public function serviceGetTemplates($bEnabledOnly = true, $bShortInfo = true) { $aValues = get_templates_array($bEnabledOnly, $bShortInfo); $aResult = array(); foreach ($aValues as $sKey => $sValue) { $aResult[] = array('key' => $sKey, 'value' => $sValue); } return $aResult; }
function getListTemplate($sCurrent) { $sOutputCode = ""; $aTemplates = get_templates_array(); if (count($aTemplates) < 2) { return $sOutputCode; } $sGetTransfer = bx_encode_url_params($_GET, array('skin')); $aTmplVars = array(); foreach ($aTemplates as $sName => $sTitle) { $aTmplVars[] = array('bx_if:show_icon' => array('condition' => false, 'content' => array()), 'class' => $sName == $sCurrent ? 'sys-bm-sub-item-selected' : '', 'link' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?' . $sGetTransfer . 'skin=' . $sName, 'onclick' => '', 'title' => $sTitle); } $sOutputCode .= $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('extra_bottom_menu_sub_items.html', array('name_method' => 'Template', 'name_block' => 'template', 'bx_repeat:items' => $aTmplVars)); return PopupBox('sys-bm-switcher-template', _t('_sys_bm_popup_cpt_design'), $sOutputCode); }
protected function loadData() { $this->setSelected('', $this->_oTemplate->getCode()); $aPage = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $aPageParams = array(); if (!empty($aPage[1])) { parse_str($aPage[1], $aPageParams); } $aTemplates = get_templates_array(true, true); $aItems = array(); foreach ($aTemplates as $sName => $sTemplate) { $aPageParams['skin'] = $sName; $aItems[] = array('id' => $sName, 'name' => $sName, 'class' => '', 'title' => $sTemplate, 'target' => '_self', 'icon' => '', 'link' => bx_html_attribute(bx_append_url_params($aPage[0], $aPageParams)), 'onclick' => ''); } $this->_aObject['menu_items'] = $aItems; }
function PageCodeTemplates($sResult) { $a = get_templates_array(true); $aTemplates = array(); foreach ($a as $k => $r) { $aTemplates[] = array('key' => $k, 'name' => htmlspecialchars_adv($r['name']), 'ver' => htmlspecialchars_adv($r['ver']), 'vendor' => htmlspecialchars_adv($r['vendor']), 'desc' => $r['desc'], 'bx_if:preview' => array('condition' => (bool) $r['preview'], 'content' => array('img' => $r['preview'])), 'bx_if:no_preview' => array('condition' => !$r['preview'], 'content' => array()), 'bx_if:default' => array('condition' => $k == getParam('template'), 'content' => array()), 'bx_if:make_default' => array('condition' => $k != getParam('template'), 'content' => array('key' => $k)), 'bx_if:delete' => array('condition' => $k != getParam('template') && $k != 'uni' && $k != 'alt', 'content' => array('key' => $k))); } $s = $sResult ? MsgBox($sResult, 10) : ''; $s .= $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('templates.html', array('bx_repeat:templates' => $aTemplates)); $sCode = DesignBoxAdmin($GLOBALS['sPageTitle'], $s, $GLOBALS['aTopItems'], '', 11); if ('on' == getParam('feeds_enable')) { $sCode = $sCode . DesignBoxAdmin(_t('_adm_box_cpt_design_templates'), '<div class="RSSAggrCont" rssid="boonex_unity_market_templates" rssnum="5" member="0">' . $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->loadingBoxInline() . '</div>'); } $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addJsTranslation(array('_Are_you_sure')); return $sCode; }
function getSwitcherTemplate() { $sContent = ''; if (getParam('enable_template') != 'on') { return $sContent; } $iTmplsCount = count(get_templates_array()); if ($iTmplsCount <= 1) { return $sContent; } $sTemplName = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->getCode(); $aTmplVars = array(); $aTmplVars[] = array('caption' => _t('_sys_bm_design', $sTemplName), 'link' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'script' => 'onclick="javascript:showPopupTemplate()"', 'target' => ''); $sContent .= $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('extra_' . $this->sName . '_menu.html', array('bx_repeat:items' => $aTmplVars)); $sContent .= $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getTemplateSwitcher($sTemplName); return $sContent; }
protected function getGeneral() { $sJsObject = $this->getPageJsObject(); $oTemplate = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance(); $sResult = ''; $sTemplate = getParam('template'); $aTemplates = get_templates_array(true, false); $aTmplVarsTemplates = array(); foreach ($aTemplates as $sUri => $aTemplate) { $sIcon = $this->getModuleIcon($aTemplate, 'store'); $bIcon = strpos($sIcon, '.') === false; $aTmplVarsTemplates[] = array('uri' => $sUri, 'title' => htmlspecialchars_adv($aTemplate['title']), 'version' => htmlspecialchars_adv($aTemplate['version']), 'vendor' => htmlspecialchars_adv($aTemplate['vendor']), 'bx_if:icon' => array('condition' => $bIcon, 'content' => array('icon' => $sIcon)), 'bx_if:image' => array('condition' => !$bIcon, 'content' => array('icon_url' => $sIcon)), 'bx_if:default' => array('condition' => $sUri == $sTemplate, 'content' => array()), 'bx_if:make_default' => array('condition' => $sUri != $sTemplate, 'content' => array('js_object' => $sJsObject, 'uri' => $sUri))); } $sContent = $sResult ? MsgBox($sResult, 10) : ''; $sContent .= $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('templates.html', array('bx_repeat:templates' => $aTmplVarsTemplates)); return $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('designer.html', array('js_object' => $this->getPageJsObject(), 'content' => $sContent)); }
protected function _isVisible($a) { if (!parent::_isVisible($a)) { return false; } $bResult = true; switch ($a['name']) { case 'switch_language': $aLanguages = BxDolLanguagesQuery::getInstance()->getLanguages(false, true); if (count($aLanguages) <= 1) { $bResult = false; } break; case 'switch_template': $aTemplates = get_templates_array(true, true); if (count($aTemplates) <= 1) { $bResult = false; } break; } return $bResult; }
function templates_select_txt() { $templ_choices = get_templates_array(); $current_template = strlen($_GET['skin']) ? $_GET['skin'] : $_COOKIE['skin']; foreach ($templ_choices as $tmpl_key => $tmpl_value) { if ($current_template == $tmpl_key) { $ReturnResult .= $tmpl_value . ' | '; } else { $sGetTransfer = bx_encode_url_params($_GET, array('skin')); $ReturnResult .= '<a href="' . bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?' . $sGetTransfer . 'skin=' . $tmpl_key . '">' . $tmpl_value . '</a> | '; } } return $ReturnResult; }
function templates_select_txt() { global $dir; $templ_choices = get_templates_array(); $current_template = strlen($_GET['skin']) ? $_GET['skin'] : $_COOKIE['skin']; foreach ($templ_choices as $tmpl_key => $tmpl_value) { if ($current_template == $tmpl_key) { $ReturnResult .= $tmpl_value; $ReturnResult .= ' | '; } else { foreach ($_GET as $param_key => $param_value) { if ('skin' != $param_key) { $sGetTransfer .= "&{$param_key}={$param_value}"; } } $ReturnResult .= '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?skin=' . $tmpl_key . $sGetTransfer . '">' . $tmpl_value . '</a>'; $ReturnResult .= ' | '; } } return $ReturnResult; }
/** * Display controls for editing category settings. * The enclosing form must be defined outside of the function, this is done to be able * to display controls for editing a single category or a group of categories. * @param $cat -- Category for which to display controls. * The function makes use of $errors global variable. This is an array of invalid parameters and * it is used to highligh those paramters while displaying. */ function display_category_settings($cat) { global $errors; global $dir; $cat = (int) $cat; // Get category name. $q_str = "SELECT `name` FROM `GlParamsKateg` WHERE `ID` = '{$cat}'"; $row = db_arr($q_str); $cat_name = $row['name']; // Get a list of category items. $q_str = "\r\n \t\tSELECT\r\n \t\t\t\t`Name`,\r\n \t\t\t\t`VALUE`,\r\n \t\t\t\t`desc`,\r\n \t\t\t\t`Type`\r\n \t\tFROM\r\n \t\t\t\t`GlParams`\r\n \t\tWHERE\r\n \t\t\t\t`kateg` = '{$cat}' AND `Name` NOT LIKE '%_subject' ORDER BY `order_in_kateg` ASC"; $items = db_res($q_str); // Display controls for editing items. ?> <center> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" class="text" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid silver" border="0"> <?php // Iterate thru items. $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($items)) { $param_name = $row['Name']; $param_value = $row['VALUE']; $param_type = $row['Type']; $param_desc = $row['desc']; if (1 == $errors[$param_name]) { $class = 'table_err'; } else { if (0 == $i % 2) { $class = 'table'; } else { $class = 'table_odd'; } } $i++; echo "<tr class=\"{$class}\"><td align=\"left\" class=\"small1\""; // Display item caption. if ('text' == $param_type) { echo ' valign="top"'; } echo ">{$param_desc}</td><td align=\"right\" width=\"200\">"; // Display item control. if ('text' == $param_type) { if (EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CATEGORY == $cat) { // Get email subject. $subject_name = $param_name . '_subject'; $q_str = "SELECT `VALUE` FROM `GlParams` WHERE `Name` = '{$subject_name}'"; $res = db_res($q_str); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $subject_value = $row['VALUE']; } else { $subject_value = ''; } echo "<b>HTML version</b> ("; echo "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"javascript:docOpen('" . rawurlencode($param_value) . "');\">"; echo _t("_Preview"); echo "</a>)<br>"; echo 'Subject:<br />'; echo "<input type=\"text\" class=\"no\" size=\"50\" name=\"{$param_name}_subject\" value=\"{$subject_value}\"/><br /><br />"; echo 'Body:<br />'; echo "<textarea cols=\"50\" rows=\"10\" class=\"no\" name=\"{$param_name}\">" . htmlspecialchars($param_value) . "</textarea>"; $tags = '<RealName> <SiteName> <ConfCode> <ConfirmationLink> <StrID> <Email> <Password> <YourRealName> <NickName> <Domain> <ID> <TEXT> <VKissLink> <ContactInfo> <DomainName> <FromName> <Link> <NickSpamer> <IDspamer> <LinkSpamer> <MatchProfileLink> <Requester> <Profile> <site> <PrivPhotosMember> <LoginLink> <Title> <Message_Text> <MessageText> <LinkSDatingEvent> <NameSDating> <PlaceSDating> <WhenStarSDating> <PersonalUID> <MatchLink>'; echo '<br><br><br><b>Text version</b><br>'; echo 'Subject:<br />'; echo "<input readonly type=\"text\" class=\"no\" size=\"50\" name=\"{$param_name}_subject_ro\" value=\"{$subject_value}\"/><br /><br />"; echo 'Body:<br />'; echo "<textarea readonly cols=\"50\" rows=\"10\" class=\"no\" name=\"{$param_name}_ro\">" . htmlspecialchars(html2txt($param_value, $tags)) . "</textarea>"; } else { echo "<textarea cols=\"50\" rows=\"10\" class=\"no\" name=\"{$param_name}\">{$param_value}</textarea>"; } } elseif ('digit' == $param_type) { echo "<input type=\"text\" class=\"no\" name=\"{$param_name}\" size=\"15\" value=\"{$param_value}\" />"; } elseif ('checkbox' == $param_type) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$param_name}\" " . ('on' == $param_value ? 'checked' : '') . '>'; } elseif ('select' == $param_type) { if ('chicks_for_free' == $param_name) { $vals = getParam('chicks_for_free', false); $query = "SELECT `extra` FROM `ProfilesDesc` WHERE name='Sex'"; $result = db_arr($query); $result['extra'] = str_replace('\'', '', $result['extra']); $sex = split(',', $result['extra']); echo "<select name=\"{$param_name}[]\" multiple>"; foreach ($sex as $sex_key) { if (strstr($vals, '\'' . $sex_key . '\'')) { $selected = 'selected'; } else { $selected = ''; } echo "<option value=\"{$sex_key}\" {$selected} >{$sex_key}</option>"; } echo "</select>"; } else { echo " "; } } elseif ('combobox' == $param_type) { if ('chicks_for_free_membership' == $param_name) { $memberships_arr = getMemberships(); $vals = getParam('chicks_for_free_membership', false); echo "<select name=\"{$param_name}\">"; foreach ($memberships_arr as $membershipID => $membershipName) { if ($membershipID == MEMBERSHIP_ID_NON_MEMBER) { continue; } $selected = (int) $vals == $membershipID ? ' selected ' : ''; echo "<option value=\"{$membershipID}\" {$selected} >{$membershipName}</option>"; } echo "</select>"; } elseif ('template' == $param_name) { $old_val = getParam('template'); $templ_choices = get_templates_array(); echo "<select name=\"{$param_name}\">"; foreach ($templ_choices as $key => $value) { echo "<option value=\"{$key}\" " . ($old_val == $key ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ">{$value}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>"; } } else { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"{$param_name}\" value=\"{$param_value}\" size=\"30\" />"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } ?> </table> </center><br /> <?php return ' '; }
function genMoreTemplatesElement() { if (!getParam("enable_template")) { return; } $aExistedTemplates = get_templates_array(); if (count($aExistedTemplates) <= 1) { return; } $sCurTemplate = strlen($_GET['skin']) ? $_GET['skin'] : $_COOKIE['skin']; $sTemplateElement = ''; foreach ($aExistedTemplates as $sTemplateID => $sTemplateVal) { $sIActiveClass = $sCurTemplate == $sTemplateID ? ' active' : ''; $sTemplateUrl = ''; if ($sCurTemplate == $sTemplateID) { $sTemplateUrl = 'javascript: void(0)'; } else { if (defined('BX_PROFILE_PAGE')) { global $profileID; $sTemplateUrl = getProfileLink($profileID) . '&skin=' . $sTemplateID; } else { $sGetTransfer = bx_encode_url_params($_GET, array('skin')); $sTemplateUrl = bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?' . $sGetTransfer . 'skin=' . $sTemplateID; } } //$sIOnclick = "'{$sTemplateUrl}','_self');"; // old version $sTemplateElement .= '<li><a href="' . $sTemplateUrl . '" class="button more_ntop_element' . $sIActiveClass . '">' . $sTemplateVal . '</a>'; } if ($sTemplateElement == '') { return; } return array('icon_url' => getTemplateIcon('tm_item_templates.png'), 'element_content' => $sTemplateElement); }