w/ acute ǽ
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) {
$LNG = array('_SECURITY_STATUS' => array(301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 800 => 'Bad IP', 801 => 'Spam url in referer header', 802 => 'Unknown user-agent', 803 => 'Flood Protection'), '_SECURITY_MSG' => array(301 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', has been moved permanently to a new URI and any future references to this page SHOULD use the new URI.', 302 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', has been moved temporarily to a new URI and any future references to this page SHOULD remain.', 400 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', was a bad request.', 401 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', requires preauthorization to access.', 402 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', requires payment to access.', 403 => 'Access to the URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', is forbidden.', 404 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', could not be found. Perhaps you either mistyped the URL or we have a broken link.<br /><br />We have logged this error and will correct the problem if it is a broken link.', 500 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', resulted in a server configuration error. It is possible that the condition causing the problem will be gone by the time you finish reading this.<br /><br />We have logged this error and will correct the problem.', 503 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', is temporarily unavailable.', 800 => 'You are banned from this site due to a bad ip.', 801 => 'You are banned from this site due to a spam url in the referer header.', 802 => 'You are banned from this site due to a unknown user-agent.', 803 => 'You are banned from this site due to ignoring our anti-flood warnings.', '_FLOOD' => 'You are not allowed to flood our system.\\r\\nYou may view our website again after %s seconds', 'Last_warning' => '\\r\\nThis is your last warning, next time you will be banned!'));
Example #5

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/bootstrap-typeahead.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
        source: function(query, callback) {
echo get_uri('/rpc');
', {type: "suggest", arg: query}, function(data) {
        matcher: function(item) { return true; },
        sorter: function(items) { return items; },
        menu: '<ul class="pkgsearch-typeahead"></ul>',
        items: 20,
        updater: function(item) {
            document.location = '/packages/' + item;
            return item;
    }).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
Example #6
				<input id="id_referer" type="hidden" name="referer" value="<?php 
        echo in_request('referer');
" />
    } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
				<input id="id_referer" type="hidden" name="referer" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], ENT_QUOTES);
" />
} else {
    printf(__("HTTP login is disabled. Please %sswitch to HTTPs%s if you want to login."), '<a href="' . get_uri('/login', true) . '">', '</a>');
Example #7
echo __('Use this form to close the request for package base %s%s%s.', '<strong>', htmlspecialchars($pkgbase_name), '</strong>');
echo __('Note');
echo __('The comments field can be left empty. However, it is highly recommended to add a comment when rejecting a request.');
	<form action="<?php 
echo get_uri('/pkgbase/');
" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="reqid" value="<?php 
echo $pkgreq_id;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['AURSID']);
" />
				<label for="id_reason"><?php 
echo __("Reason");
Example #8
    if (config_get_bool('options', 'disable_http_login') && empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
						<li><a href="<?php 
        echo get_uri('/login/', true);
        echo __("Login");
    } else {
						<li><a href="<?php 
        echo get_uri('/login/');
        echo __("Login");
			</div><!-- #archdev-navbar -->
			<!-- Start of main content -->
Example #9
 function get_uri()
     global $db, $globals, $routes;
     $seq = 0;
     require_once mnminclude . 'uri.php';
     $new_uri = $base_uri = get_uri($this->title);
     while ((!empty($routes[$new_uri]) || $db->get_var("select count(*) from links where link_uri='{$new_uri}' and link_id != {$this->id}")) && $seq < 20) {
         $new_uri = $base_uri . "-{$seq}";
     // In case we tried 20 times, we just add the id of the article
     if ($seq >= 20) {
         $new_uri = $base_uri . "-{$this->id}";
     $this->uri = $new_uri;
Example #10
 public function person($person, $uri)
     $names = SMOBTools::either($person['names'], array("Anonymous"));
     $imgs = SMOBTools::either($person['images'], array(SMOB_ROOT . '../img/avatar-blank.jpg'));
     $homepage = $person['homepage'];
     $weblog = $person['weblog'];
     $knows = $person['knows'];
     $name = $names[0];
     $pic = $imgs[0];
     $ht = "<div class=\"person\">\n";
     $ht .= "<img src=\"{$pic}\" class=\"depiction\" alt=\"Depiction\" />";
     $ht .= "{$name}\n";
     foreach ($homepage as $h) {
         $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$h}\">Website</a>]\n";
     foreach ($weblog as $w) {
         $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$w}\">Blog</a>]\n";
     foreach ($knows as $k) {
         $enc = get_uri($k, 'user');
         $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$enc}\">Friend</a>]\n";
     $ht .= "</div>\n\n";
     return $ht;
Example #11
	<p style="color: red;" class="pkgoutput"><?php 
            echo $error;

<div class="box">
        echo __("Submit a proposal to vote on.");

	<form action="<?php 
        echo get_uri('/addvote/');
" method="post">
			<label for="id_user"><?php 
        echo __("Applicant/TU");
			<input type="text" name="user" id="id_user" value="<?php 
        if (!empty($_POST['user'])) {
            print htmlentities($_POST['user'], ENT_QUOTES);
" />
        echo __("(empty if not applicable)");
Example #12

  CPG Dragonflyâ„¢ CMS
  Copyright © 2004-2006 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team

  Dragonfly is released under the terms and conditions
  of the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version

  $Source: /cvs/l10n/estonian/errors.php,v $
  $Revision: 1.5 $
  $Author: nanocaiordo $
  $Date: 2010/02/22 11:01:59 $
Encoding test: n-array summation ∑ latin ae w/ acute ǽ
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) {
$LNG = array('_SECURITY_STATUS' => array(301 => 'Püsivalt liigutatud', 302 => 'Leitud', 303 => 'Vaata teisi', 304 => 'Muutmata', 400 => 'Halb päring', 401 => 'Volitamata', 402 => 'Nõutud makse', 403 => 'Keelatud', 404 => 'Ei leidnud', 500 => 'Serverisisene viga', 503 => 'Teenus kättesaamatu', 800 => 'Halb IP', 801 => 'Spämm aadress osutatu päises', 802 => 'Tundmatu kasutaja-agent', 803 => 'Mitmepäringu kaitse'), '_SECURITY_MSG' => array(301 => 'Nõutud aadress, ' . get_uri() . ', on püsivalt liigutatud uuele aadressile ja ükskõik millised tulevikus viited sellele leheküljele PEAKS kasutama uut aadressi.', 302 => 'Nõutud aadress, ' . get_uri() . ', on ajutiselt liigutatud uuele aadressile ja ükskõik millised tulevikus viited sellele leheküljele PEAKS jääma samaks.', 400 => 'Nõutud aadress, ' . get_uri() . ', oli halb päring.', 401 => 'Nõutud aadress, ' . get_uri() . ', nõuab ligipääsuks eelvolitamist.', 402 => 'Nõutud aadress, ' . get_uri() . ', nõuab ligipääsuks makset.', 403 => 'Ligipääs nõutud aadressile, ' . get_uri() . ', on keelatud.', 404 => 'Nõutud aadressi, ' . get_uri() . ', ei leitud. Võib-olla sa kas kirjutasid aadressi valesti või on meil vigane viit.<br /><br />Me logisime selle veateate ning parandame probleemi, juhul kui see on vigane viide.', 500 => 'Nõutud aadress, ' . get_uri() . ', tekitas vea serveri seadistuses. Võimalik et probleemi tekitav tingimus kaob ajal mil sa lõpetad selle lugemise siin.<br /><br />Me logisime selle veateate ning parandame probleemi.', 503 => 'Nõutud aadress, ' . get_uri() . ', on ajutiselt kättesaamatu.', 800 => 'Sul on keelatud siia saidile sisenemast halva IP tõttu.', 801 => 'Sul on keelatud siia saidile sisenemast päises  oleva spämmi aadressi tõttu.', 802 => 'Sul on keelatud siia saidile sisenemast tundmatu kasutaja-agendi tõttu.', 803 => 'Sul on keelatud siia saidile sisenemast meie mitmepäringu vastase hoiatuste eiramise eest.', '_FLOOD' => 'Sul ei ole lubatud meie süsteemi liiga paljude päringutega tüüdata.\\r\\nSa võid meie veebilehte uuesti pärast %s-t sekundit vaadata', 'Last_warning' => '\\r\\nSee on meie viimane hoiatus, järgmine kord ei saa sa siia saidile enam siseneda!'));
Example #13

* template name: Profile 
//if the user us logged in he does not need to enrol again. Maybe he just wants another box
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
    wp_redirect(get_uri() . "/details/");
    //if the user is not logged in then bring him to the registration form
} else {
    wp_redirect(get_uri() . '/dashboard/');

Example #14

  CPG Dragonfly™ CMS
  Copyright © 2004-2006 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team

  Dragonfly is released under the terms and conditions
  of the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version

  $Source: /cvs/l10n/danish/errors.php,v $
  $Revision: 1.4 $
  $Author: nanocaiordo $
  $Date: 2010/02/22 11:01:59 $
Encoding test: n-array summation ∑ latin ae w/ acute ǽ
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) {
$LNG = array('_SECURITY_STATUS' => array(301 => 'flyttet permanent', 302 => 'Fundet', 303 => 'Se andre', 304 => 'Ikke modificeret', 400 => 'Forkert forespørgsel', 401 => 'Uautoriseret', 402 => 'Betaling Nødvendig', 403 => 'Forbudt', 404 => 'Ikke fundet', 500 => 'Intern Server Fejl', 503 => 'Service Utilgængelig', 800 => 'Ugyldig IP', 801 => 'Spam url i henvisningstitel', 802 => 'Ukendt bruger-agent', 803 => 'Flood beskyttelse'), '_SECURITY_MSG' => array(301 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', er flyttet permanent til en ny adresse og alle fremtidige henvisning til denne siden bør bruge den nye adresse.', 302 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', er indtil videre flyttet til en anden adresse og alle fremtidige henvisninger til denne siden bør holdes intakt.', 400 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', Forespørgslen er ukorrekt.', 401 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', Klienten har ikke de krævede privilegier til at få adgang til siden.', 402 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', kræver betaling for at få adgang til.', 403 => 'Adgang til URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', Forespørgslen er forbudt. Du har måske brug for at registrere dig på sitet før du får tilladelse til at komme ind.', 404 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', Den efterspurgte ressource findes ikke længere eller er blevet flyttet, eller også kan adressen være fejlskrevet.', 500 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', Serveren kunne ikke bearbejde forespørgslen.', 503 => 'URL\'en som du forespurgte, ' . get_uri() . ', Serveren brugte for lang tid til at svare og forbindelsen lavede time-out.', 800 => 'Du er bandlyst fra dette site grunden ugyldig ip.', 801 => 'Du er bandlyst fra dette site grunden Spam url i henvisningstitel.', 802 => 'Du er bandlyst fra dette site grunden Ukendt bruger-agent.', 803 => 'Du er bandlyst fra dette site grunden at du har ignoreret vort anti-flood advarsel.', '_FLOOD' => 'Du har ikke lov til at oversvømme vort system.\\r\\nDu kan igen se vores website efter %s sekunder', 'Last_warning' => '\\r\\nDette er din sidste advarsel, næste gang vil du blive bandlyst!'));
Example #15
File: rss.php Project: pyp22/aurweb
$bool = false;
$ret = get_cache_value($feed_key, $bool);
if ($bool) {
    echo $ret;
$rss = new RSSCreator20();
$rss->cssStyleSheet = false;
$rss->xslStyleSheet = false;
# Use UTF-8 (fixes FS#10706).
$rss->encoding = "UTF-8";
#All the general RSS setup
$rss->title = "AUR Newest Packages";
$rss->description = "The latest and greatest packages in the AUR";
$rss->link = "{$protocol}://{$host}";
$rss->syndicationURL = "{$protocol}://{$host}" . get_uri('/rss/');
$image = new FeedImage();
$image->title = "AUR";
$image->url = "{$protocol}://{$host}/images/AUR-logo-80.png";
$image->link = $rss->link;
$image->description = "AUR Newest Packages Feed";
$rss->image = $image;
#Get the latest packages and add items for them
$packages = latest_pkgs(20);
while (list($indx, $row) = each($packages)) {
    $item = new FeedItem();
    $item->title = $row["Name"];
    $item->link = "{$protocol}://{$host}" . get_pkg_uri($row["Name"]);
    $item->description = $row["Description"];
    $item->date = intval($row["SubmittedTS"]);
    $item->source = "{$protocol}://{$host}";
Example #16
echo __("Recent Updates");

<a href="<?php 
echo get_uri('/rss/');
" title="Arch Package Updates RSS Feed" class="rss-icon"><img src="/images/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="RSS Feed" /></a>

foreach ($newest_packages->getIterator() as $row) {
			<td class="pkg-name">
				<a href="<?php 
    echo get_pkg_uri($row["Name"]);
" title="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars($row["Name"]) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row["Version"]);
    echo htmlspecialchars($row["Name"]) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row["Version"]);
			<td class="pkg-new">
    if ($row["ModifiedTS"] - $row["SubmittedTS"] < 3600) {
Example #17
 * Requests the site group and environment to target.
function get_server()
    $name = get_input('Server (e.g. @acquia.dev)?', '/@[A-Za-z0-9]*\\.[A-Za-z0-9]*/');
    $uri = get_uri();
    $server = new Server($name, $uri);
    if (DEBUG) {
        print_line('Server specified: ' . $server->name, DEBUG);
        print_line('URI specified: ' . $server->get_formatted_uri(), DEBUG);
    return $server;
Example #18
    echo __('Click %shere%s if you want to permanently delete this account.', '<a href="' . get_user_uri($N) . 'delete/' . '">', '</a>');

<form id="edit-profile-form" action="<?php 
    echo get_user_uri($N) . 'update/';
" method="post">
} else {
<form id="edit-profile-form" action="<?php 
    echo get_uri('/register/');
" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" name="Action" value="<?php 
echo $A;
" />
if ($UID) {
		<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<?php 
    echo $UID;
Example #19
	function get_uri() {
		global $db, $globals;
		$seq = 0;
		$new_uri = $base_uri = get_uri($this->title);
		while ($db->get_var("select count(*) from links where link_uri='$new_uri' and link_id != $this->id") && $seq < 20) {
			$new_uri = $base_uri . "-$seq";
		// In case we tried 20 times, we just add the id of the article
		if ($seq >= 20) {
			$new_uri = $base_uri . "-$this->id";
		$this->uri = $new_uri;
Example #20

  CPG Dragonfly™ CMS
  Copyright © 2004-2006 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team

  Dragonfly is released under the terms and conditions
  of the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version

  $Source: /cvs/l10n/norwegian/errors.php,v $
  $Revision: 1.4 $
  $Author: nanocaiordo $
  $Date: 2010/02/22 11:02:58 $
Encoding test: n-array summation ∑ latin ae w/ acute ǽ
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) {
$LNG = array('_SECURITY_STATUS' => array(301 => 'Forespurt objekt flyttet permanent', 302 => 'Forespurt objekt funnet', 303 => 'Se Andre', 304 => 'Forespurt objekt er ikke modifisert', 400 => 'Forespurt melding ikke forstått av server', 401 => 'Forespurt objekt er uautorisert', 402 => 'Betaling Nødvendig', 403 => 'Forespurt objekt er forbudt', 404 => 'Forespurt objekt er ikke funnet', 500 => 'Intern Server Feil', 503 => 'Service Utilgjengelig', 800 => 'Ugyldig IP', 801 => 'Spam url i henvisningstittel', 802 => 'Ukjent bruker-agent', 803 => 'Flom beskyttelse'), '_SECURITY_MSG' => array(301 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', har blitt flyttet permanent til en ny adresse og alle fremtidige referanser til denne siden bør bruke den nye adressen.', 302 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', har blitt intill vidre blitt flyttet til en annen adresse og alle fremtidige referanser til denne siden bør holdes inntakt.', 400 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', var en uforstått forespørsel.', 401 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', krever forhåndsautorisering for å få tilgang.', 402 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', krever betaling for å få tilgang.', 403 => 'Tilgang til URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', er avslått.', 404 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', kunne ikke bli funnet. Kansje du skrev URL\'en feil eller vi har en ødelagt link.<br /><br />Vi har logget feilen og vi vil rette feilen, hvis det er en ødelagt link.', 500 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', resulterte i en server konfigurasjonsfeil. Det er mulig årsaken som forårsaket dette vil bli borte når du har lest dette ferdig.<br /><br />Vi har logget denne feilen og vi vil rette feilen.', 503 => 'URL\'en som du forespurte, ' . get_uri() . ', er midlertidig utilgjengelig.', 800 => 'Du har blitt utestengt fra denne siten grunnet ugyldig ip.', 801 => 'Du har blitt utestengt fra denne siten grunnet en spam url i henvisningstittelen.', 802 => 'Du har blitt utestengt fra denne siten grunnet ukjent bruker-agent.', 803 => 'Du har blitt utestengt fra denne siten grunnet at du har ignorert vår anti-flom varsel.', '_FLOOD' => 'Du har ikke lov til å oversvømme vårt system.\\r\\nDu kan igjen se vår website etter %s sekunder', 'Last_warning' => '\\r\\nDette er din siste advarsel, neste gang vil du bli utestengt!'));
Example #21

<div class="box">

if ($canvote == 1) {
	<form action="<?php 
    echo get_uri('/tu/');
    echo $row['ID'];
" method="post">
			<input type="submit" class="button" name="voteYes" value="<?php 
    echo __("Yes");
" />
			<input type="submit" class="button" name="voteNo" value="<?php 
    echo __("No");
" />
			<input type="submit" class="button" name="voteAbstain" value="<?php 
Example #22

  CPG Dragonfly™ CMS
  Copyright © 2004-2006 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team

  Dragonfly is released under the terms and conditions
  of the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version

  $Source: /cvs/l10n/dutch_formal/errors.php,v $
  $Revision: 1.5 $
  $Author: nanocaiordo $
  $Date: 2010/02/22 11:01:59 $
Encoding test: n-array summation ∑ latin ae w/ acute ǽ
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) {
$LNG = array('_SECURITY_STATUS' => array(301 => 'Permanent verplaatst', 302 => 'Gevonden', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Niet aangepast', 400 => 'Slecht verzoekt', 401 => 'Niet geauthoriseerd', 402 => 'Betaling vereist', 403 => 'Verboden', 404 => 'Niet gevonden', 500 => 'Interne Service Fout', 503 => 'Service Niet beschikbaar', 800 => 'Slechte IP', 801 => 'Spam url in de referer kop', 802 => 'Onbekende user-agent', 803 => 'Flood Protectie'), '_SECURITY_MSG' => array(301 => 'De URL die u gevraagd heeft, ' . get_uri() . ', is permanent naar een nieuwe URL verplaatst en verzoeken voor deze pagina in de toekomst ZOUDEN de nieuwe URL moeten gebruiken.', 302 => 'DE URL die u gevraagd heeft, ' . get_uri() . ', is permanent naar een nieuwe URL verplaatst en verzoeken voor deze pagina in de toekomst ZOUDEN daar moeten blijven.', 400 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', was een slecht verzoek.', 401 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', vereist voorauthorisatie voor de toegang', 402 => 'The URL that you requested, ' . get_uri() . ', vereist betaling voor de toegang.', 403 => 'Toegang tot de URL waarom u gevraagd heeft, ' . get_uri() . ', is verboden.', 404 => 'De URL die u gevraagd heeft, ' . get_uri() . ', kan niet worden gevonden. Misschien heeft u de URL fout getypt of er is een kapotte link.<br /><br />De fout is door ons gelogd en het probleem zal worden opgelost als het een kapotte link is.', 500 => 'De URL die u gevraagd heeft, ' . get_uri() . ', heeft een server configuratie fout veroorzaakt. Het is mogelijk dat de reden voor deze fout opgelost is, wanneer u klaar bent met het lezen van deze tekst.<br /><br />De fout is door ons gelogd en het probleem zal geprobeerd worden op te lossen.', 503 => 'De URL die u gevraagd heeft, ' . get_uri() . ', is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar.', 800 => 'U wordt niet toegelaten tot deze site vanwege een slecht ip.', 801 => 'U wordt niet toegelaten tot deze site vanwege een spam url in de referer kop.', 802 => 'U wordt niet toegelaten tot deze site vanwege een onbekende user-agent.', 803 => 'U wordt niet toegelaten tot deze site vanwege het negeren van onze flood waarschuwingen.', '_FLOOD' => 'Het is u niet toegestaan om ons systeem te bestoken met verzoeken.\\r\\nU mag onze website weer bezoeken na %s seconden', 'Last_warning' => '\\r\\nDit is uw laatste waarschuwing, de volgende keer wordt u de toegang permanent ontzegd!'));
Example #23
					<div class="row">
						<!-- Main Menu -->

						<div class="styles-block">
							<div class="fade-border-left"></div>
							<div class="fade-border-right"></div>

							<form name="enclothed_test" action="https://www.income-systemsltd.com/test%20apps/enclothed/registercustomer.aspx" method="POST">
    echo $ldm_webservice->renderSageForm();

    $nonce = wp_create_nonce(get_uri());
							<div class="col-sm-12 payment_info_wrapper relative">								
								<div class="col-sm-4 payment_info">
									<img src="<?php 
-child/images/icon_wallet.png" alt="" class="image-responsive" />
									<h3>We aren’t taking any money now.</h3>
								<div class="col-sm-4 payment_info">
									<img src="<?php 
-child/images/icon_creditcard.png" alt="" class="image-responsive" />
									<h3>We pre-authorise your card like a hotel. This verifies who you are, where you live and that you are a fine, upstanding citizen.</h3>
Example #24
<br />
<form action="<?php 
echo get_uri('/accounts/');
" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" name="Action" value="SearchAccounts" />
			<label for="id_username"><?php 
echo __("Username");
			<input type="text" size="30" maxlength="64" name="U" id="id_username" />
			<label for="id_type"><?php 
echo __("Account Type");
			<select name="T" id="id_type">
				<option value=""><?php 
echo __("Any type");
				<option value="u"><?php 
echo __("Normal user");
				<option value="t"><?php 
Example #25
							<span class="page"><?php 
                echo $pagenr;
            } elseif ($pagestart + 1 == $first) {
							<span class="page"><?php 
                echo $pagenr;
            } else {
							<a class="page" href="<?php 
                echo get_uri('/packages/');
                echo mkurl('O=' . $pagestart);
                echo $pagenr;
Example #26
					<span class="page"><?php 
            echo $pagenr;
        } elseif ($pagestart + 1 == $first) {
					<span class="page"><?php 
            echo $pagenr;
        } else {
					<a class="page" href="<?php 
            echo get_uri('/requests/');
            echo mkurl('O=' . $pagestart);
            echo $pagenr;
Example #27
function url_params()
    $url = rawurldecode(get_uri());
    $params = explode('/', trim($url, '/'));
    return $params;
Example #28
						<input type="text" name="keywords" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(implode(" ", $keywords), ENT_QUOTES);
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo __('Update');
    } else {
        foreach ($keywords as $kw) {
            echo '<a class="keyword" href="';
            echo get_uri('/packages/') . '?K=' . urlencode($kw) . '&amp;SB=p';
            echo '">' . htmlspecialchars($kw) . "</a>\n";
echo __('Submitter') . ': ';
Example #29
 //MODULE is more important than category
 //echo '$item[\'link\'] = '.$item['link'].'   $setstatus = '.$setstatus.'   $catonly = '.$catonly."\n";
 if ($setstatus && $item['link'] == $module_name && !$home) {
     $item_status = 'active';
     $current_link = 1;
     $curcat = $item['category'];
 } else {
     if ($setstatus && $item['catlnk'] == $module_name && !$curcat) {
         $curcat = $item['category'];
     } else {
         if ($setstatus && $home && $item['catlnk'] == $mainindex) {
             if ($mainindex != '' xor $item['name'] == '_HOME') {
                 $curcat = $item['category'];
         } else {
             if (ereg($categoryLink, get_uri())) {
                 //echo 'test2';
 if (!$item['active']) {
     $item_status = 'disabled';
     //Enabled but hidden from menu
 } elseif ($item['active'] && !$item['inmenu']) {
     $item_status = 'hidden';
 $item_status = isset($item['item_status']) ? $item['item_status'] : $item_status;
 $current_link = isset($item['current_link']) ? $item['current_link'] : $current_link;
 if ($item['link_type'] <= 0) {
Example #30
function themefooter()
    global $MAIN_CFG, $cpgtpl, $banners, $Blocks, $db;
    if ($MAIN_CFG['global']['maintenance'] && !is_admin()) {
        echo '</body></html>';
    global $foot1, $foot2, $foot3;
    //dummy require of the global, or else $footer_1... will be empty later
    // TODO: need to test a bit more if this line is needed
    Fix_Quotes($foot1, 1);
    // Let's save it before footmsg() adds other pieces into it
    $footer_1 = $foot1;
    // Let's also save others
    $footer_2 = $foot2;
    $footer_3 = $foot3;
    // Now let's clean all foot globals, so footmsg() would add minimum info to $foot1
    $foot1 = '';
    $foot2 = '';
    $foot3 = '';
    $debug_sql_id = '31881';
    $debug_php_id = '31949';
    $cpgtpl->assign_vars(array('S_BANNER_ACT' => $banners, 'S_BANNER' => $banners ? viewbanner() : '', 'S_FOOTER' => footmsg(), 'FOOTER_1' => $footer_1, 'FOOTER_2' => $footer_2, 'FOOTER_3' => $footer_3, 'DSQL_ID' => $debug_sql_id, 'DPHP_ID' => $debug_php_id, 'S_DEBUG_SQL_COLLAPSED' => $Blocks->hideblock($debug_sql_id), 'S_DEBUG_PHP_COLLAPSED' => $Blocks->hideblock($debug_php_id), 'U_EDIT_FOOTER' => is_admin() ? adminlink('settings&amp;s=3') : ''));
      In case the template array gets emptied, i.e during forums admin messages
      We assign some again, that are also used in footer
    //Dragonfly 10 or load only if needed
    //if (version_compare(CPG_NUKE, '10.0.0', '>=') || !isset($cpgtpl->_tpldata['.'][0]['HEADVARS_OK'])) {
    if (version_compare(CPG_NUKE, '10.0.0', '<') && !isset($cpgtpl->_tpldata['.'][0]['HEADVARS_OK'])) {
        global $CPG_SESS, $mainindex, $adminindex, $lang, $userinfo;
        /* CSS Menu */
        if ($MAIN_CFG['global']['admingraphic'] & 4) {
            include 'themes/' . $CPG_SESS['theme'] . '/includes/cssmainmenu.php';
        $cpgtpl->assign_vars(array('CURRENT_URL' => ereg_replace('&', '&amp;', get_uri()), 'S_TIMENOW' => sprintf($lang['Current_time'], formatDateTime(current_time(), _DATESTRING)), 'S_IS_USER' => is_user(), 'S_LASTVISIT' => is_user() ? sprintf($lang['You_last_visit'], formatDateTime($userinfo['user_lastvisit'], _DATESTRING)) : '', 'BACK_TO_TOP' => $lang['Back_to_top'], 'S_MAIN_MENU' => isset($mmcontent) ? $mmcontent : false, 'U_MAININDEX' => $mainindex, 'U_DOWNLOADS' => getlink('Downloads'), 'U_FORUMS' => getlink('Forums'), 'U_MY_ACCOUNT' => getlink(is_user() ? 'Your_Account' : 'Your_Account&amp;file=register'), 'U_ADMININDEX' => $adminindex, 'S_DOWNLOADS' => is_active('Downloads') ? _DownloadsLANG : false, 'S_FORUMS' => _ForumsLANG, 'S_MY_ACCOUNT' => is_user() ? _Your_AccountLANG : _BREG, 'S_ADMINISTR' => _ADMINISTRATION));
    $cpgtpl->set_filenames(array('footer' => 'footer.html'));