Example #1
function create_am_map()
    global $am_mapping;
    global $am_mapping_id;
    global $am_mapping_urn;
    global $am_mapping_name_by_urn;
    $am_mapping = array();
    $am_mapping_id = array();
    $all_aggs = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
    foreach ($all_aggs as $agg) {
        $aggid = $agg['id'];
        $aggurl = $agg[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL];
        $aggurn = $agg[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URN];
        $aggname = $agg[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_NAME];
        $am_mapping[$aggurl] = $aggname;
        $am_mapping_id[$aggurl] = $aggid;
        $am_mapping_urn[$aggurl] = $aggurn;
        $am_mapping_name_by_urn[$aggurn] = $aggname;
Example #2
    error_log("Bound RSpec but 0 AMs");
} else {
    if ($partially_bound_rspec) {
        error_log("Partially bound RSpec with AMs: " . print_r($am_urns, true));
        create_sliver_error("Partially bound RSpecs are not supported. All nodes must be assigned to an aggregate.");
    } else {
        if (!$bound_rspec && (!isset($am) || is_null($am))) {
            error_log("Unbound RSpec and no AM specified");
// Get an AM for non-bound RSpecs
if ($bound_rspec) {
    $all_aggs = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
    $am_urls = array();
    $am_names = array();
    foreach ($am_urns as $am_urn) {
        $knownAM = False;
        //    error_log("AM_URN = " . print_r($am_urn, true));
        foreach ($all_aggs as $agg) {
            if ($agg[SR_ARGUMENT::SERVICE_URN] == $am_urn) {
                //	error_log("MATCH " . print_r($agg, true));
                $am_name = $agg[SR_ARGUMENT::SERVICE_NAME];
                $am_url = $agg[SR_ARGUMENT::SERVICE_URL];
                array_push($am_urls, $am_url);
                array_push($am_names, $am_name);
                $knownAM = True;
function query_sliverstatus($user, $ams, $sa_url, $slice, $slice_id)
    // Takes an arg am_id which may have multiple values. Each is treated
    // as the ID from the DB of an AM which should be queried
    // If no such arg is given, then query the DB and query all registered AMs
    if (!isset($ams) || is_null($ams) || count($ams) <= 0) {
        // Didnt get an array of AMs
        if (!isset($am) || is_null($am)) {
            // Nor a single am
            $ams = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
        } else {
            $ams = array();
            $ams[] = $am;
    if (!isset($ams) || is_null($ams) || count($ams) <= 0) {
        error_log("Found no AMs for query-sliverstatus!");
        $slivers_output = "No AMs registered.";
    if (convert_boolean($slice['expired'])) {
        $msg = "Slice is expired";
        $good = false;
        $obj = array();
    } else {
        $slivers_output = "";
        // Get the slice credential from the SA
        $slice_credential = get_slice_credential($sa_url, $user, $slice_id);
        // Get the slice URN via the SA
        $slice_urn = $slice[SA_ARGUMENT::SLICE_URN];
        $am_urls = array();
        foreach ($ams as $am) {
            if (is_array($am)) {
                if (array_key_exists(SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL, $am)) {
                    $am_url = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL];
                } else {
                    error_log("Malformed array of AM URLs?");
            } else {
                $am_url = $am;
            $am_urls[] = $am_url;
        $retVal = sliver_status($am_urls, $user, $slice_credential, $slice_urn);
        $good = FALSE;
        if (!is_null($retVal) && count($retVal) == 2) {
            $msg = $retVal[0];
            $obj = $retVal[1];
            $good = TRUE;
        } elseif (count($retVal) == 1) {
            $msg = $retVal;
            $obj[$am_url] = "";
        } else {
            $msg = "Call to sliver_status() FAILed";
            $obj = array();
    $retVal2 = array();
    $retVal2[] = $msg;
    $retVal2[] = $obj;
    $retVal2[] = $good;
    return $retVal2;
Example #4
function cmp($a, $b)
    return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']), strtolower($b['name']));
$user = geni_loadUser();
if (!isset($user) || is_null($user) || !$user->isActive()) {
include "tool-lookupids.php";
$disable_buttons_str = "";
if (isset($slice_expired) && convert_boolean($slice_expired)) {
    $disable_buttons_str = " disabled";
if (!isset($all_ams)) {
    $am_list = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
    $all_ams = array();
    foreach ($am_list as $am) {
        $single_am = array();
        $service_id = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_ID];
        $single_am['name'] = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_NAME];
        $single_am['url'] = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL];
        $single_am['urn'] = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URN];
        $single_am['attributes'] = $am[SR_ARGUMENT::SERVICE_ATTRIBUTES];
        $all_ams[$service_id] = $single_am;
// print_r( $all_ams);
// For comparing member records by role (low roles come before high roles)
function compare_members_by_role($mem1, $mem2)
Example #5
function get_first_service_of_type($service_type)
    $sot = get_services_of_type($service_type);
    if (isset($sot) && is_array($sot) && count($sot) > 0) {
        $ans = $sot[0][SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL];
        return $ans;
    } else {
        error_log("Got back 0 services of type " . $SR_SERVICE_TYPE_NAMES[$service_type]);
        return null;
Example #6
 * Determine the aggregates in a given slice from the sliver info data.
 * Return an array of the aggregates.
function aggregates_in_slice($sa_url, $user, $slice_urn)
    $slivers = lookup_sliver_info_by_slice($sa_url, $user, $slice_urn);
    $all_aggs = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
    /* Construct a map from aggregate URN to aggregate for faster
       lookup inside the sliver loop. */
    $urn2agg = array();
    foreach ($all_aggs as $agg) {
        $agg_urn = $agg[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URN];
        $urn2agg[$agg_urn] = $agg;
    $aggs_with_resources = array();
    // map the sliver aggregate URNs to aggregate IDs
    foreach ($slivers as $sliver) {
        if (!array_key_exists($urn, $aggs_with_resources) && array_key_exists($urn, $urn2agg)) {
            $aggs_with_resources[$urn] = $urn2agg[$urn];
    return array_values($aggs_with_resources);
Example #7
/* Get the SA URN */
$sa_list = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::SLICE_AUTHORITY);
if (count($sa_list) != 1) {
    error_log("flack must have exactly one SA service defined");
    return "Should be exactly one SA.";
} else {
    $sa = $sa_list[0];
/* Get the root certs, which are the signers of the SSL certs that the
 * aggregates use to speak SSL. */
$ca_services = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY);
$am_root_cert_bundle = "";
foreach ($ca_services as $ca_service) {
    $ca_cert = $ca_service[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_CERT_CONTENTS];
    $am_root_cert_bundle = $am_root_cert_bundle . $ca_cert;
$sa_url_parameter = $SA_URL;
$sa_urn_parameter = $SA_URN;
$ch_url_parameter = $CH_URL;
$slice_urn_parameter = $slice_urn;
$server_cert_parameter = $am_root_cert_bundle;
 * NOTE: Flack must use the inside cert & key. Flack does not know how
 * to do speaks-for, so cannot use the portal cert/key to talk to PGCH
 * or aggregates with a speaks-for credential.
function show_am_chooser()
    $all_aggs = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
    print '<select name="am_id" id="agg_chooser" onchange="am_onchange()">\\n';
    echo '<option value="" title = "Choose an Aggregate">Choose an Aggregate...</option>';
    foreach ($all_aggs as $agg) {
        $aggid = $agg['id'];
        $aggname = $agg['service_name'];
        $aggdesc = $agg['service_description'];
        print "<option value=\"{$aggid}\" title=\"{$aggdesc}\">{$aggname}</option>\n";
    // FIXME: Bound RSpecs not implemented yet
    //  echo '<option disabled value="stitch" title="Stitchable RSpec">Stitchable RSpec</option>';
    //  echo '<option disabled value="bound" title="Bound RSpec">Bound RSpec</option>';
    print "</select>\n";
    // Display message to user about stitching/bound RSpecs
    print "<div id='aggregate_message' style='display:block;'></div>";
Example #9
//$irods_url = 'http://iren-web.renci.org:8080/irods-rest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/rest';
//$irods_url = 'https://iren-web.renci.org:8443/irods-rest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/rest';
// Production server
// $irods_url = 'https://geni-gimi.renci.org:8443/irods-rest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/rest';
/* TODO put these in the service registry or similar */
$irods_host = "emmy9.casa.umass.edu";
$irods_port = 1247;
// FIXME: Always right?
$irods_resource = "demoResc";
// FIXME: Always right?
$default_zone = "tempZone";
// This is only for the test server. The production server uses geniRenci
// Get the irods server cert for smime purposes
$irods_cert = null;
$irods_svrs = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::IRODS);
if (isset($irods_svrs) && !is_null($irods_svrs) && is_array($irods_svrs) && count($irods_svrs) > 0) {
    $irod = $irods_svrs[0];
    if (is_null($irod[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL]) or trim($irod[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL]) == '') {
        error_log("null or empty irods_url from DB");
    } else {
        $irods_url = $irod[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL];
        $irods_cert = $irod[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_CERT];
// FIXME FIXME FIXME - see ticket #847
// The production iRODS server uses a different zone. But we don't know it.
// The right thing may be to put this in the SR or the settings file, but for now:
if (strpos($irods_url, "geni-gimi") !== FALSE and strpos($irods_url, "irods-rest-0.0.1-SNAP") !== FALSE) {
    // production server has a different zone
Example #10
function setup_jacks_slice_context()
    global $user;
    global $slice;
    global $slice_id;
    global $slice_name;
    global $ma_url;
    global $sa_url;
    global $all_ams;
    global $slice_ams;
    global $slice_urn;
    global $slice_expiration;
    // Set globals for variables used in slice jacks page later
    global $owner_email;
    global $slice_date_expiration;
    global $member_names;
    global $slice_creation;
    global $slice_desc;
    global $slice_owner_name;
    global $members;
    include "tool-lookupids.php";
    if (!isset($sa_url)) {
        $sa_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::SLICE_AUTHORITY);
    if (!isset($ma_url)) {
        $ma_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::MEMBER_AUTHORITY);
    if (isset($slice)) {
        $slice_name = $slice[SA_ARGUMENT::SLICE_NAME];
        //  error_log("SLICE  = " . print_r($slice, true));
        $slice_desc = $slice[SA_ARGUMENT::SLICE_DESCRIPTION];
        $slice_creation_db = $slice[SA_ARGUMENT::CREATION];
        $slice_creation = dateUIFormat($slice_creation_db);
        $slice_expiration_db = $slice[SA_ARGUMENT::EXPIRATION];
        $slice_expiration = dateUIFormat($slice_expiration_db);
        $slice_date_expiration = dateOnlyUIFormat($slice_expiration_db);
        $slice_urn = $slice[SA_ARGUMENT::SLICE_URN];
        $slice_owner_id = $slice[SA_ARGUMENT::OWNER_ID];
        $owner = $user->fetchMember($slice_owner_id);
        $slice_owner_name = $owner->prettyName();
        $owner_email = $owner->email();
        $project_name = $project[PA_PROJECT_TABLE_FIELDNAME::PROJECT_NAME];
        //error_log("slice project_name result: $project_name\n");
        // Fill in members of slice member table
        $members = get_slice_members($sa_url, $user, $slice_id);
        $member_names = lookup_member_names_for_rows($ma_url, $user, $members, SA_SLICE_MEMBER_TABLE_FIELDNAME::MEMBER_ID);
        //find only ams that slice has resources on
        $slivers = lookup_sliver_info_by_slice($sa_url, $user, $slice_urn);
        //find aggregates to be able to return just am_id
        $all_aggs = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
        $aggs_with_resources = array();
        //do the comparison and find ams
        foreach ($slivers as $sliver) {
            foreach ($all_aggs as $agg) {
                    $aggs_with_resources[] = $agg[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_ID];
        //return unique ids
        $slice_ams = array_unique($aggs_with_resources, SORT_REGULAR);
        // Now restore the array to a numerically ordered array because
        // array_unique preserves keys, so it could turn into, in effect, a
        // dictionary.
        $slice_ams = array_values($slice_ams);
    } else {
        print "Unable to load slice<br/>\n";
        $_SESSION['lasterror'] = "Unable to load slice";
    if (!isset($all_ams)) {
        $am_list = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
        $all_ams = array();
        foreach ($am_list as $am) {
            $single_am = array();
            $service_id = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_ID];
            $single_am['name'] = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_NAME];
            $single_am['url'] = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URL];
            $single_am['urn'] = $am[SR_TABLE_FIELDNAME::SERVICE_URN];
            $all_ams[$service_id] = $single_am;
Example #11
 * Write an aggregate nickname cache based on the service registry
 * entries.
 * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 * It stinks that the SCS URL and latest_omni_version are hardcoded here.
 * The SCS URL could eventually be in the service registry. Not sure how
 * we figure out what the current version of omni is.
function write_agg_nick_cache($dest)
    $anc = '[omni_default]' . PHP_EOL;
    $anc .= 'scs_url=https://geni-scs.net.internet2.edu:8443/geni/xmlrpc' . PHP_EOL;
    $anc .= 'latest_omni_version=2.9,No newer omni version available' . PHP_EOL;
    $anc .= PHP_EOL;
    $anc .= '[aggregate_nicknames]' . PHP_EOL;
    $aggs = get_services_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::AGGREGATE_MANAGER);
    foreach ($aggs as $agg) {
        $sn = $agg[SR_ARGUMENT::SERVICE_SHORT_NAME];
        $urn = $agg[SR_ARGUMENT::SERVICE_URN];
        $url = $agg[SR_ARGUMENT::SERVICE_URL];
        if ($sn && $urn && $url) {
            // Only write this aggregate if we have all the necessary info
            $anc .= "{$sn}={$urn},{$url}" . PHP_EOL;
    // file_put_contents returns FALSE on failure
    // or the number of bytes written on success
    $result = file_put_contents($dest, $anc);
    return $result !== FALSE;