 * wp_serieslist_display() - Will output a formatted list of all series
 * Does not have to be in the loop.  Is used in the default template for the series table of contents page.
 * @package Organize Series WordPress Plugin
 * @since 2.0
 * @uses get_series() - gets all the series data from the blog (but won't grab empty series).
 * @uses wp_serieslist_display_code() - assembles the formatted list of series.
 * @param bool|string $referral  If not set defaults to false.  Currently there isn't application for this param but I've left it in for future versions of orgSeries.
 * @param array ($args) This is so you can indicate various paramaters for what series you want displayed (see get_series for the description of the possible args).
function wp_serieslist_display($referral = false, $args = '')
    global $orgseries;
    $options = is_object($orgseries) ? $orgseries->settings : null;
    $per_page = is_array($options) && isset($options['series_perp_toc']) ? $options['series_perp_toc'] : 5;
    $page = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
    $defaults = array('number' => $per_page, 'offset' => $offset, 'hide_empty' => 1);
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $series_list = get_series($args);
    foreach ($series_list as $series) {
        wp_serieslist_display_code($series, $referral);
        //layout code
function series_issue_manager_admin()
    $published = get_option('im_published_series');
    $unpublished = get_option('im_unpublished_series');
    $series = get_series('orderby=name&hide_empty=0');
    // Make sure the options exist
    if ($published === FALSE) {
        $published = array();
        update_option('im_published_series', $published);
    if ($unpublished === FALSE) {
        $unpublished = array();
        update_option('im_unpublished_series', $unpublished);
    // See if we have GET parameters
    $series_ID = isset($_GET['series_ID']) ? $_GET['series_ID'] : null;
    $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : null;
    if ($series_ID) {
        $series_ID = (int) $series_ID;
        switch ($action) {
            case "list":
                include_once 'series_im_article_list.php';
            case "publish":
                $post_IDs = isset($_GET['posts']) ? $_GET['posts'] : null;
                $pub_time['mm'] = isset($_GET['mm']) ? $_GET['mm'] : null;
                $pub_time['jj'] = isset($_GET['jj']) ? $_GET['jj'] : null;
                $pub_time['aa'] = isset($_GET['aa']) ? $_GET['aa'] : null;
                $pub_time['hh'] = isset($_GET['hh']) ? $_GET['hh'] : null;
                $pub_time['mn'] = isset($_GET['mn']) ? $_GET['mn'] : null;
                if ($post_IDs) {
                    series_issue_manager_publish($series_ID, $post_IDs, $pub_time, $published, $unpublished);
                include_once 'series_im_admin_main.php';
            case "unpublish":
                series_issue_manager_unpublish($series_ID, $published, $unpublished);
                include_once 'series_im_admin_main.php';
            case "ignore":
                // stop tracking the series_ID
                $key = array_search($series_ID, $published);
                if (FALSE !== $key) {
                    array_splice($published, $key, 1);
                    update_option('im_published_series', $published);
                $key = array_search($series_ID, $unpublished);
                if (FALSE !== $key) {
                    array_splice($unpublished, $key, 1);
                    update_option('im_unpublished_series', $unpublished);
                include_once 'series_im_admin_main.php';
                include_once 'series_im_admin_main.php';
    } else {
        include_once 'series_im_admin_main.php';

$series = get_series("orderby=name&hide_empty=0&include={$series_ID}");
$posts = get_objects_in_term($series_ID, 'series');
$post_IDs = array();
if ($posts) {
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
        $post_IDs[] = $post;
} else {
    $post_IDs[] = 0;
/*// take the series out of the unpublished list
  $unpublished_series = $unpublished;
  $key = array_search( $series_ID, $unpublished_series );
  if ( FALSE !== $key ) {
    array_splice( $unpublished_series, $key, 1 );
query_posts(array("post__in" => $post_IDs, "posts_per_page" => -1, "post_status" => 'pending'));
<div class="wrap">
if (have_posts() && isset($series[0])) {
    _e('Publishing Series:', 'organize-series-publisher');
    echo $series[0]->name;
  <div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder has-right-sidebar">
    <div id="side-info-column" class="inner-sidebar">
 * get_series_list() - queries the list of series from the database and creates an array indicating what
 * series is associated with the current post (if existent).
 * The code here is mirrored from get_nested_categories in the core  wp-admin\includes\template.php
 * file.
 * @uses count() - internal WordPress function
 * @uses wp_get_post_series()
 * @uses get_series()
 * @uses get_the_series_by_ID()
 * @uses apply_filters() - user can modify the array that is returned.
 * @param int $default - id for the default series.  Currently there is not an option for users to set a
 * default series.  This may change in the future.
 * @return array|mixed $result - series ids, series names, and checked value.
function get_series_list($default = 0)
    global $post, $postdata, $checked_series;
    $post_ID = isset($post) ? $post->ID : $postdata->ID;
    if (empty($checked_series)) {
        if ($post_ID) {
            $checked_series = wp_get_post_series($post_ID);
            if (count($checked_series) == 0) {
                $checked_series[] = $default;
        } else {
            $checked_series[] = $default;
        $series = get_series("hide_empty=0&fields=ids");
        $result = array();
        if (is_array($series)) {
            foreach ($series as $serial) {
                $result[$serial]['series_ID'] = $serial;
                $result[$serial]['checked'] = in_array($serial, $checked_series);
                $result[$serial]['ser_name'] = get_the_series_by_ID($serial);
        $result = apply_filters('get_series_list', $result);
        usort($result, '_usort_series_by_name');
        return $result;