Example #1
function get_conv_report_table_html($table_data)
    $html = '<table>';
    $html .= '<tr>';
    $html .= '<td class="row_top">Номер заказа</td>';
    $html .= '<td class="row_top inf_row">ТМП</td>';
    $html .= '<td class="row_top inf_row">Ответственный инженер</td>';
    $html .= '<td class="row_top inf_row">Неисправность</td>';
    $html .= '<td class="row_top inf_row">Дата приема</td>';
    $html .= '<td class="row_top inf_row">Статус</td>';
    $html .= '<td class="row_top inf_row">Дата и время установки статуса</td>';
    $html .= '</tr>';
    // Обрабоатываем данные;
    foreach ($table_data as $key => $data_item) {
        // Стиль строки;
        if ($key % 2 != 0) {
            $class = 'row_1';
        } else {
            $class = 'row_2';
        if (isset($data_item['marker'])) {
            switch ($data_item['marker']) {
                case 'MARK':
                    $print = 'color: black;font-weight: bold;';
                case 'ALERT':
                    $print = 'color: red;font-weight: bold;';
        } else {
            $print = '';
        $html .= '<tr>';
        $html .= '<td class="' . $class . ' numm_info" style="' . $print . '" align="center">' . $data_item['numm'] . '</td>';
        $html .= '<td class="' . $class . ' inf_row" align="center">' . $data_item['tu'] . ' / ' . $data_item['model'] . ' / ' . $data_item['torg'] . '</td>';
        $html .= '<td class="' . $class . ' inf_row" align="center">' . get_user_full_name(0, $data_item['inj']) . '.</td>';
        $html .= '<td class="' . $class . ' inf_row" align="left" width="200px">' . $data_item['a1'] . '</td>';
        $html .= '<td class="' . $class . ' inf_row" align="center">' . get_local_date_time($data_item['date1'], 1) . '</td>';
        $html .= '<td class="' . $class . ' inf_row" align="left">' . get_status_name($data_item['status']) . '</td>';
        // Для того что бы определить время установки статуса, нам надо перебрать весь dvj этого заказа;
        $dvj_array = explode("\r\n", $data_item['dvj']);
        foreach ($dvj_array as $dvj_item) {
            // Проверяем, содежит ли эта строка данные;
            if (find_text(get_status_name($data_item['status']), $dvj_item)) {
                // Если мы нашли такой текст, выводим эту строку для начала;
                $dvj_temp = explode('|', $dvj_item);
        $html .= '<td class="' . $class . ' inf_row" align="center">' . get_local_date_time($dvj_temp[0], 1) . '</td>';
        $html .= '</tr>';
    $html .= '</table>';
    return $html;
Example #2
use Components\Classes\db;
use Components\Entity\Order;
use Components\Entity\OrderHistory;
use Components\Entity\Employee;
use Components\Classes\Author;
$result = array();
if (!empty($_GET['action'])) {
    switch ($_GET['action']) {
        case 'save':
            if (!empty($_GET['field'])) {
                $bDoUpdate = true;
                $bDoHistoryUpdate = true;
                switch ($_GET['field']) {
                    case 'status_id':
                        $result[] = get_status_name($_GET['value']);
                        $value = $_GET['value'];
                    case 'referrer_payment_status':
                        $bDoHistoryUpdate = false;
                        $value = $_GET['value'];
                        $result[] = 'Оплачено';
                        Order::update($_GET['order_id'], array('referrer_payment_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
                    case 'oplata_kln':
                    case 'cost_kln':
                    case 'cost_auth':
                    case 'author_paid':
                    case 'company_paid':
                    case 'about_mng':
Example #3
if (isset($_POST['submit_yes'])) {
    foreach ($ids as $id) {
        //make sure not instructor of a course
        $id = intval($id);
        $sql = "SELECT course_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "courses WHERE member_id={$id}";
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
        if (!mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $sql2 = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "members SET status=" . $status . ", creation_date = creation_date WHERE member_id={$id}";
            $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $db);
    header('Location: ' . AT_BASE_HREF . 'mods/_core/users/users.php');
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['submit_no'])) {
        header('Location: ' . AT_BASE_HREF . 'mods/_core/users/users.php');
require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'header.inc.php';
$names = get_login($ids);
$names_html = '<ul>' . html_get_list($names) . '</ul>';
$status_name = get_status_name($status);
$hidden_vars['ids'] = implode(',', array_keys($names));
$hidden_vars['status'] = $status;
$confirm = array('EDIT_STATUS', $status_name, $names_html);
$msg->addConfirm($confirm, $hidden_vars);
require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'footer.inc.php';
Example #4
            $score = $record['Score'];
            if ($score < 0) {
                $score = '<span class="scorered">0 <img src="icn/status-busy.png" title="Test today!" alt="Test today!" /></span>';
            } else {
                $score = '<span class="scoregreen">' . floor($score) . ($record['Score2'] < 0 ? ' <img src="icn/status-away.png" title="Test tomorrow!" alt="Test tomorrow!" />' : ' <img src="icn/status.png" title="-" alt="-" />') . '</span>';
            echo '<tr>';
            echo '<td class="td1 center"><a name="rec' . $record['WoID'] . '"><input name="marked[]" type="checkbox" class="markcheck" value="' . $record['WoID'] . '" ' . checkTest($record['WoID'], 'marked') . ' /></a></td>';
            echo '<td class="td1 center" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?chg=' . $record['WoID'] . '"><img src="icn/sticky-note--pencil.png" title="Edit" alt="Edit" /></a>&nbsp; <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?del=' . $record['WoID'] . '"><img src="icn/minus-button.png" title="Delete" alt="Delete" /></a>&nbsp;</td>';
            if ($currentlang == '') {
                echo '<td class="td1 center">' . tohtml($record['LgName']) . '</td>';
            echo '<td class="td1 "><span' . ($record['LgRightToLeft'] ? ' dir="rtl" ' : '') . '>' . tohtml($record['WoText']) . '</span>' . ($record['WoRomanization'] != '' ? ' / <span id="roman' . $record['WoID'] . '" class="edit_area clickedit">' . tohtml(repl_tab_nl($record['WoRomanization'])) . '</span>' : ' / <span id="roman' . $record['WoID'] . '" class="edit_area clickedit">*</span>') . '</td>';
            echo '<td class="td1"><span id="trans' . $record['WoID'] . '" class="edit_area clickedit">' . tohtml(repl_tab_nl($record['WoTranslation'])) . '</span> <span class="smallgray2">' . tohtml($record['taglist']) . '</span></td>';
            echo '<td class="td1 center"><b>' . ($record['SentOK'] != 0 ? '<img src="icn/status.png" title="' . tohtml($record['WoSentence']) . '" alt="Yes" />' : '<img src="icn/status-busy.png" title="(No valid sentence)" alt="No" />') . '</b></td>';
            echo '<td class="td1 center" title="' . tohtml(get_status_name($record['WoStatus'])) . '">' . tohtml(get_status_abbr($record['WoStatus'])) . ($record['WoStatus'] < 98 ? '/' . $days : '') . '</td>';
            echo '<td class="td1 center" nowrap="nowrap">' . $score . '</td>';
            if ($currentsort == 6) {
                echo '<td class="td1 center" nowrap="nowrap">' . $record['textswordcount'] . '</td>';
            echo "</tr>\n";

<script type="text/javascript">
Example #5
" onmouseup="this.checked=!this.checked" /></td>
        echo $row['login'];
        $startend_date_longs_format = _AT('startend_date_longs_format');
        echo AT_print($row['last_name'], 'members.last_name');
        echo get_status_name($row['status']);
} else {
		<td colspan="<?php 
    echo 9 + $col_counts;
function get_colored_status_msg($n)
    return '<span class="status' . $n . '">&nbsp;' . tohtml(get_status_name($n)) . '&nbsp;[' . tohtml(get_status_abbr($n)) . ']&nbsp;</span>';
Example #7
     $t->linkName = "cost_kln";
     $t = $frm->Text(180, $ypos, 115, $order_change_history["oplata_kln_new"]);
     $t->linkName = "oplata_kln";
     $t = $frm->Text(350, $ypos, 115, $order_change_history["company_paid_new"]);
     $t->linkName = "company_paid";
     $ypos += 30;
 $frm->Label("Гонорар автора, " . $ofc_currency, 10, $ypos);
 $frm->Label("Оплачено автору, " . $ofc_currency, 180, $ypos);
 $frm->Label("Статус заказа", 350, $ypos);
 $ypos += 20;
 $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos, 115, $order_change_history["cost_auth_new"]);
 $t->linkName = "cost_auth";
 $t = $frm->Text(180, $ypos, 115, $order_change_history["author_paid_new"]);
 $t->linkName = "author_paid";
 $s = $frm->Text(350, $ypos, 200, get_status_name($order_change_history['status_id_new']));
 $s->linkName = "status_id";
 $oform = unserialize($order_change_history['oform_new']);
 if (array_key_exists($oform[0], $data_oform_fonts)) {
     $fontname_index = $oform[0];
 } else {
     $fontname_index = 0;
 $oform_fntnm = $frm->Hidden($data_oform_fonts[$fontname_index]);
 //font name 23
 $oform_fntnm->linkName = "fontnm";
 $f = $frm->Hidden($oform[1]);
 // font size 24
 $f->linkName = "fontsz";
 $f = $frm->Hidden($data_oform_interv[$oform[2]]);
Example #8
    $ypos += 20;
    $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos, 200, calculate_debt_to_company($order_info["cost_kln"], $order_info["cost_auth"], $order_info['filial_id']));
    $t->Disabled = true;
} else {
    $frm->Label("Гонорар автора, " . $ofc_currency, 10, $ypos);
    $frm->Label("Оплачено автору, " . $ofc_currency, 230, $ypos);
    $ypos += 20;
    $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos, 115, $order_info["cost_auth"]);
    $t->linkName = "cost_auth";
    $t = $frm->Text(230, $ypos, 115, $order_info["author_paid"]);
    $t->linkName = "author_paid";
$ypos += 30;
$frm->Label("Статус заказа", 10, $ypos);
$ypos += 20;
$t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos, 200, get_status_name($order_info['status_id']));
$t->linkName = "status_id";
$oform = unserialize($order_info['oform']);
if (array_key_exists($oform[0], $data_oform_fonts)) {
    $fontname_index = $oform[0];
} else {
    $fontname_index = 0;
$oform_fntnm = $frm->Hidden($data_oform_fonts[$fontname_index]);
//font name 23
$oform_fntnm->linkName = "fontnm";
$f = $frm->Hidden($oform[1]);
// font size 24
$f->linkName = "fontsz";
$f = $frm->Hidden($data_oform_interv[$oform[2]]);
Example #9
 public function find_status_date_in_dvj($numm, $status_id)
     global $db;
     // Получаем полное название статуса;
     $status_name = get_status_name($status_id);
     // Далее поулчаем dvj заказаl
     $sql = "SELECT `dvj` FROM `remont` WHERE `numm` = '" . $numm . "'";
     $dvj = $db->one($sql);
     // Рвем его на строки;
     $dvj_array = explode("\n", $dvj);
     // Пробегаемся по строкам и ищем появление этого статуса;
     $status_date = '';
     foreach ($dvj_array as $dvj_line) {
         if ($this->find_text($dvj_line, $status_name) == true) {
             // Поулчаем время из строки;
             $line_array = explode('|', $dvj_line);
             $status_date = $line_array[0];
     return $status_date;
Example #10
     $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `couriers_packages` WHERE `package_numm` = '" . $_POST['numm'] . "' AND `status` not in (0, 3);";
     $exist_delivery = $db_rs->one($sql);
     if (count($exist_delivery) > 0) {
  * Статус и номер телефона клиента;
  * */
 //$html .= '<tr>';
 //$html .= '<td>';
 $html .= '<script>
             new Clipboard(\'#order_numm\');
 $html .= '<div class="info_bordered_field" style="display: inline-block;"><div class="field_title" style="">Номер</div><div id="order_numm" class="numm_' . $numm_data['numm'] . '" style="cursor: pointer" data-clipboard-target=".numm_' . $numm_data['numm'] . '">' . $_POST['numm'] . '</div></div><div class="info_bordered_field" style="display: inline-block;"><div class="field_title" style="">ФИО</div>' . $client . '</div><div class="info_bordered_field" style="display: inline-block;"><div class="field_title" style="">Статус</div>' . get_status_name($numm_data['status']) . '</div><div class="info_bordered_field" style="display: inline-block;"><div class="field_title" style="">Телефон</div><div id="info_client_phone"><a href="tel:' . $numm_data['tel1'] . '">' . $numm_data['tel1'] . '</a></div></div>';
 /** скрытый div с именем */
 $html .= '<div id="client_fio" hidden>' . $client . '</div>';
 //$html .= '</td>';
 //$html .= '</tr>';
  * Тип техники, модель и прочее;
  * */
 //$html .= '<tr>';
 //$html .= '<td>';
 $html .= '<div class="info_bordered_field" align="center"><div class="field_title" style="">Тип техники / Производитель / Модель / Серийный номер</div><div id="tpm">' . $numm_data['tu'] . ' / ' . $numm_data['torg'] . ' / ' . $numm_data['model'] . ' / ' . $numm_data['ser_no'] . '</div></div>';
 //$html .= '</td>';
 //$html .= '</tr>';
  *  Всякого рода описания неисправностей и прочее;
  * */
Example #11
function _get_status_name($value, $row, $table, &$info)
    $status_name = get_status_name($value);
    if (empty($status_name)) {
        return '<i>неизвестно</i>';
    } else {
        return $status_name;